Concealed carry gun owner stops a 3 on 1 beating and robbery...

Yep....a suburban concealed carry visiting the crap hole of Chicago stopped Chicago thugs from beating someone and robbing them...

Notice.....3 attackers stopped and ran away because the good guy had a gun.....

Notice...this was stopped and no shots were fired.....

CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Excellent!! That makes up for the 50+ people killed in Las Vegas last year, Repug goober!

You have to be the most ignorant piece of trash I have ever had the displeasure to meet. You where the kid who got picked on in school, weren’t you. You had the pocket protector and all.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I guess. Except you haven't met me, Repug simpleton gun nut goober.

You would never meet me. You don’t have the balls to meet me. You also n ver did real work in your life. I come from a background of cops and firefighters. We had to save little pussy bitches like you. What do all the murder capitals and high crime rate states have in common. STRICT GUN LAWS. Do you research, I’m sorry research is too big a word for you to understand. Look and get the results moron.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No states have strict gun laws, you imbecile. If they did, we would be like Europe and Australia and we wouldn't have many gun deaths.

Shut up with your weak-ass Repug NRA goober bullshit.
Yep....a suburban concealed carry visiting the crap hole of Chicago stopped Chicago thugs from beating someone and robbing them...

Notice.....3 attackers stopped and ran away because the good guy had a gun.....

Notice...this was stopped and no shots were fired.....

CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

The most important detail is that robbers had white surgical masks.

Other than that, this is just another misunderstood youth trying to get money to go to the BLM Community College to study thug science and noncompliance.
Here's the deal.

In the UK there are not many guns. Which means not many incidences of violent crime get stopped.

In the US there are lots of guns, which means many incidences of violent crime might get stopped.

Which means, when the UK and US have similar violent crime levels, that the US has FAR, FAR more levels of attempted crime compared to the UK.

And why? Because the politicians don't bother to solve any of the problems in society and you people keep voting for the same two lame political parties who enrich themselves.

You might as well vote for Pepsi or Coca-Cola at the next election, doesn't make any difference.

Great rationalization, simpleton.

The fact is Australia had a serious gun problem 20 years ago. They were smart, they banned guns, and now their gun murder problems are 99% over.

Those are the facts, whether a dishonest Repug like you wants to accept them or not.

Sure, after initial and promising results, the murder problem climbed back to the same level.

Only difference, instead of guns murders are committed with knives, hammers, baseball bats and by strangulation. Of course, why would we care about those little details?

Yep, for every "heroic" act, there are 10 times more senseless gun accidents that get people killed. But don't try to explain that to an idiot Repug like this imbecile OP.
Care to prove that with actual numbers?

Already did, goober. See my previous post about thousands of gun accident deaths each year.

There aren't thousands of accidental gun deaths each year

Yep, for every "heroic" act, there are 10 times more senseless gun accidents that get people killed. But don't try to explain that to an idiot Repug like this imbecile OP.

Dumb shit....please do basic research before you post...otherwise you will show us all how stupid you are....

600 million guns in private hands.....over 17 million people carry guns for self defense......

How many actual, accidental deaths according to the CDC? You know, real numbers, not numbers pulled out of your ass?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








From YOUR SOURCE, see the .pdf file on page 12:

In 2014, 33,594 died from firearm injuries in the United States, accounting for 16.8% of all injury deaths in that year.

You're full of crap and YOU LOSE, Repug gun Nazi.
you don't realize that the injury number included murder, intentional crime and self harm do you

Regardless, you don't realize that's a ridiculously high number, do you?

So you don't care about the FACTS

Most of those were suicide and suicide is not a crime it is a choice and quite frankly none of your business

There were 11000 murders with guns. 70% of which were confined to small very specific areas in just 5% of all the counties in the US
Those 70% of murders were mostly young urban minorities shooting other young urban minorities which is why we as a country really don't give a shit about them

So how many accidental gun deaths were there really?

Less than 500
Here's the deal.

In the UK there are not many guns. Which means not many incidences of violent crime get stopped.

