COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

This video sequence, and the one being aired on Tucker Carlson, changes my mind entirely about this incident and while it doesn't necessarily exonerate Chauvin, it also clearly makes it much much harder to convict him, which is precisely why Minnesota's radical muslim scumbag attorney general, "Keith Ellison," and he is every bit as radical as any jihaddi, hid it from the public! Floyd was already dying when the cops took him into custody, the whole incident is radically changed in my mind due to release of that video, and especially because of the racist, white hating Minnesota attorney generals withholding of it from the public until after Floyds death had achieved the desired political effects! Floyd almost certainly died from an overdose, and not from manual, or positional strangulation...

Love the straw man by the brain dead lefties. “Floyd didn’t deserve to die.”

No shit...and the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Can you guys post a link to anyone on this site who claimed Floyd should have been killed by the cop?

Ahh.... the denial tango. Everybody dance!

I like the part of the stiry where the cops being accused of murder were calling for an ambulance to address the fucktardz claims, even as he was in the act of resisting arrest.

Any idea about why a "murderer" would do that?
I think where the problem is going to come in will be why both LEO's continued kneeling on Floyd after he was subdued.

I can't think of any reasonable excuse for this that is going to fly in this case.

It does not look good.

It is obvious to me, that the cops were kneeling to keep the meth head down and flat until the ambulance could get there. Kneeling requires the least amount of effort with a minimal amount of contact. The drugged up habitual offender was sweating profusely, would not stay still, would not follow commands and may have had enough fentanyl on him somewhere to give the cop an overdose. The cops have to be prepared for that.

These explanations are easy enough for me to make. I can not imagine the Cops lawyers having any difficulty in doing the same.

La la la la la la la la

Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving. The passengers are completely rational and lucid. Floyd is acting like a complete nut job.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANYL ......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!
Probably PCP too.
A sad truth, that is too often ignored, is that people who resist police, in an overwhelming number, are drug or alcohol effected, or mentally impaired.

Most individuals, even those who are severely angry or stupid, will physically cooperate with police to avoid additional charges or worse.

Only when someone is affected and impaired to a high degree will they believe that fighting with police will have a positive result for them.
Actually the real culprits are the greedy idiot GOP rich propagandists and they're ignorant minions like you. The worst inequality and upward mobility means something.
LMAO ...

Do they have pink unicorn rides in that Alt Left Universe you live in?
So much inequality and hopelessness and the GOP wants the cops to handle everything. We should try ending the war on drugs and starting treatment and having a mental health system for a change. And good jobs and cheap training for the all the jobs going begging. Good technical jobs that go to Germany Scandinavia etc.
Keith Ellison (current AG in Minneapolis) refused to release that video claiming he did not want to do anything to jeopardize the prosecutor's case. Gee and here I though AGs were supposed to uphold justice, not pass judgement.

They were hoping to bury that tape and railroad Chauvin into prison so they could score points in the net election. they need to be prosecuted for their part in this scam, and the officers should be able to collect millions in judgements from the so-called 'news media' who willfully participated in the smear campaign that could easily cause the murders of these officers. the pols and the faux press both need to be sentenced to serous time in jail and then get deported.
Very insensitive police work. They could have let him sit and wait for a paddy wagon. They were waiting for an ambulance.

So I listened to what the officers said. They made every logical attempt to fix this problem. We'll open a window. We'll help you. We have an ambulance coming. They worked with this guy.

There was none of this "They intentionally killed a black man" crap.

Didn't happen. If Floyd had simply sat in the police car, he'd be alive.

At this point, the police are not guilty. It's that simple now.
It is tragic he died, but to say the cops were over the line or did things wrong is not shown on this tape. Rather it appears that a Floyd was high on something. He resisted the entire time. He refused to get in the squad car and he was acting neurotic.

