Communist Origins of Antifa

I'm saying the ideology of communism is worse than Nazism.
If that's what you believe, we'll have to leave it at that. I don't argue against someone's beliefs.
It's not a belief, it's a fact that can be explained easily to those who wish to listen. I'm not excusing Nazism... Just explaining how communism is worse as an ideology.
Actually no it isn't and yes they do fly hammer and sickle flags wherever they go. Communism is way worse than neo-nazism.
Are you saying Stalin was worse than Hitler?
I'm saying the ideology of communism is worse than Nazism.

On this you have a valid point; the ideology is false; a guise. Nazism, Fascism in Europe, and Japan, like the PNR, did not pretend to be anything but countries of superior beings. Communism promises equality......but in practice is totalitarian.
Nazis tried to take over the world by invading country after country. Communism is just a bullshit economic system that doesn't work.
No communism is not just an economic system that doesn't work, it seeks to corrupt society, to destroy any concept of traditional life and morality in order to subjugate the individual to the collective, just as fascism and Nazism, falangism, syndicalism, etc..

Communism is worse because it has killed more than any ideology or religion..through starvation, mass killings for wrong-think ...100 million since the black book of communism was written and then some....seeing as there are still communist dictatorships today...there ain't no Nazi Germany anymore...shit, Germany could use some skinheads nowadays, they've totally bitched up to Muslim migrants there.
Actually no it isn't and yes they do fly hammer and sickle flags wherever they go. Communism is way worse than neo-nazism.
Are you saying Stalin was worse than Hitler?
I'm saying the ideology of communism is worse than Nazism.

On this you have a valid point; the ideology is false; a guise. Nazism, Fascism in Europe, and Japan, like the PNR, did not pretend to be anything but countries of superior beings. Communism promises equality......but in practice is totalitarian.
That's a very interesting perspective.
Did you know that the man who discovered DNA is now considered a white supremacist?
James Watson selling Nobel prize 'because no-one wants to admit I exist'

James Watson selling Nobel prize 'because no-one wants to admit I exist'


James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Picture: Alamy
By Keith Perry
6:15PM GMT 28 Nov 2014

World-famous biologist James Watson said he is selling the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA because he has been ostracised and needs the money
James Watson, the world-famous biologist who was shunned by the scientific community after linking intelligence to race, said he is selling his Nobel Prize because he is short of money after being made a pariah.

Mr Watson said he is auctioning the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA, because "no-one really wants to admit I exist".

Auctioneer Christie’s said the gold medal, the first Nobel Prize to be sold by a living recipient, could fetch as much as $3.5m (£2.23m) when it is auctioned in New York on Thursday. The reserve price is $2.5m.

Mr Watson told the Financial Times he had become an “unperson” after he “was outed as believing in IQ” in 2007 and said he would like to use money from the sale to buy a David Hockney painting.

Mr Watson, who shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for uncovering the double helix structure of DNA, sparked an outcry in 2007 when he suggested that people of African descent were inherently less intelligent than white people."

When scientific facts become politically ought to keep an eye out.
Maybe he can talk Obama into selling his?
It's not a belief, it's a fact that can be explained easily to those who wish to listen. I'm not excusing Nazism... Just explaining how communism is worse as an ideology.
We're going to have to agree to disagree on this one.
That's fine...I'd like to know why. But if you're not interested in discussing the topic..that's cool. At least you respectfully declined.

Have a good one.
But aren't some members of Antifa Americans? And that extrajudicial execution
won't be as easy as killing unarmed blacks.
Antifa will shoot back or shoot first if they feel threatened. BTW, Do you apply that same extrajudicial execution standard to the KKK and your other Repub- lie- con RW hatemongering friends?
You're asking him to shoot the guy standing next to him. He's a white supremacist. And a real dumb one. He claims he's a patriot, but advocates extrajudicial executions. Figure that one out?
Did you know that the man who discovered DNA is now considered a white supremacist?
James Watson selling Nobel prize 'because no-one wants to admit I exist'

James Watson selling Nobel prize 'because no-one wants to admit I exist'


James Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Picture: Alamy
By Keith Perry
6:15PM GMT 28 Nov 2014

World-famous biologist James Watson said he is selling the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA because he has been ostracised and needs the money
James Watson, the world-famous biologist who was shunned by the scientific community after linking intelligence to race, said he is selling his Nobel Prize because he is short of money after being made a pariah.

