Comey is NO "hero," regardless of yesterday's testimony...

Of course I was very happy that in yesterday's testimony, Comey (and the Sessions' DOJ) CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY confirmed TWO important issues:

That Trump was full of shit in his accusations of Obama's wiretapping, and
That there is an ongoing [possibly criminal] investigation of the Trump administration's ties with Russia.

HOWEVER, it is equally difficult to overlook what Comey did and di not do last year.....

Comey, with just over a week of Nov. 8th, CHOSE to undermine Clinton's campaign by stating that she was ......again....under a possible investigation based on an aide's emails......

BUT.......Comey also chose to NOT reveal that Trump was ALSO under investigation for his Russian ties since last July (this was fully revealed only yesterday)

What would have happened last year IF voters were equally aware that BOTH candidates were under FBI investigations?

Comey's current Act of Contrition is interesting, but still flawed.

Trump was never under investigation, nor is he now.

You lose again.

Yesterday never happened.

Yesterday was a lot of political theatre, as Democrats had to rant about idiotic shit.

But we did get Comey to testify that the only people that have access to unmask US citizens in FISA wiretaps were 20 in the NSA, more in the FBI, and Obama political appointees like Lynch, Yates, and Rice. I'm sure you'll be quick to blame intel officers before your beloved Obama admin hacks when it comes to that little felony.
Harping on the leaks was the political theater. It's was the only sliver of defensible ground for the Republicans on the committee.

The leaks are the only crime that we know happened.

So far there is zero evidence for any Trump-Russia "collusion". But hey, I'm sure if you keep holding your breath, it's surely going to pop up one of these days.

And they said so. But hey, the new birthers will harp on this until their tiny little pinheads explode.
And they said so. But hey, the new birthers will harp on this until their tiny little pinheads explode.

Of course I was very happy that in yesterday's testimony, Comey (and the Sessions' DOJ) CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY confirmed TWO important issues:

That Trump was full of shit in his accusations of Obama's wiretapping, and
That there is an ongoing [possibly criminal] investigation of the Trump administration's ties with Russia.

HOWEVER, it is equally difficult to overlook what Comey did and di not do last year.....

Comey, with just over a week of Nov. 8th, CHOSE to undermine Clinton's campaign by stating that she was ......again....under a possible investigation based on an aide's emails......

BUT.......Comey also chose to NOT reveal that Trump was ALSO under investigation for his Russian ties since last July (this was fully revealed only yesterday)

What would have happened last year IF voters were equally aware that BOTH candidates were under FBI investigations?

Comey's current Act of Contrition is interesting, but still flawed.

Trump was never under investigation, nor is he now.

You lose again.

Yesterday never happened.

Yesterday was a lot of political theatre, as Democrats had to rant about idiotic shit.

But we did get Comey to testify that the only people that have access to unmask US citizens in FISA wiretaps were 20 in the NSA, more in the FBI, and Obama political appointees like Lynch, Yates, and Rice. I'm sure you'll be quick to blame intel officers before your beloved Obama admin hacks when it comes to that little felony.
Harping on the leaks was the political theater. It's was the only sliver of defensible ground for the Republicans on the committee.

The leaks are the only crime that we know happened.

So far there is zero evidence for any Trump-Russia "collusion". But hey, I'm sure if you keep holding your breath, it's surely going to pop up one of these days.
So far, yes.

It was confirmed however that there has been and will be an investigation including the Trump campaign. So, to say it was simply political theater is a bit disingenuous.
It was confirmed however that there has been and will be an investigation including the Trump campaign. So, to say it was simply political theater is a bit disingenuous.

The "interesting" part will be when folks like Flynn, Stone, Manafort, Page, and others are subpoenaed to TESTIFY under oath about their dealings with Russian thugs.......Like in Watergate, the show really begins with sworn testimonies.
Of course I was very happy that in yesterday's testimony, Comey (and the Sessions' DOJ) CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY confirmed TWO important issues:

That Trump was full of shit in his accusations of Obama's wiretapping, and
That there is an ongoing [possibly criminal] investigation of the Trump administration's ties with Russia.

HOWEVER, it is equally difficult to overlook what Comey did and di not do last year.....

Comey, with just over a week of Nov. 8th, CHOSE to undermine Clinton's campaign by stating that she was ......again....under a possible investigation based on an aide's emails......

BUT.......Comey also chose to NOT reveal that Trump was ALSO under investigation for his Russian ties since last July (this was fully revealed only yesterday)

What would have happened last year IF voters were equally aware that BOTH candidates were under FBI investigations?

Comey's current Act of Contrition is interesting, but still flawed.

