Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers

Brother Smedly, that's the problem, most Republicans and self proclaimed Conservates are neither thinking nor rational people.

a simple concept like the abhorrent nature of aggressive war or the heinous inhumanity of torture does seem to be demonstrated more by conservative Republicans, or at least those who claim to fall within that definition than by any other group. I have heard some from the right though who have disavowed these policies. If Conservatives want to continue to have a voice into the 21st Century I think more of them will have to speak up for morality in national policy.
Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers

That she and other members of the GWB administration are pariahs comes as no surprise.

It's possible that bigoted racist low information students at Rutgers became aware that Dr. Rice was African American.

yourself off as intelligent and yet you keep making stupid, assinine comments. Check your six, your darker, dumber half is behind you pushing you into the realm of idiocy just too often.
Oohh you caught me at what????
Please take Note of My NAME....Who plays the Blues?? I've been very Involved in the Blues scene for a very long time. When I say involved that means band members just as much as the people who hang out in Blues Bars..You caught me LOL~~~
I think it's YOU that has shown your true colors. Beyonce is the hottest female out there right now...Hummmm...Yeah your right now that I think about it she is black ~
I also mentioned Sandra Fluke who is a Dem darling...She seems to have lighter colored skin as if it mattered.

You messed up, and I caught you.
But carry on....
Nice try [MENTION=21010]blu[/MENTION]eMistress, but YOU'RE the one to bring in the "black community" nonsense.

Question has the current Presidents Attorney General filed any kind of charges against Rice or any member of the Bush administration? To the best of knowledge that would be a no which kind of makes all this war criminal stuff well B.S.

doesn't mean there is nothing to see, nothing has happened, behind us.

Interesting take on it given the lefts reaction to Benghazi is the exact opposite where according to them there is nothing to see.
Oohh you caught me at what????
Please take Note of My NAME....Who plays the Blues?? I've been very Involved in the Blues scene for a very long time. When I say involved that means band members just as much as the people who hang out in Blues Bars..You caught me LOL~~~
I think it's YOU that has shown your true colors. Beyonce is the hottest female out there right now...Hummmm...Yeah your right now that I think about it she is black ~
I also mentioned Sandra Fluke who is a Dem darling...She seems to have lighter colored skin as if it mattered.

You messed up, and I caught you.
But carry on....
Nice try [MENTION=21010]blu[/MENTION]eMistress, but YOU'RE the one to bring in the "black community" nonsense.


Oh I din't realize Black community was a forbidden word around here....
Oohh you caught me at what????
Please take Note of My NAME....Who plays the Blues?? I've been very Involved in the Blues scene for a very long time. When I say involved that means band members just as much as the people who hang out in Blues Bars..You caught me LOL~~~
I think it's YOU that has shown your true colors. Beyonce is the hottest female out there right now...Hummmm...Yeah your right now that I think about it she is black ~
I also mentioned Sandra Fluke who is a Dem darling...She seems to have lighter colored skin as if it mattered.

You messed up, and I caught you.
But carry on....
Nice try [MENTION=21010]blu[/MENTION]eMistress, but YOU'RE the one to bring in the "black community" nonsense.


Oh I din't realize Black community was a forbidden word around here....
If that's the route you're going to take, then you're REALLY showing how dishonest and dispicable you really are.

You used the term as if to suggest that I was being racist or something by sticking to just the black community, instead of the community in general.

Again, YOU used it, and you KNOW why you used it.

I'm done w/this.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
She was INTEGRAL in prepping and revving the country to war.

Remember her dismal "mushroom cloud" statements?

The problem here is that there will always be some uncertainty about how quickly Saddam... - Condoleezza Rice at BrainyQuote

It was another straw in the fear campaign that was the Bush Regime during it's reign.


The ultimate result was war. Which they got.

So yes, she's a damn war criminal.

Is this guy a war criminal too?

Watch the video:

[ame=]President Clinton orders attack on Iraq - YouTube[/ame]
Condi's parting gift to the world is what she did under the Bush Regime.

The fact that she has not only NOT apologized or is remorseful for what she was a part of, but still ACTIVELY pushes and supported what she did.

No, she gets no quarter from me. I don't care if she's black, white, blue, green or purple.

A bad person, is a bad person. And Condi....she's a bad person.

