Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
“James Comey has been rebuked at the highest level, with much more to come. An IG Report doesn’t get any stronger, calling him dangerous, insubordinate. THANK GOODNESS THAT DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED, BECAUSE IF HE WASN’T ELECTED, THESE PEOPLE WOULD STILL BE IN POWER. Two more reports are coming. Comey very vulnerable. But where is the Supreme Court. Where is Justice Roberts? If you lie to a court, you should be held in contempt. So, if you abused the FISA, you must be held accountable. I hope Justice Roberts will take action.” Jason Chaffetz

“Comey and McCabe (and more) are Dirty Cops.” Joe DiGenova

Justice Roberts is already in hot water with the men of America

No 5 to 4 verdict will stand if the men judges differently

And with the men majority being mostly the highest power white men that verdict Wil not stand

To keep the nation together the verdicts and laws MUST go with the men’s judgement

Outrageously stupid is what is occurring that will trigger the men to act and stop

The men tells other men and this keeps spreading and cannot be stopped

A few people were guilty of high treason at first but now hundreds may be guilty and facing the ultimate penalty

They thought the foolish low logic women could save them with their voting

This will trigger a high logic test for voters which will destroy the Democrat party forever

Who can predict the future ??

Look at history to know how changes comes
Then they should not be running for POTUS.

Why do you want someone that stupid running the country?

Oh, that's right, you're stupid too!

I'm hiring a president, not an IT specialist. Do you think Trump understands computers beyond his Twittler Account?

So one more time, please point out someone who used the wrong email that went to prison. Thanks.

If they aren't smart enough to follow the instructions they have been given. Then they aren't smart enough to be POTUS.

IG described his behavior as dangerous leaking for personal reasons. Trump got screwed and Comey walks free despite his reprehensible deeds least till the even more serious charges against him are adjudicated.
How do Comey's transgressions compare to Trump's?

Five takeaways from Justice IG report on Comey

"While highly critical of Comey’s actions, the inspector general did not make recommendations on whether the former top government official should face any charges, and Attorney General William Barr has declined to prosecute him."

Trump's trangressions?

Was he making the pilots do loops in AF1 again?

Oh, I know it's the Trump plastic straws that have your panties in a bunch.
Trump's trangressions?
Is that a rhetorical question?

Trump was a lying POS long before he became POTUS, and he hasn't changed. With any luck, he and his crime family will all die in prison.

George, George, George!

View attachment 276925
Will your meds protect you from this...

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist, the Beast, the Son of Perdition?
IG described his behavior as dangerous leaking for personal reasons. Trump got screwed and Comey walks free despite his reprehensible deeds least till the even more serious charges against him are adjudicated.

Comey tried to depose President Trump, using every technique in his arsenal, legal or illegal.

The important thing is that the Russian Collusion Plot failed, just like Guy Fawkes' Gunpowder Plot failed against the proud openly LGBTQ+ King of England, James I.

Comey should face the same fate as Mr. Fawkes.
With any luck, he and his crime family will all die in prison.

Seems Comey willl end up in prison long before Trump Notice how liberals get things backwards.
Seems Comey willl end up in prison long before Trump Notice how liberals get things backwards.
What did Papadopoulos get backwards?

Special Counsel investigation (2017–2019) - Wikipedia

When the special counsel was appointed by Rod Rosenstein in May 2017, the special counsel took over an existing counterintelligence investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) into what proved to be Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections and numerous secretive links between Trump associates and Russian officials.[61]

"According to reports, Australian officials informed American officials that in May 2016, a Trump presidential campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos, told the Australian High Commissioner to Britain, Alexander Downer, that Russian officials were in possession of politically damaging information relating to Hillary Clinton, the rival presidential candidate to Trump from Democratic Party.

"Since the FBI, in response to this information, opened an investigation into the links between Trump associates and Russian officials on July 31, 2016, the meeting between Papadopoulos and Downer is considered to be the 'spark' that led to the Mueller investigation.[62]"
IG described his behavior as dangerous leaking for personal reasons. Trump got screwed and Comey walks free despite his reprehensible deeds least till the even more serious charges against him are adjudicated.
How do Comey's transgressions compare to Trump's?

Five takeaways from Justice IG report on Comey

"While highly critical of Comey’s actions, the inspector general did not make recommendations on whether the former top government official should face any charges, and Attorney General William Barr has declined to prosecute him."

Trump's trangressions?

Was he making the pilots do loops in AF1 again?

Oh, I know it's the Trump plastic straws that have your panties in a bunch.
Trump's trangressions?
Is that a rhetorical question?

