COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANY......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!
I wonder if meth sales are going up or down
Actually, in all seriousness, it seems the LEO's are subject to Darwin's Law as well
He also had a container of drugs shoved up his ass hiding it, just like a true criminal.

He couldn't breath because he was so fucked up. He was claiming he couldn't breath long before he was on the ground. He died because he O.D.

So blacks have put the nation through two and half months of HELL because some worthless POS career criminal druggie resisted arrest and O.D.

And this is the big lie perpetrated by the media. He was claiming he was going to die and could breath LONG LONG LONG before he was on the ground. He said it when no one was touching his neck at all.

Total spin by a corrupt media.

How many people have died In the Floyd riots? 30? How many are black? Black lives matter.....right.
Yes, there is evidence he O.D., and it's all going to come out in the trial.

It is FAR from "clear" that the knee on the neck was the cause of his death. That's an absolutely untrue thing to say. Floyd was claiming he "couldn't breath" long before they had to put him on the ground to calm him down from resisting, and if he couldn't breath, he couldn't speak, but he was speaking just fine. His heart gave out is what happened, from being a long time drug addict, from being tweeked out of his mind.

Ask Elvis about taking drugs, ask Michael Jackson, ask Prince, ask Jimmy Hendrix, ask Janice Joplin, ask Chris Farley... drug addicts die.
I am not sure this one will go the way you think.

There is no excuse for the LEO's to continue kneeling on Floyd after he was subdued.

I don't think the attorneys will be able to justify those actions, drugs on board or not.

And, yes .... Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince, Jimmy Hendrix, Janice Joplin, and Chris Farley all died from drug overdoses.

But, none of them had 2 LEO's kneeling on them at the time of their death.

No need to argue the cop shouldn’t have had his knee on Floyd’s neck for 10 minutes. We all agree and I stated it in the original post. No sure who is sayingFloyd deserved to die. Are there many people you can post evidence they claimed this?

My point is Floyd could have complied with police and be alive right now. Did you watch the video?
If any of you are commenting without watching the video, you are brainwashed dumb fucks.
Well, obviously all meth users need to be summarily executed by cops. Just stands to reason.
Perhaps you should look up the definition of "execute" ......

Just saying !!
ok, murder then. LEO should summarily murder all meth users they encounter. It only stands to Trumpian reason.

your response is silly. The use of meth is a VERY SIGNIFICANT risk factor for DEATH BY MYOCARDIAL
INFARCTION-----in fact myocardial infarction is the
typical death for meth users-----lots of reasons----the stuff actually impacts both on lung tissue and cardiac
muscle----do a simple search. It's the way they GO
How many times did the cops ask him to sit down.

Floyd kept repeating virtually incoherent nonsense and not complying at all with the police.

Just sit down in the fucking car, you psycho moron.
Well, are my takeaways.

#1) Don’t abuse your kids so badly that you are sent to prison.
#2) If you get paroled from your prison sentence for extreme child abuse, abide by the terms of your parole.
#3) When a police officer tells you to do something as easy as putting your hands on the steering wheel and sitting down.....COMPLY.

Not that tough.
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Yes, there is evidence he O.D., and it's all going to come out in the trial.

It is FAR from "clear" that the knee on the neck was the cause of his death. That's an absolutely untrue thing to say. Floyd was claiming he "couldn't breath" long before they had to put him on the ground to calm him down from resisting, and if he couldn't breath, he couldn't speak, but he was speaking just fine. His heart gave out is what happened, from being a long time drug addict, from being tweeked out of his mind.

Ask Elvis about taking drugs, ask Michael Jackson, ask Prince, ask Jimmy Hendrix, ask Janice Joplin, ask Chris Farley... drug addicts die.
I am not sure this one will go the way you think.

There is no excuse for the LEO's to continue kneeling on Floyd after he was subdued.

I don't think the attorneys will be able to justify those actions, drugs on board or not.

And, yes .... Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince, Jimmy Hendrix, Janice Joplin, and Chris Farley all died from drug overdoses.

But, none of them had 2 LEO's kneeling on them at the time of their death.

Restraining a meth'd up habitual offender while they continue to resist arrest is not tantamount to murder.
Beating your kids so bad that you go to prison and then using meth and Fentanyl while on parole from Prison from beating your Kids is bad, ok kids?
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