Communist California to require Solar Panels on all new homes

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No, they don't. Social Security surplus revenue is not used to purchase anything. The Treasure Bills in the Social Security 'trust fund'. Are not real. If you broke into the trust fund, and stole the T-Bills... you wouldn't be able to sell them. They have no legal standing, and are not marketable.

I don't understand what you mean by they can't use that money.

All the money collected by the Social Security Tax, goes to the IRS. That money is in the same account as all other tax money. It is spent, like all money is.

You seem to be implying that the money goes to the SSA, and then they take the money and buy T-bills. False.
The money all goes to where all taxes go. They write fake T-bills after the fact, to make it look like SS has assets. It doesn't.

If you actually want to learn the reality of the Social Security "trust fund", you need to read this book. The facts are, the entire system has been a sham, since it was created. There are no assets. There are no securities. There are no T-Bills.

You need to determine for yourself if you are willing to learn the truth, or if you want to stay in your safe-place outside of reality.

Regardless of what choice you make, I have made mine. I'm going to live my life according to the truth. There is no trust fund. There are no T-Bills to be 'redeemed'.

The Treasure Bills in the Social Security 'trust fund'. Are not real.

How much interest does the Trust fund earn on their "fake T-Bills"?
The government earns nothing on them. The "Trust Fund" is a book keeping fiction.

A fiction that earned $87 billion in 2016.
Really? Who paid the $87 billion?

The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?
why does the communist right wing want to keep our useless drug war? it is nothing but socialism on a national basis. what happened to the right wing "mantra" of smaller government? or, does that Only apply to social services for the poor.
The Treasure Bills in the Social Security 'trust fund'. Are not real.

How much interest does the Trust fund earn on their "fake T-Bills"?
The government earns nothing on them. The "Trust Fund" is a book keeping fiction.

A fiction that earned $87 billion in 2016.
Really? Who paid the $87 billion?

The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

The government paid $87 billion to the government?

You got it!!

The US Treasury part of government paid $87 billion to the Trust Fund part of government.
Keeping it all in the family.

Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

Remember the post where I paid interest to my family member?
Or isn't that allowed?

How much money would the government have saved if the Trust fund had a $1 trillion stack of $20s in a vault?
why does the communist right wing want to keep our useless drug war? it is nothing but socialism on a national basis. what happened to the right wing "mantra" of smaller government? or, does that Only apply to social services for the poor.

Hmm...not sure I see a connection to solar panels, or California...dumbass.
They both get paid money because of the effort and sweat of others.

No. One gets paid by doing a job. The others get paid by risking their own money to create a profit. Their paycheck is that profit, and they decide on what to do with it.

So your answer to employees making a living wage is they should open their own business?

That's one way. The other is to join our military and earn college benefits. Another is to work for a few years and then attend college. Another is to take up a trade and pay for that training yourself. Another is to gain employment where a company will pay for an advanced education. There are all kinds of ways.

I do pay my employees at least twice as much as my competitors AND I don't rob them by making them pay for part of their benefits package.

How can I do this?

1) I own my suppliers and pay substantially less than they do for the same product.
2) I don't have investors.
3) Business make much more money than they tell you.

Look.......not to be insulting, but judging from your posts, you never even so much as ran a hotdog stand. I know wealthy people. I have wealthy people and business owners in my family. You don't talk like any one of them. You don't even know the basics of business. If you did, you would understand foreign competition. You would understand domestic competition. You would understand that many business owners are barely squeaking by and only living on the pittance that's left after they meet payroll. You would understand that most businesses fail within five years.

Actually I do know of at least one business owner who sounds exactly like OnePercenter.

It's a business owner who inherited the business from his father. Never had to worry about making payroll, or making new contracts, or figuring out how to make the business work, because his father had done all the hard work of building up the business, while this spoiled brat was pooping his pants. By the time he got the business, the business was raking in millions a year, and he had never needed to balance a check book yet.

