Computer technology and this internet.

Is it possible for companies like Microsoft and such, to somehow decide to render a product unstable or unusable if they are wanting the customer to either upgrade or change to another computer and/or newer OS system ? Are these companies dependent on their survival or their profitting by doing these sorts of things to us ?

I have a computer that I didn't use much, so it is like new even though it is old or older, but it was a very good running computer (top of the line), and very fast also. Well it was down for a while in storage, and when I placed it back in action it ran great just like it always did, umm well until I hooked it back up to the internet. That is where it all began to act strange in so many ways. Then I see all these upgrade messages, because XP is or will no longer be supported. In the mean time my computer is having more and more problems as it tries to surf and be on the net. I can't help but think that I am being sabotaged somehow, even though I may not be.

This comp has all but quit doing anything right, and I haven't been anywhere but to a few places on the net since I got it back on line, and as well I have Norton anti-virus protection that I pay for also. Every time I run my norton scan, it brings back a result of 15 tracking cookies resolved and fixed. Where does all these tracking cookies come from, and shouldn't these companies be asking before they are putting things into your computer like that with people unaware ? Is the net a set up, otherwise soon you will be paying more and more and more just to stay active, and then up to date just to remain upon it ?

Rendering equipment useless, even when it has enough factory horsepower under the hood still, to me is just sad and not right. How many people out there will not be able to keep pace, so aren't they eventually shooting themselves in their own foot, otherwise if they are doing things that render equipment and software out of date and/or useless like this ?

You would think that the goal would be to keep everyone running, and then to offer products that enhances the experience of the user, and this reagardless of who they are always. To render equipment (the computers themselves) usless as is the case it seems, I think is shooting themselves in their own foot again. The goal should be to keep as many active on the net as possible (regardless of their computer performance), but to work the software upgrades customized for the user and level the user is at instead. These softwares could be tuned to different computer systems in order to keep all system alive for as long as possible, and this way you will keep all levels of classes on line for as long as possible.

To create softwares that are only workable on certain computers or OS systems, is shooting oneself in the foot. Older technologies are still way beyond their time, and still should be workable in the enviroment, but undoubtedly these major corporations don't see it that away. They must think that everyone is doing great these days, even though people can barely stay in their own homes anymore, so go figure that one.

I am also experiencing another problem, where as my provider is saying I need an upgrade to another faster package, and this way I can stream youtube and netflix without buffering so bad, but here's the kicker " I was streaming these sites without any problem until recently", now it's like I'm back to dial up when it comes to streaming these video's. WHAT!!! Now I need a package that cost $5.00 dollars more a month ? How coincidental is that ? I have lap tops that are the latest and greatest with windows 7, but now I can't stream these sites with them either ? These companies are going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until they break the very people who have kept them in business over the years, then what ?

Anybody else experiencing all these things maybe ?

However, the O/S updates and upgrades require more and more memory as the program grows larger. Older systems cannot provide the processing power or memory capacity to meet the more complicated software requirements.

There is no deliberate attempt to make you buy more advanced O/S's. Like many people, they were perfectly happy with their Ford Model A's but vexed when they were not permitted on a modern interstate because they could not keep up with the minimum speed limits.

I liked Microsoft XP. It was one of the most stable O/S's they produced. However, it is woefully inadequate to modern day software, and was never designed to be optimized for broadband Internets speeds. The more modern software you add to the box, the slower it will become.
Well a car is something people have a fondness for because of its looks or sounds or they can work on it, it makes more sense for people to dig classic cars.

I can't imagine someone thinking a 16 year OS that limits what one can do would be appealing, not only from a software standpoint but most hardware isn't likely to include Win98 drivers. I'd think he'd have issues with everything from using thumb drives to surfing the web to even viewing some PDF documents. Why suffer that?

He should try installing one of the more user friendly Linux distros out there.
I have my first computer I ever owned ((a Packard Bell)), and there wasn't nothin like turning it on and seeing that old system run again, and then to look at where I was at in that day..LOL I remember the office, and how it looked like an office with stairs, desk and all that sort of stuff.. The tech was cool and graphics were great. I still have all the disk for it and everything. I started it up a while back for old time sake, and at first it would not come on (nothing). I kept on pushing the button and then I just left it alone for a few. I came back and pushed the button again and wa-la it started up. I guess the bios had to recharge back up before it would run again or something.

