COMPLETE George Floyd Tape

Would you PROGS be alright if cops knocked thugs & grown-children out cold similar a tranquilizer? It would save stupid from themselves for starts.

Make it a rule, assuming the cop isn't under immediate threat, two warnings for idiots to comply with orders or the cop knocks them out. Only exclusions would be young children and frail.

If you disagree, what should cops do when thugs and grown-children fail to comply with orders?
How about you just admit that Floyd being black is what lead to you writing this bullshit? Sure you could conveniently claim “no, i would say that about anyone regardless of skin color”, but that still wouldn’t change the fact that you wrote this BECAUSE Floyd was black.

Sure, it would have been better if Floyd just complied, but oh well. Mental health is complicated sometimes. None of this bullshit is, of course, related to the issue at hand which is that Floyd was suffocated to death. If you agree the cops fucked up, why the fuck are we even discussing this shit to begin with? How should we all be wiser from the experience exactly?
Which is why we should defund the police some and have mental health experts along social workers etc. We just need to spend more money and we have to tax the rich to do it. This is ridiculous.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
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I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?
I am not so sure everyone here is using that to justify Floyd's death ....

But, it clearly is a reality ..... Like it or not .....

Darwin Awards ..... Right, Wrong, or Otherwise ..... are real !!!!
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?
I am not so sure everyone here is using that to justify Floyd's death ....

But, it clearly is a reality ..... Like it or not .....

Darwin Awards ..... Right, Wrong, or Otherwise ..... are real !!!!
Oh trust me I get it. You’re relying on the “whataboutism” argument to minimize how the cops behaved. It’s completely moronic and it does not matter. You can say Floyd was a degenerate all you want. Maybe he was. It’s possible. However, none of that shit should be relevant to how he died obviously.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.

You're the only one suggesting there was cause to kill Floyd. Good thing you're not a cop, for starts they're supposed to have balls, and from there they require critical application. You know, like shoot the fucker who just tried to taze you with your own tazer?

It's the critical application that's an inconvenience. Floyd put himself in position to be killed by a bad cop, simple as that. If he wasn't a complete thug & stupid he'd be alive today hustling and smoking meth.

If you're going to challenge someone's stupid, don't write a sentence that reads "I love show you’re too stupid to realize".

Look up the term pussy, you misused it. An appropriate use of the term would be, "you sound like a pussy when you start a sentence like that with "I love". What do you love about it?
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I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.

You're the only one suggesting there was cause to kill Floyd. Good thing you're not a cop, for starts they're supposed to have balls, and from there they require critical application. You know, like shoot the fucker who just tried to taze you with your own tazer?

If you're going to challenge someone's stupid, don't write a sentence that reads "I love show you’re too stupid to realize".

Look up the term pussy, you misused it.
Lol you and I both know I didn’t give any cause for Floyd’s death. You’re just pulling that out of your ass because you have nothing to argue with. Now you’re talking about tasers for some reason. Are you even listening to yourself?
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Look at how Floyd is behaving with police and look at how his passengers are behaving. The passengers are completely rational and lucid. Floyd is acting like a complete nut job.

Floyd will simply NOT COMPLY with the most basic of the police instructions.


These are not challenging actions to complete. Floyd was intentionally belligerent AND CLEARLY FUCKED UP ON METH AND FENTANYL ......AS WAS FOUND IN HIS BLOOD.

Part of his parole agreement was not to do drugs. It’s not like it was a secret.

BEFORE ANY OF YOU LEFT WING MINDLESS MORONS CRY, “He didn’t deserve to die!” shit....the cop was arrested and charged with murder.

Did David Dorn deserve to die? Nope. Shit happens.

If Floyd would have just sat down in the cop car, he would be alive today.

Claustrophobic??? He can’t sit in a car? He was removed FROM A CAR!
Shut the fuck up. I saw the whole video. There was no need for the knee on his neck. Stop looking for excuses to justify this.
The protests are happening because of 400 years of this kind of behavior and attitudes by the majority of whites who are participating in this thread. It's about much more than George Floyd.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.

You're the only one suggesting there was cause to kill Floyd. Good thing you're not a cop, for starts they're supposed to have balls, and from there they require critical application. You know, like shoot the fucker who just tried to taze you with your own tazer?

If you're going to challenge someone's stupid, don't write a sentence that reads "I love show you’re too stupid to realize".

Look up the term pussy, you misused it.
Lol you and I both know I didn’t give any cause for Floyd’s death. You’re just pulling that out of your ass because you have nothing to argue with. Now you’re talking about tasers for some reason. Are you even listening to yourself?

No dumb-shit, I'm positive it was you who suggested Floyd was fully responsible for his death. Anyone else say that? How about a post number?
nope wrong again---there was nothing in the autopsy to indicate that the COP KILLED FLOYD
I wouldn't exactly expect to see the LEO's name in the autopsy report.

However, the cause of death speaks for itself.

If I recall correctly, the cause of death was cardiac arrest due to hypoxia.

There may be other information since the time I recall reading it, for it was several weeks ago.

