I understand your frustrations with those people and how the system can be a factor in keeping them in poverty, but if we are looking at the big picture and the majority of people you aren’t going to see anybody who is high or middle class diving into poverty to get on Medicaid.
It’s the exact same thing with the foundation proposal. Just like Medicaid, you either qualify or you don’t.
If there was a foundation to pay for the uninsured then wouldn’t the amount of uninsured increase?
Shriners Hospitals pay for children in need. Why doesn’t the amount of children increase? Why don’t I take my children there?
Because you have a private healthcare plan that covers them
Yeah....and dropping that plan for Shriners would save families a fortune.
THen why don’t you do it?
I understand your frustrations with those people and how the system can be a factor in keeping them in poverty, but if we are looking at the big picture and the majority of people you aren’t going to see anybody who is high or middle class diving into poverty to get on Medicaid.
It’s the exact same thing with the foundation proposal. Just like Medicaid, you either qualify or you don’t.
What qualifies people for coverage with the foundation?
If there was a foundation to pay for the uninsured then wouldn’t the amount of uninsured increase?
Shriners Hospitals pay for children in need. Why doesn’t the amount of children increase? Why don’t I take my children there?
Because you have a private healthcare plan that covers them
Yeah....and dropping that plan for Shriners would save families a fortune.
THen why don’t you do it?
Because I don’t believe in mooching off of society. I firmly believe in paying my own way and taking personal responsibility for myself and my family. Hence the reason I am not a Democrat.
I understand your frustrations with those people and how the system can be a factor in keeping them in poverty, but if we are looking at the big picture and the majority of people you aren’t going to see anybody who is high or middle class diving into poverty to get on Medicaid.
It’s the exact same thing with the foundation proposal. Just like Medicaid, you either qualify or you don’t.
What qualifies people for coverage with the foundation?
The exact same thing that currently qualifies them for Medicaid.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.

"Educated, informed people" didn't vote for Donald Trump.



Same old turd you try to sell everyday. Still stinks.
If there was a foundation to pay for the uninsured then wouldn’t the amount of uninsured increase?
Shriners Hospitals pay for children in need. Why doesn’t the amount of children increase? Why don’t I take my children there?
Because you have a private healthcare plan that covers them
Yeah....and dropping that plan for Shriners would save families a fortune.
THen why don’t you do it?
Because I don’t believe in mooching off of society. I firmly believe in paying my own way and taking personal responsibility for myself and my family. Hence the reason I am not a Democrat.
But when you drive on roads and get your mail and are protected by our military you are mooching off society are you not?
But when you drive on roads and get your mail and are protected by our military you are mooching off society are you not?
Me? I’m not. I pay a shit-ton in taxes for those things.

Also, driving on the roads is not mandated by government. And the federal government doesn’t pay for our roads.

You’re making the kind of weak, inaccurate, and nonsensical arguments that your radical brethren do. I expected more out of you.
What if the government run healthcare had provisions that gave parents the choice to choose their care providers so thinks like this didn’t happen?
What if all roads in the U.S. were permanently paved with pure gold?

Your comment is extreme fantasy. We currently have “provisions” for gun rights (called the 2nd Amendment) yet the government routinely strips us of that right.

If the government controls it - you can bet your ass you’ll be stripped of any rights, any choice, etc. The moment the Dumbocrats are back in power they will be engaging in state-sponsored termination of life. We just saw them do it in England. It was repulsive. Italy even offered to pay to have that poor little boy flown to Italy where they would assume full costs for all care. Why would England turn down that offer? Because they left loves to dictate the termination of life (ask Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
What if the government run healthcare had provisions that gave parents the choice to choose their care providers so thinks like this didn’t happen?
What if all roads in the U.S. were permanently paved with pure gold?

Your comment is extreme fantasy. We currently have “provisions” for gun rights (called the 2nd Amendment) yet the government routinely strips us of that right.

If the government controls it - you can bet your ass you’ll be stripped of any rights, any choice, etc. The moment the Dumbocrats are back in power they will be engaging in state-sponsored termination of life. We just saw them do it in England. It was repulsive. Italy even offered to pay to have that poor little boy flown to Italy where they would assume full costs for all care. Why would England turn down that offer? Because they left loves to dictate the termination of life (ask Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, Adolf Hitler, etc.).
I just don’t think your all or nothing approach is realistic or productive. There are such things as smart regulations. There are good laws on the books that help protect Americans. There is also a problem with over regulation and big government. But if your answer is just a blanket “Government is bad” for everything then you are not being serious and you are on a road to nowhere.
But if your answer is just a blanket “Government is bad” for everything then you are not being serious and you are on a road to nowhere.
Anything outside of government’s constitutional responsibilities is bad. Really bad. They do defense well. They do patents well. They do coining money well.

They have failed miserably at healthcare, housing, food, etc.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why
The blaze is one of the biggest jokes on the Internet. When you go to a news site and your anti virus blocks half the content, then you know there's something fishy.
The blaze is one of the biggest jokes on the Internet. When you go to a news site and your anti virus blocks half the content, then you know there's something fishy.
Well there is no surprise there. Fascists hate the truth being properly disseminated, so the site is under constant cyber-attacks from the left.

But that being said - the problem is your technical skills and your choice of technology. I haven’t had a cybersecurity issue with The Blaze website since their second year in existence. It happened ONE time and I didn’t allow it to happen again.

The first time - shame on the fascists trying to disrupt the site. The second time - shame on you for not adjusting properly.

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