Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

For a home owner or business owner a shotgun is the defensive weapon of choice.
How do you know?

Shotguns are also used by SWAT in home breaching and in military assaults on a densely-vegetated defensive position
It is loud, intimidating and very effective against a single target or a small unit of targets, depending on the choke.
An AR pistol is even louder, and emits a huge flash that will blind intruders, and is more of a controlled projectile. It also has much less recoil, so it can be used by people who are small or frail.

The offensive weapon is one which is use to spread fire more widely and at a greater range. Unlike the shotgun, many more targets can be killed or wounded and terrified.
All offensive weapons can be used for defense. All defensive weapons can be used for assault.

You are splitting hairs on a distinction.

By your definition, our deer rifles would be confiscated. Those are 100% offensive weapons.
Fully automatic firearms are restricted to LE and the Military,
That doesn't bother you?

only licensed citizens are able to own or possess them;
Not correct. No license is required, but we can only have only full-autos built before 1985. Anything after 1985 is strictly off limits to civilians, unless you are a gun manufacturer or dealer WITH a SPECIFIC request from a military or law enforcement agency to construct such a weapon. In other words, the practical effect is that NO civilians can be licensed to possess a full-auto.

But, our government sure can. I wonder where it got such authority, to the exclusion of the people, of whom the government is supposed to be of, by, and for.


I suggest you read Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus and then consider the mass murderer(s) who die by their own hand or by LE or killing their spouse (and) family and then themselves.
So, count the homicides, and exclude the suicide. It's not different under that scenario. A suicide is not gun violence and should be excluded from the statistics (which cuts the number in half, at least).
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.

They do? You must know what you post is utter Bullshit. Why not admit you love guns, hate people and are a total fuck up?

IMO, YOU ARE and the rest of those whose head is in the sand and are willfully ignorant on the myriad problems facing our nation: Bigotry; Ignorance; Greed; and Callous Disregard for our fellow citizens.
Progressives like yourself always have screwed up priorities
Sorry, but more and more people aren't buying the AR. More ARs are being sold but fewer and fewer people are buying it. When I go into a gun store around here (heavy Red Area) is see the AR lining the shelves gathering dust. With the common sense gun laws in affect, the AR-15 Cult was broken and that's all it was. You are part of that Cult. I don't expect you to open your eyes and see reality. And I won't spend the time for an Intervention either.
Why does this "cult" need to be "broken" and why is it the job of government to do so?


Why is the job of the Government to break up the other Religious Violent Cults either? I suppose you stood and cheered when the Government went after the ones that were using their fake Gods as a reason to do all kinds of violent actions against you. Well, cupcake, there is no difference. It's everyone's job and the Government is part of Everyone. You just hate it that we are going after your Cult. Well, cupcake, that's the way life works.
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.
They do?
Yes. You do.
Still waiting for you to provide a meaningful definition of 'offensive weapon', demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy in banning them - not to mention for the other restrictions you seek.
If you have to makes great cupcakes, cupcake.
So, you really don't have an answer, do you, cupcake?

You just decided that the AR looks scary, and that must be the result of some magically spectacular function that makes it more lethal than other semi-autos chambered in .223/5.56. Somehow, in your mind, semi-auto on the AR means something different.

Right, cupcake?


So you tell me what I MUST think, right? That is the mark of a Cult where we all must think exactly like they demand. Well, cupcake, not going to happen. I think enough people in here know my views. Your cultish attempt at this BS won't work on me, cupcake.
Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone
NRA and supporters say common sense gun regulations are the government attempting to take guns away from law abiding citizens.
Bull Shit - it is an evil attempt to confuse logical arguments for gun control. Those who confuse the discussion with lies all have blood on their hands.
/——-/ Common Sense gun laws is code for confiscate by degrees the way England and Australia did. Don’t be fooled.
“Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone”


In fact, there are common sense measures that can be taken having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as universal background checks and ensuring the states have the funding and ability to update the NICS database in a timely manner.

But the NRA and most on the right continue to propagate their ridiculous lie and slippery slope fallacy that common sense measures will lead to the ‘banning’ of all guns and their eventual ‘confiscation.’
/——/ We see right through your insidious plot. You don’t fool anyone. You sound like the SS telling Jews to disrobe and shower after their long rain ride to Treblinka because it’s was common sense to do so.
For a home owner or business owner a shotgun is the defensive weapon of choice.
How do you know?

Shotguns are also used by SWAT in home breaching and in military assaults on a densely-vegetated defensive position
It is loud, intimidating and very effective against a single target or a small unit of targets, depending on the choke.
An AR pistol is even louder, and emits a huge flash that will blind intruders, and is more of a controlled projectile. It also has much less recoil, so it can be used by people who are small or frail.

The offensive weapon is one which is use to spread fire more widely and at a greater range. Unlike the shotgun, many more targets can be killed or wounded and terrified.
All offensive weapons can be used for defense. All defensive weapons can be used for assault.