I would bet anything, that *IF* onepercenter is a business owner, he didn't build it from the ground up, or he had tons of help. Like you said, real entrepreneurs do not act like him, and he doesn't sound like one of them.

That's one way. The other is to join our military and earn college benefits. Another is to work for a few years and then attend college. Another is to take up a trade and pay for that training yourself. Another is to gain employment where a company will pay for an advanced education. There are all kinds of ways.

So some personal examples.....

I worked at an autoparts store. The assistant manager there, was a guy that was abandoned by his parents. He started off stocking shelves, became a cashier, got into the training program, became assistant manager, and now he runs his own store.

Girl I knew 15 years ago, she worked at Walmart. She got into their tuition reimbursement program, and then paid her way through a Civil Engineer degree, and now works for an engineering firm.

Girls I knew almost 20 years ago, went to school for a degree in art history, came out with no job, and no prospects. Self taught web-design and programming. Started making web sites for all the companies in her area, and expanded to nearby cities.

Guy I worked with at a crappy company, doing QC on circuit boards, for $11/hour. He started doing flooring. Started with his neighbors asking him to do flooring. Then had some local stores ask him to do their floors, and then McDonald's called him up. He was earning as much on the weekends doing flooring, as he was working all week. So he quit the job, and started doing flooring full time.

Had a relative end up in jail, came out, learned pipe fitting, and go into business with some friends. Still there 20 years later.

Have a current friend, a women who was working a crap job, and decided to learn how to make armor. Like actual metal armor, for movies and crap. Worked a year under another guy, learning how to do it, and now runs her own shop selling armor.

There are literally millions of ways to move up in the world.

The idea the left-wingers put out that people are trapped, is a joke. Phil Robertson, was driving around with hand crafted duck callers, having store managers laugh him out of the store. He just kept going to stores until someone started buying them.

There are only two reason left-wingers hold onto their ideology that people are trapped:

1. It's the only way to justify their immoral thievery of other people's money.
2. Because if you admit people can improve their lives with hard work and effort, then it reflects on how pathetic, whiny, and lazy they themselves are.

You are so exactly right. I understand that there are liberals who own businesses. Working in industry all day long, you can't help but to run into them.

But one-percenter is a guy who says he thinks minimum wage should be well over 20 dollars an hour. Even liberal business people realize the devastation of that. Such opinions certainly don't belong to business owners. Those who crow about such high wages for less than standard talent are those who are working those jobs or similar themselves. They don't understand how that would drive millions of jobs out of the country. They don't understand that when an employer gives an employee a five dollar an hour raise, it costs the employer much more than five bucks an hour. They don't understand the Domino Effect and how that would drastically increase the cost of living that's happening right now in NE liberal states and California.

He just doesn't sound like anybody who ever owned a business. Like when he said he owns the suppliers and gets material cheaper that way. Wait a minute! If you also own a supplier, and you overpay the labor over there, you can't be getting anything cheaper than other suppliers who are paying their employees deserving wages.

It just doesn't add up. And let's face it, anybody can be anything they fantasize about on the internet.
why does the communist right wing want to keep our useless drug war? it is nothing but socialism on a national basis. what happened to the right wing "mantra" of smaller government? or, does that Only apply to social services for the poor.

Hmm...not sure I see a connection to solar panels, or California...dumbass.

He's baked.....don't worry about it.
The government earns nothing on them. The "Trust Fund" is a book keeping fiction.

A fiction that earned $87 billion in 2016.
Really? Who paid the $87 billion?

The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

The government paid $87 billion to the government?

You got it!!

The US Treasury part of government paid $87 billion to the Trust Fund part of government.
Keeping it all in the family.

Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

Remember the post where I paid interest to my family member?
Or isn't that allowed?

How much money would the government have saved if the Trust fund had a $1 trillion stack of $20s in a vault?

There's no interest, moron. How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.
They both get paid money because of the effort and sweat of others.

