Comey deserved to be fired.

The people of the US have deep respect for the rank and file of the FBI. They are brave and dedicated and put their lives on the line often under a hail of bullets. Anyone who has ever worked at a corporation or firm under bad leadership knows what the foot soldiers of the FBI must be feeling after the embarrassing performance of former FBI director James Comey during the Senate intelligence committee hearings on whether the president tried to shut down an investigation.

Comey, who is 6’8, could have been wearing a Girl Scout uniform as he sat before the committee playing the intimidated victim of an arrogant boss like a blubbering female employee who didn’t get a raise. Comey was the head of the FBI. He was so bashful and delicate that he couldn’t deal with the president one-on-one? Comey’s account of the encounter raises the specter of a babe lost in the woods shaking like a leaf on seeing the big, bad wolf. Well, it’s not hard to figure out why he was fired.

Comey was apparently so traumatized by his conversation with president that he found it necessary to go to a third party and recruit him to leak sensitive information to the press. So in essence, comey’s behavior validated the actions of Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and even Bowe Bergdahl. The rank and file must be very proud of their former boss.

This country is deep, deep trouble when the top man in the FBI is such a feminized loose cannon that he sacrifices the national security of the nation for blatantly political reasons. Every coward in the country must have stood up and delivered a cheer as Comey plunged his knife into the back of the man the people elected to lead this nation.

It might time for people in this country to wake up and take notice of just how far we have drifted from reality. This nation will never get back on track with inept hacks like Comey in positions of leadership. We need to give thanks that the president had the wisdom and the guts to send this guy packing.

Why would anyone in their right mind support attacking our president when the real wicked in our society like Hillary Clinton get off scot free?

You are a disgusting pig who is willing to throw anyone under the bus who stands up to your glorious leader. Trump has politicized the FBI. He admits he fired Comey because of the Russia thing.

Trump protected himself the same way that Pence protects himself. He was a canny judge of character or in Trump's case, lack of character.

The fact is that Trump is the one who puts his interests above the country. That goes for Trump Davidians like yourself. The fact is that Trump must be held accountable for his actions. You are the coward because you refuse to do so and attack anyone who tries. Trump and you are the hacks. You are 1/2 of the equation that is destroying this country. Your pathetic excuse is Hillary Clinton.
The people of the US have deep respect for the rank and file of the FBI. They are brave and dedicated and put their lives on the line often under a hail of bullets. Anyone who has ever worked at a corporation or firm under bad leadership knows what the foot soldiers of the FBI must be feeling after the embarrassing performance of former FBI director James Comey during the Senate intelligence committee hearings on whether the president tried to shut down an investigation.

Comey, who is 6’8, could have been wearing a Girl Scout uniform as he sat before the committee playing the intimidated victim of an arrogant boss like a blubbering female employee who didn’t get a raise. Comey was the head of the FBI. He was so bashful and delicate that he couldn’t deal with the president one-on-one? Comey’s account of the encounter raises the specter of a babe lost in the woods shaking like a leaf on seeing the big, bad wolf. Well, it’s not hard to figure out why he was fired.

Comey was apparently so traumatized by his conversation with president that he found it necessary to go to a third party and recruit him to leak sensitive information to the press. So in essence, comey’s behavior validated the actions of Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and even Bowe Bergdahl. The rank and file must be very proud of their former boss.

This country is deep, deep trouble when the top man in the FBI is such a feminized loose cannon that he sacrifices the national security of the nation for blatantly political reasons. Every coward in the country must have stood up and delivered a cheer as Comey plunged his knife into the back of the man the people elected to lead this nation.

It might time for people in this country to wake up and take notice of just how far we have drifted from reality. This nation will never get back on track with inept hacks like Comey in positions of leadership. We need to give thanks that the president had the wisdom and the guts to send this guy packing.

Why would anyone in their right mind support attacking our president when the real wicked in our society like Hillary Clinton get off scot free?

