Colorado has gone off the deep end...

If a woman gets attacked she should pull out her gun and eliminate the attacker. That would be the intelligent thing to do.

...but on Colorado campuses, nobody can carry a firearm....except for criminals and crazy people.

I'm sure who is the most looney...the liberals or the Evangelicals. Either way, Colorado sucks...big time!:eek:

Colorado is a mix. Primarily a western conservative place that has a large influx of Californians and easterners who occupy Denver and the surrounding metro area.

With the exodus leaving CA, we can be assured that taxes will rise and the state will be deep in debt in a few years.
Read for yourself...these people are NUTS!

Colorado College Advises Vomiting Or Urinating To Stop Rapists After Lawmakers Pass Gun Control Bills

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Department of Public Safety has updated an online statement advising female students to consider a variety of unusual actions if they are attacked, including vomiting, urinating and claiming that they are menstruating.

The advisory was updated Monday evening, just hours after the Colorado state House of Representatives passed a package of gun control bills that includes one that would make it illegal for people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on the campuses of public universities. The bills still have to go to the state Senate and governor.

Some of the pieces of advice which were updated Monday evening on the university's public safety website are ones that many would find familiar, from running away without looking back to "yelling, hitting or biting" your attacker.


1. Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself.

2. Your instinct may be to scream, go ahead! It may startle your attacker and give you an opportunity to run away.

3. Kick off your shoes if you have time and can't run in them.

4. Don't take time to look back; just get away.

5. If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.

6. Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.

7. Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.

8. Yelling, hitting or biting may give you a chance to escape, do it!

9. Understand that some actions on your part might lead to more harm.

10. Remember, every emergency situation is different. Only you can decide which action is most appropriate."

**************** pissing on a guy!

Whoever wrote this shit has got to be the most uneducated, simplistic, misguided prick in Colorado.

I predict another mass shooting on a Colorado campus within the coming year.

I think that comes from THE R.A.D. SYSTEMS OF SELF DEFENSE and they are all over the United States Universities not just Colorado.

But yeah some of it seems stupid.

The R.A.D. Systems of Self Defense
Hell, it doesn't even have anything about macing someone in self defense. What an insult of a list.

That would violate the attackers civil rights and expose him to the possibility of temporary irritation of skin and eyes. My god! That's worse than water boarding!
I can't for the life of me understand why you guys get butthurt about these things.

It's almost as if any advice that doesn't demand everyone carry a gun, all the time is somehow "anti-gun".
I can't for the life of me understand why you guys get butthurt about these things.

It's almost as if any advice that doesn't demand everyone carry a gun, all the time is somehow "anti-gun".
It's not a case of butthurt about guns here, Doc! It's about the absolutely ludicrous list of suggested actions to take when being threatened by a rapist.

...passive resistance

What fucking idiot came up with this shit?
Read for yourself...these people are NUTS!

Colorado College Advises Vomiting Or Urinating To Stop Rapists After Lawmakers Pass Gun Control Bills

The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Department of Public Safety has updated an online statement advising female students to consider a variety of unusual actions if they are attacked, including vomiting, urinating and claiming that they are menstruating.

The advisory was updated Monday evening, just hours after the Colorado state House of Representatives passed a package of gun control bills that includes one that would make it illegal for people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on the campuses of public universities. The bills still have to go to the state Senate and governor.

Some of the pieces of advice which were updated Monday evening on the university's public safety website are ones that many would find familiar, from running away without looking back to "yelling, hitting or biting" your attacker.


1. Be realistic about your ability to protect yourself.

2. Your instinct may be to scream, go ahead! It may startle your attacker and give you an opportunity to run away.

3. Kick off your shoes if you have time and can't run in them.

4. Don't take time to look back; just get away.

5. If your life is in danger, passive resistance may be your best defense.

6. Tell your attacker that you have a disease or are menstruating.

7. Vomiting or urinating may also convince the attacker to leave you alone.

8. Yelling, hitting or biting may give you a chance to escape, do it!

9. Understand that some actions on your part might lead to more harm.

10. Remember, every emergency situation is different. Only you can decide which action is most appropriate."

**************** pissing on a guy!

Whoever wrote this shit has got to be the most uneducated, simplistic, misguided prick in Colorado.

I predict another mass shooting on a Colorado campus within the coming year.

And this is how Colorado becomes a Red state!

Dear Colorado Democrats:
Thank you!
Love, State and National GOP.
... that includes one that would make it illegal for people with concealed weapons permits to carry guns on the campuses of public universities.

they have a right to control their campuses of public universities. gun lovers use the same tactics as haters, "crime" to try and sway public opinion.

if the universities are unable to protect their students they should face the consequences of their own ineptitude than to turn the country into an armed camp for the sake of a few gun lovers, afraid to be without their weapons at public gatherings.

if the law fails, perhaps they can compile a list of what to do when confronted by a gun carrying fanatic.
Hell, it doesn't even have anything about macing someone in self defense. What an insult of a list.

And what about the "Official Department of Homeland Security" attack scissors?! No mention of that either.

What amazes me about this is liberals claim that the Right is Sexist and Anti women. I bet MSNBC isn't re-running this over and over again like it no doubt did when Akin made those rape remarks.
This is pretty much the way democrats think. They believe that a woman can stop a rape by pissing on herself. If she doesn't, then getting raped is her fault.

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