This reminds me of something:

October 30, 2016

Harry Reid accuses Comey of sitting on proof of Trump-Russia ties

“Your actions in recent months have demonstrated a disturbing double standard for the treatment of sensitive information, with what appears to be a clear intent to aid one political party over another,” Reid wrote, adding that through Comey’s “partisan actions, you may have broken the law.”

One example Reid posited of the “selective approach”: Comey’s methods in investigating Donald Trump and his campaign’s possible ties to the Russian government.

“In my communications with you and other top officials in the national security community, it has become clear that you possess explosive information about close ties and coordination between Donald Trump, his top advisors, and the Russian government - a foreign interest openly hostile to the United States, which Trump praises at every opportunity,” he said. “I wrote to you months ago calling for this information to be released to the public...and yet, you continue to resist calls to inform the public of this critical information.”

Harry Reid accuses Comey of sitting on proof of Trump-Russia ties, possible Hatch Act violation
It was confirmed however that there has been and will be an investigation including the Trump campaign. So, to say it was simply political theater is a bit disingenuous.

The "interesting" part will be when folks like Flynn, Stone, Manafort, Page, and others are subpoenaed to TESTIFY under oath about their dealings with Russian thugs.......Like in Watergate, the show really begins with sworn testimonies.

....and, OH, I almost forgot.........Trump's MUST have his tax returns ALSO subpoenaed as part of a thorough investigation......
You would be 'happy' with what Comey 'revealed', snowflake.

1. 'That there is an ongoing [possibly criminal] investigation of the Trump administration's ties with Russia.'
TRANSLATION: There is no evidence to support the conspiracy theory that Trump colluded with the 'Fishing expedition' continues.

2. 'That Trump was full of shit in his accusations of Obama's wiretapping'
- I find it interesting that when no evidence of collusion is found the snowflakes want to continue digging, but when no direct evidence exists that wire-tapping occurred the snowflakes want to DROP that investigation - no more digging.

- I find it interesting as well that despite multiple investigations of Trump/his family/his team, dating back to 2009 (according to NSA documents that also happen to mention 'electronic surveillance'), the snowflakes insist that the administration that illegally spied on US citizens, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS never utilized the technique of 'wire-tapping'. Sorry - doesn't pass the common sense test or the 'BS' test.

Here's another interesting 'fact':

In order to have an investigation you have to have a crime. Democrats 1st claimed the Russians had 'Hacked The Election'....WTF is THAT? No one knows - not even the snowflakes parroting it. The FBI has already declared there was no altering of votes, and the Russians did not hack the state election processes/systems. In fact, the ONLY ones who tried to hack the state election systems were OBAMA and his DHS, while trying to seize federal control of all state election processes - claiming he needed to for national security because someone (like him) might try to hack into and control the election systems. (He failed, BTW, in his more than a dozen attempts to hack Indian's and Georgia's systems.)

What the 'crime' boils down to is that the DNC's embarrassing e-mails and dirty little secrets were hacked and released. THAT'S IT! They were exposed as Primary riggers, debate cheaters, racists, sexists, homophobes, and anti-Semites...basically nothing everyone didn't already know. From THIS came the LIE / Conspiracy Theory that Trump had colluded with Russians to 'steal the election'...when the only thing stolen were some embarrassing e-mails.

So why Trump - why go after him?
- Hillary lost - he beat her.
- He had made the stupid comment about encouraging Russia to hack Hillary...That is important because he encouraged (jokingly) Russia to hack HILLARY...not the DNC...but it was the DNC that was hacked. Hillary didn't get hacked. So if Trump WAS colluding with Russians, they sure weren't listening to him.

Better choice to go after were:

Tony Podesta, the brother of Hillary's campaign manager. Tony worked for the KGB Bank, closely tied to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Spy agency that just so happened to be the ones who hacked the DNC. What a freakin' coincidence.

Then there's the Democrats - specifically Debbie Wasserman Schultz - who hired the 3 Pakistani Brother IT Spy ring - who potentially killed their father, held their mother hostage, was spending their father's money, were taking money from terrorists, and 1 brother had a criminal record before being hired. They were allowed to have un-authorized access to classified information in the House. oh ,but it gets better - AFTER the brothers had been BANNED from the House and AFTER a criminal investigation had begun on the them, Debbie WS IGNORED the investigation and IGNORED the House BAN - she hired one of the brothers, had him come work for her, NAD GAVE HIM ACCESS TO DNC E-MAILS, USERNAMES, AND PASSWORDS. The 'kicker'? These were the same DNC e-mails that were hacked.