In the US there are lots of guns, which means many incidences of violent crime might get stopped.

Which means, when the UK and US have similar violent crime levels, that the US has FAR, FAR more levels of attempted crime compared to the UK.

And why? Because the politicians don't bother to solve any of the problems in society and you people keep voting for the same two lame political parties who enrich themselves.

You might as well vote for Pepsi or Coca-Cola at the next election, doesn't make any difference.

Great rationalization, simpleton.

The fact is Australia had a serious gun problem 20 years ago. They were smart, they banned guns, and now their gun murder problems are 99% over.

Those are the facts, whether a dishonest Repug like you wants to accept them or not.
No they didn't

They had one mass shooting and went off the rails and started confiscating guns

Good for them. Australia is much smarter than we are. That's why they have very few shootings now compared to the U.S.

At least you're admitting that gun bans DO WORK, unlike most of these Repug goobers.

No it's not.

They don't have the urban areas we do and therefore they do not have the urban violence no do they have the socioeconomic conditions that actually contribute yo urban violence

To say that guns are the one and only variable in the equation is simplistic to the point of mental retardation
Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

All result of Democrats policies.

Urban violence problem?

It seems to me you're trying so hard not to say "blacks".
Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

All result of Democrats policies.

Urban violence problem?

It seems to me you're trying so hard not to say "blacks".

I'm not blaming race like so many of you but the facts are the facts

And I did use the term urban minorities.

This conversation doesn't need to be derailed with cries of racism

and I really don't think the usual partisan bickering is going to advance the conversation so let's leave it where it belongs
Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

All result of Democrats policies.

Urban violence problem?

It seems to me you're trying so hard not to say "blacks".

I'm not blaming race like so many of you but the facts are the facts

And I did use the term urban minorities.

This conversation doesn't need to be derailed with cries of racism

and I really don't think the usual partisan bickering is going to advance the conversation so let's leave it where it belongs

I'm not blaming race neither, I blame Democrat's policies.

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the black community to our society.

Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture.

Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.

Real estate values are fueled by the mix of blacks into areas due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self reliant can-do nature.

Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.
Here's the deal.

In the UK there are not many guns. Which means not many incidences of violent crime get stopped.

In the US there are lots of guns, which means many incidences of violent crime might get stopped.

Which means, when the UK and US have similar violent crime levels, that the US has FAR, FAR more levels of attempted crime compared to the UK.

And why? Because the politicians don't bother to solve any of the problems in society and you people keep voting for the same two lame political parties who enrich themselves.

You might as well vote for Pepsi or Coca-Cola at the next election, doesn't make any difference.

Great rationalization, simpleton.

The fact is Australia had a serious gun problem 20 years ago. They were smart, they banned guns, and now their gun murder problems are 99% over.

Those are the facts, whether a dishonest Repug like you wants to accept them or not.

Sure, after initial and promising results, the murder problem climbed back to the same level.

Only difference, instead of guns murders are committed with knives, hammers, baseball bats and by strangulation. Of course, why would we care about those little details?

Provide a link. You can't, because you're full of shit.
Yep....a suburban concealed carry visiting the crap hole of Chicago stopped Chicago thugs from beating someone and robbing them...

Notice.....3 attackers stopped and ran away because the good guy had a gun.....

Notice...this was stopped and no shots were fired.....

CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Excellent!! That makes up for the 50+ people killed in Las Vegas last year, Repug goober!

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent asswipe......

and lawnmowers kill more people every year than mass shooters dumbass....

And the shooter in Vegas used 2 rifles, fired over 1,000 rounds of ammo into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...

He killed 58 people.

A muslim terrorist drove a rental truck into a crowd in Nice, France.

He killed 86 people...

So, dumb ass, what weapon was more deadly, the gun or the truck.....

You are a dumb ass.

1,500,000 times per year!!! That's amazing, Repug goober!! I can't believe we have any senseless gun shootings with over a million people per year being saved!!

What a fucking retard.
You don't seem to understand a gun can be used in self defense or in defense of another and not be fired.