Mr Watson said he is auctioning the Nobel Prize medal he won in 1962 for discovering the structure of DNA, because "no-one really wants to admit I exist".

Auctioneer Christie’s said the gold medal, the first Nobel Prize to be sold by a living recipient, could fetch as much as $3.5m (£2.23m) when it is auctioned in New York on Thursday. The reserve price is $2.5m.

Mr Watson told the Financial Times he had become an “unperson” after he “was outed as believing in IQ” in 2007 and said he would like to use money from the sale to buy a David Hockney painting.

Mr Watson, who shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for uncovering the double helix structure of DNA, sparked an outcry in 2007 when he suggested that people of African descent were inherently less intelligent than white people."

When scientific facts become politically ought to keep an eye out.
What does I Q have to do with the op?Are you so insecure in your own cognitive ability that you had to bring pseudo scientific drivel to the thread to feel better? I won't even engage you in this sideshow. BTW co-discovering DNA isn't all that big a deal. I'm more impressed by people like Vivien Thomas or Dr. Ben Carson...two black men. Some of your ilk have dismissed them as being only 2 out of 41 million blacks to supposedly
highlight how rare genuis is among blacks.
They are wrong:

Carson and Thomas are 2 out of 8 billion
People on the entire earth to accomplish what they did. They were the first humans to accomplish what they did on the planet.And they are Black.
Actually no it isn't and yes they do fly hammer and sickle flags wherever they go. Communism is way worse than neo-nazism.
Are you saying Stalin was worse than Hitler?

Yes, he murdered more civilians due to his longer reign and they shared equal war guilt first through the Soviets feeding the German war machine with wheat and fuel through numerous treaties and agreements and secondly through the secret protocol of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact in which Stalin and Hitler divided Eastern Europe amongst themselves culminating in the joint Soviet-Reich invasion of Poland.
Antifa is here too and the Soviet red and hammer and sickle follow them wherever they go you stupid fuck:

Those who deny that antifa is a Marxist terror organization are sympathizers and collaborators and are likewise legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution.
You fuckers are a bigger threat than they are, according to the FBI.

Oh so done denying that they are a Marxist terrorist organization, all antifa, their sympathizers, and their collaborators are legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution.
Yes, he murdered more civilians due to his longer reign and they shared equal war guilt first through the Soviets feeding the German war machine with wheat and fuel through numerous treaties and agreements and secondly through the secret protocol of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact in which Stalin and Hitler divided Eastern Europe amongst themselves culminating in the joint Soviet-Reich invasion of Poland.
That's a zeig fail, shithead.
Oh so done denying that they are a Marxist terrorist organization, all antifa, their sympathizers, and their collaborators are legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution.
You keep repeating the same shit over and over like you're some kind of bot.

TOT the bot!

Hey, that has a nice ring to it!

And yeah, fuckhead, they're not Marxist and they're not a terrorist organization. You are.
Yes, he murdered more civilians due to his longer reign and they shared equal war guilt first through the Soviets feeding the German war machine with wheat and fuel through numerous treaties and agreements and secondly through the secret protocol of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact in which Stalin and Hitler divided Eastern Europe amongst themselves culminating in the joint Soviet-Reich invasion of Poland.
That's a zeig fail, shithead.

Touche faggot.
Oh so done denying that they are a Marxist terrorist organization, all antifa, their sympathizers, and their collaborators are legitimate targets for extrajudicial execution.
You keep repeating the same shit over and over like you're some kind of bot.

TOT the bot!

Hey, that has a nice ring to it!

And yeah, fuckhead, they're not Marxist and they're not a terrorist organization. You are.

Yep not Marxist but the hammer and sickle and Soviet Red follows them wherever they go huh? Say hello to Heather Heyer for me faggot.

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