No. One gets paid by doing a job. The others get paid by risking their own money to create a profit. Their paycheck is that profit, and they decide on what to do with it.

So your answer to employees making a living wage is they should open their own business?

That's one way. The other is to join our military and earn college benefits. Another is to work for a few years and then attend college. Another is to take up a trade and pay for that training yourself. Another is to gain employment where a company will pay for an advanced education. There are all kinds of ways.

I do pay my employees at least twice as much as my competitors AND I don't rob them by making them pay for part of their benefits package.

How can I do this?

1) I own my suppliers and pay substantially less than they do for the same product.
2) I don't have investors.
3) Business make much more money than they tell you.

Look.......not to be insulting, but judging from your posts, you never even so much as ran a hotdog stand. I know wealthy people. I have wealthy people and business owners in my family. You don't talk like any one of them. You don't even know the basics of business. If you did, you would understand foreign competition. You would understand domestic competition. You would understand that many business owners are barely squeaking by and only living on the pittance that's left after they meet payroll. You would understand that most businesses fail within five years.

Actually I do know of at least one business owner who sounds exactly like OnePercenter.

It's a business owner who inherited the business from his father. Never had to worry about making payroll, or making new contracts, or figuring out how to make the business work, because his father had done all the hard work of building up the business, while this spoiled brat was pooping his pants. By the time he got the business, the business was raking in millions a year, and he had never needed to balance a check book yet.

I would bet anything, that *IF* onepercenter is a business owner, he didn't build it from the ground up, or he had tons of help. Like you said, real entrepreneurs do not act like him, and he doesn't sound like one of them.

That's one way. The other is to join our military and earn college benefits. Another is to work for a few years and then attend college. Another is to take up a trade and pay for that training yourself. Another is to gain employment where a company will pay for an advanced education. There are all kinds of ways.

So some personal examples.....

I worked at an autoparts store. The assistant manager there, was a guy that was abandoned by his parents. He started off stocking shelves, became a cashier, got into the training program, became assistant manager, and now he runs his own store.

Girl I knew 15 years ago, she worked at Walmart. She got into their tuition reimbursement program, and then paid her way through a Civil Engineer degree, and now works for an engineering firm.

Girls I knew almost 20 years ago, went to school for a degree in art history, came out with no job, and no prospects. Self taught web-design and programming. Started making web sites for all the companies in her area, and expanded to nearby cities.

Guy I worked with at a crappy company, doing QC on circuit boards, for $11/hour. He started doing flooring. Started with his neighbors asking him to do flooring. Then had some local stores ask him to do their floors, and then McDonald's called him up. He was earning as much on the weekends doing flooring, as he was working all week. So he quit the job, and started doing flooring full time.

Had a relative end up in jail, came out, learned pipe fitting, and go into business with some friends. Still there 20 years later.

Have a current friend, a women who was working a crap job, and decided to learn how to make armor. Like actual metal armor, for movies and crap. Worked a year under another guy, learning how to do it, and now runs her own shop selling armor.

There are literally millions of ways to move up in the world.

The idea the left-wingers put out that people are trapped, is a joke. Phil Robertson, was driving around with hand crafted duck callers, having store managers laugh him out of the store. He just kept going to stores until someone started buying them.

There are only two reason left-wingers hold onto their ideology that people are trapped:

1. It's the only way to justify their immoral thievery of other people's money.
2. Because if you admit people can improve their lives with hard work and effort, then it reflects on how pathetic, whiny, and lazy they themselves are.

You are so exactly right. I understand that there are liberals who own businesses. Working in industry all day long, you can't help but to run into them.

But one-percenter is a guy who says he thinks minimum wage should be well over 20 dollars an hour. Even liberal business people realize the devastation of that. Such opinions certainly don't belong to business owners. Those who crow about such high wages for less than standard talent are those who are working those jobs or similar themselves. They don't understand how that would drive millions of jobs out of the country. They don't understand that when an employer gives an employee a five dollar an hour raise, it costs the employer much more than five bucks an hour. They don't understand the Domino Effect and how that would drastically increase the cost of living that's happening right now in NE liberal states and California.

