Many more poor and low income Americans won't get decent health care, many will die, but that's the price we pay when we put profit before people.
And the advantages we enjoy by “putting profit before people” is the brightest minds go into medicine (for the profits), the revenue generated results in the best technology and medicines, all of which result in breakthrough healthcare advancements that benefits all of society.

You can have your shithole Cuban healthcare where everyone dies. I’ll take my privatized U.S. healthcare where everyone lives (nobody can be turned away, drake queen).

I get around quite a bit, meet people from other countries. When the subject of health care comes up, they shake their heads and say, "only in America' meaning what crummy and unaffordable health care we have. My niece, who was an m.d. actually got out of doctoring. Said it was too much about medicating patients and nothing about nutrition and other holistic approaches. The pharmaceuticals have a lock on the industry.

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations

"Crummy and unaffordable health care we have" mean Obamacare? Good thing you have choices on where to live, please do write.
TrumpCare sucks, too. Health care costs are skyrocketing to record highs.

Trump sure has a funny idea what "great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" means.

Did any pseudocon ever ask to see his plan? Nope!

Hucksters absolutely depend on the stupidity of the Rube Herd.
TrumpCare sucks, too. Health care costs are skyrocketing to record highs.

Trump sure has a funny idea what "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" means.

Did any pseudocon ever ask to see his plan? Nope!

Healthcare was skyrocketing before Trump came along
TrumpCare sucks, too. Health care costs are skyrocketing to record highs.

Trump sure has a funny idea what "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" means.

Did any pseudocon ever ask to see his plan? Nope!

Healthcare was skyrocketing before Trump came along
Yep. And it was skyrocketing for decades before Obama came along.
Health care costs have been outpacing GDP and inflation for DECADES.

During all that time, the Republicans proposed and did NOTHING about it.

Meanwhile, the Democrats telegraphed exactly what they would do if they ever got the chance. They promised what we used to call "socialized medicine", which is now called "single payer healthcare" or "Medicare for all".

The last time the Republicans controlled the government, not only did they do NOTHING about skyrocketing health care costs, they created a trillion dollar medical entitlement program without paying for it. Just to buy some votes.

That medical entitlement program which was instituted in 2004 to get senior votes is still adding to our debt to this very day.

So you can understand why I laughed my ass off when the hypocritical Republicans started whining about ObamaCare's costs.

Now, I have always called ObamaCare a "bait and switch con". Search my posts. Go ahead. Some tards out there think I support ObamaCare. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What really pisses them off is that I kept pointing out how we got ObamaCare because the Republicans have always done NOTHING about the skyrocketing health care cost problem, and they also told a lot of lies about ObamaCare.

But what really, really, really pissed off the pseudocons was when I kept asking them, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

Holy shit, that pissed them off. Because they had no answer. And when it came to the GOP's theater for the rubes with their 60 repeals of ObamaCare, the Rube Herd could not admit to themselves they were being hoaxed.

Now here we are. The GOP got back into power, and they have been caught with their dicks in their hands. They suddenly are NOT repealing Obamacare. And, most importantly, they have no replacement.

And most of the rube herd has STILL not caught on they were hoaxed.
You know why Trump and the GOP aren't repealing ObamaCare? You want to know the real reason?

Because BEFORE Obamacare, costs were rising even FASTER than they did with ObamaCare.

So to repeal ObamaCare without a replacement would mean making things a lot WORSE than they already are.

And since they don't have a replacement which would lower costs, they are forced to keep ObamaCare around.

All the while, hoaxing the rube herd that the mess we're in is ObamaCare's fault. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
My wife had a heart procedure and i ended up with a stack of bills a half inch thick and had to argue with the doctors and insurance companies on what I was expected to pay Out of pocket expenses were a major financial blow Imagine going to the hospital and everything is covered
Now imagine a world where disgusting parasites recognized that everything they don’t pay is covered by someone else. And imagine if they recognized how repulsive it is to believe their neighbor should pay for their heart problems.
Life is a wonderful thing

Some societies recognize that
Health care costs have been outpacing GDP and inflation for DECADES.

