Coming to a Red State near you....

Other than where it says "the Right of the PEOPLE"....


You :free-dumb types forget all about the qualifiers to the Second Amendment, which renders it moot and insupportable since the National Guard was instituted in 1903.

Indeed, there’s nothing in the Second Amendment about an individual right to possess a handgun or a right to self-defense; if the right to privacy is ‘made up’ so too are the individual right to possess a handgun and the right to self-defense.
your premise is a lie,, right there in the 2nd A it says the right of the people,,

no where does anything say right to privacy,,
No it's not, it's used to show the people who care about women in abortion, don't care about women in other things......they only care about abortion....
Conservatives are masters of the red herring fallacy – as a consequence of their cowardice, dishonesty, ignorance, and stupidity, conservatives attempt to deflect from arguments they have no rational response to and know they can’t win.

Overturning Roe was wrongheaded and indefensible – and conservatives know it.
This is what conservatives refuse to understand: that the right to reproductive autonomy and healthcare is far more than just ‘abortion’

“An abortion ban would create a broad swath of unnecessary health risks for women while also creating risk and reluctance for doctors who care for them, three Duke doctors said Tuesday.”

Reproductive autonomy is a buzz phrase used by idiots like yourself. Every woman has 'reproductive autonomy.'
Conservatives are masters of the red herring fallacy – as a consequence of their cowardice, dishonesty, ignorance, and stupidity, conservatives attempt to deflect from arguments they have no rational response to and know they can’t win.

Overturning Roe was wrongheaded and indefensible – and conservatives know it.
your premise is a lie and more of a projection of what the left does,,
What will be the fall out from this for women? What can we expect to see?

In some states it will be totally legal and in others totally illegal and in others somewhat restricted but still legal, so it depends on where you live. There are still some questions to be dealt with, such as mail order abortions (pills), but they're only good for the 1st 10 weeks of a pregnancy. Will that be illegal in some states and would that law be constitutional? Don't know. Maybe the Left will make it a more important issue in certain states than it is now, and some states will loosen their abortion laws a little bit. Right now, inflation and the economy are center stage, but sooner or later social issues like abortion will gain in prominence.

For now, it doesn't look good for those who get pregnant in a state that does not allow abortion. It's easy for me (a man) to say well that's too bad, maybe you shoulda kept your legs together or used BC of some kind. But once that horse has left the barn, what do we do next? In some cases, those who can afford it will travel to another state, but others who are not as fortunate will need help to do that or just have the baby. There's such a thing as deterrence, maybe we'll see fewer unwanted pregnancies in some states. I think the message should be loud and clear about this: if you aren't ready to have a baby then don't have unprotected sex. I think contraceptives ought to be legal and free everywhere, as well as the morning after pills. Pregnancy tests too. Don't be waiting too long to find out.
More on point, Roe codified and recognized a right to privacy that has always existed – a fundamental, inalienable right.

By overturning Roe, the Supreme Court has indicated that the courts will no longer recognize and defend that right, allowing the states to violate the right to privacy – but the right still exists.

The right to privacy could be codified by Congress in Federal law, where abortion would again be legal in all 50 states.

Indeed, moving forward, we’ll see efforts to defend the right to privacy through the political process, now that the judicial process is no longer available.

And that very much matters – a fundamental, inalienable right recognized by the Supreme Court for 50 years now no longer recognized for purely capricious, partisan reasons.
Why haven't Democrats codified that law yet?
A limitation against the federal government is in the constitution. Nowhere in the federal constitution are states precluded from passing any gun control law they wish.

Nowhere in the federal constitution are states precluded from passing any anti-religion or anti-free speech law they wish.

Except they are precluded. Because it's un-fucking-constitutional.
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I'm sure as hell gonna make certain that MY "trigger ban" state BACKS off on "medical necessity" to a tolerable point. IT WILL be "moderated". Because -- the giant miscalculation here by the ULTRA lifers is that they will LOSE support from not only Dems, but MORE IMPORTANTLY -- Independents if they dont pull it back a notch from the brink of cruelty.

I CALL it cruelty, because my wife had to look at the USound pix of 3 month old with NO cerebral development. I missed that appointment with her. And carrying a baby for another six months GUARANTEED to die within minutes of birth if not hours -- if not before for 6 months, would have ruined our plans for a first kid and been unneccesarily traumatic.

And the other miscalculation is that the ULTRA lifers and the media and a lot of public is making is that NOW -- about 60% of ALL abortions are done by "mail order" pill, not in abortion procedures. Should my state consider taking that CONTRACEPTIVE option away (good until 12 weeks) -- I will hammer them into submission. To BAN that option, requires threatening companies that ship into Tennessee and it will become all black market. PERHAPS if the cartels and China get their way, the pills will be shipped via Mexico laced with fentanyl like the ones that killed 107,000 YOUNG Americas last year.

I'm really sorry about your wife. :(

I am about as pro-life as anyone can be...yet a close family member had a D&C in the first three mos of pg. Same situation. There was no hope of a viable baby at the end of it. I am reluctant to pass judgment on that.


Contraceptives prevent pregnancy. Plan B prevents implantation after sex, which is also a form of contraceptive. RU 486 is a medical abortion, not a contraceptive. It works on an established pregnancy. I agree there would be issues with allowing/curtailing that, but we should at least call it what it is. An abortion pill.
You have NO ABORTIONS, not even in cases of rape or incest in most of these states. That's not "common sense" laws. There is no such thing as a "common sense abortion law". All laws which strip women of their right of free will, are wrong.
Those laws can require a police report and proof of rape. Today, 2 out of 3 sexual assaults go unreported. I suspect that will decrease to 0 unreported assaults. That is a good thing. NBC news calls that 'problematic.'

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