Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

Consider this: There is no efficacy to have speed limits, stop signs or Red Light restrictions;no need to license medical doctors, lawyers, or teachers; no law to prevent murder, kidnapping for ransom or lying under oath if your logic made sense.

Your logic suggests your doctor has a degree in basket weaving, on his way to treat your burst appendix, he ran two red lights and four stop signs and lied to you that you won't need anesthesia for this minor surgery.

Noting here changes - and, indeed, only serves to prove - the fact you can neither soundly demonstrate the necessity for nor the efficacy of the restrictions you seek - thus, you further illustrate there is no sense in them whatsoever.
Keep up the good work.

For the record, you can read words, it seems you can't comprehend what they mean when put together in a paragraph, when in an expository argument.

For the record (which seems too abstract for you to understand) the law CANNOT prevent law breaking, it can punish the law breaker by restricting their liberty and/or assessing a fine.

If your State required a license to own, possess or have in your custody and control a gun, and you had said license, you right to own your gun(s) is not infringed; no more so than a surgeon must be licensed or a driver to drive a car.
And if those laws are not enforced how effective are they?

Your own argument is that our federal gun laws are ineffoective because they are not enforced so how would any new laws be more effective if they are not enforced?

Don't you think we should vigorously enforce the gun laws we do have before we pass more laws?

What evidence do you have that laws yet to be passed will not be effective in keeping guns out of the hands of those most of us know should not own, possess or ever have in their custody and control a firearm?

[BTW you first paragraph states my argument is that our Federal Government's laws are ineffective because they are not enforced: A Straw Man which won't burn since I never stated that nor believe it]

How would you enforce the gun laws "vigourously"?
What evidence do you have the if we vigorously enforce the laws we already have that they are not effective?

You said our federal gun laws are not effective and that we need more gun laws not me.

Our gun laws are not enforced, if they were anyone convicted of possessing a firearm illegally would be doing at least 5 years in federal prison but instead gun charges are usually the first charges to be bargained away

When some communities actually enforced gun laws they did indeed see a reduction in crime

Virginia Project Exile
Tell me and the readers what part of my common sense suggestions...
As noted innumerable times...
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for or the efficacy of any of the restrictions you seek for the rights of the law abiding.
Therefore, there is no sense to them at all.
What evidence do you have that laws yet to be passed will not be effective in keeping guns out of the hands of those most of us know should not own, possess or ever have in their custody and control a firearm?
The fact the onus is on you to justify the restrictions on the law abiding by demonstrating their necessity and efficacy, not on us to disprove their value, aside...


They have all of the "common sense" gun laws you could possibly want, and they are fraught with gun-related crime.
Well, you've proved to be an asshole who can't or won't debate civilly and are another uneducated clown whose opinions are dusty cobwebs of NRA propaganda.
As a top-tier useful idiot, you need to look in the mirror.

You don't give two shakes about reducing gun-related crime -- you only want to make it as hard as possible for the law abiding to exercise their right to keep and arms.

if you -did- care about reducing gun-related crime you'd at least try to demonstrate the necessity and efficacy of the 'solutions' you propose.
Well, you've proved to be an asshole who can't or won't debate civilly and are another uneducated clown whose opinions are dusty cobwebs of NRA propaganda.
Says the useful idiot.
Still waiting for you to demonstrate the necessity and efficacy of the limitations you want to place on the law abiding.
The ONLY reason there's any "Gun Violence" problem at all in the USA is because of Leftist policies....non-debatable.
Of course not everyone. Your leftist masters will still have guns, and lots of them.
Have you read the 2nd A.?
Where is the mention of guns in the 2nd A.?

IMO, YOU ARE and the rest of those whose head is in the sand and are willfully ignorant on the myriad problems facing our nation: Bigotry; Ignorance; Greed; and Callous Disregard for our fellow citizens.
Bigotry is a problem, but only because you and others refuse to see it as a two-way street.

Same for ignorance.

"Greed" by itself is not the problem. Envy is.

Callous disregard for fellow citizens? Like what? Isn't that universal?
Sorry, but more and more people aren't buying the AR. More ARs are being sold but fewer and fewer people are buying it. When I go into a gun store around here (heavy Red Area) is see the AR lining the shelves gathering dust. With the common sense gun laws in affect, the AR-15 Cult was broken and that's all it was. You are part of that Cult. I don't expect you to open your eyes and see reality. And I won't spend the time for an Intervention either.
Why does this "cult" need to be "broken" and why is it the job of government to do so?

IMO, YOU ARE and the rest of those whose head is in the sand and are willfully ignorant on the myriad problems facing our nation: Bigotry; Ignorance; Greed; and Callous Disregard for our fellow citizens.
Most of which manifests itself as the anti-gun loons' irrational fear of inanimate objects.
You are a DAMN LIAR

Tell me and the readers what part of my common sense suggestions will deprive a sober, sane, law abiding citizen the ability to defend him/herself and their family or property?
Your "common sense" suggestions for gun confiscation appears to be based on the faulty assumption that the threat to one's family or property will be other law-abiding citizens who are equally armed.

If you have to makes great cupcakes, cupcake.
So, you really don't have an answer, do you, cupcake?

You just decided that the AR looks scary, and that must be the result of some magically spectacular function that makes it more lethal than other semi-autos chambered in .223/5.56. Somehow, in your mind, semi-auto on the AR means something different.

Right, cupcake?


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