Trump was a lying POS long before he became POTUS, and he hasn't changed. With any luck, he and his crime family will all die in prison.

George, George, George!

View attachment 276925
Will your meds protect you from this...

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist, the Beast, the Son of Perdition?
Comey should be jailed.
How do Comey's transgressions compare to Trump's?

Five takeaways from Justice IG report on Comey

"While highly critical of Comey’s actions, the inspector general did not make recommendations on whether the former top government official should face any charges, and Attorney General William Barr has declined to prosecute him."

Trump's trangressions?

Was he making the pilots do loops in AF1 again?

Oh, I know it's the Trump plastic straws that have your panties in a bunch.
Trump's trangressions?
Is that a rhetorical question?

Trump was a lying POS long before he became POTUS, and he hasn't changed. With any luck, he and his crime family will all die in prison.

George, George, George!

View attachment 276925
Will your meds protect you from this...

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist, the Beast, the Son of Perdition?
Comey should be jailed.
Comey should be jailed.
On what charges, obstructing Trump?

Trump Declares Himself “King of Israel,” the “Second Coming of God”
If they aren't smart enough to follow the instructions they have been given. Then they aren't smart enough to be POTUS.


Again, your Fuhrer just suggested nuking hurricanes off the coast of Africa... I'm more worried about that than whether or not Hillary used the antiquated State Department email system

She attended a class. Duh, she is so stupid she doesn't understand what a13 year old does.

By your reasoning my daughter should be POTUS
Trump's trangressions?

Was he making the pilots do loops in AF1 again?

Oh, I know it's the Trump plastic straws that have your panties in a bunch.
Trump's trangressions?
Is that a rhetorical question?

Trump was a lying POS long before he became POTUS, and he hasn't changed. With any luck, he and his crime family will all die in prison.

George, George, George!

View attachment 276925
Will your meds protect you from this...

Is Donald Trump the Antichrist, the Beast, the Son of Perdition?
Comey should be jailed.
Comey should be jailed.
On what charges, obstructing Trump?

Trump Declares Himself “King of Israel,” the “Second Coming of God”
Getting involved with an election as a government employee when he scolded Hillary
comey tried to stop the voters by trying to stop trump from facing the voters again...

comey is guilty of high treason that weakens the nation with crookedness and helps our enemies

comey tried to stop the WILL of the people..

trump was elected by the people for 4 years and comey tried to stop that along with the crooked deep state...

all guilty of high treason...

no reasonable person on a jury will convict anyone for anything when high treason acts are not charged

the whole justice system totally falls apart and a nation back to the dark ages
She attended a class. Duh, she is so stupid she doesn't understand what a13 year old does.

By your reasoning my daughter should be POTUS

If she had 40 years of governmental experience like Mrs. Clinton did, absolutely.

Which she didn't seem to understand. Epic fail, dude. Epic fail.
if you're saying that normal people should just shrug their shoulders when our government officials are violating felony laws,

You mean like Individual One noted in the Cohen Indictment who didn't get prosecuted along with Cohen because he was President?
no one got that.
Let me make it plainer for you.

Trump has been cited as an unindicted co-conspirator with Cohen in crimes that Cohen went to jail for.

Now you were saying something about officials getting away with violating felony laws?
Trump has been cited as an unindicted co-conspirator

where exactly, and post the link.
We learned today that the FBIs rules and policies are meaningless and we have an agency full of agents doing whatever they feel like with no consequences.

Abolish the FBI

Replace the Executive with two Executives. One for foreign policy and one for domestic affairs.
Supposedly to be released tomorrow.

The IG report on Comey will...

I’m guessing it won’t do anything but say he made a booboo, and no charges will be brought. Deep State operatives always have a get out of jail card. I’ll believe it when I see it as far as throwing these treasonous assholes in jail.
Sorry I don't know your ridiculous GOP propaganda on this matter -I have no idea what you're talking about like the rest of the world....

What I predicted came true. They said he broke protocols and rules within the FBI, but won’t charge him with any crime. I’m sure that’s something you have a hard time comprehending, but your stupidity isn’t my problem.

Sounds like he was following a handbook of some kind. Long established procedures, protocols, and rules no longer need be followed if you are part of the Chosen People (if they ever did). All you other schmucks, watch yer backs.

Next, or Batter up....Play Ball!
he wrecked the election talking about Hillary's emails investigation but never mentioning the Russia investigation of trump LOL. Scumbag GOP as always.... My
I wish you would use all of the facts to tell your fake story.

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