Coming to America?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
I saw this on a local radio stations website this morning and wonder if this is what we have to look forward to here in the U.S. Should people have a RIGHT not to be offended?

[ame=]YouTube - You cannot debate Islam. But inciting murder in front of the police seems fine.[/ame]
it is not racist to say these things about Islam... I'm an Iranian and a christian convert, and will always see it as a part of a duty to tell people about the inherent evils of Islam. Most Europeans don't want to say these things because they sound racist... but Islam is not a race, it is a religion... you can be middle eastern and hate Islam. Many do.
I have tried to be tolerant of Islam and its followers, but over the years this has become more and more difficult. Sadly, I have now come to the point that I have had enough of muslims in my country. I have come to realise that Islam is NOT a religion of love, respect and peace. Certainly not when their preachers advocate throwing homosexuals from the tops of mountains and their book of cultist followings insists that those who leave Islam for another religion should be killed. I have come to the conclusion that Islam is not even a religion. It is a cult that brainwashes its followers from birth. I am fucking sick and tired of constantly being told to walk on eggshells lest I offend muslims in my own country. Well. NO MORE!

We allow these cultists to stand on our streets and spout their vile hatred of the west, yet the likes of those like Geert Wilders are barred and gagged from speaking out. WTF! Since when has democracy been a one way street!? Since muslims came to our country it seems. Well, I'm very sorry, but my tolerance level has diminished to zero. Fuck Islam. Fuck its followers. If muslims don't like the way we live in the UK they can go forth and multiply in a country where Islam rules. Sorry, but they have failed the litmus test! They call us the unbelievers. Funny that. In MY country THEY are the unbelievers!

Rant over...except I forgot. Fuck mohammed too!
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Christine Amanpour did a documentary for CNN called the "War Within - Radical Muslims in the U.K." Check it out if they show it again. Very frightening.

There is more integration in the U.S. and less anger I believe, but by allowing these radicals to recruit and SEGREGATE themselves with special schools and whatnot, it will only be a matter of time before we start seeing the same trouble here.

Sharia law has no place in civilized countries. Go back to the frickin desert.
I have tried to be tolerant of Islam and its followers, but over the years this has become more and more difficult. Sadly, I have now come to the point that I have had enough of muslims in my country. I have come to realise that Islam is NOT a religion of love, respect and peace. Certainly not when their preachers advocate throwing homosexuals from the tops of mountains and their book of cultist followings insists that those who leave Islam for another religion should be killed. I have come to the conclusion that Islam is not even a religion. It is a cult that brainwashes its followers from birth. I am fucking sick and tired of constantly being told to walk on eggshells lest I offend muslims in my own country. Well. NO MORE!

We allow these cultists to stand on our streets and spout their vile hatred of the west, yet the likes of those like Geert Wilders are barred and gagged from speaking out. WTF! Since when has democracy been a one way street!? Since muslims came to our country it seems. Well, I'm very sorry, but my tolerance level has diminished to zero. Fuck Islam. Fuck its followers. If muslims don't like the way we live in the UK they can go forth and multiply in a country where Islam rules. Sorry, but they have failed the litmus test! They call us the unbelievers. Funny that. In MY country THEY are the unbelievers!

Rant over...except I forgot. Fuck mohammed too!

Them's fightin' words, Colin. Joining the BNP?

*I wouldn't judge you harshly if you said yes - if I were British, I'd consider it - despite it's racist element. And I find that very scary.*
I have tried to be tolerant of Islam and its followers, but over the years this has become more and more difficult. Sadly, I have now come to the point that I have had enough of muslims in my country. I have come to realise that Islam is NOT a religion of love, respect and peace. Certainly not when their preachers advocate throwing homosexuals from the tops of mountains and their book of cultist followings insists that those who leave Islam for another religion should be killed. I have come to the conclusion that Islam is not even a religion. It is a cult that brainwashes its followers from birth. I am fucking sick and tired of constantly being told to walk on eggshells lest I offend muslims in my own country. Well. NO MORE!

We allow these cultists to stand on our streets and spout their vile hatred of the west, yet the likes of those like Geert Wilders are barred and gagged from speaking out. WTF! Since when has democracy been a one way street!? Since muslims came to our country it seems. Well, I'm very sorry, but my tolerance level has diminished to zero. Fuck Islam. Fuck its followers. If muslims don't like the way we live in the UK they can go forth and multiply in a country where Islam rules. Sorry, but they have failed the litmus test! They call us the unbelievers. Funny that. In MY country THEY are the unbelievers!

