Comey Under Oath: ‘Have Not Experienced Any Requests to Stop FBI Investigations’Perjury? McCabe too?

But North serves at the pleasure of the POTUS and the stupid argument of the Right has been that that makes them equally guilty or innocent.
Get it?

Lol, false analogy Reagan was Norths boss not the other way around, now if North said that he had been never been asked to do something illegal by the Sec Def or the DOD but failed to mention that the POTUS did he would be guilty of perjury, unless you are claiming that the Sec Def is CinC to go along with your claim that the AG is not an employee of the POTUS.
Nice strawman but this isn't about the president being anyone's boss. Comey was asked if any "senior officials AT the Department of Justice" had asked for an investigation to be halted.

And just because you're too ignorant to comprehend that Trump does not work AT the Department of Justice, doesn't mean anyone else is bound by your ignorance.

Again by all means run with your laughably absurd theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


The DOJ works for Trump you stupid ****, if you think that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


Republicans elect the 45th president of the United States...
Lol, false analogy Reagan was Norths boss not the other way around, now if North said that he had been never been asked to do something illegal by the Sec Def or the DOD but failed to mention that the POTUS did he would be guilty of perjury, unless you are claiming that the Sec Def is CinC to go along with your claim that the AG is not an employee of the POTUS.
Nice strawman but this isn't about the president being anyone's boss. Comey was asked if any "senior officials AT the Department of Justice" had asked for an investigation to be halted.

And just because you're too ignorant to comprehend that Trump does not work AT the Department of Justice, doesn't mean anyone else is bound by your ignorance.

Again by all means run with your laughably absurd theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


The DOJ works for Trump you stupid ****, if you think that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


Republicans elect the 45th president of the United States...

No, Trump is the head of the entire Executice branch of which the main justice is a department you ignorant moron.
Nice strawman but this isn't about the president being anyone's boss. Comey was asked if any "senior officials AT the Department of Justice" had asked for an investigation to be halted.

And just because you're too ignorant to comprehend that Trump does not work AT the Department of Justice, doesn't mean anyone else is bound by your ignorance.

Again by all means run with your laughably absurd theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


The DOJ works for Trump you stupid ****, if you think that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


Republicans elect the 45th president of the United States...

No, Trump is the head of the entire Executice branch of which the main justice is a department you ignorant moron.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.

Again by all means run with your laughably absurd theory that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS, good luck with that you dumb fuck.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


The DOJ works for Trump you stupid ****, if you think that a question regarding the DOJ attempting to obstruct justice doesn't extend to the POTUS then you are fucking retarded.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


Republicans elect the 45th president of the United States...

No, Trump is the head of the entire Executice branch of which the main justice is a department you ignorant moron.

Spits the abject imbecile who thinks Trump works AT the Department of Justice.


The department of justice works for Trump moron.
So why wasn't St Ronnie punished for what Traitor North did???? North served out of the NSC office in the White House at the pleasure of the POTUS. In his book, Traitor North writes that "Ronald Reagan knew of and approved a great deal of what went on with both the Iranian initiative and private efforts on behalf of the contras and he received regular, detailed briefings on both."
North had immunity you dumb fuck.
Did St Ronnie? :asshole:

There is no evidence that Reagan did anything illegal.
But North serves at the pleasure of the POTUS and the stupid argument of the Right has been that that makes them equally guilty or innocent.
Get it?

Lol, false analogy Reagan was Norths boss not the other way around, now if North said that he had been never been asked to do something illegal by the Sec Def or the DOD but failed to mention that the POTUS did he would be guilty of perjury, unless you are claiming that the Sec Def is CinC to go along with your claim that the AG is not an employee of the POTUS.
Repeating that BS does not make it any less BS.
Those lines indicate that the DOJ is a department of the Executive branch of government, the AG works at the pleasure and discretion of the POTUS you stupid fuck.
And North worked at the NSC, also part of the executive branch and also at the pleasure of POTUS.

Irrelevant false analogy Reagan was Norths boss not the other way around, now if North said that he had been never been asked to do something illegal by the Sec Def or the DOD but failed to mention that the POTUS did he would be guilty of perjury, unless you are claiming that the Sec Def is CinC to go along with your claim that the AG is not an employee of the POTUS.
Repeating that BS does not make it any less BS.
There is no evidence that Reagan did anything illegal.
Actually, according to North in his book, there is!