Like I said it was cool looking back in time like that, and you know really the tech was different then, but it was still very good for the time.

I know things are improving all the time, but to just drop something (leaving a huge gap), in which will be one that many will have a time crossing over at first, umm will be interesting to see and experience I guess.
Is it possible for companies like Microsoft and such, to somehow decide to render a product unstable or unusable if they are wanting the customer to either upgrade or change to another computer and/or newer OS system ? Are these companies dependent on their survival or their profitting by doing these sorts of things to us ?

I have a computer that I didn't use much, so it is like new even though it is old or older, but it was a very good running computer (top of the line), and very fast also. Well it was down for a while in storage, and when I placed it back in action it ran great just like it always did, umm well until I hooked it back up to the internet. That is where it all began to act strange in so many ways. Then I see all these upgrade messages, because XP is or will no longer be supported. In the mean time my computer is having more and more problems as it tries to surf and be on the net. I can't help but think that I am being sabotaged somehow, even though I may not be.

This comp has all but quit doing anything right, and I haven't been anywhere but to a few places on the net since I got it back on line, and as well I have Norton anti-virus protection that I pay for also. Every time I run my norton scan, it brings back a result of 15 tracking cookies resolved and fixed. Where does all these tracking cookies come from, and shouldn't these companies be asking before they are putting things into your computer like that with people unaware ? Is the net a set up, otherwise soon you will be paying more and more and more just to stay active, and then up to date just to remain upon it ?

Rendering equipment useless, even when it has enough factory horsepower under the hood still, to me is just sad and not right. How many people out there will not be able to keep pace, so aren't they eventually shooting themselves in their own foot, otherwise if they are doing things that render equipment and software out of date and/or useless like this ?

You would think that the goal would be to keep everyone running, and then to offer products that enhances the experience of the user, and this reagardless of who they are always. To render equipment (the computers themselves) usless as is the case it seems, I think is shooting themselves in their own foot again. The goal should be to keep as many active on the net as possible (regardless of their computer performance), but to work the software upgrades customized for the user and level the user is at instead. These softwares could be tuned to different computer systems in order to keep all system alive for as long as possible, and this way you will keep all levels of classes on line for as long as possible.

To create softwares that are only workable on certain computers or OS systems, is shooting oneself in the foot. Older technologies are still way beyond their time, and still should be workable in the enviroment, but undoubtedly these major corporations don't see it that away. They must think that everyone is doing great these days, even though people can barely stay in their own homes anymore, so go figure that one.

I am also experiencing another problem, where as my provider is saying I need an upgrade to another faster package, and this way I can stream youtube and netflix without buffering so bad, but here's the kicker " I was streaming these sites without any problem until recently", now it's like I'm back to dial up when it comes to streaming these video's. WHAT!!! Now I need a package that cost $5.00 dollars more a month ? How coincidental is that ? I have lap tops that are the latest and greatest with windows 7, but now I can't stream these sites with them either ? These companies are going to keep pushing and pushing and pushing until they break the very people who have kept them in business over the years, then what ?

Anybody else experiencing all these things maybe ?

However, the O/S updates and upgrades require more and more memory as the program grows larger. Older systems cannot provide the processing power or memory capacity to meet the more complicated software requirements.

There is no deliberate attempt to make you buy more advanced O/S's. Like many people, they were perfectly happy with their Ford Model A's but vexed when they were not permitted on a modern interstate because they could not keep up with the minimum speed limits.

I liked Microsoft XP. It was one of the most stable O/S's they produced. However, it is woefully inadequate to modern day software, and was never designed to be optimized for broadband Internets speeds. The more modern software you add to the box, the slower it will become.
Good post and thanks for the update.. :)

Hmmm you don't work with a finance company do you ? LOL

I have seen plenty of grandma's and grandpa's still on the road, so are we to just run them off the road because they are to old maybe ? What ever happened to accomodations for everyone to hang in there somehow, I mean at least until the fat lady sings ?
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"Just drop" might be pushing it.

