Column: Mounting controversies are all about trust


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Poor thing, all his visions of Transforming America out the window, thankfully..that's what he gets for appointing lapdogs in these agencies who thinks like he does that Government should be used against people who you see as enemies


Jun 10, 10:51 AM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) - As a candidate, Barack Obama vowed to bring a different, better kind of leadership to the dysfunctional capital. He'd make government more efficient, accountable and transparent. He'd rise above the "small-ball" nature of doing business. And he'd work with Republicans to break Washington paralysis.

You can trust me, Obama said back in 2008. And - for a while, at least - a good piece of the country did.

But with big promises often come big failures - and the potential for big hits to the one thing that can make or break a presidency: credibility.

A series of mounting controversies is exposing both the risks of political promise-making and the limits of national-level governing while undercutting the core assurance Obama made from the outset: that he and his administration would behave differently.

The latest: the government's acknowledgement that, in a holdover from the Bush administration and with a bipartisan Congress' approval and a secret court's authorization, it was siphoning the phone records of millions of American citizens in a massive data-collection effort officials say was meant to protect the nation from terrorism. This came after the disclosure that the government was snooping on journalists.

Also, the IRS' improper targeting of conservative groups for extra scrutiny as they sought tax-exempt status has spiraled into a wholesale examination of the agency, including the finding that it spent $49 million in taxpayer money on 225 employee conferences over the past three years.

At the same time, Obama's immigration reform agenda is hardly a sure thing on Capitol Hill, and debate starting this week on the Senate floor is certain to show deep divisions over it. Gun control legislation is all but dead. And he's barely speaking to Republicans who control the House, much less working with them on a top priority: tax reform.

Even Democrats are warning that more angst may be ahead as the government steps up its efforts to implement Obama's extraordinarily expensive, deeply unpopular health care law.

Collectively, the issues call into question not only whether the nation's government can be trusted but also whether the leadership itself can. All of this has Obama on the verge of losing the already waning faith of the American people. And without their confidence, it's really difficult for presidents to get anything done - particularly those in the second term of a presidency and inching toward lame-duck status.

The ramifications stretch beyond the White House. If enough Americans lose faith in Obama, he will lack strong coattails come next fall's congressional elections. Big losses in those races will make it harder for the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, especially if it's Hillary Rodham Clinton, to run as an extension of Obama's presidency and convince the American public to give Democrats another four years.

all of it here
My Way News - Column: Mounting controversies are all about trust
The author of that story needs to realize that her analysis only works if the majority of Americans were policy wonks and news addicts. Obama's legacy will be summed up in four words, "It's the economy, stupid." Average of the three major stock indices: YTD +15.8%. :thup:
If it's going to be the economy, the democrats will have to eat their losses. The media and democrats will say the economy is improving but those who are straining under the obamaload know better. The democrats are going to have to hand out more than obamaphones. They'll have to go with full on 3-d laptops.
If it's going to be the economy, the democrats will have to eat their losses. The media and democrats will say the economy is improving but those who are straining under the obamaload know better. The democrats are going to have to hand out more than obamaphones. They'll have to go with full on 3-d laptops.

Once more a post with no cited data. YOU LOSE..., AGAIN!!! :lol:
It's not my fault you don't pay attention to any of the topics or threads. Learn how to read, open your mind.

As bad a job as obama is doing, it would not surprise me if China and Russia formed a coalition of the willing for a little American regime change. It would be a mercy.

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