Rant over...except I forgot. Fuck mohammed too!

Them's fightin' words, Colin. Joining the BNP?

*I wouldn't judge you harshly if you said yes - if I were British, I'd consider it - despite it's racist element. And I find that very scary.*

No Cali. I would certainly not consider supporting a Party that doesn't have the skill sets to govern the country. I am more inclined towards UKIP.

As I said, I've tried to be tolerant, but when a strange dog keeps shitting on your lawn it's time to do something about it.
I have tried to be tolerant of Islam and its followers, but over the years this has become more and more difficult. Sadly, I have now come to the point that I have had enough of muslims in my country. I have come to realise that Islam is NOT a religion of love, respect and peace. Certainly not when their preachers advocate throwing homosexuals from the tops of mountains and their book of cultist followings insists that those who leave Islam for another religion should be killed. I have come to the conclusion that Islam is not even a religion. It is a cult that brainwashes its followers from birth. I am fucking sick and tired of constantly being told to walk on eggshells lest I offend muslims in my own country. Well. NO MORE!

We allow these cultists to stand on our streets and spout their vile hatred of the west, yet the likes of those like Geert Wilders are barred and gagged from speaking out. WTF! Since when has democracy been a one way street!? Since muslims came to our country it seems. Well, I'm very sorry, but my tolerance level has diminished to zero. Fuck Islam. Fuck its followers. If muslims don't like the way we live in the UK they can go forth and multiply in a country where Islam rules. Sorry, but they have failed the litmus test! They call us the unbelievers. Funny that. In MY country THEY are the unbelievers!

Rant over...except I forgot. Fuck mohammed too!

Them's fightin' words, Colin. Joining the BNP?

*I wouldn't judge you harshly if you said yes - if I were British, I'd consider it - despite it's racist element. And I find that very scary.*

No Cali. I would certainly not consider supporting a Party that doesn't have the skill sets to govern the country. I am more inclined towards UKIP.

As I said, I've tried to be tolerant, but when a strange dog keeps shitting on your lawn it's time to do something about it.

Fine choice. UKIP... Yeah, I'd be comfortable in there. Shame that Britain isn't 'Great' any more (Dont tell anyone but I actually do think it is Great - but the Brits seem ashamed of it).
Christine Amanpour did a documentary for CNN called the "War Within - Radical Muslims in the U.K." Check it out if they show it again. Very frightening.

There is more integration in the U.S. and less anger I believe, but by allowing these radicals to recruit and SEGREGATE themselves with special schools and whatnot, it will only be a matter of time before we start seeing the same trouble here. Sharia law has no place in civilized countries. Go back to the frickin desert.

Totally Agree. The problem is that they already know how to "lawyer-up". We need Congress to step-up and pass better laws that deports/prosecutes anyone who espouses Sharia Law.
Christine Amanpour did a documentary for CNN called the "War Within - Radical Muslims in the U.K." Check it out if they show it again. Very frightening.

There is more integration in the U.S. and less anger I believe, but by allowing these radicals to recruit and SEGREGATE themselves with special schools and whatnot, it will only be a matter of time before we start seeing the same trouble here. Sharia law has no place in civilized countries. Go back to the frickin desert.

Totally Agree. The problem is that they already know how to "lawyer-up". We need Congress to step-up and pass better laws that deports/prosecutes anyone who espouses Sharia Law.

We cannot deport based on religion, but there are any number of other ways, and by this video, inciting violence, making threats, and so on, would be the way to go. The Freedom of Speech thing actually does have some limits, and that is the direction the limits come from. I don't know about the law in England, but that is the deal here in the US of A.

This whole site gets into the whole issue in detail, in very understandable terms: Freedom of Speech Explanations

There are Q'uran "cherry pickers" just as we have our biblical picker types and in all cases they are "usually" tiny-minded, ineffectual, dissatisfied with everything in life, got an ugly wife crazies, and to justify their own base notions, do this sort of thing. One can, if one looks hard enough, find justification for just about anything in "holy writings!"

And what has happened to these hotel owners in England is ridiculous, but since they are charged with "hate" speech, so need to be the ones in the video! In fact it is the "word" of one, unrecorded, vs. a situation of the others on video! Local constabulary needs to get some balls! Let them understand that it is quid pro quo there, fair for one, fair for all, and if they cannot get that, then out they go!

As for the couple, a lesson NEVER to discuss religion with one of the "others" ----- and even Christians, in their zeal, can get dumb about the approach they make in trying to bring others into the "fold." Lesson there is that the he at the hotel should have limited his conversation with the Muslim she to whether or not the room situation was acceptable.