You are a disgusting pig who is willing to throw anyone under the bus who stands up to your glorious leader. Trump has politicized the FBI. He admits he fired Comey because of the Russia thing.

Trump protected himself the same way that Pence protects himself. He was a canny judge of character or in Trump's case, lack of character.

The fact is that Trump is the one who puts his interests above the country. That goes for Trump Davidians like yourself. The fact is that Trump must be held accountable for his actions. You are the coward because you refuse to do so and attack anyone who tries. Trump and you are the hacks. You are 1/2 of the equation that is destroying this country. Your pathetic excuse is Hillary Clinton.
Being an attorney he probably wanted to think before he spoke and was astounded, remember he said he thought more people would be there, and also he was trying to be respectful for the position that DT is in.
Also I think, with only 3.5 years as FBI director and the election fiasco and after working for Obama he was stunned by this attempt to stop the investigation, and also Sessions should of known better than for the POTUS to be alone with Comey, Sessions needs to be questioned under oath on this , he knew before hand what DT was going to ask Comey. Comey was set up.

Apparently he wanted to LEAK before he spoke... :eusa_whistle:
And what was the most damning statement by Comey concerning the actual subject of the Russian investigation? IMO it was that Trump asked Comey if he could lift the cloud off of Flynn, who was a good guy. WTF? That can mean a lot of things but it certainly isn't a direct order. It could mean, wrap up the investigation as soon as possible, don't drag it out, like Comey was doing. I don't see a direct order in what Trump said.

Time to stop the BS and let the administration get back to doing the will of the people who elected them.

You don't see one because you don't want to. A reasonable person could take that as a direct order. The fact is that the investigation is not complete. That is why you investigate to find information.

They are not doing the will of the people. The people do not want a wall built and they don't want the AHCA.
Comey saw he was getting railroaded by Trump and stood his ground

Comey self-identified as a 'Leaker'.

Stood his ground? Comey folded to the pressure being put on him by Lynch and Obama by refusing to openly call for a Special Prosecutor and refusing to call of the indictment of Hillary Clinton on his own.
-- Instead he gave a BS reason why he refused to do so. Comey declared he would not call for Hillary's indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, knowing full well ignorance of the law is not an accepted legal defense.

Stood his ground? Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would end up not hurting Flynn. Snowflakes call 'HOPE' 'pressuring' Comey. Trump saying he 'HOPES' is not giving Comey an order.

Comey just committed Perjury during his testimony.

So why are we still talking about this? Why are Democrats grasping at this straw to desperately have to argue about?

Comey also destroyed the Democrats' campaign of lies, subversion, and false accusations against Trump while pointing out the fact that Loretta Lynch (and Obama) Obstructed Justice by protecting Hillary.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
i honestly think so far comey is a good guy. i can't think of anyone in that situation who would have made both sides happy. that said, i also think this was a horrible job for him. he couldn't stand up to either president / DOJ when / if they were doing something wrong.

that would be a huge part of his job he failed at. good people can fail, and in this case, that's how i see it so far.
He was a coward who was more interested in protecting his job than doing what was right. To make matters worse he's the man to investigate leakers & was himself one. He lacked the fortitude & courage to do what he knew to be right. He disgraced himself & his organization.

Good man?

yep. i'm ok with disagreeing.
You don't see one because you don't want to. A reasonable person could take that as a direct order.

Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony

"In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI's investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn't at the heart of the investigation."

In regards to Flynn, Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would not impact Flynn because he was a nice guy.' Comey reportedly added that he had never prosecuted anyone for 'hope'.

No a 'reasonable' person would NOT consider someone saying 'I HOPE' to be an order. Only a snowflake would....and ONLY if a Conservative said it.
Comey saw he was getting railroaded by Trump and stood his ground

Comey self-identified as a 'Leaker'.

