Stephen Hawkings on state run health care. He liked it, said it saved his life.
Do you have any idea how many lives have been saved by the U.S. healthcare system? Do you have any idea how many people have come runnng to the U.S. from around the world to have their lives saved by our healthcare system?

Hell, people from both Canada and England come running to the U.S. for their healthcare because their systems suck so bad - including the people responsible for the system.

Canadian Politician Comes to U.S. for Heart Surgery

'It's my health, it's my choice,' Danny Williams says

Well, I just posted what a top scientist said about how national health care saved his live. I'm sure USA has great health care, but how many can afford it? Health care here is much higher than in most countries. I doubt if we'll ever have socialized health care like almost every other major country though. Too many politicians.... all republicans and too many corporate democrats, won't allow it. I remember trump talking about dealing with the pharmaceutical companies to lower drug prices, but that never happened. All b.s on his part. So relax. Many more poor and low income Americans won't get decent health care, many will die, but that's the price we pay when we put profit before people.
Just because some might have different views and interpretations than YOU doesn’t mean they aren’t upholding the constitution.
That’s the equivalent of telling a police officer that you “view” of the 25mph speed limit is “different” and thus entitles you to drive 45mph in it.

There is no “view” or “interpretation” of legal documents signed into law. It says exactly what it says. In black and white. No ambiguity. No loopholes. No version.
so just to get things clear. You think it should be perfectly fine for anybody to walk into Walmart and buy a machine gun, no questions asked... yes or no?
So just to be think the government should prevent people from practicing their faith or accessing the internet without first being subjected to a thorough background check? Yes or No?

To answer your question: yes. It is a freaking constitutional right. What part of that do you people not understand?!?
No I don’t because practicing religion and accessing the internet do not pose a danger to the lives of our citizens. Religion and internet to not inflict pain, they don’t have the ability to murder dozens of people in the matter of minutes. A crazy person with a machine gun absolutely does. Do you really not understand that?
Many more poor and low income Americans won't get decent health care, many will die, but that's the price we pay when we put profit before people.
And the advantages we enjoy by “putting profit before people” is the brightest minds go into medicine (for the profits), the revenue generated results in the best technology and medicines, all of which result in breakthrough healthcare advancements that benefits all of society.

You can have your shithole Cuban healthcare where everyone dies. I’ll take my privatized U.S. healthcare where everyone lives (nobody can be turned away, drake queen).
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.
Yeah...we’ve heard this idiotic lie from you people before. You really should try educating yourself before parroting the progressive propaganda you’re spoon fed.

Danish Prime Minister to Bernie Sanders: 'Shut Up, We're Not Socialists!'
Sanders is not for a planned economy. Never was. I smell GOP BS propaganda.
So the initial post outlined the catastrophic failure of the Canadian healthcare system. Now it I see time to outline the catastrophic failure of the English healthcare system.
After years of austerity, Britain’s lumbering National Health Service is under enormous strain, with severe shortages of beds and medical staff, all of which is producing waiting times for nonemergency procedures to stretch over months, and sometimes beyond a year.

To cope, the N.H.S. has been quietly outsourcing some surgeries to three hospitals in France for the last year or so. It is a little-known partnership, because the N.H.S. is not eager to advertise the measures it is being forced to take.
Socialized medicine has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.

UK's National Healthcare Service is in Big Trouble. Their Latest Desperate Move...
You are a brainwashed goddamn idiot LOL. Last time I checked, 86% of Canadians approved, 35% of Americans. Every modern country has socialist health Care rated higher than ours.
Top 10 countries call themselves socialist. You are confusing socialism and communism as always with stupid dupes.
After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here’s Why.
Many more poor and low income Americans won't get decent health care, many will die, but that's the price we pay when we put profit before people.
And the advantages we enjoy by “putting profit before people” is the brightest minds go into medicine (for the profits), the revenue generated results in the best technology and medicines, all of which result in breakthrough healthcare advancements that benefits all of society.

You can have your shithole Cuban healthcare where everyone dies. I’ll take my privatized U.S. healthcare where everyone lives (nobody can be turned away, drake queen).
Cuba is communist, a******Dupe. Socialism is Scandinavia Canada France Germany EU Australia New Zealand. Cuba's Health is rated higher than ours, a disgrace.
Many more poor and low income Americans won't get decent health care, many will die, but that's the price we pay when we put profit before people.
And the advantages we enjoy by “putting profit before people” is the brightest minds go into medicine (for the profits), the revenue generated results in the best technology and medicines, all of which result in breakthrough healthcare advancements that benefits all of society.

You can have your shithole Cuban healthcare where everyone dies. I’ll take my privatized U.S. healthcare where everyone lives (nobody can be turned away, drake queen).
Then they go bankrupt and lose all their assets. Many choose to die.
Many more poor and low income Americans won't get decent health care, many will die, but that's the price we pay when we put profit before people.
And the advantages we enjoy by “putting profit before people” is the brightest minds go into medicine (for the profits), the revenue generated results in the best technology and medicines, all of which result in breakthrough healthcare advancements that benefits all of society.

You can have your shithole Cuban healthcare where everyone dies. I’ll take my privatized U.S. healthcare where everyone lives (nobody can be turned away, drake queen).