He just doesn't sound like anybody who ever owned a business. Like when he said he owns the suppliers and gets material cheaper that way. Wait a minute! If you also own a supplier, and you overpay the labor over there, you can't be getting anything cheaper than other suppliers who are paying their employees deserving wages.

It just doesn't add up. And let's face it, anybody can be anything they fantasize about on the internet.

Sounds like one-percenter ought to head up to Seattle and convince Amazon and Starbucks to cough up the $275/per employee/year tax.
They both get paid money because of the effort and sweat of others.

No. One gets paid by doing a job. The others get paid by risking their own money to create a profit. Their paycheck is that profit, and they decide on what to do with it.

So your answer to employees making a living wage is they should open their own business?

That's one way. The other is to join our military and earn college benefits. Another is to work for a few years and then attend college. Another is to take up a trade and pay for that training yourself. Another is to gain employment where a company will pay for an advanced education. There are all kinds of ways.

I do pay my employees at least twice as much as my competitors AND I don't rob them by making them pay for part of their benefits package.

How can I do this?

1) I own my suppliers and pay substantially less than they do for the same product.
2) I don't have investors.
3) Business make much more money than they tell you.

Look.......not to be insulting, but judging from your posts, you never even so much as ran a hotdog stand. I know wealthy people. I have wealthy people and business owners in my family. You don't talk like any one of them. You don't even know the basics of business. If you did, you would understand foreign competition. You would understand domestic competition. You would understand that many business owners are barely squeaking by and only living on the pittance that's left after they meet payroll. You would understand that most businesses fail within five years.

Actually I do know of at least one business owner who sounds exactly like OnePercenter.

It's a business owner who inherited the business from his father. Never had to worry about making payroll, or making new contracts, or figuring out how to make the business work, because his father had done all the hard work of building up the business, while this spoiled brat was pooping his pants. By the time he got the business, the business was raking in millions a year, and he had never needed to balance a check book yet.

I would bet anything, that *IF* onepercenter is a business owner, he didn't build it from the ground up, or he had tons of help. Like you said, real entrepreneurs do not act like him, and he doesn't sound like one of them.

That's one way. The other is to join our military and earn college benefits. Another is to work for a few years and then attend college. Another is to take up a trade and pay for that training yourself. Another is to gain employment where a company will pay for an advanced education. There are all kinds of ways.

So some personal examples.....

I worked at an autoparts store. The assistant manager there, was a guy that was abandoned by his parents. He started off stocking shelves, became a cashier, got into the training program, became assistant manager, and now he runs his own store.

Girl I knew 15 years ago, she worked at Walmart. She got into their tuition reimbursement program, and then paid her way through a Civil Engineer degree, and now works for an engineering firm.

Girls I knew almost 20 years ago, went to school for a degree in art history, came out with no job, and no prospects. Self taught web-design and programming. Started making web sites for all the companies in her area, and expanded to nearby cities.

Guy I worked with at a crappy company, doing QC on circuit boards, for $11/hour. He started doing flooring. Started with his neighbors asking him to do flooring. Then had some local stores ask him to do their floors, and then McDonald's called him up. He was earning as much on the weekends doing flooring, as he was working all week. So he quit the job, and started doing flooring full time.

Had a relative end up in jail, came out, learned pipe fitting, and go into business with some friends. Still there 20 years later.

Have a current friend, a women who was working a crap job, and decided to learn how to make armor. Like actual metal armor, for movies and crap. Worked a year under another guy, learning how to do it, and now runs her own shop selling armor.

There are literally millions of ways to move up in the world.

The idea the left-wingers put out that people are trapped, is a joke. Phil Robertson, was driving around with hand crafted duck callers, having store managers laugh him out of the store. He just kept going to stores until someone started buying them.