Stood his ground? Comey folded to the pressure being put on him by Lynch and Obama by refusing to openly call for a Special Prosecutor and refusing to call of the indictment of Hillary Clinton on his own.
-- Instead he gave a BS reason why he refused to do so. Comey declared he would not call for Hillary's indictment because she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law, knowing full well ignorance of the law is not an accepted legal defense.

Stood his ground? Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would end up not hurting Flynn. Snowflakes call 'HOPE' 'pressuring' Comey. Trump saying he 'HOPES' is not giving Comey an order.

Comey just committed Perjury during his testimony.

So why are we still talking about this? Why are Democrats grasping at this straw to desperately have to argue about?

Comey also destroyed the Democrats' campaign of lies, subversion, and false accusations against Trump while pointing out the fact that Loretta Lynch (and Obama) Obstructed Justice by protecting Hillary.

Comey played Trump

Trumps ridiculous tweets and threats against Comey were used against him
Unlike Trump he does not blabber.
Comey is a confessed leaker, or do we just ignore that bit of testimony?

Comey played Trump

Once Trump fired him and Comey heard all the crap Trump was throwing on him including lies about "losing the faith in the FBI", Comey played his hand

Trump opened the door to a special prosecutor once he fired Comey
Comey sealed the deal by releasing his notes
Comey, the leaker. That is what the democrat party amounts to these days. Not that they were ever any better.

What crime did Comey commit?

Comey knows the rules and played by them. Trump was playing political hardball and threw Comey under the bus
Comey just paid him back

Leaked government documents

You don't see one because you don't want to. A reasonable person could take that as a direct order.

Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony

"In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI's investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn't at the heart of the investigation."

In regards to Flynn, Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would not impact Flynn because he was a nice guy.' Comey reportedly added that he had never prosecuted anyone for 'hope'.

No a 'reasonable' person would NOT consider someone saying 'I HOPE' to be an order. Only a snowflake would....and ONLY if a Conservative said it.

When Phucking Chris Matthews THE PIECE OF SHIT he is, GIVES UP this Ridiculous Jihad to "GET TRUMP" it's over.
The Left will be immigrating to Syria, Cuba, Afghanistan and Venezuela within 72 hours.

I hope they hurry the phuck up, and take their illegal buddies with them.
Unlike Trump he does not blabber.
Comey is a confessed leaker, or do we just ignore that bit of testimony?

Comey played Trump

Once Trump fired him and Comey heard all the crap Trump was throwing on him including lies about "losing the faith in the FBI", Comey played his hand

Trump opened the door to a special prosecutor once he fired Comey
Comey sealed the deal by releasing his notes
Comey, the leaker. That is what the democrat party amounts to these days. Not that they were ever any better.

What crime did Comey commit?

Comey knows the rules and played by them. Trump was playing political hardball and threw Comey under the bus
Comey just paid him back

Leaked government documents

His own notes

Problem is...Trump was the one who created the problem by threatening Comey and offering a distorted representation of the meeting
You don't see one because you don't want to. A reasonable person could take that as a direct order.

Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony

"In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI's investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn't at the heart of the investigation."

In regards to Flynn, Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would not impact Flynn because he was a nice guy.' Comey reportedly added that he had never prosecuted anyone for 'hope'.

No a 'reasonable' person would NOT consider someone saying 'I HOPE' to be an order. Only a snowflake would....and ONLY if a Conservative said it.

When Phucking Chris Matthews THE PIECE OF SHIT he is, GIVES UP this Ridiculous Jihad to "GET TRUMP" it's over.
The Left will be immigrating to Syria, Cuba, Afghanistan and Venezuela within 72 hours.

I hope they hurry the phuck up, and take their illegal buddies with them.

Seems Trump is doing more to bring about his demise than the media.....Believe me
Comey is a confessed leaker, or do we just ignore that bit of testimony?

