Our government has done amazing things.
Our government is a study in astounding waste, fraud, and abuse. You are clearly so uninformed about the actual facts behind our government. The only thing about our government that is “amazing” is the system our founders designed (ie the constitution, rights, representative government, voting, etc.).
Our congress is granted the power to create laws and regulations...
Of course, if conservatives acted like progressives, we would adamantly declare that Congress does not have the power to create laws. Can I show you an actual excerpt from the U.S. Constitution itself?
“Congress shall make no laws...” - 1st Amendment
After all, that’s what progressives do with the 2nd Amendment. They take out one little part (“a well regulated militia”), ignore the rest, and declare that nobody has a 2nd Amendment right. So following the left’s example, Congress is strictly prohibited from making law or passing legislation.
...the military specializes on solving massive problems
Um...no they don’t. They specialize in defense. :eusa_doh:
And in the process of defense they are developing weapons, tactical strategies and missions, providing relief aid, building ships that house 5000 people and operate like a city, manning submarines and sonic jets, responding to disasters, training soldiers, protecting territories, providing intelligence about possible threats to the homeland, defusing bombs and land mines, dealing with cyber ware fare, shall I keep going??
...our NASA put a man on the moon.
Yeah...and they were so inept, inefficient, and costly at doing it that they turned to Elon Musk and SpaceX in the private sector.

SpaceX Rocket Launches Secret Government Payload Into Orbit

Air Force budget reveals how much SpaceX undercuts launch prices

It took the private sector 5 years to surpass 60 years of government. Seriously Slade, you couldn’t have used a worse example than NASA.
You are talking about 50 years later! Come on man. I’m a huge fan of space x and the private sector... I prefer going private over government in most cases, but give credit where credit is due and don’t belittle the amazing accomplishments that our government has achieved over the years.
Stephen Hawkings on state run health care. He liked it, said it saved his life.
Do you have any idea how many lives have been saved by the U.S. healthcare system? Do you have any idea how many people have come runnng to the U.S. from around the world to have their lives saved by our healthcare system?

Hell, people from both Canada and England come running to the U.S. for their healthcare because their systems suck so bad - including the people responsible for the system.

Canadian Politician Comes to U.S. for Heart Surgery

'It's my health, it's my choice,' Danny Williams says
Our congress is granted the power to create laws and regulations...
Of course, if conservatives acted like progressives, we would adamantly declare that Congress does not have the power to create laws. Can I show you an actual excerpt from the U.S. Constitution itself?
“Congress shall make no laws...” - 1st Amendment
After all, that’s what progressives do with the 2nd Amendment. They take out one little part (“a well regulated militia”), ignore the rest, and declare that nobody has a 2nd Amendment right. So following the left’s example, Congress is strictly prohibited from making law or passing legislation.
Your belong totally dishonest now. Though there may be a small fraction wanting to ban and confiscate guns that is far far far from the consensus. I don’t hear any serious representative on the left talking about taking away Americans rights to bare arms. Regulating who and what is perfectly acceptable
And in the process of defense they are developing weapons
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
tactical strategies
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
and missions
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
providing relief aid
I’m not sure you want to highlight the federal government violating the U.S. Constitution.
building ships that house 5000 people and operate like a city
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
manning submarines and sonic jets
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
responding to disasters
I’m not sure you want to highlight the federal government violating the U.S. Constitution.
training soldiers
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
protecting territories
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
providing intelligence about possible threats to the homeland
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
defusing bombs and land mines
Yeah...that’s defense. :eusa_doh:
dealing with cyber ware fare, shall I keep going??
Only if you feel compelled to keep supporting my position.
Though there may be a small fraction wanting to ban and confiscate guns that is far far far from the consensus. I don’t hear any serious representative on the left talking about taking away Americans rights to bare arms.
I am so tired of hearing this old lie from the left. Progressives are all over the media demanding that firearms be banned.
Regulating who and what is perfectly acceptable
WTF?!? How do you figure?!? What part of “...shall not be infringed” do you not understand? Deciding “who” and “what” is the very definition of infringement.
Our congress is granted the power to create laws and regulations...
You forgot to add...so long as they are constitutional.
Yeah I had that in my next line when I brought up the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is not the U.S. Constitution. They are supposed to uphold it, but the justices appointed by Dumbocrats don’t act like justices - they act as political activists. They ignore the U.S. Constitution completely and instead push a radical left-wing agenda.
Though there may be a small fraction wanting to ban and confiscate guns that is far far far from the consensus. I don’t hear any serious representative on the left talking about taking away Americans rights to bare arms.
I am so tired of hearing this old lie from the left. Progressives are all over the media demanding that firearms be banned.
Are you talking about all firearms or some firearms?
Though there may be a small fraction wanting to ban and confiscate guns that is far far far from the consensus. I don’t hear any serious representative on the left talking about taking away Americans rights to bare arms.
I am so tired of hearing this old lie from the left. Progressives are all over the media demanding that firearms be banned.
Are you talking about all firearms or some firearms?
All firearms.
Regulating who and what is perfectly acceptable
WTF?!? How do you figure?!? What part of “...shall not be infringed” do you not understand? Deciding “who” and “what” is the very definition of infringement.
so just to get things clear. You think it should be perfectly fine for anybody to walk into Walmart and buy a machine gun, no questions asked... yes or no?
Though there may be a small fraction wanting to ban and confiscate guns that is far far far from the consensus. I don’t hear any serious representative on the left talking about taking away Americans rights to bare arms.
I am so tired of hearing this old lie from the left. Progressives are all over the media demanding that firearms be banned.
Are you talking about all firearms or some firearms?
All firearms.
Can you name one lawmaker in congress saying that?
Our congress is granted the power to create laws and regulations...
You forgot to add...so long as they are constitutional.
Yeah I had that in my next line when I brought up the Supreme Court
The Supreme Court is not the U.S. Constitution. They are supposed to uphold it, but the justices appointed by Dumbocrats don’t act like justices - they act as political activists. They ignore the U.S. Constitution completely and instead push a radical left-wing agenda.
They are appointed by a constitutional process are they not. Just because some might have different views and interpretations than YOU doesn’t mean they aren’t upholding the constitution. They are in their way just as you are in your way
So the initial post outlined the catastrophic failure of the Canadian healthcare system. Now it I see time to outline the catastrophic failure of the English healthcare system.
After years of austerity, Britain’s lumbering National Health Service is under enormous strain, with severe shortages of beds and medical staff, all of which is producing waiting times for nonemergency procedures to stretch over months, and sometimes beyond a year.

To cope, the N.H.S. has been quietly outsourcing some surgeries to three hospitals in France for the last year or so. It is a little-known partnership, because the N.H.S. is not eager to advertise the measures it is being forced to take.
Socialized medicine has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.

UK's National Healthcare Service is in Big Trouble. Their Latest Desperate Move...
You are a brainwashed goddamn idiot LOL. Last time I checked, 86% of Canadians approved, 35% of Americans. Every modern country has socialist health Care rated higher than ours.
so just to get things clear. You think it should be perfectly fine for anybody to walk into Walmart and buy a machine gun, no questions asked... yes or no?
So just to be clear...you think the government should prevent people from practicing their faith or accessing the internet without first being subjected to a thorough background check? Yes or No?

To answer your question: yes. It is a freaking constitutional right. What part of that do you people not understand?!?

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