Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March In Nyc Demanding ‘revolution, Nothing Less’

They jury's still out, IMHO; it is too early to say the "science is settled" or AGW is a hoax.

"Other effects could happen later this century, if warming continues.

  • Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).
  • Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger.
  • Species that depend on one another may become out of sync. For example, plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become active.
  • Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years.
  • Less fresh water will be available. If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100, leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either.
  • Some diseases will spread, such as malaria carried by mosquitoes."
I wouldn't trust global capitalists intent on commodifying all the life on the planet for their personal profit to tell the truth about AGW either.

Global Warming Effects Information Global Warming Effects Facts Climate Change Effects - National Geographic

Everything in that list of MIGHTs and COULDs is speculation and not science. A thunderstorm needs about 8 or 10 conditions to intensify. SURFACE heat of a degree or two isn't a biggy. Especially if Global warming affects the temps aloft like it does at the surface..

And everytime I look up one of those silly "people can't drink if the glaciers go away" stories --- what I find is more more folks dying from the spring floods pouring down those mountains into their villages from winter snow. The GLACIER has an emotional value. But BUILDING a DAMN DAM there would solve their water problems forever.

They get FEET of snow at altitudes where glaciers live.. And that will continue.. THis is all theater for idiots produced by the GW interests..
"'The science is settled' is a slogan attributed by opponents of the Kyoto Protocol andglobal warming theory to supporters notably in the Clinton administration.

"There are no known examples of its use outside the skeptic press, though some of the statements that were made have similar implications.

"The slogan itself has therefore become a detail in the political debate."
User William M. Connolley The science is settled - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Political debate or political theater?

That is the largest sack of shit you've ever tossed.. That term appears in Prez debates, Senate hearings, and news and pop media. Nancy Pelosi has it tattooed on her hiney.. That turd doesn't fly. John Fraud Kerry has pulls that card every time he opens his trap on the issue..
"John Quiggin, economist[edit]
  • "There’s no longer any serious debate among climate scientists about either the reality of global warming or about the fact that its substantially caused by human activity…" [2]
"David Milliband, UK Environment Minister[edit]
  • "I think that the scientific debate has now closed on global warming, and the popular debate is closing as well"[3]
"Camilla Cavendish[edit]
  • "The science debate is effectively over. The Stern review means that the economic debate is all but over. Only the political debate is left..."[4]
How would you distinguish between the economic and political debate over AGW?

User William M. Connolley The science is settled - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I would say the debate is over when parrots like you start arguing with yourselves.. :lol:
I have no proof those folks UNDERSTAND the science better than I do. And im damn certain that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein dont for sure.,
This is what all the "climate change aka Globull Warming " is ALL ABOUT. people better WAKE UP in this country

‘F*** the Police’: Communists, Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March in New York City Demanding ‘Revolution, Nothing Less’

Sep. 21, 2014 3:58pm Oliver Darcy

Tens-of-thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of New York City Sunday to demand political leaders take action on climate change.
While the protest remained peaceful, much of the “People’s Climate March” appeared to be made up of fringe elements of the political left.

Image source: Oliver Darcy/TheBlaze
Dozens of signs denouncing capitalism were spotted at the demonstration, often held by self-proclaimed socialists.
“Capitalism is destroying the planet,” a sticker on one woman’s shirt read, “We need revolution, nothing less.”

Image source: Oliver Darcy/TheBlaze
In one instance, activists shouted “f**k the police,” demanding justice for the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

Others took advantage of the demonstration’s liberal-leaning crowd, attempting to sell literature and t-shirts to them.

