Coming to a Red State near you....

I'm really sorry about your wife. :(

I am about as pro-life as anyone can be...yet a close family member had a D&C in the first three mos of pg. Same situation. There was no hope of a viable baby at the end of it. I am reluctant to pass judgment on that.


Contraceptives prevent pregnancy. Plan B prevents implantation after sex, which is also a form of contraceptive. RU 486 is a medical abortion, not a contraceptive. It works on an established pregnancy. I agree there would be issues with allowing/curtailing that, but we should at least call it what it is. An abortion pill.

THanks. I think all these medical contingiencies are BEYOND the politicians and the dogma. That's why I WISH --- the Medical world would WEIGH in on this. They wont because EVEN DOCTORS are not immune from political/moral dogmas. And THEY would end up like the rest of us sparring for ground. BUT -- certainly POLITICIANS, judges and political ANALYSTS aren't gonna get folks to STFU and THINK about what JUST abortion law SHOULD look like.

One of the hazards of 50 years of Roe as Federal "law" is -- NOBODY has been forced into SERIOUS CONTEMPLATION of WRITING any abortion law. The Blue state politician kept pushing abortion until delivery and the Red states kept pushing the SCOTUS the OTHER WAY.. I understand WHY THEY didn't want this to be a "never-ending" war in THEIR COURT. IT NEEDS TO BE DESIGNED. That skill is FAR BEYOND ordinary politicians and will be "CROWD SOURCED" now in all 50 states. HOPEFULLY, that process ends in RARE needs for abortion.

Of course it's "an abortion pill". Should never be even CONSIDERED as contraception. Not what it was designed OR TESTED to do with chronic use. But it NEEDS to be available none the less. The people USING it properly are being proactive and RESPONSIBLE for not waiting MORE than 12 weeks to terminate pregnancy.
The 2A says “the militia”

“If blacks were citizens, Taney fretted, they would be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens, including the right ‘to keep and carry arms wherever they went.’ Id., at 417 (emphasis added).

Thus, even Chief Justice Taney recognized (albeit unenthusiastically in the case of blacks) that public carry was a component of the right to keep and bear arms — a right free blacks were often denied in antebellum America,” and that’s the end of the quote there.

After a year they still have bigger hearts, bigger lungs, more muscle mass, bigger skeletons, stronger tendons, higher testosterone. Etc, etc, etc.

Yes, after one year they can still retain muscle mass, but the longer they're on the blockers, the more strength they lose. There was one swimmer who had a great meet at the 12 month mark, which resulted in all sorts of doom and gloom forecasts, but she's never done nearly so well since, and her times have continued to decline.
“If blacks were citizens, Taney fretted, they would be entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens, including the right ‘to keep and carry arms wherever they went.’ Id., at 417 (emphasis added).
Thus, even Chief Justice Taney recognized (albeit unenthusiastically in the case of blacks) that public carry was a component of the right to keep and bear arms — a right free blacks were often denied in antebellum America,” and that’s the end of the quote there.

There is no such right given or implied in the Second Amendment. The right is tied to the necessity for a "well regulated militia".

Added to which, this law has stood for more than 100 years, and is one of the reasons New York has lower gun crime levels than Illinois.

Republicans are hell bent on getting rid of laws that work, and replacing them with chaos for everyday people. It's not rich people who are harmed by striking down the abortion laws, it's the poor people in America who will suffer. Rich women will just travel to a place where abortion is legal. Poor families will need more public assistance.
Yes, after one year they can still retain muscle mass, but the longer they're on the blockers, the more strength they lose. There was one swimmer who had a great meet at the 12 month mark, which resulted in all sorts of doom and gloom forecasts, but she's never done nearly so well since, and her times have continued to decline.
One swimmer? :auiqs.jpg:
There is no such right given or implied in the Second Amendment. The right is tied to the necessity for a "well regulated militia".

Added to which, this law has stood for more than 100 years, and is one of the reasons New York has lower gun crime levels than Illinois.

Right of the people, not right of the militia.
The effects will be devastating for many women.

Another aspect of this disastrous, wrongheaded decision is the specter of women being subject to prosecution for the ‘crime’ of abortion, bizarrely juxtaposed to women in free states at liberty to exercise their right to privacy.

How long will a Nation so divided allowed this injustice to stand.

Another aspect of this disastrous, wrongheaded decision is the specter of women being subject to prosecution for the ‘crime’ of abortion, bizarrely juxtaposed to women in free states at liberty to exercise their right to privacy.

How long will a Nation so divided allowed this injustice to stand.
No, doctors will be subject to prosecution. Do some reliable research before regurgitating Democrat-media talking points.

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