Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters
Awwww, they said the DOJ declines prosecution
What a shock. lol

No shit I would be in jail eating baloney sandwiches

No one goes to jail for leaking UNclassified material... ever!!! They may get a write up, a black mark on their personnel file, but never jail.

Everyone in gvt would be in jail, if they did!!!! :lol:
He started a witch hunt, care4all

He destroyed Hillary and tried to take down Trump
I would actually say Hillary destroyed herself on her own. Comey may not have helped her cause.

They said that the IG found that he had released unclassified memos.

Unclassified memos? Is that a crime? They’re doing a lot of talking on Fox but so far they’re not making a lot of sense.
Comey is jumping the gun and poking the bear by claiming he's vindicated of leaking to media, that's not true and can turn on him if the person he gave the memos to that turned around and released it to the MSM is investigated and asked to give up Comey who is claimed to have literally asked him to give it to the media.
Regarding poking the bear, he is still involved in the whole fisa mess that is a bigger deal, which is why they might not be seeking prosecution on the lesser evidence lesser crimes.


Bam! Comey hits back.
Come on did you really expect him to post that he was quilty? Of course he will try and spin it as if he is innocent.
Guilty of what?
Still can't read or understand simple language hey Deany. The IG report says that he is quilty of violating numerous FBI policies and his FBI employment agreement.
You do understand the difference between a policy and a law?
It’s ironic that you guys went “justice“ for Hillary and James Comey when it was actually Donald Trump who turned over top-secret material to Russian spies in the oval office.

And you tell me I’m dishonest?
The president can do it ..

Comey fucked Hillary .
Yep, Comey screwed Hillary, twice.
Yeah I would of loved Hillary being president..

This guy is an asshole

Is this today's Russian lie? Silly me, I thought today's Russian lie was that Obama threw Putin out of the G8 because Putin outsmarted him? It had NOTHING to do his attacks on Crimea and the "little green men" in the Ukraine, or the downed airliner that caused the leaders of all of the G7 nations to vote to expel Putin. And because he's a criminal murderer who steals from his own people.

And that "Red line in the sand", that Trump brings up, that's because the Republican Congress and Senate refused to authorize the use of force. Sad to say that today, the President has failed to respect any votes from Congress who go against his stated policy. That's the difference between a constitutional president, and Putin's clown.
Comey lied on a FISA application. That deserves jail time.
He also participated in a failed coup attempt, that deserves more jail time.
Comey lied on a FISA application. That deserves jail time.
He also participated in a failed coup attempt, that deserves more jail time.

Not according to the IG's Report. You know, that report you've been waiting for breathlessly.

IG report finds Comey violated policy on Trump memos, DOJ declines prosecution

Comey got a pass on leaking classified memos to the press.
DOJ: Comey Violated Policy On His Trump Memos — But Won't Be Prosecuted
He still might get indicted for lying to the FISA court and illegally spying on Trump.
Comey has a few more "crimes" to deal with.
leaked classified information:...“CONFIDENTIAL” level,
The Right-wing idiots contradict their lies with their own citations. The lying scum claim Comey leaked "classified" info and the very report they cite says it was NOT classified, but the much lower "confidential" info.

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