There are only two reason left-wingers hold onto their ideology that people are trapped:

1. It's the only way to justify their immoral thievery of other people's money.
2. Because if you admit people can improve their lives with hard work and effort, then it reflects on how pathetic, whiny, and lazy they themselves are.

You are so exactly right. I understand that there are liberals who own businesses. Working in industry all day long, you can't help but to run into them.

But one-percenter is a guy who says he thinks minimum wage should be well over 20 dollars an hour. Even liberal business people realize the devastation of that. Such opinions certainly don't belong to business owners. Those who crow about such high wages for less than standard talent are those who are working those jobs or similar themselves. They don't understand how that would drive millions of jobs out of the country. They don't understand that when an employer gives an employee a five dollar an hour raise, it costs the employer much more than five bucks an hour. They don't understand the Domino Effect and how that would drastically increase the cost of living that's happening right now in NE liberal states and California.

He just doesn't sound like anybody who ever owned a business. Like when he said he owns the suppliers and gets material cheaper that way. Wait a minute! If you also own a supplier, and you overpay the labor over there, you can't be getting anything cheaper than other suppliers who are paying their employees deserving wages.

It just doesn't add up. And let's face it, anybody can be anything they fantasize about on the internet.

Sounds like one-percenter ought to head up to Seattle and convince Amazon and Starbucks to cough up the $275/per employee/year tax.

And that's a perfect example of what I was talking about. Amazon is building two huge distribution centers over here; both were very successful malls at one time. They got a tax incentive, and are going to create Lord knows how many jobs between the two.

Businesses react to costs, just like they did in Seattle.
Poverty is an arbitrary word and if your goal is to stay above that line (just above it), enjoy. Most of us look forward to more.

No, we already established it;s the poverty limit, that's what we are going by.

The 22 million who would be in poverty might not be if they had saved and not depended on it.

All 22 million? Most?

In that sense, it is simply shifting money and did not do anything independent of what a private program would do.

But we already know the poverty rate dropped among the elderly with the introduction of social security. You seem to want to ignore this point.

With the exception of the really poor...but even then I am not so sure.

A good friend is living in India because her S.S. can't even pay for an apartment in the U.S.

Social Security was never meant to be lived on solely, you;'re still expected to save, I'm sue you know this and not sure what your friends lack of planning has to do with this.

Social Security was never meant to be lived on solely, you;'re still expected to save,

Saving is a lot harder when the government takes 12.4% of your lifetime earnings...…..

Social Security IS savings that you can count on come retirement and it makes it VERY easy for people to put into these savings instead of spending it on something more immediate.

No it's not, if it's savings how can I withdraw today and buy a new pickup?

Savings are not defined by withdrawal terms.

And to answer your question - no you can't and that's a GREAT thing about these savings.

No it's not savings indoctrinated one, it's the government taking your money and betting you will die before you are 65 ( my case 67) and won't collect.
WTG Communists. Wiping out the Middle Class in California. It's so sad and ironic that the Leftists who supposedly despise the Rich, are only hurting the Non-Rich with this awful legislation. Middle Class folks will struggle bigtime to handle the costs of adding solar panels.

California is headed for disaster. Only the very rich and very poor will be welcome there. The Middle Class, which pays the bills, will no longer be welcome. They'll be forced to leave the state. California will eventually resemble Communist messes like Venezuela, Cuba, and so on. It's very sad.

liberalism is a failed ideology, never works, never will. What's amazing is that the liberal mind is unable to comprehend that simple truth.

This type of awful legislation only hurts the folks the Left claims they're fighting for. The very rich can easily afford the added costs of solar panels. It's the Middle Class that won't be able to afford it. The Communists are killing the California Golden Goose.
In California the medium price of a new home is about a half million in most cities. The cost of a solar system as required by the legislation will be about $10,000 to $12,000 but will result in utility bill savings. Anybody that can afford a new half million home can certain afford $10,000 up front for solar.

I don't see that the state forcing new construction to include solar is going to be a huge burden on new home buyers.