She helped to remove Saddam Hussien from power. Saddam was one of the worst dictators in the history of the planet. He was a threat to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and there for a threat to the rest of the world and the United States. Condi deserves as much praise and respect as anyone that worked in the government directing policy in taken down Hitler. It was a necessity that Saddam be removed, and with her help on government policy, he was. She also helped direct US policy in pursuing Al Qauda and removed the Taliban from power in Afghanistan.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Snookie might be a waste of space but she's not responsible for contributing to a war crime that cost thousands of American troops their lives or limbs, for the death or maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, for the destruction of their homeland, and for the deplorable waste of trillions of dollars of American treasure.

Condoleeza Rice, along with her fellow conspirators, deserves to be publicly hanged or to spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement to contemplate the depth of their crime.
Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
Richard Clark was a highly competent National Security Advisor under George W. Bush. He was knowledgeable about Middle East affairs and was therefore opposed to Bush's early plans to invade Iraq. So Bush canned him and replaced him with a slavishly compliant incompetent who would say whatever necessary to promote the war crime he was planning along with Dick Cheney. That was Condoleeza Rice, the second token Negro in his administration. Condoleeza Rice had absolutely no qualifications for service in the capacity of National Security Advisor.

Bush then elevated Rice to Secretary of State as a reward for perjuring herself when questioned about his advance (PDB) awareness of the 9/11 attack preparation.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Snookie might be a waste of space but she's not responsible for contributing to a war crime that cost thousands of American troops their lives or limbs, for the death or maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, for the destruction of their homeland, and for the deplorable waste of trillions of dollars of American treasure.

Condoleeza Rice, along with her fellow conspirators, deserves to be publicly hanged or to spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement to contemplate the depth of their crime.

Same childish talking point different day.
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.

Is Obama a role model?
VERY much so.

So even though Obama escalated the war in Afghanistan and went into Libya breaking the laws of the land and kills Americans over seas with drones he is a hero.

Got it.

Now go stand in line and vote for Hillary who voted to go into Iraq in the first place

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
Richard Clark was a highly competent National Security Advisor under George W. Bush. He was knowledgeable about Middle East affairs and was therefore opposed to Bush's early plans to invade Iraq. So Bush canned him and replaced him with a slavishly compliant incompetent who would say whatever necessary to promote the war crime he was planning along with Dick Cheney. That was Condoleeza Rice, the second token Negro in his administration. Condoleeza Rice had absolutely no qualifications for service in the capacity of National Security Advisor.

Bush then elevated Rice to Secretary of State as a reward for perjuring herself when questioned about his advance (PDB) awareness of the 9/11 attack preparation.

Just for the record, I despise Condi Rice. Why? I say that you should be proud of what you are doing and what you have done. If you are not proud and will not defend what you have done, then you should not have done it.

As a conservative, I grow tired of political leaders being labeled a conservative, only to find out that they don't hold any conservative principles. If Condi Rice is a conservative, then she should speak out as a conservative and be proud of it. Since she does not, then she either cannot express herself well enough or she is not really a conservative. Since Condi Rice is obviously an accomplished intelligent woman, then I can only conclude the later. Condi Rice is no conservative.

If Condi has served under Obama she would probably be held up as a Presidential hopeful in the up coming election. As it stands now, libtards will run in droves to vote for Hillary who voted for "W" to go into Iraq in the first place.

I think that Condi Rice should just drop out of public site and go into seclusion and paint pictures like "W". That is what conservatives do now days.
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Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .
the average Left-wing nutjob is too stupid to be cognizant of how foolish they look trying to diss Condi
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

From your mouth to the DNC's ears. It's time to start round ups of everyone who voted for him and every registered republican and start hanging them all isn't it. Make this the last break, the final division. Get it started.
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

From your mouth to the DNC's ears. It's time to start round ups of everyone who voted for him and every registered republican and start hanging them all isn't it. Make this the last break, the final division. Get it started.

light the torches, grab the pitchforks------------strom the Bastille !
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

From your mouth to the DNC's ears. It's time to start round ups of everyone who voted for him and every registered republican and start hanging them all isn't it. Make this the last break, the final division. Get it started.

Not at all Drama queen . Just no fucking applause for any of them.

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