During all that time, the Republicans proposed and did NOTHING about it.

Meanwhile, the Democrats telegraphed exactly what they would do if they ever got the chance. They promised what we used to call "socialized medicine", which is now called "single payer healthcare" or "Medicare for all".

The last time the Republicans controlled the government, not only did they do NOTHING about skyrocketing health care costs, they created a trillion dollar medical entitlement program without paying for it. Just to buy some votes.

That medical entitlement program which was instituted in 2004 to get senior votes is still adding to our debt to this very day.

So you can understand why I laughed my ass off when the hypocritical Republicans started whining about ObamaCare's costs.

Now, I have always called ObamaCare a "bait and switch con". Search my posts. Go ahead. Some tards out there think I support ObamaCare. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What really pisses them off is that I kept pointing out how we got ObamaCare because the Republicans have always done NOTHING about the skyrocketing health care cost problem, and they also told a lot of lies about ObamaCare.

But what really, really, really pissed off the pseudocons was when I kept asking them, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?!"

Holy shit, that pissed them off. Because they had no answer. And when it came to the GOP's theater for the rubes with their 60 repeals of ObamaCare, the Rube Herd could not admit to themselves they were being hoaxed.

Now here we are. The GOP got back into power, and they have been caught with their dicks in their hands. They suddenly are NOT repealing Obamacare. And, most importantly, they have no replacement.

And most of the rube herd has STILL not caught on they were hoaxed.
Even worse....their plan is to defund Obamacare and let the people suffer
TrumpCare sucks, too. Health care costs are skyrocketing to record highs.

Trump sure has a funny idea what "such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost" means.

Did any pseudocon ever ask to see his plan? Nope!

Healthcare was skyrocketing before Trump came along
Healthcare was skyrocketing before Obama came along too. Sick people were also being denied coverage and going bankrupt. Remember?
Even worse....their plan is to defund Obamacare and let the people suffer
Why would people “suffer”? You idiot progressives are free to create a foundation that covers healthcare for all citizens who voluntarily join, any time you want.

And yet for over 100 years now, you people have refused to do it. It’s almost like you people don’t care about the healthcare needs of those suffering. It’s almost like this is strictly about control for you fascist animals.
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.
Funny how Sweden is no longer a "happy" nation, isn't it?

I am sure immigration will fuck up Norway just as much.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why
You're confusing progressivism with socialism. Theodore Roosevelt, whom I consider one of our greatest presidents, was a progressive Republican. He was pro-business, created our National Parks and National Forests (he saw that the conservatives would have sold off all of our forests to foreign investors and wanted to preserve some of our most beautiful lands for all future generations, as well as having areas that were protected for some of our great wildlife). He also saw the economic importance of constructing the Panama Canal. He also wanted to create social security, but the conservatives squashed that until Franklin Delano Roosevelt came to the presidency.
So, progressives can do good. Socialism on the other hand, never works effectively. Some will point to Norway, but Norway is a Capitalist nation with some social programs.
You're confusing progressivism with socialism.
No I’m not. They are one in the same.
Theodore Roosevelt, whom I consider one of our greatest presidents
Well that’s just sad. Roosevelt was a fuck’n tool who shredded the U.S. Constitution. He had absolutely no authority to take land and create national parks. Easily one of the worst 15 presidents in history.
You're confusing progressivism with socialism.
No I’m not. They are one in the same.
Theodore Roosevelt, whom I consider one of our greatest presidents
Well that’s just sad. Roosevelt was a fuck’n tool who shredded the U.S. Constitution. He had absolutely no authority to take land and create national parks. Easily one of the worst 15 presidents in history.
I think our National Parks are pretty damn amazing. You ever been to any of them?
I think our National Parks are pretty damn amazing. You ever been to any of them?
And that’s a credit to Roosevelt, how? Maybe I’m just silly, but I was always under the impression that God created them.

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