XP came out in 2001, they've continued to support, patch and offer security updates to it for over 12 years, and have been shouting pretty loud for some time now that they will no longer support it after April 2014.

What is a reasonable expectation for continuing to support an outdated product that hasn't been sold retail for so long?
"Just drop" might be pushing it.

XP came out in 2001, they've continued to support, patch and offer security updates to it for over 12 years, and have been shouting pretty loud for some time now that they will no longer support it after April 2014.

What is a reasonable expectation for continuing to support an outdated product that hasn't been sold retail for so long?
Hasn't been sold retail in how long ? I wonder due to it's stable and reliability offered for so long, as to how many are out there running this OS system still ? I bet the numbers still might be staggering. I can understand the upgrading the PC's and even upgrading the XP system also (staying connected somehow), and of course creating more choice in systems offered such as 7, 8, 8.1 or beyond, but to then mingle or mix them in anywhere if choose, but not to try and force change.

Changing around a system a little bit, is that really creating a complete new one or is this more about money/revenues mainly ?
They didn't change a system a little bit, you don't understand how different operating systems released now are compared to ones that were developed in the late 90s.
They didn't change a system a little bit, you don't understand how different operating systems released now are compared to ones that were developed in the late 90s.
I guess I don't, but why are they (7, 8 and 8.1) so much more harder to run on a machine than say XP was on a machine, otherwise when it was being constantly re-developed or improved upon from around say 2003 or before, and on up until around 2013 ? I mean why does these new OS systems take so much more to run on a machine than before, otherwise if they are supposed to be improved upon each time in order to become more and more machine and/or user friendly ? This baffles me sort of, especially when cell phones and calculators have went from being monstrosities to tiny little devices that are barely held in the hand or worn on the head anymore ?
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Well a car is something people have a fondness for because of its looks or sounds or they can work on it, it makes more sense for people to dig classic cars.

The same could be said for computers, and with the nostalgic computer geek the same would apply wouldn't you think ?
I mean why does these new OS systems take so much more to run on a machine than before, otherwise if they are supposed to be improved upon each time in order to become more and more machine and/or user friendly ?
Newer OS can do a lot more than older ones.

This baffles me sort of, especially when cell phones and calculators have went from being monstrosities to tiny little devices that are barely held in the hand or worn on the head anymore ?
You're comparing apples/oranges by comparing hardware to software.

Hardware gets smaller as manufacturing process improvements happen, whereas software with more features gets bigger as it requires more code.
The same could be said for computers, and with the nostalgic computer geek the same would apply wouldn't you think ?
I guess there could be someone who digs using less capable software in the name of nostalgia, but that is a completely different issue than the cycle of new software and reasonable expectations for product support.

Also = please don't change to giant fonts like that, it is obnoxious.
The same could be said for computers, and with the nostalgic computer geek the same would apply wouldn't you think ?
I guess there could be someone who digs using less capable software in the name of nostalgia, but that is a completely different issue than the cycle of new software and reasonable expectations for product support.

Also = please don't change to giant fonts like that, it is obnoxious.
LOL. yep those fonts ended up being a little bit more than I expected..

Ok now I have just received in the mail my brand new copy of windows 8.1, and I have killed the drive completely with wipe drive on one of these computers. I then booted the HP back up with the new disk, but the system won't work with the new disk or it says error code [computer needs to restart]. I then restart and the same thing happens again and again. Now here I am a customer who paid $114.00 for the windows disk out of pocket, but it won't work on either of my very good running and very good condition and/or very capable [machines] ? Now isn't that special ?

I recieved a 32 bit disk, and a 64 bit disk, and neither one will work with what I have as computers. Now if I go out and buy the latest and greatest XP disk to load back on these machines, then uh oh no more support for XP. Now isn't that special ? Microsoft must be losing it's mind to render peoples machines obselete before they are obselete or completely worn out. Is everything in this nation now going through a forced change without the peoples consent and/or their complete backing anymore ? This is crazy.. I am on the remaining machine that has XP on it, and it still rock & rolls great. Yes, maybe the desk top view isn't all fancy and new, but it still does alot of things that I need it to do, and it does it with ease to. Now here I am being dictated to by Microsoft, who basically is rendering my two machines obselete (putting me in a corner), and there's nothing I can do about it ? I guess they think people can just go out and buy new machines on a whim, or maybe not pay a bill or two just to keep up like they think people can. That's not me I'm talking about, but I'm sure their are plenty of those who are out there like that, and they will do exactly that just to keep their experience going no matter the cost. It's shameful really, because they should create slow and linked change, that will work for all involved, and allow people to keep their old machines going if the machines are still capable enough to get the job done.