One of the pieces of evidence snowflakes point to that it was the Russians who did the hacking was an out-dated soviet code / malware that facilitated the hacking. The only problem with this theory, especially knowing Debbie's blunder gave the Pakistani access t those e-mails is the fact that this Russian code was found on-line where anyone could download and use it. So who is to say that the Pakistanis - who proved they were doing anything for money - did not gain access to the files/e-mails and upload the malware they got off-line?
*** This is what the courts called 'reasonable doubt'...that the Russians hacked the DNC's e-mails at all.

And let's not forget Bill Clinton taking $50k a speech from Vlad's buddies - ex-KGB.

It is clear that Democrats have more on them regarding collusion / connection with Russians than Trump; however, while Comey has announced that the 'fishing expedition' on Trump continues, it appears no one is investigating Tony Podesta, Bill Clinton, and / or Debbie Wasserman Schultz....or making a huge effore to go after the Obama holdovers who committed ESPIONAGE.
I see you got your ''talking points'' for the day! :rolleyes:
Of course I was very happy that in yesterday's testimony, Comey (and the Sessions' DOJ) CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY confirmed TWO important issues:

That Trump was full of shit in his accusations of Obama's wiretapping, and
That there is an ongoing [possibly criminal] investigation of the Trump administration's ties with Russia.

HOWEVER, it is equally difficult to overlook what Comey did and di not do last year.....

Comey, with just over a week of Nov. 8th, CHOSE to undermine Clinton's campaign by stating that she was ......again....under a possible investigation based on an aide's emails......

BUT.......Comey also chose to NOT reveal that Trump was ALSO under investigation for his Russian ties since last July (this was fully revealed only yesterday)

What would have happened last year IF voters were equally aware that BOTH candidates were under FBI investigations?

Comey's current Act of Contrition is interesting, but still flawed.

Trump was never under investigation, nor is he now.

You lose again.

Yesterday never happened.

Yesterday was a lot of political theatre, as Democrats had to rant about idiotic shit.

But we did get Comey to testify that the only people that have access to unmask US citizens in FISA wiretaps were 20 in the NSA, more in the FBI, and Obama political appointees like Lynch, Yates, and Rice. I'm sure you'll be quick to blame intel officers before your beloved Obama admin hacks when it comes to that little felony.
Harping on the leaks was the political theater. It's was the only sliver of defensible ground for the Republicans on the committee.

The leaks are the only crime that we know happened.

So far there is zero evidence for any Trump-Russia "collusion". But hey, I'm sure if you keep holding your breath, it's surely going to pop up one of these days.

Right , do you think everything is a strange coincidence? Obviously Trump owes Russia. I mean one needs to be blind not to see the connection or in complete denial, and worships Trump so much that nothing he does matters.
I see you got your ''talking points'' for the day! :rolleyes:
'Talking Points'? This is called 'logical thinking' and 'common sense'. Don't attack me just because they are foreign to snowflakes, who can't operate without being handed daily talking points.
I see you got your ''talking points'' for the day! :rolleyes:
'Talking Points'? This is called 'logical thinking' and 'common sense'. Don't attack me just because they are foreign to snowflakes, who can't operate without being handed daily talking points.

Common sense and logic would allow you to see that Trump stands alone. No one is going out on that limb with him. Hint, everyone knows he's full of shit and in a hole.

You employ neither.
Common sense and logic would allow you to see that Trump stands alone. No one is going out on that limb with him. Hint, everyone knows he's full of shit and in a hole.
Rhetoric without proof.
Fact: The FBI and NSA both investigated Trump.
Fact: NSA files reference 'electronic surveillance.
Fact: Clapper LIED under oath about not illegally spying on Americans - he did.
Fact: Obama illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, and even CONGRESS.
Fact: (According to CNN) Obama illegally collected info on Trump and his team then gave it to 16 Intel agencies
Fact: Those Intel agencies (Obama holdovers) committed ESPIONAGE against their country to leak info for political reasons

Based on these FACTS, only a brain damaged idiot...or a snowflake...would declare there is no way - not even the slightest possibility - Trump is right.

Snowflakes have declared on this board there is no way anyone would have conducted an illegal wiretap on Trump...while they completely choose to ignore how the last administration and his holdovers repeatedly broke the law to spy on many different people, how they illegally collected info on Trump already, and how they committed the crime of ESPIONAGE for political gain.

They have proven they would and they HAVE already broken laws to spy on their political enemies.
You're making even more of a fool out of your DESPERATION than usual, Queasy.....You're pulling out "facts" out of your fat ass.....LOL
And you need to pull your head out of yours. Every fact I stated has been posted on USMB with links supporting them. Silly snowflakes like yourself think that posting 'huh-uh' sufficiently counters those facts. I can see why they upset you. Much like the DNC's own hacked and released e-mails, they damage the Democratic party's / Obama's image and credibility.
Comey's on-going investigation is his last act toward redemption for having seriously meddled in last year's election. He will be derided from both sides of the aisle but, at least, he is going out with some semblance of objectively having fulfilled his duties as head of the FBI and chief law-enforcer.
Comey's on-going investigation is his last act toward redemption for having seriously meddled in last year's election.
Redemption? So you think he is planning and carrying all this out?! Bwuhahahaha!