In his book, Traitor North writes that "Ronald Reagan knew of and approved a great deal of what went on with both the Iranian initiative and private efforts on behalf of the contras and he received regular, detailed briefings on both. I have no doubt that he was told about the use of residuals for the contras, and that he approved it. Enthusiastically." Videotaped Deposition

North did not say Reagan did anything illegal you lying sack of shit.
I quoted his book.
Your assertion that a question regarding the AG attempting to obstruct justice not extending to his boss is full on retarded.
Then it is just as retarded as your claim North's actions did NOT extend to his boss.

Irrelevant false analogy Reagan was Norths boss not the other way around, now if North said that he had been never been asked to do something illegal by the Sec Def or the DOD but failed to mention that the POTUS did he would be guilty of perjury, unless you are claiming that the Sec Def is CinC to go along with your claim that the AG is not an employee of the POTUS.
Repeating that BS does not make it any less BS.
Trump doesn't work at the DOJ the DOJ works for him you dumb fuck
Reagan doesn't work at the NSC, the NSC works for him :asshole:. That knife cuts both ways.

Irrelevant false analogy Reagan was Norths boss not the other way around, now if North said that he had been never been asked to do something illegal by the Sec Def or the DOD but failed to mention that the POTUS did he would be guilty of perjury, unless you are claiming that the Sec Def is CinC to go along with your claim that the AG is not an employee of the POTUS.
Repeating that BS does not make it any less BS.
If you didn't join the regressive pile on on Sessions, you're the exception and have my apologies. That would not negate Comey's obligation to report an obstruction attempt.

Apology accepted, thanks, that's appreciated.

As far as Comey, it's only required if he thought Trump's request was obstruction.

Exactly, which we must assume he didn't since there was no report. Yet you have commiecrats screaming for impeachment on obstruction charges, go figure.

Because since that meeting with Comey.... Trump fired him. Now it's clear Trump was trying to obstruct the investigation even though it was clear at first.

More assumptions, you don't know when Trump made the decision to fire Comey. He had the constitutional authority to do so. And just so you know, he has the constitutional authority to end the investigation if he choses to do it. There is no law that would prevent it, it's within his discretion. If you recall, he wasn't very happy with Comey during the campaign, come to think of it, neither were you regressives.


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Aren't you regressives claiming Sessions committed perjury because he answered a question in the context in which it was asked? Hypocrite much?
Except Sessions answered a question he asked himself! Franken asked Sessions a hypothetical: What would he do if he learned that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government during the campaign?

"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions

Sessions talked to the Russian ambassador in his capacity as a member of the armed services committee not as a Trump surrogate you stupid fake news peddling faggot.
Even you admit Sessions lied, you just rationalize it was OK.
Apology accepted, thanks, that's appreciated.

As far as Comey, it's only required if he thought Trump's request was obstruction.

Exactly, which we must assume he didn't since there was no report. Yet you have commiecrats screaming for impeachment on obstruction charges, go figure.

Because since that meeting with Comey.... Trump fired him. Now it's clear Trump was trying to obstruct the investigation even though it was clear at first.

More assumptions, you don't know when Trump made the decision to fire Comey. He had the constitutional authority to do so. And just so you know, he has the constitutional authority to end the investigation if he choses to do it. There is no law that would prevent it, it's within his discretion. If you recall, he wasn't very happy with Comey during the campaign, come to think of it, neither were you regressives.


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.
Exactly, which we must assume he didn't since there was no report. Yet you have commiecrats screaming for impeachment on obstruction charges, go figure.

Because since that meeting with Comey.... Trump fired him. Now it's clear Trump was trying to obstruct the investigation even though it was clear at first.

More assumptions, you don't know when Trump made the decision to fire Comey. He had the constitutional authority to do so. And just so you know, he has the constitutional authority to end the investigation if he choses to do it. There is no law that would prevent it, it's within his discretion. If you recall, he wasn't very happy with Comey during the campaign, come to think of it, neither were you regressives.


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.

Yeah, that's why commiecrats were demanding Comey to resign as late as Jan. Trump could cure all blindness and you folks would claim he hates seeing eye dogs.

They gave you Comey, they gave you the special prosecutor, now it's time to just STFU and let people do their jobs.

Because since that meeting with Comey.... Trump fired him. Now it's clear Trump was trying to obstruct the investigation even though it was clear at first.