So government force is okay as long as you determine that it's not much of a burden?

Useful Idiots are so lost. If he or she wants solar panels, so be it. But don't force them on all Citizens.
why does the communist right wing want to keep our useless drug war? it is nothing but socialism on a national basis. what happened to the right wing "mantra" of smaller government? or, does that Only apply to social services for the poor.

Hmm...not sure I see a connection to solar panels, or California...dumbass.
communism; Only the cognitively dissonant, right wing, never gets it.
why does the communist right wing want to keep our useless drug war? it is nothing but socialism on a national basis. what happened to the right wing "mantra" of smaller government? or, does that Only apply to social services for the poor.

Hmm...not sure I see a connection to solar panels, or California...dumbass.

He's baked.....don't worry about it.
i sometimes smoke two joints before i smoke two joints, to have high hopes and pipe dreams, the right wing will have more than just fallacy and nothing but repeal.
once again, you are buying into the propaganda. your choice.

Once again, I say, post your proof or fuck off.
I gave you a link. You've given nothing.

It's known what the output of a panel is over it's lifetime. You need to find the power cost of production for that panel and compare.

I don't need to prove anything, I am merely questioning the "solar is wonderful" rhetoric, you are the one making the claims, the burden of proof is on you.

tell me why subsidies are necessary to get anyone to buy solar. If the payback is as you say, but its not. and you know it.

Looks like you just made a claim.

Subsidized solar has been slowly being rolled back
once again, you are buying into the propaganda. your choice.

Once again, I say, post your proof or fuck off.
I gave you a link. You've given nothing.

It's known what the output of a panel is over it's lifetime. You need to find the power cost of production for that panel and compare.

I don't need to prove anything, I am merely questioning the "solar is wonderful" rhetoric, you are the one making the claims, the burden of proof is on you.

tell me why subsidies are necessary to get anyone to buy solar. If the payback is as you say, but its not. and you know it.

All energy is subsidized, so why would you want to kneecap solar?

Here is a great article, you'll hate it.

The Truth About Solar Subsidies

Here is an excerpt from the article:

It can be said that comparing solar subsidies to coal or nuclear subsidies is like “comparing apples and oranges.” A true side-by-side comparison can be very hard to make, considering all of the variables and all of the differences between the different energy sectors. There is one thing that everyone can agree on, though. David Hochschild, a California Energy Commissioner said it best:

“There is a myth around subsidies, but there is no such thing as an unsubsidized unit of energy.”

Hochschild was speaking at the Energy Productivity Summer Study in 2016. He made the case that energy production, be it renewable or fossil, is subsidized to some degree by the government. Hochschild showed a graph that shows the accumulated energy subsidies in the US under federal programs, starting in 1918. Oil and gas and nuclear are historically the biggest winners in the subsidy game. Federal renewable energy subsidies are a small fraction. “The fossil fuel industry hates to talk about that,” said Hochschild.

Here is a chart from that article:


Here is some more shit for you to ignore from the article:

As of 2015, before the presidential election, the US federal government was allocating only about $5 billion to energy research, which is a small fraction of what competitors like China spend annually on energy R&D. The funding was distributed like this:

  • Nuclear – $1 billion
  • Coal and carbon sequestration research- $350 million
  • Solar – $188 million
  • Wind – $90 million
  • Oil and gas research – $25 million
The research dollars for nuclear and coal far outstrip the funding for solar, and always have. However, one solar project above all others gave solar R & D investments a bad name: Solyndra.

when did I say that I was in favor of any kind of government subsidies? I also object to the government paying farmers to NOT plant crops. The government needs to get the hell out of private industry and let the free market operate instead of trying to control it.

Never said you did, I'm pointing out how pointless it is single out solar subsidizes.

my point is that the solar industry would not exist but for subsidies, I suspect that the corn industry, as well as they oil and coal and nuclear industries would do just fine without subsidies. on the one hand you have a technology that isn't financially viable whereas with the others they make money with or without subsidies.
A fiction that earned $87 billion in 2016.
Really? Who paid the $87 billion?

