Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

This is a VERY good thing.

It's GREAT to know that YOUNG people, who were kids at the time of 9/11 know the truth and have chased that crazy RW war-monger from speaking at their school.

We must NEVER forgot what The Bush Regime did during their unfortunate (putting it mildly) reign.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Spare me the far the left talking points there not even mildly inflammatory anymore just sad and pathetic.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
She was INTEGRAL in prepping and revving the country to war.

Remember her dismal "mushroom cloud" statements?

The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly Saddam... - Condoleezza Rice at BrainyQuote

It was another straw in the fear campaign that was the Bush Regime during it's reign.


The ultimate result was war. Which they got.

So yes, she's a damn war criminal.
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I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

War criminality?

I bet that if Condi had worked for Obama instead of "W" and did the exact same things she would probably be looking at a Presidential run in 2016.

Saddam killed far more people than Gaddafi and the President of Syria have murdered combined, yet we all approve of Obama doing what he did.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

This is a VERY good thing.

It's GREAT to know that YOUNG people, who were kids at the time of 9/11 know the truth and have chased that crazy RW war-monger from speaking at their school.

We must NEVER forgot what The Bush Regime did during their unfortunate (putting it mildly) reign.

So silencing people is a good thing.

Got it.

So much for a liberal mind. :lol:

For the life of me, I can't remember conservatives protesting liberals coming to their college.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.

dang,, you sucked the air out of that room. LOL
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
She was INTEGRAL in prepping and revving the country to war.

Remember her dismal "mushroom cloud" statements?

The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly Saddam... - Condoleezza Rice at BrainyQuote

It was another straw in the fear campaign that was the Bush Regime during it's reign.


The ultimate result was war. Which they got.

So yes, she a damn war criminal.

And we were lied to with Obama when he went into Libya. He said he was going to institute a no fly zone and that Gaddafi was not a target.

The next thing you know the US is bombing the hell out of Libya. There is no telling how many they killed. Then the bombed Gaddafi's private residence.

Perhaps the water in the Oval Office causes such pathological lying.
I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.

She is a intelligent successful black woman. Granted, she is an uncle Tom for serving under a Republican president and killing Iraqi's instead of serving under Obama and killing Libyans.
I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.
Marc prefers his black pussies to be Obabble.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

This is a VERY good thing.

It's GREAT to know that YOUNG people, who were kids at the time of 9/11 know the truth and have chased that crazy RW war-monger from speaking at their school.

We must NEVER forgot what The Bush Regime did during their unfortunate (putting it mildly) reign.

So silencing people is a good thing.

Got it.

So much for a liberal mind. :lol:

For the life of me, I can't remember conservatives protesting liberals coming to their college.
How are you defining silenced?

She wasn't silenced.

No government was involved.

She was protested, and rightly backed down.

She was rejected, and rightfully so.

That's democracy in action.

God bless America!
I am not a fan of either "W", Condi Rice, or Obama. However, the hypocrisy and child like partisan mind set I see from the left is mind boggling.

The US has become a war machine used by both parties, yet only one party is held accountable? Never mind the fact that Hillary and company voted to go to war in Iraq.

Just remember that as you liberals go to vote for her in 2016. :lol:
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

Glen Greenwald has pointed out over and over that members of the Bush administration were guilty of acts that were in violation of International and American law. And he has pointed out that these crimes have been glossed over as simply "policy disputes". I agree with him when he suggests these Bush figures should at least be shunned from acceptance by normal society. Condi Rice, although I don't see her as culpable as someone like Cheney still falls within this category. So yes, it is a small victory in the struggle for decent cultural norms. Although Obama gave them all a de facto pardon they should pay some price for their anti-American war and torture evangelism.
This is a VERY good thing.

It's GREAT to know that YOUNG people, who were kids at the time of 9/11 know the truth and have chased that crazy RW war-monger from speaking at their school.

We must NEVER forgot what The Bush Regime did during their unfortunate (putting it mildly) reign.

So silencing people is a good thing.

Got it.

So much for a liberal mind. :lol:

For the life of me, I can't remember conservatives protesting liberals coming to their college.
How are you defining silenced?

She wasn't silenced.

No government was involved.

She was protested, and rightly backed down.

She was rejected, and rightfully so.

That's democracy in action.

God bless America!

The students did not want to hear what she had to say, so they protested her coming. Then when she backed down from coming, they celebrated like you are doing.

This shows me that the left has no interest in dialogue or those offering different kinds of thinking, no matter how offensive it may be. I thought that a college campus was a place for higher learning and for sharing thoughts that may be controversial and dare I say, "OFFENSIVE".

Guess not.

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