Comey Declares Obama Holdovers Committed Crimes By Leaking - Acts Could Constitute ESPIONAGE


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Comey says leaks could constitute 'espionage'

"In a rare public hearing before the House Intelligence Committee, FBI Director James Comey suggested on Monday that recent leaks of classified information to the press are not only criminalthey likely fit the definition of espionage."

"Leaks of classified information are serious, serious federal crimes for a reason," Comey said during his opening statement. He added that those behind the leaks "should be investigated and where possible prosecuted in a way that reflects that seriousness so that people understand it simply cannot be tolerated."

Joining Comey for questioning was National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers. During the hearing, lawmakers discussed the leaking of information about former White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, who was forced to resign last month after less than a month on the job.

Intel Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) told Comey that he remains "extremely concerned" about what he called "widespread illegal leaks.” When Nunes asked whether giving classified information to the press could be considered a violation of the Espionage Act, the FBI director responded with a flat out "yes."

While there remains no solid evidence that Trump engaged in collusion with Russians during the election, both Comey and Nunes made it clear that the Obama holdovers from within the Obama administrations Intel agencies clearly broke the law and in doing so endangered our national security, an act that both Agency heads agree equates to ESPIONAGE!

The DOJ / US AG should move quickly to investigate, identify, and bring to justice the individuals who engaged in this act of 'treason'!

When asked about the media's role in these partisan, politically-motivated acts of ESPIONAGE, Comey faltered a little in his answer:

"Comey seemed a lot less sure when pressed by Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., on whether journalists could be prosecuted for publishing the same kind of classified information.

"That's a harder question," Comey said. "I don't think a reporter's been prosecuted -- certainly in my lifetime, though."

Journalist Carl Bernstein, best known for his work on the Watergate scandal, suggested on Twitter on Monday that "many intel members now decrying 'leaks' of classified info have themselves 'leaked' classified info knowingly."

1. It was CNN who reported that President Obama 'illegally' collected personal information on Trump and his team and gave that information to members of his 16 Intel agencies before he left office. CNN identified this as a crime. That's one of the 1st places this investigation should begin.

2. CNN evidently already KNEW the information that had been collected and dispersed was 'classified' and thus illegal to release to the public. When the Obama hold-overs within the Intel agencies began to leak this information after Trump was elected, CNN and other news agencies should have known these leaks were ILLEGAL.

3. Just because no member of the media or media source has never been prosecuted before doesn't mean it can not / should not be done.

4. Since these leaks are considered 'Espionage' and this is a matter of national Security, even if the reporters are not charged the DOJ should demand they identify the sources that committed ESPIONAGE. Refusal to do so should result in reporters being jailed - the media that refuse to hand over the information should / would be recognized for aiding and abetting traitors to the US, protecting traitors who committed Espionage against their own country.

I earlier condemned Comey for backing down over the seriousness of the crimes committed by Barak Obama, his holdovers, and / or those who engaged in this espionage for partisan political gain, but he did step up when pressured and called it what it is.

The pathetic thing in all of this is that the corrupt, scandalous Democratic party, the treasonous ex-President, and his seditious followers have now gone as far as BETRAYING their own country, committing acts of ESPIONAGE for the benefit of Barak Obama and the Democratic party!

Add traitors / spies to the list of 'racists', 'sexists', 'homophobes' and 'anti-Semites' the Democrats have been exposed as being through this whole campaign / election / process!

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