More assumptions, you don't know when Trump made the decision to fire Comey. He had the constitutional authority to do so. And just so you know, he has the constitutional authority to end the investigation if he choses to do it. There is no law that would prevent it, it's within his discretion. If you recall, he wasn't very happy with Comey during the campaign, come to think of it, neither were you regressives.


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.

Yeah, that's why commiecrats were demanding Comey to resign as late as Jan. Trump could cure all blindness and you folks would claim he hates seeing eye dogs.
That was before Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct an FBI investigation.

But again, time will tell if Trump had any such tapes he alluded to and whether or not, like Nixon, he tampered with them.
More assumptions, you don't know when Trump made the decision to fire Comey. He had the constitutional authority to do so. And just so you know, he has the constitutional authority to end the investigation if he choses to do it. There is no law that would prevent it, it's within his discretion. If you recall, he wasn't very happy with Comey during the campaign, come to think of it, neither were you regressives.


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.

Yeah, that's why commiecrats were demanding Comey to resign as late as Jan. Trump could cure all blindness and you folks would claim he hates seeing eye dogs.
That was before Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct an FBI investigation.

But again, time will tell if Trump had any such tapes he alluded to and whether or not, like Nixon, he tampered with them.

No telling, maybe Trump sent the tapes over to Russia and Vladimir himself is piecing parts together and altering what Comey said.
More assumptions, you don't know when Trump made the decision to fire Comey. He had the constitutional authority to do so. And just so you know, he has the constitutional authority to end the investigation if he choses to do it. There is no law that would prevent it, it's within his discretion. If you recall, he wasn't very happy with Comey during the campaign, come to think of it, neither were you regressives.


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.

Yeah, that's why commiecrats were demanding Comey to resign as late as Jan. Trump could cure all blindness and you folks would claim he hates seeing eye dogs.
That was before Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct an FBI investigation.

But again, time will tell if Trump had any such tapes he alluded to and whether or not, like Nixon, he tampered with them.

Yeah, according to you regressives Comey had to go, right to the point you could create a new conspiracy theory when Trump granted your wish. Had your dear leader fired Comey you folks would have sang his praises, but if Trump does it, there has to be an ulterior motive. Hypocrite much?


So? Just like Nixon had the constitutional right to order his Attorney General to fire Cox.

How'd exercising his constitutional rights work out for Nixon?

Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.

Yeah, that's why commiecrats were demanding Comey to resign as late as Jan. Trump could cure all blindness and you folks would claim he hates seeing eye dogs.
That was before Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct an FBI investigation.

But again, time will tell if Trump had any such tapes he alluded to and whether or not, like Nixon, he tampered with them.

Yeah, according to you regressives Comey had to go, right to the point you could create a new conspiracy theory when Trump granted your wish. Had your dear leader fired Comey you folks would have sang his praises, but if Trump does it, there has to be an ulterior motive. Hypocrite much?

Had he fired Comey when he became president, this would have been a non-issue. Doing it after Comey refused to halt his investigation as Trump asked him to do, changes that.
Nixon actually destroyed evidence and Cox was an independent counsel, also Cox had not demonstrated poor judgment on multiple occasions, you're trying to draw a false equivalence.

Whether or not there are tapes or if Trump destroyed any remains to be seen...

U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes

As far as Comey demonstrating poor judgement, that was a year ago and even Trump said Comey was doing a fine job until the day after he fired him.

Yeah, that's why commiecrats were demanding Comey to resign as late as Jan. Trump could cure all blindness and you folks would claim he hates seeing eye dogs.
That was before Trump fired Comey in an attempt to obstruct an FBI investigation.

But again, time will tell if Trump had any such tapes he alluded to and whether or not, like Nixon, he tampered with them.

Yeah, according to you regressives Comey had to go, right to the point you could create a new conspiracy theory when Trump granted your wish. Had your dear leader fired Comey you folks would have sang his praises, but if Trump does it, there has to be an ulterior motive. Hypocrite much?

Had he fired Comey when he became president, this would have been a non-issue. Doing it after Comey refused to halt his investigation as Trump asked him to do, changes that.

Once again you have zero proof for your claims. Hell the anonymous sources for the NYT and WAPO could be a used car salesman in Bum Fuck Egypt, for all you know, if they exist at all. At the rate they are being debunked, they may very well not exist.


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