Committee Votes To Release Trumps' Taxes 24-16. Tell Me Why ThisI isn't Partisan Bullsh#T

So what?

Did the IRS say he broke the law?

As for what you want to see, we’ll it ain’t none of your business unless you get a law passed requiring him to show them!

Simple as that!
The IRS also said Hillary, Obama and Biden have broke no tax laws....but it still doesn't stop right-wingers from fantasizing that they did.....

By the way, they all released their tax returns without multiple court cases to withhold them

Why don't Trump sycophants ever practice what they preach?
The IRS also said Hillary, Obama and Biden have broke no tax laws....but it still doesn't stop right-wingers from fantasizing that they did.....

By the way, they all released their tax returns without multiple court cases to withhold them

Why don't Trump sycophants ever practice what they preach?
What makes you think that Hillary, Obama, and Biden actually released their returns so they could be copied and spread all over the headlines? What they did release was how much they paid in taxes....not the actual 1040 forms along with all of their schedule C and 1099 forms?
Presidents and presidential candidates of both parties have long made public their tax returns – if Trump didn’t want to honor that tradition of openness and honesty in the public interest, he shouldn’t have rune for president and should now retire from political life.
Here is where you force me again to disagree and support that asshole. Damn, I wish I hadn't started this thread.
While I agree, it is tradition, it is still not the law. The law does not require it.
If somebody does not release their taxes as a show of good faith and integrity (something he has never had, in my opinion) it is up to the American people to take that into account and not vote for the asshole, but no. The did vote for him, and he beat "The Hill", someone equally duplicitous and self-serving, known to get away with crap, clearly of equally low moral, who had literally bought and paid for the DNC in the run-up to the election, using her money to defeat, asshole Bernie the socialist, for the nomination with the help of the bought and paid for DNC, itself. Bringing me back to one of my common themes, there was nobody worth a shit, running in the 2016. We were going to have a total asshole bastard or bitch, against American tradition values, any way it played out.
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

If it's partisan, so was getting the tax returns on every President since Nixon. Did you complain then?
What makes you think that Hillary, Obama, and Biden actually released their returns so they could be copied and spread all over the headlines? What they did release was how much they paid in taxes....not the actual 1040 forms along with all of their schedule C and 1099 forms?
Did Hillary Clinton, Former President Obama and current President Biden release their tax returns?

Yes or No?
I think they just voted to release the tax returns to the public. I don't know about any redactions. My guess is that even if they are there, there will be some leaks, some slip-ups, some oversights, exposing some sensitive information further harming Trump. Oops.

That is a rather profound truth. Kind of a corollary to many in the government's view that just because something is ILLEGAL doesn't mean you SHOULDN'T do it-- so long as you never get caught. :smoke:

Yes, and voluntary.

Same as the 8/8 raid on Trump's house-- -- if you really think you've got the goods on an ex-president so heinous as to justify the need to raid his home or force the public airing of years and years of his tax returns despite no legal compunction, then fine so long as you can justify it, and to date, NOTHING has been produced to justify anything, because if it were, then why haven't charges been filed against Trump?

But then, after the two impeachments: one over a phone call asking if Biden had been involved in dirt in Ukraine and following OLC counsel in not turning over unsubpoenaed documents to uphold the separation of powers between coequal branches, and the other stupidly a week before leaving office anyway over a party's displeasure and personal feelings that Trump was somehow responsible for a few hundred irate voters enticed to break into the Capitol when the Capitol was unprepared to fully stop it, nothing surprises me anymore.

Who knows, Trump might end up being the guiltiest man in the world, but even if he is, it shouldn't take sham investigations flouting the law to prove it as a country is only as sound as its willingness to adhere to its OWN LAWS.
" Kind of a corollary to many in the government's view that just because something is ILLEGAL doesn't mean you SHOULDN'T do it-- so long as you never get caught.:smoke: " .
You sure got that part right. Reminds me of that movie "Three Days of the Condor" where Robert Redford says something like, "What's with you people? You really think not getting caught in a lie is the same as telling the truth?"
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

It wasn't partisan bullshit when every other candidate released theirs, or when Trump lied his ass off about not releasing his. Just another problem caused by Trump and rectified by those not in his cult and quite in spite of his cult.
It wasn't partisan bullshit when every other candidate released theirs, or when Trump lied his ass off about not releasing his. Just another problem caused by Trump and rectified by those not in his cult.

Every other candidate DIDN'T release theirs at all.