Comey played Trump

Once Trump fired him and Comey heard all the crap Trump was throwing on him including lies about "losing the faith in the FBI", Comey played his hand

Trump opened the door to a special prosecutor once he fired Comey
Comey sealed the deal by releasing his notes
Comey, the leaker. That is what the democrat party amounts to these days. Not that they were ever any better.

What crime did Comey commit?

Comey knows the rules and played by them. Trump was playing political hardball and threw Comey under the bus
Comey just paid him back

Leaked government documents

His own notes

Problem is...Trump was the one who created the problem by threatening Comey and offering a distorted representation of the meeting

Three Times Barack Obama Attempted to Obstruct Justice | White House Dossier

He violated federal law, pure and simple.

But even more, he violated the trust placed in him as the top law enforcement officer in the nation.

Look, you ONLY care about your party, I get it. But this is the worst betrayal I have ever seen. You look at this from a perspective of how you can spin it to shit on your hated enemies or minimize the damage to your fascist party, but this was the most serious breach that has ever occurred in the top ranks of the FBI and seriously sullies their reputation. Elliot Ness Comey is not. Perhaps he can go by "the easily touched?"

"If they say matter, we will close the investigation, if they hope, WE will wither, if they frighten us, we will leak to the press. If they take us to dinner, we will piss ourselves in fear"

Yeah, how far the once great agency has fallen.
You don't see one because you don't want to. A reasonable person could take that as a direct order.

Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony

"In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI's investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn't at the heart of the investigation."

In regards to Flynn, Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would not impact Flynn because he was a nice guy.' Comey reportedly added that he had never prosecuted anyone for 'hope'.

No a 'reasonable' person would NOT consider someone saying 'I HOPE' to be an order. Only a snowflake would....and ONLY if a Conservative said it.

When Phucking Chris Matthews THE PIECE OF SHIT he is, GIVES UP this Ridiculous Jihad to "GET TRUMP" it's over.
The Left will be immigrating to Syria, Cuba, Afghanistan and Venezuela within 72 hours.

I hope they hurry the phuck up, and take their illegal buddies with them.

Seems Trump is doing more to bring about his demise than the media.....Believe me

What a clown you are, Shitflinger.

The people of the US have deep respect for the rank and file of the FBI. They are brave and dedicated and put their lives on the line often under a hail of bullets. Anyone who has ever worked at a corporation or firm under bad leadership knows what the foot soldiers of the FBI must be feeling after the embarrassing performance of former FBI director James Comey during the Senate intelligence committee hearings on whether the president tried to shut down an investigation.

Comey, who is 6’8, could have been wearing a Girl Scout uniform as he sat before the committee playing the intimidated victim of an arrogant boss like a blubbering female employee who didn’t get a raise. Comey was the head of the FBI. He was so bashful and delicate that he couldn’t deal with the president one-on-one? Comey’s account of the encounter raises the specter of a babe lost in the woods shaking like a leaf on seeing the big, bad wolf. Well, it’s not hard to figure out why he was fired.

Comey was apparently so traumatized by his conversation with president that he found it necessary to go to a third party and recruit him to leak sensitive information to the press. So in essence, comey’s behavior validated the actions of Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and even Bowe Bergdahl. The rank and file must be very proud of their former boss.

This country is deep, deep trouble when the top man in the FBI is such a feminized loose cannon that he sacrifices the national security of the nation for blatantly political reasons. Every coward in the country must have stood up and delivered a cheer as Comey plunged his knife into the back of the man the people elected to lead this nation.

It might time for people in this country to wake up and take notice of just how far we have drifted from reality. This nation will never get back on track with inept hacks like Comey in positions of leadership. We need to give thanks that the president had the wisdom and the guts to send this guy packing.

Why would anyone in their right mind support attacking our president when the real wicked in our society like Hillary Clinton get off scot free?
SO because in your mind hillary got off scott free, a lying pos, a vile SB trump should run rampant and get off?
Comey played Trump

Once Trump fired him and Comey heard all the crap Trump was throwing on him including lies about "losing the faith in the FBI", Comey played his hand

Trump opened the door to a special prosecutor once he fired Comey
Comey sealed the deal by releasing his notes
Comey, the leaker. That is what the democrat party amounts to these days. Not that they were ever any better.

