Common sense gun regulations are not about taking guns away from everyone

You are a DAMN LIAR

Tell me and the readers what part of my common sense suggestions will deprive a sober, sane, law abiding citizen the ability to defend him/herself and their family or property?
Your "common sense" suggestions for gun confiscation appears to be based on the faulty assumption that the threat to one's family or property will be other law-abiding citizens who are equally armed.


I don't make that assumption. Gun violence comes in many facets murder, suicide, accident, defense of persons or property. The NRA only recognizes defense and the right to own, possess and have control of a gun.

Read what I wrote, and explain to me what seems to put the onus "on the faulty assumption that the threat to one's family or property will be other law-abiding citizens who are equally armed".
you shot him do something about guns.jpg
Do you know or have any data on how many of the mass murders used an AR?
Why is that relevant?
You think banning the AR will stop mass shootings?
Please, tell me you are not that simple minded.
Worse than that -- he actually believes the number of mass shootings involving 'assault weapons' -- on average, 2-3 per year, with about 10 people killed - justifies banning them.

No, that's not what I believe. Why do you have to lie? I've never used the term "Assault Weapon". I have referred to Defensive and Offensive Weapons.
There is absolutely no difference. You can kill someone with a shield.

For a guy who claims to be a former LEO, you sure are ignorant about weapons.
You are a DAMN LIAR

Tell me and the readers what part of my common sense suggestions will deprive a sober, sane, law abiding citizen the ability to defend him/herself and their family or property?
Your "common sense" suggestions for gun confiscation appears to be based on the faulty assumption that the threat to one's family or property will be other law-abiding citizens who are equally armed.


I don't make that assumption. Gun violence comes in many facets murder, suicide, accident, defense of persons or property. The NRA only recognizes defense and the right to own, possess and have control of a gun.

Read what I wrote, and explain to me what seems to put the onus "on the faulty assumption that the threat to one's family or property will be other law-abiding citizens who are equally armed".
Suicide isn't gun violence.
Suicide is not a crime and there are no victims there are onlt those who choose to end their own lives

As long as you include suicide in your numbers you are showing that you really care more about control than stopping gun crimes

I suggest you read Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus and then consider the mass murderer(s) who die by their own hand or by LE or killing their spouse (and) family and then themselves.
How does the shooter's suicide negate the crime of murdering others?

You moron.
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.

They do? You must know what you post is utter Bullshit. Why not admit you love guns, hate people and are a total fuck up?
Why not admit you want people unable to resist leftist tyranny?

Because that's what you're advocating.
Sorry, but more and more people aren't buying the AR. More ARs are being sold but fewer and fewer people are buying it. When I go into a gun store around here (heavy Red Area) is see the AR lining the shelves gathering dust. With the common sense gun laws in affect, the AR-15 Cult was broken and that's all it was. You are part of that Cult. I don't expect you to open your eyes and see reality. And I won't spend the time for an Intervention either.
Why does this "cult" need to be "broken" and why is it the job of government to do so?


Why is the job of the Government to break up the other Religious Violent Cults either? I suppose you stood and cheered when the Government went after the ones that were using their fake Gods as a reason to do all kinds of violent actions against you. Well, cupcake, there is no difference. It's everyone's job and the Government is part of Everyone. You just hate it that we are going after your Cult. Well, cupcake, that's the way life works.
You leftists sure are going full Commie, aren't you?

Eat shit.
If you have to makes great cupcakes, cupcake.
So, you really don't have an answer, do you, cupcake?

You just decided that the AR looks scary, and that must be the result of some magically spectacular function that makes it more lethal than other semi-autos chambered in .223/5.56. Somehow, in your mind, semi-auto on the AR means something different.

Right, cupcake?


So you tell me what I MUST think, right? That is the mark of a Cult where we all must think exactly like they demand. Well, cupcake, not going to happen. I think enough people in here know my views. Your cultish attempt at this BS won't work on me, cupcake.
You can think whatever stupid shit you want.

But the second you start taking away people's rights based on the stupid shit you think, that's where we have a problem.

More accurately, YOU have a problem. Comrade.
Assault weapons are an essential weapon of defense to any democratic republic, because that is how you defeat the dictatorship in order to start the democratic republic, and you need to keep fighting off the corrupt dictatorship takeovers ever couple of hundred years or so.
No democratic republic can ever survive if the police and military have a weapons monopoly because they are always inherently corrupted by those who pay them, since they act only on pay and nothing else.
In fact, there likely is no more right wing or corrupt social influence than the police and military, in any society or any time in history.
They know.
They want the state to have a monopoly on force.
They do?
Yes. You do.
Still waiting for you to provide a meaningful definition of 'offensive weapon', demonstrate the necessity for and efficacy in banning them - not to mention for the other restrictions you seek.

F. Off Don't you have a gun barrel to suck?
Why is the job of the Government to break up the other Religious Violent Cults either?

It is NOT the job of government to break up religious groups, cupcake.

I suppose you stood and cheered when the Government went after the ones that were using their fake Gods as a reason to do all kinds of violent actions against you.
You suppose wrong, cupcake.

