Concrete evidence that Russia was pulling the strings

It doesn't really matter though, to your phony point that somehow Hillary gave or sold Russia uranium mined here in America is as baseless today as it was yesterday. By law the US subsidiaries of the Russian owned company that operate the mines can only sell the product here in the US.
By the way....genius....the are only two uses for uranium. Nuclear power. Nuclear weapons. That means there is exactly one customer in the United States for the uranium: the U.S. Government. So why, exactly, would we sell a mine to our enemies and the buy the product back from them? You're not terribly bright are you? The product is leaving the U.S. around the clock.
It doesn't really matter though, to your phony point that somehow Hillary gave or sold Russia uranium mined here in America is as baseless today as it was yesterday. By law the US subsidiaries of the Russian owned company that operate the mines can only sell the product here in the US.
By the way....genius....the are only two uses for uranium. Nuclear power. Nuclear weapons. That means there is exactly one customer in the United States for the uranium: the U.S. Government. So why, exactly, would we sell a mine to our enemies and the buy the product back from them? You're not terribly bright are you? The product is leaving the U.S. around the clock.

We didn't. A Canadian company already owned the rights to the mines. The Canadian company had to abide by the same export restrictions as the Russian company does. The US subsidiary also employs Americans to do the work in those mines too. We paid the Canadian owned company, why wouldn't we pay the same company just because the ownership changed. Are you anti-capitalist too?

Why do you persist in the lie that we are shipping any of our uranium to Russia or to anywhere. We have to import 80% of the uranium we use.

Only a true Trump supporter would believe it.
Anyway, who gives a shit nowadays?
The American people do.
Talk about egocentric! You are the "American people" ?? The minority who voted for a jack-ass?
I didn't say I was the "American people". I'm just able to embrace reality. While you're so concerned with hiding the facts, moving on, and preserving the reputation of Barack Obama, the majority of America (on either side of the aisle) wants a transparent government.

If you don't learn from history - you are doomed to repeat it (which is why the ignorant Dumbocrats are in a perpetual state of ineptitude). We need to know what really went on so history can properly judge and so we can do what we need to do to avoid it again in the future.
Anyway, who gives a shit nowadays?
The American people do.
Talk about egocentric! You are the "American people" ?? The minority who voted for a jack-ass?
I didn't say I was the "American people". I'm just able to embrace reality. While you're so concerned with hiding the facts, moving on, and preserving the reputation of Barack Obama, the majority of America (on either side of the aisle) wants a transparent government.

If you don't learn from history - you are doomed to repeat it (which is why the ignorant Dumbocrats are in a perpetual state of ineptitude). We need to know what really went on so history can properly judge and so we can do what we need to do to avoid it again in the future.
Who is "hiding facts"? Not me. You?
That Obama-Russia episode was no big deal, if you are wise enough to see it in a diplomatic context with an adversary.
Did Obama compromise USA interests after he was re-elected? Give me your facts on that, "P@triot". Please!
I recall Obama put significant econ sanctions on Russia after they went against American interests.

You want to learn from history?
That episode shows that you can't trust those sneaky Putin Russians, and the top intelligence reports confirm that.
And yet Trump does not get it, or he's been blackmailed by Putin, and that's why Trump kisses his ass, unlike Obama, McCain, and others who have a political brain without compromise.
Who is "hiding facts"? Not me.
That's only because you can't hide them. But you are advocating for them to be hidden. You're sitting here in this thread denouncing transparent government.
The left-wing hatriots are all over USMB screaming "Russia! Russia! Russia!" day and night. Well - ok - let's talk about Russia. Brace yourselves - this is concrete evidences complete with official documents:
The money trail hunt begins with a document Infowars has obtained from the Russian Central Bank “Registry of Significant Control,” known generally as the “RSC Registry.”

This document traces the ownership of Metcombank, a relatively small Russian-domiciled bank located in the Russian Ural Mountains, to ownership by Viktor Vekselberg, a Russian billionaire with close ties to Putin.

As we shall see this document provides evidence of the circuitous path the Russian government has been using since Hillary Clinton was secretary of state to make large financial payments to John Podesta and to the Clinton Foundation.
It continues:
As the RSC Registry makes clear, Vekselberg has been paying Clinton and Podesta through a complicated money laundering scheme involving Metcombank in Russia, with payments tracing back to the Renova Group, a Russian-based energy and investment international conglomerate also owned by Vekselberg.
This link from a March 3, 2013 article has Vekselberg going on record confirming the deposits:
Skolkovo explains why it deposited money in Metcombank
The funds rediverted to Clinton and Podesta through the Renova Group and Metcombank originate in large part from Rusnano — a state-owned investment fund owned by the Russian government. Conveniently, Vekselberg is a board member for Renova.
Like an infomercial....but wait! There's more!
Metcombank appears to be the bank Vekselberg has used to make transfers to the Clinton Foundation, with the money flowing first through the Moscow branch of Metcombank, and from there into Deutsche Bank and Trust Company Americas in New York City, finally ending up in a private bank account in the Bank of America that is operated by the Clinton Foundation.
And here is where things get really scary - as Secretary of State, Hitlery Clinton oversaw the transfer of valuable and precious uranium mines from the U.S. to......Russia!

Yes, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid U.S. Russian Uranium Deal | The Huffington Post

Now remember all of you amateur anti-American hatriots - this link has the actual official documents available to read as well additional links and information that I didn't even add here (it was just too much). I wonder how much "outrage" we will see from the hatriots about how Russia was funneling vast sums of money to Hitlery Clinton, how they were controlling her, and how she transferred the material used for nuclear weapons to our greatest geopolitical threat.

Exclusive: Russian Bank Docs Show How Putin Laundered Money to Hillary & Podesta

Well, let's get it all out on the table - including Trump's tax returns! Let's investigate the hell out of all of it.
In response to all of the facts and links by asking for Trump's tax returns again....

There is no greater proof that snowflakes have NOTHING but lies, false narratives, false accusations, no proof.
Is that what Obama was talking about when he sent a message to Russian president saying he would be more flexible after his last election?
How naive, and that old video is so ... old and meaningless, except to naive pumpkins.
Did you not realize that politicians lie, esp in diplomacy with their enemies?
Get a grip ... on your common sense.

Then if it's presumed that all politicians lie, then what you bitchin about maybe Trump folks were just lying to the Russians.
Really your answer to Obama is that it's old video

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