But, I don't think the defense stands a chance of convincing a jury that Floyd just happened to code from an OD while those LEO's were kneeling on him.

nope---there was no sign of hypoxia-----hypoxia SHOWS UP ON MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF AUTOPSY
TISSUE-------it did not. He did not "code from an OD"-----he died of a myocardial infarction brought on the his CHRONIC CONDITION---hypertension, obesity and drug use------its the way druggies go when they get a bit older. -------using drugs for a chronic druggie---smoker, diabetic obese guy with hypertension is NOT the same as using them at age 23---slim, normotensive etc.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.

You're the only one suggesting there was cause to kill Floyd. Good thing you're not a cop, for starts they're supposed to have balls, and from there they require critical application. You know, like shoot the fucker who just tried to taze you with your own tazer?

If you're going to challenge someone's stupid, don't write a sentence that reads "I love show you’re too stupid to realize".

Look up the term pussy, you misused it.
Lol you and I both know I didn’t give any cause for Floyd’s death. You’re just pulling that out of your ass because you have nothing to argue with. Now you’re talking about tasers for some reason. Are you even listening to yourself?

No dumb-shit, I'm positive it was you who suggested Floyd was fully responsible for his death. Anyone else say that? How about a post number?
When I summarized the OP’s post? We both know I didn’t agree but sure moron. Quote what I said in context. Go ahead. You’ll make an ass out of yourself as usual.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.

You're the only one suggesting there was cause to kill Floyd. Good thing you're not a cop, for starts they're supposed to have balls, and from there they require critical application. You know, like shoot the fucker who just tried to taze you with your own tazer?

If you're going to challenge someone's stupid, don't write a sentence that reads "I love show you’re too stupid to realize".

Look up the term pussy, you misused it.
Lol you and I both know I didn’t give any cause for Floyd’s death. You’re just pulling that out of your ass because you have nothing to argue with. Now you’re talking about tasers for some reason. Are you even listening to yourself?

No dumb-shit, I'm positive it was you who suggested Floyd was fully responsible for his death. Anyone else say that? How about a post number?
When I summarized the OP’s post? We both know I didn’t agree but sure moron. Quote what I said in context. Go ahead. You’ll make an ass out of yourself as usual.

Oh look, Billy is going to summarize the OP's post. Comes from a guy who can't even summarize his own, but we'll just take your word for it.
I can't get over how fucking stupid this thread is. The logic here is he refused to sit in the police car therefore he brought his death on himself. How big of a moron do you have to be to justify that?

We understand Billy, your avatar is a personal goal. The following is an example to suit said avatar, follow along closely:

1. PROGS turn cities into sewage destroying everything possible. That would include the public, police force, law and order.

2. PROGS replaced Floyd's father with welfare. Floyd was raised under a poor environment low on respect and high on turmoil.

3. Then Floyd wrecked his life high on drugs.

4. This combination turned Floyd into the common thug. PROGS want mercy, where was the mercy when Floyd held a gun to a pregnant woman?

5. Floyd fucks up, probably a daily routine. Unfortunately he runs into the wrong cops damaged in their own right under PROG-rule, where cops are pigs, thugs are martyrs or at best unaccountable.

6. Floyd can't possibly comply with police orders, the guy is just too dumb, too high and too fucked. Everything is a battle, and that's 100% on Floyd.

7. As a result Floyd was murdered by a bad cop.

Pretty simple............Baby steps Billy, take the plunge.
Oh god what a pathetic display of “whataboutism”. Could you be any more of a pussy? Regardless of whether or not these points are correct to begin with, they don’t somehow justify Floyd’s death on any fucking level so this shit is completely irrelevant.

Oh and “probably a daily routine” huh? I love show you’re too stupid to realize how your own biases cloud the issue.

You're the only one suggesting there was cause to kill Floyd. Good thing you're not a cop, for starts they're supposed to have balls, and from there they require critical application. You know, like shoot the fucker who just tried to taze you with your own tazer?

If you're going to challenge someone's stupid, don't write a sentence that reads "I love show you’re too stupid to realize".

Look up the term pussy, you misused it.
Lol you and I both know I didn’t give any cause for Floyd’s death. You’re just pulling that out of your ass because you have nothing to argue with. Now you’re talking about tasers for some reason. Are you even listening to yourself?

No dumb-shit, I'm positive it was you who suggested Floyd was fully responsible for his death. Anyone else say that? How about a post number?
When I summarized the OP’s post? We both know I didn’t agree but sure moron. Quote what I said in context. Go ahead. You’ll make an ass out of yourself as usual.

Oh look, Billy is going to summarize the OP's post. Comes from a guy who can't even summarize his own, but we'll just take your word for it.
Oh so you’re not going to give me the post number? Got it. Maybe you’re too fucking stupid for reading comprehension either way.

Any facts he covers should be ignored
Down with Tim pool
Down with officer uncle tom Tatum

Russia ! D4ump !corona!

Pop bang whiz

li baatidsaaaa.jpeg
He has a good take on it but my biggest question for the cops is when they had him handcuffed why weren't 4 officers able to get him into the car even if he supposedly asked to lay on the ground ?

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