ALL of it here:
F the Police Communists Radicals Spotted Throughout Climate March in New York City Demanding 8216 Revolution Nothing Less Video
Capitalism is the reason why Immigrants come to US. Capitalism = Opportunity. Communism does not offer Opportunity. Communism only guarantees that you will not look at your neighbor with envy because he will look the same as you. Communism also guarantees the elimination of a Middle Class and a true 1 PERCENT. IF Climate change were a true concern, these protestors would be holding China, India, Russia, and Latin America equally accountable as US. The flock protestors you see in Manhattan is simply a redux of faux Occupy. Liberals always clamor for Revolution. They are in is what the Globe does.
. Communism does not offer Opportunity.

well, liberal communism does offer the opportunity for idiots to believe in central govt magic, and to believe they are demi-Gods with the answers to everyone's prayers. I'm sure its a very comforting and fulfilling feeling.
They jury's still out, IMHO; it is too early to say the "science is settled" or AGW is a hoax.

"Other effects could happen later this century, if warming continues.

  • Sea levels are expected to rise between 7 and 23 inches (18 and 59 centimeters) by the end of the century, and continued melting at the poles could add between 4 and 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters).
  • Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger.
  • Species that depend on one another may become out of sync. For example, plants could bloom earlier than their pollinating insects become active.
  • Floods and droughts will become more common. Rainfall in Ethiopia, where droughts are already common, could decline by 10 percent over the next 50 years.
  • Less fresh water will be available. If the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru continues to melt at its current rate, it will be gone by 2100, leaving thousands of people who rely on it for drinking water and electricity without a source of either.
  • Some diseases will spread, such as malaria carried by mosquitoes."
I wouldn't trust global capitalists intent on commodifying all the life on the planet for their personal profit to tell the truth about AGW either.

Global Warming Effects Information Global Warming Effects Facts Climate Change Effects - National Geographic

Everything in that list of MIGHTs and COULDs is speculation and not science. A thunderstorm needs about 8 or 10 conditions to intensify. SURFACE heat of a degree or two isn't a biggy. Especially if Global warming affects the temps aloft like it does at the surface..

And everytime I look up one of those silly "people can't drink if the glaciers go away" stories --- what I find is more more folks dying from the spring floods pouring down those mountains into their villages from winter snow. The GLACIER has an emotional value. But BUILDING a DAMN DAM there would solve their water problems forever.

They get FEET of snow at altitudes where glaciers live.. And that will continue.. THis is all theater for idiots produced by the GW interests..
"'The science is settled' is a slogan attributed by opponents of the Kyoto Protocol andglobal warming theory to supporters notably in the Clinton administration.

"There are no known examples of its use outside the skeptic press, though some of the statements that were made have similar implications.

"The slogan itself has therefore become a detail in the political debate."
User William M. Connolley The science is settled - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Political debate or political theater?

That is the largest sack of shit you've ever tossed.. That term appears in Prez debates, Senate hearings, and news and pop media. Nancy Pelosi has it tattooed on her hiney.. That turd doesn't fly. John Fraud Kerry has pulls that card every time he opens his trap on the issue..
"John Quiggin, economist[edit]
  • "There’s no longer any serious debate among climate scientists about either the reality of global warming or about the fact that its substantially caused by human activity…" [2]
"David Milliband, UK Environment Minister[edit]
  • "I think that the scientific debate has now closed on global warming, and the popular debate is closing as well"[3]
"Camilla Cavendish[edit]
  • "The science debate is effectively over. The Stern review means that the economic debate is all but over. Only the political debate is left..."[4]
How would you distinguish between the economic and political debate over AGW?

User William M. Connolley The science is settled - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I would say the debate is over when parrots like you start arguing with yourselves.. :lol:
I have no proof those folks UNDERSTAND the science better than I do. And im damn certain that Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein dont for sure.,
Do you base your denialism on commercial or ideological reasons?
AGWCult is a front for Marxism. There's no science, they just pat each pother on the back in "Peer review" and call anyone who asks them for evidence a "DENIER!!!!!"

well, no, it's more like we've given you a ton of evidence, but you g uys pretend it doesn't exist.

Melting icecaps, houses collapsing because the permafrost beneath them have turned to slush, dying coral reefs... but doing something about it might mean you can't drive a big car and might have to car pool.

