COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

It’s ok to call out bad policing. Just like it’s ok to call out good policing. This was murder. The cop has a rap sheet longer the George Floyd’s.
it wasn't murder ---he was trying to restrain him--not kill him..stupid shit like yours is part of the problem
let’s see. Cop murders suspect in broad daylight. I’m appalled. You’re amused. Who’s the problem?
It’s ok to call out bad policing. Just like it’s ok to call out good policing. This was murder. The cop has a rap sheet longer the George Floyd’s.
George Floyd put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly

Please list the cop's rap sheet as you call it, include convictions and how many times in prison
22 complaints and internal investigations is what to what I was referring. Seemed destined to kill someone.
Wow! I don't think the knee on the neck was necessary. Although, Floyd was uncooperative he was not violent, and not seemingly inclined to run away. They could have restrained his legs. They have got to have leg shackles in their supply kits for something like this.
I agree with the "crying wolf," problem, but he was not violent and a danger to himself. He was not throwing his head in any way. He was not kicking. How was he a danger to himself?
It is always the way of a prog to underestimate what Felons will do when faced with going to prison. Again, if George stayed in the car instead of resisting arrest he would be alive today...
It’s ok to call out bad policing. Just like it’s ok to call out good policing. This was murder. The cop has a rap sheet longer the George Floyd’s.
George Floyd put a gun to a pregnant woman's belly

Please list the cop's rap sheet as you call it, include convictions and how many times in prison
22 complaints and internal investigations is what to what I was referring. Seemed destined to kill someone.
He was also married to a chinese spy who helped drug and program him
Here is the video we have all been waiting for.

The ENTIRE George Floyd incident.

That was the very tape I saw first, then it disappeared and all the media stations ran little 5 second glimpses and two minute runs of the whining little bitch on the ground for weeks afterwards, complete with all the left wing faggot sniveling over the gun thug and his self-inflicted heart attack. All of the black homo racists here think he was some sort of 'Alpha Male' or something, lol lol lol.
I'd like to see the vid of him pointing a piece at a pregnant womans belly and threatning her to get him da drugs or he'd blow her fetus all over the wall.

Nice guy.
I've seen the tape, nothing happened that warranted his death. It appears that the story of George Floyd pointing a gun at a pregnant lady's belly is exaggerated and maybe not even true.

This is Floyds criminal record.

View attachment 370913

"to conclude, from evidence, that includes the robbery report from the police department and the copy of the final judgment in the case, that punished Floyd for 5 years in jail, there is no evidence of him manhandling a pregnant woman."

The reality of George Floyd Maltreating a Pregnant Woman in a Robbery Attempt | XperimentalHamid

lol the feral animal plea bargained down several violent crimes, and should have never been let of prison at all. The pendulum is just swinging back on you lying street thug vermin, is all. You can never gain back any credibility, no matter what now, so just change your handle and come back as a new tard instead of the racist cop killer advocate POS you're known as now.
I'd like to see the vid of him pointing a piece at a pregnant womans belly and threatning her to get him da drugs or he'd blow her fetus all over the wall.

Nice guy.
I've seen the tape, nothing happened that warranted his death. It appears that the story of George Floyd pointing a gun at a pregnant lady's belly is exaggerated and maybe not even true.

This is Floyds criminal record.

View attachment 370913

"to conclude, from evidence, that includes the robbery report from the police department and the copy of the final judgment in the case, that punished Floyd for 5 years in jail, there is no evidence of him manhandling a pregnant woman."

The reality of George Floyd Maltreating a Pregnant Woman in a Robbery Attempt | XperimentalHamid

lol the feral animal plea bargained down several violent crimes, and should have never been let of prison at all. The pendulum is just swinging back on you lying street thug vermin, is all. You can never gain back any credibility, no matter what now, so just change your handle and come back as a new tard instead of the racist cop killer advocate POS you're known as now.
Only thing I say to the wanna be militant is this.........................If there were no slavery, there would be no IM2, no blacks at all to speak about. We shoulda been pikin our owned damned cotton.

Maybe IM2 would have been born in Africa. Starving in the middle of 2 brutal tribes murdering each other.

Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving. The passengers are completely rational and lucid. Floyd is acting like a complete nut job.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANYL ......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!
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He also had a container of drugs shoved up his ass hiding it, just like a true criminal.

He couldn't breath because he was so fucked up. He was claiming he couldn't breath long before he was on the ground. He died because he O.D.

So blacks have put the nation through two and half months of HELL because some worthless POS career criminal druggie resisted arrest and O.D.
He also had a container of drugs shoved up his ass hiding it, just like a true criminal.

He couldn't breath because he was so fucked up. He was claiming he couldn't breath long before he was on the ground. He died because he O.D.

So blacks have put the nation through two and half months of HELL because some worthless POS career criminal druggie resisted arrest and O.D.
Is there evidence Floyd O.D. ?

I think it's clear the LEO's actions were the cause of Floyd's death.

And, yes some Black Americans have put this Country through hell, but they are merely the uneducated pawns.

The real culprits are White Marxist.
He also had a container of drugs shoved up his ass hiding it, just like a true criminal.

He couldn't breath because he was so fucked up. He was claiming he couldn't breath long before he was on the ground. He died because he O.D.

So blacks have put the nation through two and half months of HELL because some worthless POS career criminal druggie resisted arrest and O.D.
Is there evidence Floyd O.D. ?

I think it's clear the LEO's actions were the cause of Floyd's death.

And, yes some Black Americans have put this Country through hell, but they are merely the uneducated pawns.

The real culprits are White Marxist.
Yes, there is evidence he O.D., and it's all going to come out in the trial.

It is FAR from "clear" that the knee on the neck was the cause of his death. That's an absolutely untrue thing to say. Floyd was claiming he "couldn't breath" long before they had to put him on the ground to calm him down from resisting, and if he couldn't breath, he couldn't speak, but he was speaking just fine. His heart gave out is what happened, from being a long time drug addict, from being tweeked out of his mind.

Ask Elvis about taking drugs, ask Michael Jackson, ask Prince, ask Jimmy Hendrix, ask Janice Joplin, ask Chris Farley... drug addicts die.
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Yes, there is evidence he O.D., and it's all going to come out in the trial.

It is FAR from "clear" that the knee on the neck was the cause of his death. That's an absolutely untrue thing to say. Floyd was claiming he "couldn't breath" long before they had to put him on the ground to calm him down from resisting, and if he couldn't breath, he couldn't speak, but he was speaking just fine. His heart gave out is what happened, from being a long time drug addict, from being tweeked out of his mind.

Ask Elvis about taking drugs, ask Michael Jackson, ask Prince, ask Jimmy Hendrix, ask Janice Joplin, ask Chris Farley... drug addicts die.
I am not sure this one will go the way you think.

There is no excuse for the LEO's to continue kneeling on Floyd after he was subdued.

I don't think the attorneys will be able to justify those actions, drugs on board or not.

And, yes .... Elvis, Michael Jackson, Prince, Jimmy Hendrix, Janice Joplin, and Chris Farley all died from drug overdoses.

But, none of them had 2 LEO's kneeling on them at the time of their death.

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