Once again the leftist and black community is holding up a deeply troubled and bad guy as a martyr.
It is tragic he died,
I have all but given up on the tragedy of blacks who do crime after crime, and get to walk the streets like they can do crime again. Those who do turn another leaf and become model citizens i respect, but George who not only forced a gun on a pregnant woman then does time, comes out gets high on Fen and then tries to pass a counterfit 20 which once again are both felons. I am glad we dont have to give a trial for George again, because he would be out on the streets again doing the same thing again, and again, and again. That is how criminals get a rap sheep a mile long....
It’s ok to call out bad policing. Just like it’s ok to call out good policing. This was murder. The cop has a rap sheet longer the George Floyd’s.
it wasn't murder ---he was trying to restrain him--not kill him..stupid shit like yours is part of the problem
let’s see. Cop murders suspect in broad daylight. I’m appalled. You’re amused. Who’s the problem?
I heard "I cant breathe" from George Floyd when he was placed in the squad car. Being hyped up on Fen, the body tends to have shortness of breath. The coroner had noted that George died of Heart Failure, another problem with ingesting Fen.
Fentanyl Overdose Symptoms, Signs & Treatment
The effects that a fentanyl overdose have on the user’s heart rate and breathing present the biggest risk of death or permanent damage. Even if a user survives a fentanyl overdose, these side effects may leave a lasting mark on the user’s body if not treated immediately. For example, respiratory depression can lead to hypoxia, which can cause permanent brain damage in the suffering individual 5, 6.
So I listened to what the officers said. They made every logical attempt to fix this problem. We'll open a window. We'll help you. We have an ambulance coming. They worked with this guy.

There was none of this "They intentionally killed a black man" crap.

Didn't happen. If Floyd had simply sat in the police car, he'd be alive.

At this point, the police are not guilty. It's that simple now.
He was too "claustrophobic" to sit in the back of a cop car, that had more room than the drivers seat he was just removed from.
It’s ok to call out bad policing. Just like it’s ok to call out good policing. This was murder. The cop has a rap sheet longer the George Floyd’s.
it wasn't murder ---he was trying to restrain him--not kill him..stupid shit like yours is part of the problem
let’s see. Cop murders suspect in broad daylight. I’m appalled. You’re amused. Who’s the problem?
I heard "I cant breathe" from George Floyd when he was placed in the squad car. Being hyped up on Fen, the body tends to have shortness of breath. The coroner had noted that George died of Heart Failure, another problem with ingesting Fen.
Fentanyl Overdose Symptoms, Signs & Treatment
The effects that a fentanyl overdose have on the user’s heart rate and breathing present the biggest risk of death or permanent damage. Even if a user survives a fentanyl overdose, these side effects may leave a lasting mark on the user’s body if not treated immediately. For example, respiratory depression can lead to hypoxia, which can cause permanent brain damage in the suffering individual 5, 6.
Opiate ODs cause respiratory arrest.
It is tragic he died, but to say the cops were over the line or did things wrong is not shown on this tape. Rather it appears that a Floyd was high on something. He resisted the entire time. He refused to get in the squad car and he was acting neurotic.

Once again the leftist and black community is holding up a deeply troubled and bad guy as a martyr.
Need to correct my comment and rephrase.

The cops didn’t do anything wrong until the one cop kept his knee on the back of Floyd’s neck when he was handcuffed on his stomach. It is very understandable to want to restraint the high and erratic Floyd, but there could have been better method.

I’ve talked to a few cops about this and they all told me same thing - the cops treatment of Floyd was excessive
So I listened to what the officers said. They made every logical attempt to fix this problem. We'll open a window. We'll help you. We have an ambulance coming. They worked with this guy. There was none of this "They intentionally killed a black man" crap.

Didn't happen. If Floyd had simply sat in the police car, he'd be alive. At this point, the police are not guilty. It's that simple now.
I'll agree with how you describe here, but ultimately the cop was leaning on his neck after Floyd quit complaining, and he died. I think they could have allowed him to sit on the ground, he was willing to do that earlier in the sequence. If he was merely sitting on the ground and died, then the scene does not appear as it did, which looks bad for the cop.
I agree that Chauvin is probably not guilty of murder, but his defense is going to be difficult - they are not going to let him out of jail, and the trial is probably not going to be for a couple of years away.