I'm still waiting for Mini Mike Bloomberg to show his.
Except he wasn't elected, he was selected. The people said "No". They've been saying NO loudly ever since, handing the GOP their asses in 2018, 2020 and now 2022.

Frankly, Candidates for office should be REQUIRED to release their tax returns. This shouldn't even be a debate.

Everyone else who has run for President since 1976 has released his tax records.

The only reason why Trump doesn't want to release his is because they'll show he's not as rich or successful as he's been telling everyone for the last 30 years.
His income tx returns won't tell you anything about his riches or succeses. You obviously have never filled out a tax return!
Remember when racist right-wingers got all pissed and demanded Obama release his birth certificate?? There wasn't any law that required him to do so....what's up with that?

And remember how some insecure fat orange narcissist fed on that racist birther bullshit in order to gain relevancy in the GOP?? All behind a birth certificate?

Anywhoo, back to this pearl clutching over tax returns being released
Hillary started the birther nonsense, not Trump!
It is their job to investigate the actions of the head of the Executive Branch, and tell the public of their findings. These are some of those findings.

One could argue that his tax returns from before he was elected aren't relevant, but if, for example, he hid information from the public with the intent to deceive, that certainly qualifies, I think, as a pressing concern.

That's just one instance off the top of my head. I'm positive that a room full of lawyers and politicians can show plenty of cause to whomever asks.
Since the vote, that is exactly what is coming out, and the fact the the problem goes all the way to the head of the IRS at the time, appointed by Trump, who for the first time since Nixon was convinced somehow to dispence with the IRS internal regulation that all Presidents of The United States will have their taxes audited automatically, without fail, to avoid any IRS personnel from looking like they were doing political attacks on sitting presidents, as all presidents got the same treatment. OK, Trump did not. So your point is valid, as a cover up of this nature will have to be investigated, also, and the public would need to know and understand the scope of the problem discovered and supposedly how they discovered it, in this case, Trump's taxes.

I still disagree with the "planned for" release to the public at this time, without charges, but also realize correcting something of a nature as this, will require public scrutiny or it would appear an undercover partisan witch hunt, rather than a public partisan witch-hunt until the charges are proven in court, which will take years.

I actually have no doubt of trump personally being a tax cheat, just as his corporation was recently found guilty of being a tax cheat or that his hand picked head of the IRS quietly internally shelved the rule that all presidents be audited, to the benefit of his boss.
You folks know, I am not a Trump supporter, not a party member and have stated my Independent status many times. That said, what is this action other than partisan bullsh#t? While quite aware, it has become tradition for a candidate before an election, but this crap is about him not doing it before the 2016 election and whether I liked or you liked it or not, he was elected, anyway. That was then. This is now. I am aware, the Supreme Court the Supreme Court ordered that he release the information to Congressional scrutiny. I am good with that, but they never said release it to the public, that I am aware of. This is just a spitefull, partisan action and I tend to think, public release at this point is an undue release, an invasion of privacy (even if he's an asshole) and possibly illegal. My representative is on that committee and voted against. Barring him not doing something stupid (which he doesn't have much history of) I shall vote for him again, next time he runs.

It is obviously partisan bullshit.
Except he wasn't elected, he was selected. The people said "No". They've been saying NO loudly ever since, handing the GOP their asses in 2018, 2020 and now 2022.

Frankly, Candidates for office should be REQUIRED to release their tax returns. This shouldn't even be a debate.

Everyone else who has run for President since 1976 has released his tax records.

The only reason why Trump doesn't want to release his is because they'll show he's not as rich or successful as he's been telling everyone for the last 30 years.
I suspect codifying that requirement into law, instead of IRS internal reg, is what will come about.
How are they going to smear Trump because he exaggerates. We all know that. The perception of trump will not change. IF they are releasing them then there is something juicy.

NYT reports says that they have obtained these records that report Trump just paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, and that same tiny amount the following year. Trump paid no income tax at all in 11 out of the 18 years that the Times examined after obtaining his tax-return data.

Yeah I want to see them
I don't, don't care at all to see any US citizens tax returns because they are personal property. If the IRS has a problem with Trump that is between them and him. Nobody elses business.
How did the Times get his income tax data? That is illegal by any stretch of the imagination.

Who cares if you want to see them. They are none of your fucking business!
Its tax return data and not the actual tax return. The reports contain the committee’s summation of its findings but not the raw tax returns.
I don't, don't care at all to see any US citizens tax returns because they are personal property. If the IRS has a problem with Trump that is between them and him. Nobody elses business.
The reports contain the committee’s summation of its findings but not the raw tax returns

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