I get around quite a bit, meet people from other countries. When the subject of health care comes up, they shake their heads and say, "only in America' meaning what crummy and unaffordable health care we have. My niece, who was an m.d. actually got out of doctoring. Said it was too much about medicating patients and nothing about nutrition and other holistic approaches. The pharmaceuticals have a lock on the industry.

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations
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I have a very good healthcare plan, but still end up with substantial out of pocket expenses. $18,000 two years ago
I get around quite a bit, meet people from other countries. When the subject of health care comes up, they shake their heads and say, "only in America' meaning what crummy and unaffordable health care we have
And yet all of them come running here for life saving healthcare if they can. Oops.
My niece, who was an m.d. actually got out of doctoring. Said it was too much about medicating patients and nothing about nutrition and other holistic approaches.
In other words, your niece is a radical “crunchy granola” hippie progressive who believes that hugging a tree and worshipping the god of wind provides better results than actual science and medicine. Got it.
I prefer going private over government in most cases, but give credit where credit is due and don’t belittle the amazing accomplishments that our government has achieved over the years.
I prefer going private over government in most cases, but give credit where credit is due and don’t belittle the amazing accomplishments that our government has achieved over the years.
Just curious if this qualifies as “amazing accomplishments” by the government in your mind?
Amtrak lost more than $800 million on its food and beverage services over the last 10 years, largely because of waste, employee theft and lack of proper oversight, government auditors have found.
A government entity which should not exist attempting to provide a service it wasn’t even created to provide. Gee...what a wonder that it pisses away $800 million of the tax payers hard-earned money.

Amtrak Lost $834 Million on Food in Last Decade, Audit Finds
I prefer going private over government in most cases, but give credit where credit is due and don’t belittle the amazing accomplishments that our government has achieved over the years.
Just curious if this qualifies as “amazing accomplishments” by the government in your mind?
Amtrak lost more than $800 million on its food and beverage services over the last 10 years, largely because of waste, employee theft and lack of proper oversight, government auditors have found.
A government entity which should not exist attempting to provide a service it wasn’t even created to provide. Gee...what a wonder that it pisses away $800 million of the tax payers hard-earned money.

Amtrak Lost $834 Million on Food in Last Decade, Audit Finds
I’ve already listed a bunch of strategic problem solving and tactical accomplishments that our military has done and continues to do every day. In addition to putting men on the moon and bring them home in the 1960s, we have also built an incredible interstate highway system, law enforcement agencies and emergency services that respond to most emergencies in a matter of minutes, public parks, transportation and social services that take care of the sick, poor, and elderly. When was the last time you heard of a polio outbreak? Or how about smallpox? Yes, we have nearly eradicated a multitude of diseases that used to kill many people.

On the flip side, I recognize the emense waste that goes on in government, it has grown too large, and waste too much time and tax payer money trying to get things done. There is definitely room for critique and improvement.

I know the game you are playing... “everything the government touches is bad.” It’s bullshit and it is not honest. Give credit where credit is do and be critical in areas that can be improved. You are fighting a one sided battle that’s going to go nowhere if you keep acting like a wingnut.
so just to get things clear. You think it should be perfectly fine for anybody to walk into Walmart and buy a machine gun, no questions asked... yes or no?
So just to be think the government should prevent people from practicing their faith or accessing the internet without first being subjected to a thorough background check? Yes or No?

To answer your question: yes. It is a freaking constitutional right. What part of that do you people not understand?!?
No I don’t because practicing religion and accessing the internet do not pose a danger to the lives of our citizens. Religion and internet to not inflict pain, they don’t have the ability to murder dozens of people in the matter of minutes. A crazy person with a machine gun absolutely does. Do you really not understand that?
You done with this one?
If ObamaCare is socialism, then why does the entire PRIVATE health care industry support it?
Excuse me?

Individual mandate. That is big time Big Government control.

Forcing insurance companies to insure all comers. That is big time Big Government control.

The establishment of health insurance exchanges in each state, and deciding which insurance companies get listed on the exchanges, and which ones do not. That is a huge Big Government takeover.

ObamaCare also tried to force states to involuntarily increase their Medicaid rolls. That is huge Big Government control.

ObamaCare is socialism.

Why did Mitt Romney support it in Massachusetts?
God only knows, but the end result was Massachusetts ended up with the most expensive health care in the nation.

Why did the conservative Heritage Foundation propose it in the first place?
The Heritage Foundation did not propose ObamaCare. They proposed the individual mandate.

Shit, I wish ObamaCare was government health care like Medicare. The country would be much better off.

ObamaCare is a stepping stone to total socialized medicine. And Trump will probably be the one to take the last step.
Under the ObamaCare regime, the government gets to decide what health insurance companies are allowed on their exchanges and which ones are not.

Don't tell me that is not going to lead to some totalitarian abuses.

Your health insurance availability is going to depend on who donated the most cash to the politicians who control who gets listed on the exchanges.

And if a particular insurance company doesn't cough up enough campaign cash for an extortionist Congressman, that insurance company will suddenly find itself being de-listed from the exchange "because not enough corporate diversity".

You idiots have handed your very LIFE over to the government.

Jesus H. Christ.

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