Comparing the AR with other Legal Firearms

Oh, I know it and know it well. They call up Billy Bob and asks him if he has ever used his gun to defend himself against a criminal in the last six months. Billy Bob goes, "Hell yeah I did, just a couple of months ago--it was really two years ago--I heared this noise outside and I drug Besse out from under the bed, Besse is my 12 guage double barreled shotgun that I keep loaded right under my bed. I jumped out the back door and heard movement out toward the woods and let go with both barrels. I hit somebody too, but they managed to creep away."

In reality, the noise was tree branches brushing up against a window. No one was there and no one was shot. In fact, if every person in that study really did "hit somebody" local emergency rooms would have been overwhelmed. Funny how all the criminals that were shot also managed to heal without medical help. The study is sheer bullshit.
on the low end it still beats what you have to offer,,
For the second time. Tell me what the ban did that specifically lowered crime as you claimed. Tell me how not having a bayonet lug on my 1998 Colt AR-15 did anything to lower crime.
You can argue correlation verses causation if you want, but the numbers are there. The truth is your position, that all the assault weapons ban did was ban scary looking rifles, is enough. For a mentally sick 21 year old, looking to commit a mass shooting, the scarier looking the better. That is why, overwhelmingly, they choose an assault weapon as their primary weapon, usually with a pistol as backup.

And here is the thing, the high velocity rounds of the assault weapon inflict significantly greater wounds than a pistol, with less chance of survivability. That is borne out in the numbers I provided.
All I know is that the 'scary' criminal will have a 'scary' AR, and I want one too.
Results suggest assault weapons (primarily assault-type rifles) account for 2-12% of guns used in crime in general (most estimates suggest less than 7%)

Wow, right around that one in twenty number.
Results suggest assault weapons (primarily assault-type rifles) account for 2-12% of guns used in crime in general (most estimates suggest less than 7%)

Wow, right around that one in twenty number.
I'll be ready for that 7% chance, you can tell the criminal he shouldn't have that gun and he shouldn't be pointing it at you.
You can argue correlation verses causation if you want, but the numbers are there. The truth is your position, that all the assault weapons ban did was ban scary looking rifles, is enough. For a mentally sick 21 year old, looking to commit a mass shooting, the scarier looking the better. That is why, overwhelmingly, they choose an assault weapon as their primary weapon, usually with a pistol as backup.

And here is the thing, the high velocity rounds of the assault weapon inflict significantly greater wounds than a pistol, with less chance of survivability. That is borne out in the numbers I provided.
For the third time Moon Bat. Tell me how not having a bayonet lug or a removable flash hider prevented one crime with a semi auto rifle.

I'll be waiting.
I have posted the statistics, both frequency of mass shootings and number of deaths declined during the assault weapons ban, and shot up immediately after its sunset.
Yes. You offer a post hoc fallacy. We covered this.
Repeating your post hoc fallacy does nothing for you.

What do I have?
Just the facts:
The 1994 AWB did not reduce access to 'assault weapons'
The expiration of the 1994 AWB did not increase access to 'assault weapons'
Neither the enactment of the 1994 AWB, nor its expiration, had no effect on shootings, mass or otherwise.
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Fact: A gun will shoot whether it is legal or not. Criminals don't care.
I want them banned. Turn them in or confiscation. These killing machines serve no other purpose than that. End of story.
Youtuber compares AR lethality with other legal firearms.
If the AR is banned, it won't stop there. Other guns are just as lethal, if not more. Where will the line in the sand be drawn from the left?

You missed the boat once again.

Shotgun, in most states, only allows 3 rounds and plugs to take up the difference. The one used had 5 shots while the monster had 16. No one will be using these as their primary for School and Church shootings as the shotgun (normal) only holds 3 to 5 and it's slow to reload.

The AR reloads a 20 round mag in less than a second. That means it will end up pumping out more destruction than even the shotgun because of it's speed.

You gunnutters lose again.
You can argue correlation verses causation if you want, but the numbers are there.
Doubling down on your post hoc fallacy?

The numbers are there.
They prove nothing.
And here is the thing, the high velocity rounds of the assault weapon inflict significantly greater wounds than a pistol, with less chance of survivability.
Well duh.
You can argue correlation verses causation if you want, but the numbers are there. The truth is your position, that all the assault weapons ban did was ban scary looking rifles, is enough. For a mentally sick 21 year old, looking to commit a mass shooting, the scarier looking the better. That is why, overwhelmingly, they choose an assault weapon as their primary weapon, usually with a pistol as backup.

And here is the thing, the high velocity rounds of the assault weapon inflict significantly greater wounds than a pistol, with less chance of survivability. That is borne out in the numbers I provided.
The correlation that you forgot to mention. During the ten years of the infamous "assault weapons ban" the number of ARs/AKs/etc sold in the US increased but yet total gun crime went down.
I want them banned. Turn them in or confiscation. These killing machines serve no other purpose than that. End of story.
We don't give a shit what you want Moon Bat. You can go fuck a duck.

You are wrong. Right now I have more than two dozen AR-15s. Not one of them have been used to kill anybody.

However, they have been used to provide recreation, a self defense deterrent and (as stated in the Constitution) they are necessary for the security of a free state.

Stop being a pussy.
We don't give a shit what you want Moon Bat. You can go fuck a duck.

You are wrong. Right now I have more than two dozen AR-15s. Not one of them have been used to kill anybody.

However, they have been used to provide recreation, a self defense deterrent and (as stated in the Constitution) they are necessary for the security of a free state.

Stop being a pussy.
which militia are you a member of?
what is your rank?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Yes. You offer a post hoc fallacy. We covered this.
Repeating your post hoc fallacy does nothing for you.

What do I have?
Just the facts:
The 1994 AWB did not reduce access to 'assault weapons'
The expiration of the 1994 AWB did not increase access to 'assault weapons'
Neither the enactment of the 1994 AWB, nor its expiration, had no effect on shootings, mass or otherwise.
I am sorry, but you have provided absolutely no documentation.

The federal law restricting assault-style rifles and high-capacity magazines ran from 1994 to 2004. It barred the manufacture, sale and civilian use of new guns. If you already owned a semiautomatic assault style rifle, it was grandfathered in. And the law had other big loopholes, including allowing some copycat weapons. Research shows it worked only marginally to reduce overall gun crime and murder rates. But a growing body of research shows it did work when it came to mass shootings.

It bears repeating, loudly.

But a growing body of research shows it did work when it came to mass shootings.

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