
Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
So you're saying all this talk of gun bans is just more control of the government that it wants to take away from American citizens.
Glad a leftist finally admitted that.
Now let me ask you this
What is your qualitative experience on the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

When I get to a lie I stop reading. The lie in your first sentence is where I stopped reading.

You can't lie to me and you can't claim I said something I didn't say.

I was willing to have a logical, mature and adult conversation with you but I refuse for it to be one sided.

It's apparent to me you can't have an honest conversation about weapons.

As I said, if you can't compromise, you will end up losing the ability to own those semi automatic weapons.
What compromise do you propose?

Let's hear it.

Actually I keep an AR in my truck with 10 30 round magazines with a level 4 plate carrier and ballistic helmet
Because you never know when the zombie apocalypse will start.
I only have 6 mags; I need another set of pouches.

What do you need all the mags for?? Are you expecting to carry out a mass shooting?
Well, why does it matter?

Does he have the right to have that equipment or not?

What if he is able to stop a mass shooting at some point? Are you going to complain about it then?


When has a citizen armed with a AR ever stopped a mass shooting?

The Church shooting in TX.

Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
So you're saying all this talk of gun bans is just more control of the government that it wants to take away from American citizens.
Glad a leftist finally admitted that.
Now let me ask you this
What is your qualitative experience on the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

When I get to a lie I stop reading. The lie in your first sentence is where I stopped reading.

You can't lie to me and you can't claim I said something I didn't say.

I was willing to have a logical, honest, mature and adult conversation with you but I refuse for it to be one sided.

It's apparent to me you can't have an honest conversation about weapons.

As I said, if you can't compromise, you will end up losing the ability to own those semi automatic weapons.
So are you saying you lied?
A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
So you're saying all this talk of gun bans is just more control of the government that it wants to take away from American citizens.
Glad a leftist finally admitted that.
Now let me ask you this
What is your qualitative experience on the use of deadly force? What gives you the ability to have an opinion on what an individual needs to prevail in a fight for their life?

When I get to a lie I stop reading. The lie in your first sentence is where I stopped reading.

You can't lie to me and you can't claim I said something I didn't say.

I was willing to have a logical, mature and adult conversation with you but I refuse for it to be one sided.

It's apparent to me you can't have an honest conversation about weapons.

As I said, if you can't compromise, you will end up losing the ability to own those semi automatic weapons.
What compromise do you propose?

Let's hear it.

Before 1988 the push for gun control was against handguns but that went nowhere. Then comes Josh Sugarmann is the executive director and founder of the Violence Policy Center

Assault weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully-automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons --anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun-- can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons.

Do you walk around with an assault weapon?
Why are you scared of something that doesn't exist?

You didn't answer me, do you walk around with an assault weapon??
Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.


Why are you scared of something that doesn't exist?

You didn't answer me, do you walk around with an assault weapon??
Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.

From reading your posts, since you called them guns, it tells me you were never in the military. If you had been in the military you would never use the word gun. You would still hear the TI or DI screaming at you while grabbing his crotch saying that's a gun. What you're holding is a weapon.

I know this because I was in the military. The TI's words screaming over the sound of the weapons still rings in my ears when I see or hear the word gun.

I was formally trained how to use that weapon you carry and is in your home. I know what it's for and it's not for civilian use.

I come from a family of hunters too. My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by then, one shot, she had a full freezer of meat. My dad, grandfather and mother used to hunt. No hunter needs a semi automatic weapon and large capacity magazines of bullets.

If you need a lot of ammunition to hit your targets, then you need to go to the shooting range to practice before you hurt yourself.

I grew up with weapons all round me. I've been formally trained by our government how use those weapons of war.

You give up absolutely no rights if you aren't allowed to own a semi automatic weapon. You still have the right to own all the other types of weapons you want.

However you don't have one form of a penis extender and one less object that gives you the false feeling that you have control of your life.

I feel very sorry for the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.

By the way, your attitude will guarantee that certain weapons will become illegal and removed from our nation. Not compromising will guarantee you do lose the ability to own those semi automatic weapons you have.

This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?


What do you have a vagina for? Do you plan to turn tricks?
I have the gun in case I need the gun; I have the ammo in case I need the gun.
If I need the gun, when will I have a chance to resupply the ammo?

I only have 1 vagina, you do not need 6 mags (perhaps 10rounds a mag) =60 shots=?60 bodies, depending on your being a bad shot, maybe 50 bodies.
Did you watch the video?


Yes all of it. If it takes more than 10 bullets to hit a target you'd be dead.
So, you're such a great shot under pressure that you believe in 1 shot, 1 kill in an ultra-stress situation?

I want to see you try. That would be funny as hell.


No I'm willing to let you have a 10 round mag.

Who the hell put you in charge?

You didn't answer me, do you walk around with an assault weapon??
Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.