How does one just throw out two perfectly good working machines, without it just aggravating them to pieces in order to do so ? Tell me a good one for that one ? I'm all ears now.
How old are your computers?

If they were too old to be compatible with Windows 8.1 why did you buy it? You should first check if compatible with the upgrade assistant here: Update to Windows 8.1: FAQ - Microsoft Windows Help

There isn't any "forced change" and Micrsoft isn't dictating anything, nor have they just rendered your machines obsolete.

they should create slow and linked change
lol XP was released over 13 years ago and has gone on to Vista, then Windows 7, and now 8.1 all while continuing to support XP.

That would be slow and linked change.
How old are your computers?

If they were too old to be compatible with Windows 8.1 why did you buy it? You should first check if compatible with the upgrade assistant here: Update to Windows 8.1: FAQ - Microsoft Windows Help

There isn't any "forced change" and Micrsoft isn't dictating anything, nor have they just rendered your machines obsolete.

they should create slow and linked change
lol XP was released over 13 years ago and has gone on to Vista, then Windows 7, and now 8.1 all while continuing to support XP.

That would be slow and linked change.
So why the breaking of the link from XP now ? Time means nothing actually, where as what matters is how many people are still out there with these XP machines that won't upgrade now ? You didn't answer my statement about the windows 8.1 part, where as I purchased it, and now I am duped on that purchase. You know if the industry had to acknowledge the people for the time they spend on these machines fixing problems with their software, they would be laughed or run out of the business I think, but no one unifies for a super efficient product that works well for years and years to come. The industry knows of this confusion, and our non-unity on technology, and they exploit this confusion I do believe, and they convert it into dollars/revenues.
So why the breaking of the link from XP now ?
Because no company can be expected to continue to commit resources (programmers are expensive) to old products that can only run on old hardware forever. This has been explained to you over and over, yet somehow every post you're somehow wondering the same thing again.

You didn't answer my statement about the windows 8.1 part, where as I purchased it, and now I am duped on that purchase.
You never answered my question about how old your machines were and whether you checked if they were compatible. Nobody forced you to remove XP from your machines, and if you did buy an OS that isn't compatible with an older PC then you were foolish not duped.

the industry knows of this confusion, and our non-unity on technology, and they exploit this confusion I do believe, and they convert it into dollars/revenues.
Nope, attempting to continue to maintain backwards compatibility with complex software systems gets more and more difficult and eventually inhibits the efficiency of new versions.

Bottom line nobody forced you to wipe your hard drives and spend money on OS. It was your choice, despite this bizarre sense of being a victim you're nurturing so well. Windows XP wasn't going to magically explode and stop working if you left it on those machines, so if you were happy with it just switch to using a safer browser like chrome and keep using it.
MS-DOS became obsolete because it had a hard coded memory limitation. The Windows platform only became a viable alternative at version 3.0. Each of the subsequent versions was an improvement over the previous one. There is no support for MS-DOS or any of the earlier windows versions.

XP initially had issues but by SP3 it was stable and reliable and became the de facto standard OS. The growth of the Internet and viruses soon outstripped XP's ability to withstand hacking. There were just too many holes in the code that could be exploited. This was not MS's "fault" because they couldn't predict what would happen in the Internet when they were developing XP.

MS introduced Vista as a means to provide a secure Internet OS. Unfortunately it was an overreach and became a PR disaster that Apple exploited. MS dialed the security into the background and released Windows 7. This is the true replacement for XP and it will be around for a while in my opinion because Windows 8 is more of a marketing exercise than a true OS upgrade. I actually downgraded from Win 8 back to Win 7 because of the limitations in Win 8.