Telling an addict he needs to change his ways is always going to be met with hostility.

Well, actually NO. There are record amounts of ice on the polar caps, the seas aren't rising, polar bears aren't floating off on tiny pieces of ice, temperatures have not risen...they've actually stabilized. Most have recognized the glowarm scam for what it is.
. Communism does not offer Opportunity.

well, liberal communism does offer the opportunity for idiots to believe in central govt magic, and to believe they are demi-Gods with the answers to everyone's prayers. I'm sure its a very comforting and fulfilling feeling.
Conservative Slaves base their economics not in material reality but, rather, on a fundamental distortion of morality that transforms labor into nothing but a means to the end of maximum profits for the "vile masters of mankind."

The End is Near:ack-1:
Well, my "Conservative" friends, be prepared to get you panties in a complete knot. I think that we need to organize a planet wide march concerning what we are doing to the climate that our grandchildren will inherit.
. Communism does not offer Opportunity.

well, liberal communism does offer the opportunity for idiots to believe in central govt magic, and to believe they are demi-Gods with the answers to everyone's prayers. I'm sure its a very comforting and fulfilling feeling.
Conservative Slaves base their economics not in material reality but, rather, on a fundamental distortion of morality that transforms labor into nothing but a means to the end of maximum profits for the "vile masters of mankind."

The End is Near:ack-1:

What are conservative slaves?
labor into nothing but a means to the end of maximum profits for the "vile masters of mankind."

of course you're a perfectly ignorant liberal. Corporations are slaves to their workers and customers. If under glorious Republican capitalism corporations don't provide the best jobs and products they go bankrupt. No other system raises the standard of living anywhere near that rate.

China, for example, just switched to capitalism and instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty.

Do you see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
AGWCult is a front for Marxism. There's no science, they just pat each pother on the back in "Peer review" and call anyone who asks them for evidence a "DENIER!!!!!"

well, no, it's more like we've given you a ton of evidence, but you g uys pretend it doesn't exist.

Melting icecaps, houses collapsing because the permafrost beneath them have turned to slush, dying coral reefs... but doing something about it might mean you can't drive a big car and might have to car pool.

Telling an addict he needs to change his ways is always going to be met with hostility.

Well, actually NO. There are record amounts of ice on the polar caps, the seas aren't rising, polar bears aren't floating off on tiny pieces of ice, temperatures have not risen...they've actually stabilized. Most have recognized the glowarm scam for what it is.

Now, either you are amazingly stupid, or a liar.

Now the sea ice around Antarctica is increasing, but the land ice is going away;


Climate Change News - Is Antarctica melting
Well, my "Conservative" friends, be prepared to get you panties in a complete knot. I think that we need to organize a planet wide march concerning what we are doing to the climate that our grandchildren will inherit.

dear, we've been in a cooling period for 20 years and storm activity(ACE) is down not up. You've been had!!
labor into nothing but a means to the end of maximum profits for the "vile masters of mankind."

of course you're a perfectly ignorant liberal. Corporations are slaves to their workers and customers. If under glorious Republican capitalism corporations don't provide the best jobs and products they go bankrupt. No other system raises the standard of living anywhere near that rate.

China, for example, just switched to capitalism and instantly eliminated 40% of world poverty.

Do you see why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
When did workers and customers obtain limited liability?
. Communism does not offer Opportunity.

well, liberal communism does offer the opportunity for idiots to believe in central govt magic, and to believe they are demi-Gods with the answers to everyone's prayers. I'm sure its a very comforting and fulfilling feeling.
Conservative Slaves base their economics not in material reality but, rather, on a fundamental distortion of morality that transforms labor into nothing but a means to the end of maximum profits for the "vile masters of mankind."