What crime did Comey commit?

Comey knows the rules and played by them. Trump was playing political hardball and threw Comey under the bus
Comey just paid him back

Leaked government documents

His own notes

Problem is...Trump was the one who created the problem by threatening Comey and offering a distorted representation of the meeting

Three Times Barack Obama Attempted to Obstruct Justice | White House Dossier

He violated federal law, pure and simple.

But even more, he violated the trust placed in him as the top law enforcement officer in the nation.

Look, you ONLY care about your party, I get it. But this is the worst betrayal I have ever seen. You look at this from a perspective of how you can spin it to shit on your hated enemies or minimize the damage to your fascist party, but this was the most serious breach that has ever occurred in the top ranks of the FBI and seriously sullies their reputation. Elliot Ness Comey is not. Perhaps he can go by "the easily touched?"

"If they say matter, we will close the investigation, if they hope, WE will wither, if they frighten us, we will leak to the press. If they take us to dinner, we will piss ourselves in fear"

Yeah, how far the once great agency has fallen.

But...but....<sob>.......Obama did it too

The Republican Congress investigated Obama on every issue they could. ...and then some

Over eight years they came up with nothing
You don't see one because you don't want to. A reasonable person could take that as a direct order.

Chris Matthews: Trump-Russia collusion theory 'came apart' with Comey testimony

"In his written and spoken testimony on Thursday, Comey said that he never felt that Trump had tried to impede the FBI's investigation into Russia, even that the president had encouraged it and he suggested that former national security adviser Mike Flynn wasn't at the heart of the investigation."

In regards to Flynn, Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the investigation would not impact Flynn because he was a nice guy.' Comey reportedly added that he had never prosecuted anyone for 'hope'.

No a 'reasonable' person would NOT consider someone saying 'I HOPE' to be an order. Only a snowflake would....and ONLY if a Conservative said it.

When Phucking Chris Matthews THE PIECE OF SHIT he is, GIVES UP this Ridiculous Jihad to "GET TRUMP" it's over.
The Left will be immigrating to Syria, Cuba, Afghanistan and Venezuela within 72 hours.

I hope they hurry the phuck up, and take their illegal buddies with them.

Seems Trump is doing more to bring about his demise than the media.....Believe me

What a clown you are, Shitflinger.

lb170609c20170608093202.jpg guys can't even come up with original material

Comey, the leaker. That is what the democrat party amounts to these days. Not that they were ever any better.

What crime did Comey commit?

Comey knows the rules and played by them. Trump was playing political hardball and threw Comey under the bus
Comey just paid him back

Leaked government documents

His own notes

Problem is...Trump was the one who created the problem by threatening Comey and offering a distorted representation of the meeting

Three Times Barack Obama Attempted to Obstruct Justice | White House Dossier

He violated federal law, pure and simple.

But even more, he violated the trust placed in him as the top law enforcement officer in the nation.

Look, you ONLY care about your party, I get it. But this is the worst betrayal I have ever seen. You look at this from a perspective of how you can spin it to shit on your hated enemies or minimize the damage to your fascist party, but this was the most serious breach that has ever occurred in the top ranks of the FBI and seriously sullies their reputation. Elliot Ness Comey is not. Perhaps he can go by "the easily touched?"

"If they say matter, we will close the investigation, if they hope, WE will wither, if they frighten us, we will leak to the press. If they take us to dinner, we will piss ourselves in fear"

Yeah, how far the once great agency has fallen.

But...but....<sob>.......Obama did it too

The Republican Congress investigated Obama on every issue they could. ...and then some

Over eight years they came up with nothing

So Comey isn't Elliot Ness? He IS Elliot Pussy though...

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