Comments from Biden remind America about decency

So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

So after years whining about Biden now you are on the bandwagon?
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Pretty words in a speech, but ugly conduct in his personal life. But pretty words is all that matters to Liberals.
As painfully flawed as Biden is, he is a regal and brilliant statesman compared to the ignorant, arrogant, childlike buffoon currently in the White House.

The bar is now that low. In the mud. Trumpsters put it there.
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I can see you petulant children hate the idea of being nice.

These assholes have been slandering us for years, not to mention doxxing and literally attacking and even killing us in the streets.

Yes, we reject the idea of being "nice" to such people.
I won't mock those Trump voters who have decided to act like grownups and accept reality, instead of throwing these loser-hypocrite tantrums. You know, both of those people.

There aren't many like that. The Trump cult spent 4 years teaching them that basic human decency meant liberalism, therefore any decent human being had to be destroyed. Trump cultists were trained to be vicious Stalinist lackeys, and they learned well.

So, cry on, Trump cult losers. Know that we're laughing at you. Mmmm, Trump cult tears, so delicious, so yummy. Mor plz.


So, you're not following Biden's lead on reconciliation either?

Is that because you disagree with him, or is it because you think he is talking shit and doesn't mean it?
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.

So you actually buy his bullshit about being president for "all americans"

This, coming from an obedient Trumpster.

Oh, the irony.

Wow. How respectful and humble you are.

So, are you unhappy with Biden's outreach, or are you ignoring it, because you know he is just talking shit?
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Easy to be gracious when the election has been fixed in your favor, dipshit. Enjoy Joe Pedo, the Chi-com bitch. You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Easy to be gracious when the election has been fixed in your favor, dipshit. Enjoy Joe Pedo, the Chi-com bitch. You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Biden hasn't won yet. Calm down. You're so emotional.
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So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Easy to be gracious when the election has been fixed in your favor, dipshit. Enjoy Joe Pedo, the Chi-com bitch. You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Biden hasn't won yet. Calm down. You're so emotional.

IF you were serious about being happy that Biden was being so "stateman like" and following his lead, your response would have been something like..

"Trump will get his recount and maybe he will win. If he does so, legitimately, I will support him as the duly elected President".

Snark is divisive. Dismissal of others, is divisive. YOU are divisive.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Easy to be gracious when the election has been fixed in your favor, dipshit. Enjoy Joe Pedo, the Chi-com bitch. You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Biden hasn't won yet. Calm down. You're so emotional.

That is a hilarious assessment given your angst over this joke of an election process that I don't participate in.....your tiny testicles were curled up in your belly at the thought of a Trump feel free to go fuck yourself. Brace yourself for a mandatory RFID chip and vaccines with a schedule lest you not be able to purchase the necessary means to subsist on. A pathetic slice of shit like yourself will do all you can to make "the cut" of the culling and do all you can to curry favor with your masters. I have a feeling that due to your age that you will not be on the final roster.

So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Easy to be gracious when the election has been fixed in your favor, dipshit. Enjoy Joe Pedo, the Chi-com bitch. You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Biden hasn't won yet. Calm down. You're so emotional.

That is a hilarious assessment given your angst over this joke of an election process that I don't participate in.....your tiny testicles were curled up in your belly at the thought of a Trump feel free to go fuck yourself. Brace yourself for a mandatory RFID chip and vaccines with a schedule lest you not be able to purchase the necessary means to subsist on. A pathetic slice of shit like yourself will do all you can to make "the cut" of the culling and do all you can to curry favor with your masters. I have a feeling that due to your age that you will not be on the final roster.

Are you like this in real life?
Pedo Joe is a Chi-com puppet.....a commie just like you, "buddy".......kindred souls.


Upset the Chinese made communism work and you Russians couldn't, Dmitri?
Joe Fat Fuck, the bloated commie, you kiss the ass of the Chi-coms, don't ya? Still clinging to the ROOSKIES stole the election from the Hildebeast?

Let me tell ya "Buddy", I am more of an American than you could ever hope to be. You hide like the gutless coward that you are while I am totally transparent and put my pics and youtube videos out there for any and all to see. I am TEN times the man that you could only hope to be, you bloated commie pussy.

So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Easy to be gracious when the election has been fixed in your favor, dipshit. Enjoy Joe Pedo, the Chi-com bitch. You really are one stupid motherfucker.
Biden hasn't won yet. Calm down. You're so emotional.

That is a hilarious assessment given your angst over this joke of an election process that I don't participate in.....your tiny testicles were curled up in your belly at the thought of a Trump feel free to go fuck yourself. Brace yourself for a mandatory RFID chip and vaccines with a schedule lest you not be able to purchase the necessary means to subsist on. A pathetic slice of shit like yourself will do all you can to make "the cut" of the culling and do all you can to curry favor with your masters. I have a feeling that due to your age that you will not be on the final roster.

Are you like this in real life?
Are you this stupid and clueless in real life? I am the real deal, dipshit....I speak the truth and I am not shy about it...why should I? No one has ever been able to refute my claims and those that disagree look at me like the character "Carl" from the movie "Sling Blade". God knows that you have never presented a challenge on any front.
Brace yourself for a mandatory RFID chip and vaccines with a schedule lest you not be able to purchase the necessary means to subsist on.

How much time do you spend making up this level of crazy, Dmitri?

Too funny, Joe fat will be shoving people aside to get to the front of the line using your pear-shaped physique to bump people out of the way to insure you get the shot and the chip, "Buddy"......"pal".

You strike me as the kind of gutless wonder that would throw anyone under the bus including your
wife and kids in order to save your own hide. I can only judge you from your own postings where you believe that others are responsible for your well-being and that you matter the can throw a rock in any direction and hit a fat piece of worthless shit like yourself with relative shortage at all in that department...

Joe Fat Fuck, the bloated commie, you kiss the ass of the Chi-coms, don't ya? Still clinging to the ROOSKIES stole the election from the Hildebeast?

Let me tell ya "Buddy", I am more of an American than you could ever hope to be. You hide like the gutless coward that you are while I am totally transparent and put my pics and youtube videos out there for any and all to see. I am TEN times the man that you could only hope to be, you bloated commie pussy.

Uh, sorry, buddy.. I'm a vet. That already gives me FAR more points in the American department than you do.

You are either a Russia Troll or a crazy person. I'm still leaning towards Russian Troll.
So Joe Biden comes out to make some comments, is presidential, articulate, respectful, hopeful, and humble.

Holy crap, talk about whiplash. It's been a long time. An adult again.

Anyway, good luck sir, this ain't over. And thanks for the reminder of what the White House occupant should be.
Pretty words in a speech, but ugly conduct in his personal life. But pretty words is all that matters to Liberals.

So true.

They do not care about the victims of robbery, sucker punching, looting, etc.

They only like pretty words about how those perps are "victims" of systemic you-know-what.

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