No separate schools, either, religious education should be an out of regular school issue.... like we TRY to do here! (The other side of this is Christians here determined to force Christian prayer into secular schooling in the US of A... Hope some of the nuttier here are catching that!)
Christine Amanpour did a documentary for CNN called the "War Within - Radical Muslims in the U.K." Check it out if they show it again. Very frightening.

There is more integration in the U.S. and less anger I believe, but by allowing these radicals to recruit and SEGREGATE themselves with special schools and whatnot, it will only be a matter of time before we start seeing the same trouble here. Sharia law has no place in civilized countries. Go back to the frickin desert.

Totally Agree. The problem is that they already know how to "lawyer-up". We need Congress to step-up and pass better laws that deports/prosecutes anyone who espouses Sharia Law.

We cannot deport based on religion, but there are any number of other ways, and by this video, inciting violence, making threats, and so on, would be the way to go. The Freedom of Speech thing actually does have some limits, and that is the direction the limits come from. I don't know about the law in England, but that is the deal here in the US of A.

This whole site gets into the whole issue in detail, in very understandable terms: Freedom of Speech Explanations

There are Q'uran "cherry pickers" just as we have our biblical picker types and in all cases they are "usually" tiny-minded, ineffectual, dissatisfied with everything in life, got an ugly wife crazies, and to justify their own base notions, do this sort of thing. One can, if one looks hard enough, find justification for just about anything in "holy writings!"

And what has happened to these hotel owners in England is ridiculous, but since they are charged with "hate" speech, so need to be the ones in the video! In fact it is the "word" of one, unrecorded, vs. a situation of the others on video! Local constabulary needs to get some balls! Let them understand that it is quid pro quo there, fair for one, fair for all, and if they cannot get that, then out they go!

As for the couple, a lesson NEVER to discuss religion with one of the "others" ----- and even Christians, in their zeal, can get dumb about the approach they make in trying to bring others into the "fold." Lesson there is that the he at the hotel should have limited his conversation with the Muslim she to whether or not the room situation was acceptable.

No separate schools, either, religious education should be an out of regular school issue.... like we TRY to do here! (The other side of this is Christians here determined to force Christian prayer into secular schooling in the US of A... Hope some of the nuttier here are catching that!)

The "deal" in England seems to depend on what group is the target of your "free speech".

Pensioner who complained about gay pride march warned by police about 'hate crime' | Mail Online
Totally Agree. The problem is that they already know how to "lawyer-up". We need Congress to step-up and pass better laws that deports/prosecutes anyone who espouses Sharia Law.

We cannot deport based on religion, but there are any number of other ways, and by this video, inciting violence, making threats, and so on, would be the way to go. The Freedom of Speech thing actually does have some limits, and that is the direction the limits come from. I don't know about the law in England, but that is the deal here in the US of A.

This whole site gets into the whole issue in detail, in very understandable terms: Freedom of Speech Explanations

There are Q'uran "cherry pickers" just as we have our biblical picker types and in all cases they are "usually" tiny-minded, ineffectual, dissatisfied with everything in life, got an ugly wife crazies, and to justify their own base notions, do this sort of thing. One can, if one looks hard enough, find justification for just about anything in "holy writings!"

And what has happened to these hotel owners in England is ridiculous, but since they are charged with "hate" speech, so need to be the ones in the video! In fact it is the "word" of one, unrecorded, vs. a situation of the others on video! Local constabulary needs to get some balls! Let them understand that it is quid pro quo there, fair for one, fair for all, and if they cannot get that, then out they go!

As for the couple, a lesson NEVER to discuss religion with one of the "others" ----- and even Christians, in their zeal, can get dumb about the approach they make in trying to bring others into the "fold." Lesson there is that the he at the hotel should have limited his conversation with the Muslim she to whether or not the room situation was acceptable.

No separate schools, either, religious education should be an out of regular school issue.... like we TRY to do here! (The other side of this is Christians here determined to force Christian prayer into secular schooling in the US of A... Hope some of the nuttier here are catching that!)

The "deal" in England seems to depend on what group is the target of your "free speech".

Pensioner who complained about gay pride march warned by police about 'hate crime' | Mail Online

This group seems to be on it to help them: Christians face trial for criticising Islam | News | The Christian Institute and I am wondering about some of this, there is an appearance of "put up job" by the radicals because Geert Wilders is coming to England.

[ame=""]Geert Wilders Speaking[/ame]

One thing I know, FUNDAMENTALIST religion from any freaking group gets on my nerves, and it is a problem, world wide.

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