COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

They have got to have leg shackles in their supply kits for something like this.
They don't.
Well, I'm going to write my Congressman and get this problem fixed!
I gues it would probably be a lot of hassle trying to put them on an uncooperative suspect.

Think, for a moment, what it would look like on the news if a police officer put leg irons on a black suspect.

I think most city officials would rather put up with a few injured cops than get that kind of bad press.
He didn't deserve to die but wholly shit, imagine if you're the cop with this clown? He resists everything all while he claims he's not resisting, he's drugged out of his mind.
This is the very reason Law Enforcement needs better training and violent assholes like this guy needs to be identified early on and removed from the force.

I find it interesting everyone but thugs are held accountable. It's also interesting MS PROGS have this belief police forces should be de-funded, as if that will improve the level of police force. At the end of the day they desire thugs run the streets, cuz PROGS love them that chaos and destruction.
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Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving. The passengers are completely rational and lucid. Floyd is acting like a complete nut job.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANYL ......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!

Death sentence for being high on meth? But you guys aren't fascist, no siree.
Well, obviously all meth users need to be summarily executed by cops. Just stands to reason.
Perhaps you should look up the definition of "execute" ......

Just saying !!
ok, murder then. LEO should summarily murder all meth users they encounter. It only stands to Trumpian reason.

Okay, we - and President Trump - should be held responsible for things that we didn't say, but that you want to believe we said. Only stands to lying leftist "reason".
He also had a container of drugs shoved up his ass hiding it, just like a true criminal.

He couldn't breath because he was so fucked up. He was claiming he couldn't breath long before he was on the ground. He died because he O.D.

So blacks have put the nation through two and half months of HELL because some worthless POS career criminal druggie resisted arrest and O.D.
Is there evidence Floyd O.D. ?

I think it's clear the LEO's actions were the cause of Floyd's death.

And, yes some Black Americans have put this Country through hell, but they are merely the uneducated pawns.

The real culprits are White Marxist.
Actually the real culprits are the greedy idiot GOP rich propagandists and they're ignorant minions like you. The worst inequality and upward mobility means something.

Someone sure did a number on you. There's no going back once one has reached your level. Sorry to be the one to tell you.
I find it interesting everyone but thugs are held accountable.

That's quite a generalized statement.

Are you saying thugs aren't being held accountable?

If so which ones?

Or, are you trying to justify this LEO's action?

If so why?

It's also interesting MS PROGS have this belief police forces should be de-funded, as if that will improve the level of police force. At the end of the day they desire thugs run the streets, cuz PROGS love them that chaos and destruction.
That is true.

This Country is at War with these Marxist Leftist.

However, justice must be applied equally .... or we are no different than these American hating Leftist terrorist.
Here is the video we have all been waiting for.

The ENTIRE George Floyd incident.

You know I see there? A boy whose mama didn't whoop him like she should have a time or two.
Throwing a crying fit.

That and an apathetic POS cop or two.
I don't think those cops were apathetic at all. I think their protocol and training called for that level of restraint. As a matter of fact not only did they not force him into the cruiser...they removed him.
Any lawyer worth his salt will have these guys walking. There is nothing...NOTHING to convict on here.
What are they going to convict on? Police brutality? How? Training and protocol call for this restraint.
"I can't breath" When? Minute 8, 9,10, 12,14 or minute 17?
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
They have got to have leg shackles in their supply kits for something like this.
They don't.
Well, I'm going to write my Congressman and get this problem fixed!
I gues it would probably be a lot of hassle trying to put them on an uncooperative suspect.

Think, for a moment, what it would look like on the news if a police officer put leg irons on a black suspect.

I think most city officials would rather put up with a few injured cops than get that kind of bad press.
Fuck bad press, leg irons now!
Leg irons save lives!
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They have got to have leg shackles in their supply kits for something like this.
They don't.
Well, I'm going to write my Congressman and get this problem fixed!
I gues it would probably be a lot of hassle trying to put them on an uncooperative suspect.

Think, for a moment, what it would look like on the news if a police officer put leg irons on a black suspect.

I think most city officials would rather put up with a few injured cops than get that kind of bad press.
Fuck bad press, leg irons now!

Press is everything. If the press don't like you, you're toast.

There is a 'joke' among police officers over which would be more painful... getting shot by a minority suspect, or shooting a minority suspect.

At least if you get shot, you have better odds of surviving.
ANOTHER CRIMINAL--resisting --it's always the same dumbshit !!!
..police are not the problem--it's the black culture--black dumbass/psycho criminals
Blacks think the COPS will "comply" if they only scream enough, threaten enough or resist enough. Some people are just too stupid to learn
Restraining a meth'd up habitual offender while they continue to resist arrest is not tantamount to murder.
True ...

But, that's not exactly the whole story here, now is it?


I like the part of the stiry where the cops being accused of murder were calling for an ambulance to address the fucktardz claims, even as he was in the act of resisting arrest.

Any idea about why a "murderer" would do that?

I like the part of the stiry where the cops being accused of murder were calling for an ambulance to address the fucktardz claims, even as he was in the act of resisting arrest.

Any idea about why a "murderer" would do that?
I think where the problem is going to come in will be why both LEO's continued kneeling on Floyd after he was subdued.

I can't think of any reasonable excuse for this that is going to fly in this case.

It does not look good.

Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving. The passengers are completely rational and lucid. Floyd is acting like a complete nut job.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANYL ......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!

Death sentence for being high on meth? But you guys aren't fascist, no siree.

lying about what I posted. How lefty and fascist of you.

Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving. The passengers are completely rational and lucid. Floyd is acting like a complete nut job.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANYL ......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!

Death sentence for being high on meth? But you guys aren't fascist, no siree.

lying about what I posted. How lefty and fascist of you.

Hmmm... I don't think you'd recognize a lefty fascist if one took over your party and you voted for him
Keith Ellison (current AG in Minneapolis) refused to release that video claiming he did not want to do anything to jeopardize the prosecutor's case. Gee and here I though AGs were supposed to uphold justice, not pass judgement.

Floyd had 11ng of fentanyl per ML in his blood which is enough to kill. They reported he also had 'other drugs' in his system such as methamphetamine. Floyd also told law enforcement he'd been 'hoofing' which is shoving bags of dope up your ass to smuggle it somewhere. Beyond all that, the video categorically puts to rest any kind of law enforcement racism employed against Floyd as the video clearly shows lawful conduct by law enforcement up to the kneeling on Floyd's neck.
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Love the straw man by the brain dead lefties. “Floyd didn’t deserve to die.”

No shit...and the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Can you guys post a link to anyone on this site who claimed Floyd should have been killed by the cop?

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