From reading your posts, since you called them guns, it tells me you were never in the military. If you had been in the military you would never use the word gun. You would still hear the TI or DI screaming at you while grabbing his crotch saying that's a gun. What you're holding is a weapon.

I know this because I was in the military. The TI's words screaming over the sound of the weapons still rings in my ears when I see or hear the word gun.

I was formally trained how to use that weapon you carry and is in your home. I know what it's for and it's not for civilian use.

I come from a family of hunters too. My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by then, one shot, she had a full freezer of meat. My dad, grandfather and mother used to hunt. No hunter needs a semi automatic weapon and large capacity magazines of bullets.

If you need a lot of ammunition to hit your targets, then you need to go to the shooting range to practice before you hurt yourself.

I grew up with weapons all round me. I've been formally trained by our government how use those weapons of war.

You give up absolutely no rights if you aren't allowed to own a semi automatic weapon. You still have the right to own all the other types of weapons you want.

However you don't have one form of a penis extender and one less object that gives you the false feeling that you have control of your life.

I feel very sorry for the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.

By the way, your attitude will guarantee that certain weapons will become illegal and removed from our nation. Not compromising will guarantee you do lose the ability to own those semi automatic weapons you have.

This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?

View attachment 276110

And if not, we'll just make all semi-autos shoot double action, and get around the bullshit ban.

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
Let me stop you right there.

It's not a Bill of Needs. It's a Bill of Rights.



please list what RIGHTS are and then list what PRIVILEGES are...

guns are a RIGHT

driving is a PRIVILEGE

what else are RIGHTS?

what else are PRIVILEGES?
Gun rights have most assuredly been taken away
And, still we see no proposed compromise, just more banning and limiting.

You didn't answer me, do you walk around with an assault weapon??
Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.

From reading your posts, since you called them guns, it tells me you were never in the military. If you had been in the military you would never use the word gun. You would still hear the TI or DI screaming at you while grabbing his crotch saying that's a gun. What you're holding is a weapon.

I know this because I was in the military. The TI's words screaming over the sound of the weapons still rings in my ears when I see or hear the word gun.

I was formally trained how to use that weapon you carry and is in your home. I know what it's for and it's not for civilian use.

I come from a family of hunters too. My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by then, one shot, she had a full freezer of meat. My dad, grandfather and mother used to hunt. No hunter needs a semi automatic weapon and large capacity magazines of bullets.

If you need a lot of ammunition to hit your targets, then you need to go to the shooting range to practice before you hurt yourself.

I grew up with weapons all round me. I've been formally trained by our government how use those weapons of war.

You give up absolutely no rights if you aren't allowed to own a semi automatic weapon. You still have the right to own all the other types of weapons you want.

However you don't have one form of a penis extender and one less object that gives you the false feeling that you have control of your life.

I feel very sorry for the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.

By the way, your attitude will guarantee that certain weapons will become illegal and removed from our nation. Not compromising will guarantee you do lose the ability to own those semi automatic weapons you have.

This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?

View attachment 276110


That is not a semiautomatic weapon. The energy from firing does not cock the hammer and rotate the cylinder. For a gun nut, you don't knw much about guns, do you?
A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
Let me stop you right there.

It's not a Bill of Needs. It's a Bill of Rights.



please list what RIGHTS are and then list what PRIVILEGES are...

guns are a RIGHT

driving is a PRIVILEGE

what else are RIGHTS?

what else are PRIVILEGES?
Gun rights have most assuredly been taken away

Guns don’t have ‘rights’ – people do.

And the right of the people to possess a firearm is not unlimited, it’s subject to regulations and restrictions consistent with Second Amendment case law – limits and restrictions that in no manner ‘take away’ rights.
A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
Let me stop you right there.

It's not a Bill of Needs. It's a Bill of Rights.



please list what RIGHTS are and then list what PRIVILEGES are...

guns are a RIGHT

driving is a PRIVILEGE

what else are RIGHTS?

what else are PRIVILEGES?
Gun rights have most assuredly been taken away

Guns don’t have ‘rights’ – people do.

And the right of the people to possess a firearm is not unlimited, it’s subject to regulations and restrictions consistent with Second Amendment case law – limits and restrictions that in no manner ‘take away’ rights.
You're going to be a stupid son of a bitch?

I asked for a list of the rights you lost.

you cons keep claiming you have lost many of them.

so list them.

which rights have you actually lost?

can you name any?

even one?
a number of gun rights were lost

what number?

which ones?

can you be a little more specific?

I contend you have lost NO RIGHTS and until you list some I consider it a deranged lie.
You truly are ignorant
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

First, rights can’t be ‘lost’ – our rights are inalienable, they can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

Second, although inalienable, our rights are not ‘absolute’; with regard to the Second Amendment, it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.