As for hardware that is another story altogether. Top of the line hardware will run multiple OS's and it is possible to keep an old PC running as long as it has a enough Ram and CPU. However the modern demand for Ram and CPU has grown exponentially. So when I purchased my latest PC I went for 8 CPU's and 32 Gb of Ram. That will enable me to run multiple OS's and keep going for the next couple of years. I also have VmWare so I can keep my old OS's up and running in case I need them. Best of all worlds.
Thanks to both of you, because this is what a good debate or conversation is, where as people learn something in them, and people can be corrected also. That is why I put this in the conspiricy forum..LOL

I got XP back on one of these machines so far, and it is now going and running great.

I may try the windows 7 next, but I will look at the specs close before doing so. I think this one machine I have (DELL) has what it takes, but the HP maybe not so much. I will have to go back with XP on that one I think, and it should work for a good while longer hopefully.

Have you all priced Windows 7 ? I know that Windows 8.1 was $114.00 dollars, but I got a 30 day money back garantee on that, so back it goes.
Thanks for the Linux link.. Not sure how that works yet, but looking at it now.
Went to get my money back for windows 8.1, and I almost didn't get it back. The guy told me that there was a 30 day money back garantee on the purchase, so I held them to it.

I ask them did they sell Windows 7 (turn the money into that product), but they said nope, and then they said that (they) by instruction of microsoft have to take all the other software down when the new software comes out. I thought HUH?

That was strange to me, because that essentially played into the point that I was making about them rendering peoples machines obselete by such moves, even when the machines still have life left in them. wow!

I mean what do they think, that no one will have to re-install the software for an XP machine, otherwise when that machine may still be in great working condition, but was maybe slowed down due to various issues with the system usage over time ? Wipe drive clears up any of those issues, but then you best have the original disk or you are in a world of hurt trying to buy new.

My machines are in great working condition, but I can't find a new copy of XP (the latest and greatest), to purchase, so that left me wondering what I will do next (maybe trash to perfectly good working machines due to Microsoft) ? That seems crazy to me.
And another thing while I'm ranting and raving here, so when I started with the internet I had dial up ok, and so all I could do was view websites that were message like boards or maybe listen to a little music all depending, and view some pics if they were in the right format. Streaming video was out of the question with dial up. So I then upgraded to DSL, and man what a difference this was. I could stream video, up load and down load super quick, listen to any kind of music file, and view any picture in any format. This lasted for a good many years now, but wait now I am back to dial up with my service, even though I haven't changed anything with my plan ???????????? How am I back to dial up where I can barely stream music or video without the buffering, but I am still paying for DSL ????

Ok so maybe many more have joined the net experience also, but should I have to pay for them joining up and bogging the system down or should the provider be required to upgrade without casting that burdon upon it's long term customers ? I think they are adding customers yes, but also they are adding huge amounts of money to their system all because of this adding of customers, so I think they should be responsible for the upgrade without it falling back on all of us don't you all think ?
Went to get my money back for windows 8.1, and I almost didn't get it back. The guy told me that there was a 30 day money back garantee on the purchase, so I held them to it.

I ask them did they sell Windows 7 (turn the money into that product), but they said nope, and then they said that (they) by instruction of microsoft have to take all the other software down when the new software comes out. I thought HUH?

That was strange to me, because that essentially played into the point that I was making about them rendering peoples machines obselete by such moves, even when the machines still have life left in them. wow!

I mean what do they think, that no one will have to re-install the software for an XP machine, otherwise when that machine may still be in great working condition, but was maybe slowed down due to various issues with the system usage over time ? Wipe drive clears up any of those issues, but then you best have the original disk or you are in a world of hurt trying to buy new.

My machines are in great working condition, but I can't find a new copy of XP (the latest and greatest), to purchase, so that left me wondering what I will do next (maybe trash to perfectly good working machines due to Microsoft) ? That seems crazy to me.

You can purchase a license key for XP Pro on the internet for about $50 (assuming you don't have the original) and the OS software is downloadable. On a clean wiped hard drive it is easy enough to install although it is a little tedious. Once you have that up and running install your virus protection before loading anything else. I would recommend going with one of the other browsers like Chrome instead of IE.

Your XP should be up and running again shortly and as long as you keep an eye on your task manager for any CPU/Ram draining processes you should be good for the couple of years.

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