You are making the analogy to a violent religious group withZERO FUCKING EVIDENCE that mass shooters are members of any alleged (but not proved) gun cult.

You're just pulling that made-up nonsense right out of your semen-filled cupcake ass pipe, cupcake.

Well, cupcake, there is no difference. It's everyone's job and the Government is part of Everyone. You just hate it that we are going after your Cult. Well, cupcake, that's the way life works.
More nonsense from your no-evidence-having, semen-loaded cupcake ass, cupcake.

You were better off just admitting that the AR is scary looking and it makes you prematurely piss your depends...cupcake.

There is no "gun cult" as you allege (without proof). There is no particular technical advantage to the AR system that you can identify with any reasonable specificity, other than reduced recoil which is a good thing for accuracy, and weight reduction, which is only an advantage to people carrying said weapon on long hikes in Asian jungles....CUPCAKE!!!

You want the AR banned and cannot articulated ONE SINGLE rational explanation for why such an infringement is either necessary or effective, cupcake. You just want to arbitrarily fuck over MILLIONS of law-abiding citizens who you THINK belong to an alleged group that you clearly hate, know as the "gun cult."

You're no different that the rest of the gun-grabbing commies in your party.





So you tell me what I MUST think, right? That is the mark of a Cult where we all must think exactly like they demand. Well, cupcake, not going to happen. I think enough people in here know my views. Your cultish attempt at this BS won't work on me, cupcake.
No cupcake. I am demanding that you prove your bullshit...cupcake.

If that's the standard, the entire judicial system is a fucking cult by your standards, cupcake.


Your gun-grabbing ilk is a fucking cult, cupcake.


You are a DAMN LIAR

Tell me and the readers what part of my common sense suggestions will deprive a sober, sane, law abiding citizen the ability to defend him/herself and their family or property?
LOL! No, Fly Catcher, I will NOT kiss your ass, no matter how much you think you're entitled to it.

Your laws might not deprive normal people from defending themselves.

But the left -- the left is never satisfied with "just a few more laws".

The left's goal is confiscation, and always has been.

The additional laws you want will prove useless against criminals (because, as has repeatedly pointed out, criminals don't obey the law).

Once your laws are shown to have no effect, you will stamp your feet and emotionally insist on more laws. You'll call them "common sense", too.

That's the way every gun law has been passed. That's the way Americans' Second Amendment rights have eroded over the years -- because we need "just a few more laws" to make us safe.

Thing is -- the left doesn't want us safe.

You want us disarmed.

That is undeniable history.

Now throw another little bitch fit. It changes nothing.

Well, you've proved to be an asshole who can't or won't debate civilly and are another uneducated clown whose opinions are dusty cobwebs of NRA propaganda.

Rant away, and feel brave to call me a "little bitch";I put punks like you in cages during my career, and never once fired my service weapon anywhere but on the range.
You're not interested in civil debate. You want immediate, unquestioning agreement and endorsement. And you get hyper-emotional when you don't get it.

You put punks like me in cages? What crime have I committed, other that Not Bowing Down Before Fly Catcher?

You need to get some lead foil and place it in a hat, your imagination is being sent by radio waves from the outer limits.

Punks are cowards who use inflammatory language and rant when being arrested and detained. You rant because you cannot post a concise, clear and cognizant response to anything I've posted, and when frustrated by your lack of skills, you default and call me a little bitch.

I'm not little, I'm not a female dog and you're a sad little punk hiding behind a keyboard.
I wouldn't call you a bitch if you didn't act like a bitch. Don't like it? Stop being a bitch.

I've posted many concise, clear, and cognizant responses to your posts over the years.

You don't accept them as such because they don't reaffirm your own views. And you, as you've repeatedly shown, don't handle disagreement well.

And your pompous assertion that I'm a punk hiding behind a keyboard is especially amusing, since you're hiding behind a keyboard yourself. Your implication is, of course, that in person, you'd get physically violent. Leftists are like that. You lot are unhinged.

So I'm going to continue to say what I want, and your permission is neither sought nor required. And it looks like there ain't shit you can do about it, Tough Guy. Well, you could put me on Ignore, but your ego won't let you do that, will it?



IMO, YOU ARE and the rest of those whose head is in the sand and are willfully ignorant on the myriad problems facing our nation: Bigotry; Ignorance; Greed; and Callous Disregard for our fellow citizens.
Yes, but your opinion is fucking worthless, you ignorant, pompous fuck.

Sniff, sniff, oh, it's you a piece of toxic shit.

Wry sez: "You go along with my SJW screed or be marginalized!" I sez: Marginalized by whom? You? Others like you? I can deal with that. :)

IMO, YOU ARE and the rest of those whose head is in the sand and are willfully ignorant on the myriad problems facing our nation: Bigotry; Ignorance; Greed; and Callous Disregard for our fellow citizens.
Yes, but your opinion is fucking worthless, you ignorant, pompous fuck.

Sniff, sniff, oh, it's you a piece of toxic shit.

...says the Commie.

A very insipient effort and very original - Your crew must be very proud.
Why is the job of the Government to break up the other Religious Violent Cults either?