Wow!!! And that happened 1,500,000 per times in one fucking year!!! Man, I'm really impressed, goober Repug!!!
Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

We also don't give a shit if someone blows away 50+ people from a Las Vegas casino hotel room or from a high school, either.
Here's the deal.

In the UK there are not many guns. Which means not many incidences of violent crime get stopped.

In the US there are lots of guns, which means many incidences of violent crime might get stopped.

Which means, when the UK and US have similar violent crime levels, that the US has FAR, FAR more levels of attempted crime compared to the UK.

And why? Because the politicians don't bother to solve any of the problems in society and you people keep voting for the same two lame political parties who enrich themselves.

You might as well vote for Pepsi or Coca-Cola at the next election, doesn't make any difference.

Great rationalization, simpleton.

The fact is Australia had a serious gun problem 20 years ago. They were smart, they banned guns, and now their gun murder problems are 99% over.

Those are the facts, whether a dishonest Repug like you wants to accept them or not.
No they didn't

They had one mass shooting and went off the rails and started confiscating guns

Good for them. Australia is much smarter than we are. That's why they have very few shootings now compared to the U.S.

At least you're admitting that gun bans DO WORK, unlike most of these Repug goobers.

No it's not.

They don't have the urban areas we do and therefore they do not have the urban violence no do they have the socioeconomic conditions that actually contribute yo urban violence

To say that guns are the one and only variable in the equation is simplistic to the point of mental retardation

Yet Australia's gun violence declined dramatically. Go figure, goober.
Yep....a suburban concealed carry visiting the crap hole of Chicago stopped Chicago thugs from beating someone and robbing them...

Notice.....3 attackers stopped and ran away because the good guy had a gun.....

Notice...this was stopped and no shots were fired.....

CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Excellent!! That makes up for the 50+ people killed in Las Vegas last year, Repug goober!
Guns save far more lives than people murdered by guns.

“Studies indicate that firearms are used over 2 million times a year for personal protection, and that the presence of a firearm, without a shot being fired, prevents crime in many instances.”

Defensive Gun Use
Do Guns Save Lives?
Yep....a suburban concealed carry visiting the crap hole of Chicago stopped Chicago thugs from beating someone and robbing them...

Notice.....3 attackers stopped and ran away because the good guy had a gun.....

Notice...this was stopped and no shots were fired.....

CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

The the muggers are Troglocrat's heroes
Yep....a suburban concealed carry visiting the crap hole of Chicago stopped Chicago thugs from beating someone and robbing them...

Notice.....3 attackers stopped and ran away because the good guy had a gun.....

Notice...this was stopped and no shots were fired.....

CWB Chicago: River North: Motorist With Concealed-Carry Saves Victim From 3-On-1 Beat-Down And Robbery

An armed suburban man with a concealed-carry license intervened in a 3-on-1 beating and robbery in River North yesterday evening, according to a witness and police.

The victim was in the 700 block of North Clark around 8:30 p.m. when three offenders wearing white surgical masks attacked him and began taking his property, police said.

A passing motorist who saw the robbery unfold pulled over, unholstered his concealed firearm and intervened in the attack. The three offenders fled westbound on Chicago Avenue as the concealed-carry holder protected the victim, according to a witness.

The driver, who lives in Mt. Prospect, returned to his vehicle and drove away after stabilizing the situation, a witness reported.

The victim lost his phone to the robbers who were described as two black men and one black woman wearing surgical masks. One of the offenders wore a red jacket and the others wore dark clothing.

Excellent!! That makes up for the 50+ people killed in Las Vegas last year, Repug goober!

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop violent asswipe......

and lawnmowers kill more people every year than mass shooters dumbass....

And the shooter in Vegas used 2 rifles, fired over 1,000 rounds of ammo into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people from a concealed and fortified position...

He killed 58 people.

A muslim terrorist drove a rental truck into a crowd in Nice, France.

He killed 86 people...

So, dumb ass, what weapon was more deadly, the gun or the truck.....

You are a dumb ass.