You are splitting hairs on a distinction.

By your definition, our deer rifles would be confiscated. Those are 100% offensive weapons.
Fully automatic firearms are restricted to LE and the Military,
That doesn't bother you?

only licensed citizens are able to own or possess them;
Not correct. No license is required, but we can only have only full-autos built before 1985. Anything after 1985 is strictly off limits to civilians, unless you are a gun manufacturer or dealer WITH a SPECIFIC request from a military or law enforcement agency to construct such a weapon. In other words, the practical effect is that NO civilians can be licensed to possess a full-auto.

But, our government sure can. I wonder where it got such authority, to the exclusion of the people, of whom the government is supposed to be of, by, and for.



Wrong, cupcake. I can own a full auto anytime I want to. I find a weapon of at least a certain age, pass a background check, Apply for an EFL license, pay for the weapon, pay the 200 buck Federal License Fee and it's free for me to take home as long as I stay within the Federal, State and Local possession of Automatic Weapons Laws. This applies to each and every US Citizen that is not restricted by court order. But I guess it doesn't apply to you. You must fall within the category of Convicted Felon, Pedophile, and such. Ok, now I understand why you don't have the right. Thank the Government for not giving you that right.
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.
/——/ DemocRATs know they can’t fill mass graves when the victims can shoot back.
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.
/——/ DemocRATs know they can’t fill mass graves when the victims can shoot back.
Exactly correct.
Wrong, cupcake. I can own a full auto anytime I want to. I find a weapon of at least a certain age, pass a background check, Apply for an EFL license, pay for the weapon, pay the 200 buck Federal License Fee and it's free for me to take home as long as I stay within the Federal, State and Local possession of Automatic Weapons Laws. This applies to each and every US Citizen that is not restricted by court order. But I guess it doesn't apply to you. You must fall within the category of Convicted Felon, Pedophile, and such. Ok, now I understand why you don't have the right. Thank the Government for not giving you that right.
Reading Comprehension, CUPCAKE!!! You need to learn it.

I said weapons manufactured after 1985, or did you miss that part in the plain, readable text of my post above?

Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.
They do?
Yes. You do.
Still waiting for you to provide a meaningful definition of 'offensive weapon', demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy in banning them - not to mention for the other restrictions you seek.

F. Off Don't you have a gun barrel to suck?
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.
They do?
Yes. You do.
Still waiting for you to provide a meaningful definition of 'offensive weapon', demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy in banning them - not to mention for the other restrictions you seek.
F. Off Don't you have a gun barrel to suck?
Awww. Puddums can't handle the truth.
Wrong, cupcake. I can own a full auto anytime I want to. I find a weapon of at least a certain age, pass a background check, Apply for an EFL license, pay for the weapon, pay the 200 buck Federal License Fee and it's free for me to take home as long as I stay within the Federal, State and Local possession of Automatic Weapons Laws. This applies to each and every US Citizen that is not restricted by court order. But I guess it doesn't apply to you. You must fall within the category of Convicted Felon, Pedophile, and such. Ok, now I understand why you don't have the right. Thank the Government for not giving you that right.
Reading Comprehension, CUPCAKE!!! You need to learn it.

I said weapons manufactured after 1985, or did you miss that part in the plain, readable text of my post above?


So what? You don't like the law, get it changed. You want to have a bunch of nutcases running about with full auto weapons on the street? Now that's a nutcase idea. One of the reasons that the law works is that the full auto weapons are priced out of the reach of almost every citizen. When you have the choice between a new car and an autoweapon and you realize that the autoweapon can only get you to work once, you choose the car. When you learn that you can use the same money and eat for a year or you can eat for an afternoon with a full autoweapon, you choose the supermarket and pay cash or credit. If the laws were not in place, you could buy a full auto M-249 for about 1500 bucks instead of an old M-16A-1 for 15,000 that needs to be refurbed. I like the way it is. It keeps fruitcakes like you from owning the good stuff and society a whole lot safer.
So what? You don't like the law, get it changed. You want to have a bunch of nutcases running about with full auto weapons on the street? Now that's a nutcase idea. One of the reasons that the law works is that the full auto weapons are priced out of the reach of almost every citizen. When you have the choice between a new car and an autoweapon and you realize that the autoweapon can only get you to work once, you choose the car. When you learn that you can use the same money and eat for a year or you can eat for an afternoon with a full autoweapon, you choose the supermarket and pay cash or credit. If the laws were not in place, you could buy a full auto M-249 for about 1500 bucks instead of an old M-16A-1 for 15,000 that needs to be refurbed. I like the way it is. It keeps fruitcakes like you from owning the good stuff and society a whole lot safer.
So, your post above was completely retarded? I agree, cupcake.

And, cupcake, believe me. I am working to repeal unconstitutional federal gun laws. We are repealing, not adding more bullshit. You can just cry about it....CUPCAKE!!!



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