The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

The government paid $87 billion to the government?

You got it!!

The US Treasury part of government paid $87 billion to the Trust Fund part of government.
Keeping it all in the family.

Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

Remember the post where I paid interest to my family member?
Or isn't that allowed?

How much money would the government have saved if the Trust fund had a $1 trillion stack of $20s in a vault?

There's no interest, moron. How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.

There's no interest

Except for the $87 billion in 2016...…

How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

Or $1 trillion in a vault?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.

If the government takes perfectly good payroll tax receipts and instead of investing them in T-Bills, buys $20s and puts the $20s in a vault, there is no opportunity cost there?
Really? Who paid the $87 billion?

The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

The government paid $87 billion to the government?

You got it!!

The US Treasury part of government paid $87 billion to the Trust Fund part of government.
Keeping it all in the family.

Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

Remember the post where I paid interest to my family member?
Or isn't that allowed?

How much money would the government have saved if the Trust fund had a $1 trillion stack of $20s in a vault?

There's no interest, moron. How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.

There's no interest

Except for the $87 billion in 2016...…

How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

Or $1 trillion in a vault?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.

If the government takes perfectly good payroll tax receipts and instead of investing them in T-Bills, buys $20s and puts the $20s in a vault, there is no opportunity cost there?

Both the T bills and the notes are worthless pieces of paper that the government prints. They are of no value to the government. They only have value to the public because they can be used to extract things of value from other members of the public.
The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

The government paid $87 billion to the government?

You got it!!

The US Treasury part of government paid $87 billion to the Trust Fund part of government.
Keeping it all in the family.

Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

Remember the post where I paid interest to my family member?
Or isn't that allowed?

How much money would the government have saved if the Trust fund had a $1 trillion stack of $20s in a vault?

There's no interest, moron. How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.

There's no interest

Except for the $87 billion in 2016...…

How does a piece of paper in your pocket generate interest?

Or $1 trillion in a vault?

The government would have saved nothing, since the government prints federal reserve notes.

If the government takes perfectly good payroll tax receipts and instead of investing them in T-Bills, buys $20s and puts the $20s in a vault, there is no opportunity cost there?

Both the T bills and the notes are worthless pieces of paper that the government prints. They are of no value to the government. They only have value to the public because they can be used to extract things of value from other members of the public.

Both the T bills and the notes are worthless pieces of paper that the government prints.

I have both T-Bills (<<< they don't actually print T-Bills, book entry only) and $20s and I can tell you, none of them are worthless.

They are of no value to the government.

Well, the extra money the payroll taxes bring in, over and above benefits paid out, ARE of value to the government because they reduce the number of T-Bills the Treasury has to sell to China.
That means less taxes have to be collected from me and you, to mail a check to furriners.
In 2016, $87 billion less was sent to furriners, thanks to those "worthless pieces of paper" the
Trust Fund bought from the Treasury.
The government earns nothing on them. The "Trust Fund" is a book keeping fiction.

A fiction that earned $87 billion in 2016.
Really? Who paid the $87 billion?

The same entity that pays interest on all outstanding US Treasury securities, the US Treasury.
The government paid $87 billion to the government? Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

The government paid $87 billion to the government?

You got it!!

The US Treasury part of government paid $87 billion to the Trust Fund part of government.
Keeping it all in the family.

Remember the post where I asked you to take $20 from one pocket and put it in your other pocket?

Remember the post where I paid interest to my family member?
Or isn't that allowed?

How much money would the government have saved if the Trust fund had a $1 trillion stack of $20s in a vault?

Unless you share all your accounts with your relative, such as your wife, your analogy is senseless. BRIPAT9643's analogy is legitimate.
i sometimes smoke two joints before i smoke two joints, to have high hopes and pipe dreams, the right wing will have more than just fallacy and nothing but repeal.

Certainly does explain a lot.
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