It is NOT the job of government to break up religious groups, cupcake.

I suppose you stood and cheered when the Government went after the ones that were using their fake Gods as a reason to do all kinds of violent actions against you.
You suppose wrong, cupcake.

You are making the analogy to a violent religious group withZERO FUCKING EVIDENCE that mass shooters are members of any alleged (but not proved) gun cult.

You're just pulling that made-up nonsense right out of your semen-filled cupcake ass pipe, cupcake.

Well, cupcake, there is no difference. It's everyone's job and the Government is part of Everyone. You just hate it that we are going after your Cult. Well, cupcake, that's the way life works.
More nonsense from your no-evidence-having, semen-loaded cupcake ass, cupcake.

You were better off just admitting that the AR is scary looking and it makes you prematurely piss your depends...cupcake.

There is no "gun cult" as you allege (without proof). There is no particular technical advantage to the AR system that you can identify with any reasonable specificity, other than reduced recoil which is a good thing for accuracy, and weight reduction, which is only an advantage to people carrying said weapon on long hikes in Asian jungles....CUPCAKE!!!

You want the AR banned and cannot articulated ONE SINGLE rational explanation for why such an infringement is either necessary or effective, cupcake. You just want to arbitrarily fuck over MILLIONS of law-abiding citizens who you THINK belong to an alleged group that you clearly hate, know as the "gun cult."

You're no different that the rest of the gun-grabbing commies in your party.



I have given plenty. You just want to play silly assed childrens games of "You can't tell me what to do". Well we can and do. Get over it, cupcake.
So you tell me what I MUST think, right? That is the mark of a Cult where we all must think exactly like they demand. Well, cupcake, not going to happen. I think enough people in here know my views. Your cultish attempt at this BS won't work on me, cupcake.
No cupcake. I am demanding that you prove your bullshit...cupcake.

If that's the standard, the entire judicial system is a fucking cult by your standards, cupcake.


Your gun-grabbing ilk is a fucking cult, cupcake.



So, since3 the Judicial system disagrees with your childish games, they must be a cult. Well, cupcake, you are a member of a defacto cult and Society has the obligation and the right to make sure you and your cult members don't harm society. You don't like it, move ot another country that has the laws you like. I hear Yemen would welcome you with open arms.
I have given plenty. You just want to play silly assed childrens games of "You can't tell me what to do". Well we can and do. Get over it, cupcake.
You can't and have NOT. You have done nothing but repeat your retarded communist bullshit about how some guns make people into mindless zombies and causes them to go on mass shooting sprees, with ZERO supporting evidence. Yes, your bullshit is as retarded as it just sounded then.

But, you've hit on exactly the real issue here. You want to tell us what to do. That is your fucking, M.O., you motherfucking authoritarian tyrant commie.

You are the fucking enemy.











So you tell me what I MUST think, right? That is the mark of a Cult where we all must think exactly like they demand. Well, cupcake, not going to happen. I think enough people in here know my views. Your cultish attempt at this BS won't work on me, cupcake.
No cupcake. I am demanding that you prove your bullshit...cupcake.

If that's the standard, the entire judicial system is a fucking cult by your standards, cupcake.


Your gun-grabbing ilk is a fucking cult, cupcake.



So, since3 the Judicial system disagrees with your childish games, they must be a cult. Well, cupcake, you are a member of a defacto cult and Society has the obligation and the right to make sure you and your cult members don't harm society. You don't like it, move ot another country that has the laws you like. I hear Yemen would welcome you with open arms.
Fuck you.

You're not my fucking dad.

You don't own me you fat, retard, old commie motherfucker.

Because you want to tell us what to do is the very reason we need guns.

You obviously have very little understanding of the purpose of society in the nature of humans. You're an uneducated piece of fuck I was in the fucking Air Force, and you think that gives you some sort of credibility.

You don't know what proof means, nor do you feel you need to provide it before you fuck us all in the ass with your communist bullshit.

You are childishness personified.

You have no faculties with which to reason nor prove your case with any manner of credibility. You want what you want, and you don't give a fuck about whether it's reasonable, rational, or destructive to the rights of others.

Just like a child.

Now, prove your cult bullshit, or shut the fuck up. You are disparaging millions of your fellow citizens with your half-assed "reasoning" if you even care, you communist motherfucker.

I won't hold my breath...






I have given plenty. You just want to play silly assed childrens games of "You can't tell me what to do". Well we can and do. Get over it, cupcake.
You can't and have NOT. You have done nothing but repeat your retarded communist bullshit about how some guns make people into mindless zombies and causes them to go on mass shooting sprees, with ZERO supporting evidence. Yes, your bullshit is as retarded as it just sounded then.

But, you've hit on exactly the real issue here. You want to tell us what to do. That is your fucking, M.O., you motherfucking authoritarian tyrant commie.

You are the fucking enemy.



Fine. You want to act like a juvenile, then you get told what to do and what you can't do. That's just the way life is. One would think you would be used to it by now but that's the problem with a mind that is not very developed. So, the rest of us tells you what to do. Too bad.

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