1,500,000 times per year!!! That's amazing, Repug goober!! I can't believe we have any senseless gun shootings with over a million people per year being saved!!

What a fucking retard.
You don't seem to understand a gun can be used in self defense or in defense of another and not be fired.

Wow!!! And that happened 1,500,000 per times in one fucking year!!! Man, I'm really impressed, goober Repug!!!

I never how many times it happened in a year. but even the most conservative estimates are 500,000 defensive gun uses per year

CDC Study: Use of Firearms for Self-Defense is ‘Important Crime Deterrent’

The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”

So even at the most conservative estimate there are far more DGU than murders, suicides and accidental gun deaths combined

Even if you halve the conservative estimate there are still more DGU than murders, suicides and accidental gun deaths combined
Here's the deal.

In the UK there are not many guns. Which means not many incidences of violent crime get stopped.

In the US there are lots of guns, which means many incidences of violent crime might get stopped.

Which means, when the UK and US have similar violent crime levels, that the US has FAR, FAR more levels of attempted crime compared to the UK.

And why? Because the politicians don't bother to solve any of the problems in society and you people keep voting for the same two lame political parties who enrich themselves.

You might as well vote for Pepsi or Coca-Cola at the next election, doesn't make any difference.

Great rationalization, simpleton.

The fact is Australia had a serious gun problem 20 years ago. They were smart, they banned guns, and now their gun murder problems are 99% over.

Those are the facts, whether a dishonest Repug like you wants to accept them or not.
No they didn't

They had one mass shooting and went off the rails and started confiscating guns

Good for them. Australia is much smarter than we are. That's why they have very few shootings now compared to the U.S.

At least you're admitting that gun bans DO WORK, unlike most of these Repug goobers.

No it's not.

They don't have the urban areas we do and therefore they do not have the urban violence no do they have the socioeconomic conditions that actually contribute yo urban violence

To say that guns are the one and only variable in the equation is simplistic to the point of mental retardation

Yet Australia's gun violence declined dramatically. Go figure, goober.
but it really didn't

their murder rate was already very low historically

Australia’s 1996 Gun Confiscation Didn’t Work | National Review

The Australian gun-homicide rate had already been quite low and had been steadily falling in the 15 years prior to the Port Arthur massacre. And while the mandatory buyback program did appear to reduce the rate of accidental firearm deaths, Baker and McPhedran found that “the gun buy-back and restrictive legislative changes had no influence on firearm homicide in Australia.”
Did you know that 70% of all the murders in this country are concentrated in distinct and small areas of just 5% of all counties?
Did you know that those 70% of murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities ?
Did you know that in those same counties there are large areas with virtually no murders?
Did you know that 54% of all counties in the US have a murder rate of virtually zero?

We do not have a gun problem or a murder problem in this country

We have an urban violence problem

Get a handle on that and the murder will drop to a rate comparable to any country.

Why don't we do it?

We don't give a shit if urban minorities kill each other that's why.

We also don't give a shit if someone blows away 50+ people from a Las Vegas casino hotel room or from a high school, either.

Why is it that you think a person murdered outside of a mass shooting is less important than a person murdered in a mass shooting?

Because 70% of people murdered outside of mass shootings are young urban minorities that's why

If you cared about lowering the murder rate ( you don't but let's pretend you do) then you would be concentrating your efforts where the most murders occur.

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, kidnappings, police beatings... will post more intelligently when you can come up with more accidents than 1,500,000 defensive gun uses....

over 320 million people in the country....

600 million guns in private hands......over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense...

How many deaths by gun accident?

How many by cars?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








4000 times per day! Weeeeeeeeeee!

Americans use their guns 1,500,000 times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, kidnappings, police beatings... will post more intelligently when you can come up with more accidents than 1,500,000 defensive gun uses....

over 320 million people in the country....

600 million guns in private hands......over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense...

How many deaths by gun accident?

How many by cars?

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








4000 times per day! Weeeeeeeeeee!

more than 350,000.000 people

is it too much to think that .0011% of those people might be the victim of a crime or an attempted crime in a day?
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