Comey is a certified F*-Up who has no idea what he is doing. He F*ed-Up the Hillary investigation, in ways that seemed to favor both parties at times, not because he planned to do so but rather because he was just bumbling along, not knowing what he was doing. His own people hated his guts and thought he was an embarrassment.

He is doing the same thing now. It has been reported that the Trump investigation has been going on since last JUNE - before the election. Hillary's people are pissed that he never brought this to light but did bring her dirty laundry to light. (That's because her investigsationS were brought to light by leaks and other methods before Comey came out and began talking about it.)

As reported / linked, the FBI has already come out and stated no collusion was found in their investigation...but now the investigation, having provided no solid evidence, is continuing.

'He's innocent, but we are gong to continue 'fishing'.

One thing you can safely bet on is this:

The ONLY PROVEN CRIME Comey declared has been committed thus far is the acts of ESPIONAGE perpetrated by Democrats / Obama holdovers / Snowflakes....and you can bet your ass that not 1 damn Democrat / Snowflake will be pushing Comey hard to identify and bring to justice those who committed this ESPIONAGE for purely political benefit for the Democratic Party!
Comey's on-going investigation is his last act toward redemption for having seriously meddled in last year's election. He will be derided from both sides of the aisle but, at least, he is going out with some semblance of objectively having fulfilled his duties as head of the FBI and chief law-enforcer.

Comey knows what he is doing, and why. You don't. Kindly STFU.
In all of this discussion the one point that snowflakes can not honestly, factually deny is that the ONLY crime that has been PROVEN to have been committed thus far is the crime of ESPIONAGE perpetrated by the Democrats / Liberals / Obama holdovers embedded in the Intel Agencies that illegally released the information.

Trump, Flynn, criminal acts proven.

The false narrative / plot to destroy Trump is the LIE that the Russians 'stole the election', and it continues to blow up in their faces.

Snowflakes rushed to point out that Flynn worked as an illegal Foreign Agent for Turkey, a US ally...only to have it exposed that the brother of Hillary Clinton's campaign worked illegally as a Foreign Agent of the notorious KGB Bank, a company run by Ex-KGB agents and the Russian Spy Agency that reportedly hacked the DNC's e-mails.

Snowflakes rushed to attempt to politically assassinate Sessions, and failed, but brought back up to light that Bill Clinton, the husband of the DNC candidate, was working for Ex-KGB, taking $50k a speech for them.

Obama illegally collected personal information on Trump and his team, according to CNN, and gave it to his 'loyalists' within 16 Intel agencies who later illegally released that info after Trump became President - an act FBI Director James Comey has now declared to be ESPIONAGE. In a truly partisan act meant to damage the GOP President and benefit the Democratic party, the Democrats engaged in ESPIONAGE against its own country.

This is just a continuation of the ILLEGAL ASSAULT by Democrats on this nation from before the election in an attempt to get their way.

Prior to and during the election Democrats / Snowflakes
- Illegally rioted
- Illegally looted
- Engaged in violence
- - The DNC's candidate's own campaign was caught funding it
- Engaged in acts of TERRORISM by fire-bombing a GOP HQ
- Used violence to shut down Freedom of Speech
- Illegally intimidated and threatened Electoral College Voters
- Seditiously called for military coups
- Called for the assassination of Donald Trump

...and now it has been proven that they went as far as committed acts of ESPIONAGE against this nation in an effort to wrest power from the newly elected Government.

IMO, what we have seen and continue to see is the very definition of 'Domestic Enemy'.
Of course I was very happy that in yesterday's testimony, Comey (and the Sessions' DOJ) CLEARLY and SPECIFICALLY confirmed TWO important issues:

That Trump was full of shit in his accusations of Obama's wiretapping, and
That there is an ongoing [possibly criminal] investigation of the Trump administration's ties with Russia.

HOWEVER, it is equally difficult to overlook what Comey did and di not do last year.....

Comey, with just over a week of Nov. 8th, CHOSE to undermine Clinton's campaign by stating that she was ......again....under a possible investigation based on an aide's emails......

BUT.......Comey also chose to NOT reveal that Trump was ALSO under investigation for his Russian ties since last July (this was fully revealed only yesterday)

What would have happened last year IF voters were equally aware that BOTH candidates were under FBI investigations?

Comey's current Act of Contrition is interesting, but still flawed.

Translation: For clinton, comey good, against trump, comey good.

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