Third, any limit or restriction placed on our rights consistent with Constitutional case law does not ‘violate’ our rights; laws and measures enacted by government are perceived to be Constitutional until the courts rule otherwise.

Last, a firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law does not infringe upon the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment – no rights have been ‘lost’ the consequence of a lawfully enacted firearm regulatory measure.

I asked for a list of the rights you lost.

you cons keep claiming you have lost many of them.

so list them.

which rights have you actually lost?

can you name any?

even one?
a number of gun rights were lost

what number?

which ones?

can you be a little more specific?

I contend you have lost NO RIGHTS and until you list some I consider it a deranged lie.
You truly are ignorant
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

First, rights can’t be ‘lost’ – our rights are inalienable, they can be neither taken nor bestowed by any government, constitution, or man.

Second, although inalienable, our rights are not ‘absolute’; with regard to the Second Amendment, it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.

Third, any limit or restriction placed on our rights consistent with Constitutional case law does not ‘violate’ our rights; laws and measures enacted by government are perceived to be Constitutional until the courts rule otherwise.

Last, a firearm regulatory measure enacted consistent with Second Amendment case law does not infringe upon the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment – no rights have been ‘lost’ the consequence of a lawfully enacted firearm regulatory measure.
no you're just truly ignorant haven't lost any rights.

in your view, as long as you can hold your 'effin gun

that is exactly why we've become a fascist nation

people that equate the entire constitution to a firearm

Without that one right, you have no rights. What other rights would you be allowed to keep?
Strawman fallacy – no rights have been ‘lost,’ including the Second Amendment right.

And the Second Amendment right doesn’t ‘preserve’ our other rights.

The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to possess a handgun pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of ‘law enforcement,’ not to ‘deter’ crime, and not to defend against a government perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’
the 2nd is for idiot gun owners to ignore all the rights they're loosing , because they think a gun makes them 'free' Clay

Again why do you fear something that doesn't exist?

Oh man semantics.

Do you walk around with a semi automatic weapon?

Just answer the question and stop being a coward.
Yes I do as a matter of fact I carry one and keep an AR with 10 30 round magazines and a level IV plate carrier with a Ballistic Helmet in my truck

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.

From reading your posts, since you called them guns, it tells me you were never in the military. If you had been in the military you would never use the word gun. You would still hear the TI or DI screaming at you while grabbing his crotch saying that's a gun. What you're holding is a weapon.

I know this because I was in the military. The TI's words screaming over the sound of the weapons still rings in my ears when I see or hear the word gun.

I was formally trained how to use that weapon you carry and is in your home. I know what it's for and it's not for civilian use.

I come from a family of hunters too. My aunt used to sit on her back porch waiting for the right size deer to walk by then, one shot, she had a full freezer of meat. My dad, grandfather and mother used to hunt. No hunter needs a semi automatic weapon and large capacity magazines of bullets.

If you need a lot of ammunition to hit your targets, then you need to go to the shooting range to practice before you hurt yourself.

I grew up with weapons all round me. I've been formally trained by our government how use those weapons of war.

You give up absolutely no rights if you aren't allowed to own a semi automatic weapon. You still have the right to own all the other types of weapons you want.

However you don't have one form of a penis extender and one less object that gives you the false feeling that you have control of your life.

I feel very sorry for the people who have to deal with you on a daily basis.

By the way, your attitude will guarantee that certain weapons will become illegal and removed from our nation. Not compromising will guarantee you do lose the ability to own those semi automatic weapons you have.

This is a semi-auto weapon, a single trigger pull fires a single round, you going to ban them too?

View attachment 276110


That is not a semiautomatic weapon. The energy from firing does not cock the hammer and rotate the cylinder. For a gun nut, you don't knw much about guns, do you?

Sure it is, 1 trigger pull, one round expended, the next round is advanced and it's cocked with each trigger pull. All semi-autos fire one round with each trigger pull.

A person doesn't need all that in our nation.
Let me stop you right there.

It's not a Bill of Needs. It's a Bill of Rights.



please list what RIGHTS are and then list what PRIVILEGES are...

guns are a RIGHT

driving is a PRIVILEGE

what else are RIGHTS?

what else are PRIVILEGES?
Gun rights have most assuredly been taken away

Guns don’t have ‘rights’ – people do.

And the right of the people to possess a firearm is not unlimited, it’s subject to regulations and restrictions consistent with Second Amendment case law – limits and restrictions that in no manner ‘take away’ rights.

Every time you lie about this topic, you seem to conveniently forget the "in common use" standard. There are millions of semi-auto rifles and pistols in common use. So you sling generalities while denying specifics. You're just a typical lying commie.

the 2nd is for idiot gun owners to ignore all the rights they're loosing , because they think a gun makes them 'free' Clay

I suppose you believe you can vote a tyrant out of control of the government. do you support the police and only want them armed?

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