Unless, Blue Lives Matter gets the protests going. Are you willing to march? Can you get your good neighbors to march? Are you going to call your congressman - what have you done, so far?
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Actually the real culprits are the greedy idiot GOP rich propagandists and they're ignorant minions like you. The worst inequality and upward mobility means something.
LMAO ...

Do they have pink unicorn rides in that Alt Left Universe you live in?
So much inequality and hopelessness and the GOP wants the cops to handle everything. We should try ending the war on drugs and starting treatment and having a mental health system for a change. And good jobs and cheap training for the all the jobs going begging. Good technical jobs that go to Germany Scandinavia etc.
None of which would have saved George Floyd. He was already high out of his mind suggesting that legalization of drugs would have helped him is monumentally ignorant. Neither would an improved mental health system. Floyd was never going to have a good paying technical job. So you crapped out on everything.

The officers should have recognized that Floyd had overdosed and was dying. That's where the training needs to be better. As soon as the call is about a black man the police should immediately assume that the man is in drug induced distress. Deal with the accusations of racism later.

What the police did wrong was ask Floyd if he was on something and he said no, they either believed him or pretended they did. It was obvious the man was out of his mind. They should have handcuffed him and had him sit on the sidewalk. He would have died any way but no one would have been blamed.
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La la la la la la la la
"Postmortem fentanyl concentrations cannot be used in isolation to determine whether intoxication occurred. The physical state of the person, a possible drug tolerance and the pain level of the patient are also relevant."

It is obvious to me, that the cops were kneeling to keep the meth head down and flat until the ambulance could get there. Kneeling requires the least amount of effort with a minimal amount of contact. The drugged up habitual offender was sweating profusely, would not stay still, would not follow commands and may have had enough fentanyl on him somewhere to give the cop an overdose. The cops have to be prepared for that.

These explanations are easy enough for me to make. I can not imagine the Cops lawyers having any difficulty in doing the same.
Maybe so ....

It will come out in the trial.

For me .... this case seems to be excessive enough to not go the LEO's way.

I said the same thing about the Amber Geiger case.
So I listened to what the officers said. They made every logical attempt to fix this problem. We'll open a window. We'll help you. We have an ambulance coming. They worked with this guy.

There was none of this "They intentionally killed a black man" crap.

Didn't happen. If Floyd had simply sat in the police car, he'd be alive.

At this point, the police are not guilty. It's that simple now.
He was too "claustrophobic" to sit in the back of a cop car, that had more room than the drivers seat he was just removed from.

To be fair, cop cars do not have more room. But, he did have the entire back seat.

If he can't handle the entire back seat of a patrol car, then how did he handle the driver seat of the vehicle he was in?

Yeah, that was my first thought too. And the fact he was screaming he couldn't breath, when he was still in the patrol car, and no one was on top of him.....

Yeah.... I think the problem is he was on drugs, and the drugs killed him. Now certainly I still don't understand why the officer had his knee on his neck.

BUT...... there is no question that none of these officers are guilty of murder.

My problem now is the pure unlimited deception of both the public and the media. They all knew this. The people who recorded the original video, knew all of this. They were there. They heard him screaming he couldn't breath, when he was still in the car. The Media admitted they saw the entire video too.

That means there is a greater epidemic of lying, than Covid-19 going on. This is... very disheartening. I kept giving people the benefit of the doubt, and they keep proving themselves trash.
So much inequality and hopelessness and the GOP wants the cops to handle everything. We should try ending the war on drugs and starting treatment and having a mental health system for a change. And good jobs and cheap training for the all the jobs going begging. Good technical jobs that go to Germany Scandinavia etc.
Your comment is kinda of all over the place.

Maybe be a little more specific.

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