The End is Near:ack-1:

What are conservative slaves?
Corporate denialists:
"Denialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
AGWCult is a front for Marxism. There's no science, they just pat each pother on the back in "Peer review" and call anyone who asks them for evidence a "DENIER!!!!!"

well, no, it's more like we've given you a ton of evidence, but you g uys pretend it doesn't exist.

Melting icecaps, houses collapsing because the permafrost beneath them have turned to slush, dying coral reefs... but doing something about it might mean you can't drive a big car and might have to car pool.

Telling an addict he needs to change his ways is always going to be met with hostility.

Well, actually NO. There are record amounts of ice on the polar caps, the seas aren't rising, polar bears aren't floating off on tiny pieces of ice, temperatures have not risen...they've actually stabilized. Most have recognized the glowarm scam for what it is.

Now, either you are amazingly stupid, or a liar.

Now the sea ice around Antarctica is increasing, but the land ice is going away;


Climate Change News - Is Antarctica melting

Just as I thought. Another gullible follower. This phenomena has occurred countless number of times over the last million years but you believe we're causing it. I'm sorry you're so delusioned by such a hoax.
Well, my "Conservative" friends, be prepared to get you panties in a complete knot. I think that we need to organize a planet wide march concerning what we are doing to the climate that our grandchildren will inherit.

Have at it man. If you want to cast in with the folks that take a busload to sum up to a triple digit IQ --- Enjoy your day.. You think WE don't make sense.. :lmao:
. Communism does not offer Opportunity.

well, liberal communism does offer the opportunity for idiots to believe in central govt magic, and to believe they are demi-Gods with the answers to everyone's prayers. I'm sure its a very comforting and fulfilling feeling.
Conservative Slaves base their economics not in material reality but, rather, on a fundamental distortion of morality that transforms labor into nothing but a means to the end of maximum profits for the "vile masters of mankind."

The End is Near:ack-1:

What are conservative slaves?
Corporate denialists:
"Denialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Thanks for revealing the fundamental beliefs that tune your thinking to Global Warming. You can't win on the propaganda, but it was all about a hatred of Capitalism anyway --- wasn't it?

Been seeing that a lot lately. Nazis who love GW because it's all about control and genocide (NO F'ing joke, they are HERE !). Folks who love Muslim extremists because they HATE Jews and love conspiracies, And now GWarmers who don't know (and don't give) jackshit about the science, but can't pass up the opportunity to take a shot at corporations..
AGWCult is a front for Marxism. There's no science, they just pat each pother on the back in "Peer review" and call anyone who asks them for evidence a "DENIER!!!!!"

well, no, it's more like we've given you a ton of evidence, but you g uys pretend it doesn't exist.

Melting icecaps, houses collapsing because the permafrost beneath them have turned to slush, dying coral reefs... but doing something about it might mean you can't drive a big car and might have to car pool.

Telling an addict he needs to change his ways is always going to be met with hostility.

Well, actually NO. There are record amounts of ice on the polar caps, the seas aren't rising, polar bears aren't floating off on tiny pieces of ice, temperatures have not risen...they've actually stabilized. Most have recognized the glowarm scam for what it is.

Now, either you are amazingly stupid, or a liar.

Now the sea ice around Antarctica is increasing, but the land ice is going away;


Climate Change News - Is Antarctica melting

That's damn strange... I thought ice melted at 0degC.. From google

  1. The mean annual temperature of the interior is −57 °C (−70 °F). The coast is warmer. Monthly means at McMurdo Station range from −26 °C (−14.8 °F) in August to −3 °C (26.6 °F) in January. At the South Pole, the highest temperature ever recorded was −12.3 °C (9.9 °F) on 25 December 2011.

The INTERIOR is melting ???? Got an explanation for that other than a rounding error in the satellite measurements???

Screwy deal if "the land ice is goin away with those kind of temperatures --- aint it GoldiRocks?? Furthermore --- you zealots got to getz your stories straight. According to your useless foul-mouthed kitty friend, GW theory PREDICTS growing ice in Antarctica.. I think you clowns are cheating.. :lol:

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