Comey IG Report Thread and Poll

The Comey IG Report will

  • Completely Exonerate

    Votes: 9 16.7%
  • Lay the grounds for treason and sedition

    Votes: 17 31.5%
  • Somebody did something

    Votes: 14 25.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 14 25.9%

  • Total voters

They said that the IG found that he had released unclassified memos.

Unclassified memos? Is that a crime? They’re doing a lot of talking on Fox but so far they’re not making a lot of sense.
Not a crime but against FBI rules...why would he break FBI rules?...oh well his real trouble is within the FISA court abuse and his misleading the FISA court...this report today nails him as a conspirator in the Obama led coup....most will see today's report as Comey being in the the cements him in the middle of it confirms he used the unclassified notes to get the special prosecutor appointed and lied to the FISA courts...he is still in some hot water...maybe more today than before this report came out....
he could be facing serious jail time as this is one of many charges he will have to face.

DOJ inspector general says Comey violated policies with memos documenting private conversations with Trump

Nope. He walks, just like McCabe will walk. They will all walk. Jail is for us, not them.
Violating policies is a criminal act? Isn't that a personnel problem?

How many black dudes went to jail for lying to the FBI? Martha Stewart went to prison for lying to the FBI. Comey lies to the FBI and nothing happens.
It’s ironic that you guys went “justice“ for Hillary and James Comey when it was actually Donald Trump who turned over top-secret material to Russian spies in the oval office.

And you tell me I’m dishonest?
Maybe if you were not so dishonest or just so blatantly stupid people might not call you dishonest. But hey you are good for a laugh.

Let me educate you a little( of course since you really are incapable of understanding simple things there is no possibility that you will learn).
Hillary ran a server in her basement. Against the law. Destroyed emails that were under supoenae. Against the law. Lied about there being no classified information in any emails on her server. Against the law.

Comey admitted to keeping and releasing memos. That was in violation of FBI policy and his FBI employment agreement. A violation may not be worth prosecuting, but he is not exohonerated either.

The president may declassify any material he wants. It is a power given to him. That means that he was perfectly within the law.
Did trump ever declassified that information? And can you break the law and then declassify a cover up the fact that you broke the law? I’m not so sure you’re doing a very good job of protecting Trump.
Lol you idiot. He can declassify any or all information as a whole or to any party or person. Damn you really are brain dead
Still not doing a very good job. If he gives away classified information that’s breaking the law. Then once it’s pointed out to him he says oh OK, it’s declassified, then that retroactively unbreaks the law?

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!
Nothing will be done. They are all criminals and one thing is certain about criminals, they stick together.

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!

I wanted to see tramp indicted as well but Mueller thought he could not indict a sitting potus.

The IG identified that Comey violated the law but hid that in the policy statement.. Why would you not expose that? Dissemination of TOP SECRET INFORMATION is a Felony.. Comey did it several times according to the report.

I want to see an indictment!

I wanted to see tramp indicted as well but Mueller thought he could not indict a sitting potus.

For what crime?


Bam! Comey hits back.
Come on did you really expect him to post that he was quilty? Of course he will try and spin it as if he is innocent.
Guilty of what?
Still can't read or understand simple language hey Deany. The IG report says that he is quilty of violating numerous FBI policies and his FBI employment agreement.
Try and keep up he already was.
It’s ironic that you guys went “justice“ for Hillary and James Comey when it was actually Donald Trump who turned over top-secret material to Russian spies in the oval office.

And you tell me I’m dishonest?
Maybe if you were not so dishonest or just so blatantly stupid people might not call you dishonest. But hey you are good for a laugh.

Let me educate you a little( of course since you really are incapable of understanding simple things there is no possibility that you will learn).
Hillary ran a server in her basement. Against the law. Destroyed emails that were under supoenae. Against the law. Lied about there being no classified information in any emails on her server. Against the law.

Comey admitted to keeping and releasing memos. That was in violation of FBI policy and his FBI employment agreement. A violation may not be worth prosecuting, but he is not exohonerated either.

The president may declassify any material he wants. It is a power given to him. That means that he was perfectly within the law.
Did trump ever declassified that information? And can you break the law and then declassify a cover up the fact that you broke the law? I’m not so sure you’re doing a very good job of protecting Trump.
Lol you idiot. He can declassify any or all information as a whole or to any party or person. Damn you really are brain dead
Still not doing a very good job. If he gives away classified information that’s breaking the law. Then once it’s pointed out to him he says oh OK, it’s declassified, then that retroactively unbreaks the law?
Damn it is true you just can't fix stupid. We can take this up again if you ever get out of fifth grade.
go look it up on the internet. let us know what you find

A lot of wingnut crybabies who aren't happy with reality. But if someone says it on the internet it must be true.
Deutsche bank!
White supremacist!

What was that you were saying about the internet?

It’s ironic that you guys went “justice“ for Hillary and James Comey when it was actually Donald Trump who turned over top-secret material to Russian spies in the oval office.

And you tell me I’m dishonest?

Yes, you’re dishonest.

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