Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers

Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

You are totally full of shit. Read and learn.

Iraq: The Democrats' War

Democrats' Responsibility

The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized for it by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs are responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get away with lying about Iraq's alleged threat. For example, Bush correctly noted how "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate - who had access to the same intelligence - voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power." In a speech attacking anti-war activists, Bush noted, "Many of these critics supported my opponent [Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry] during the last election, who explained his position to support the resolution in the Congress this way: 'When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat and a grave threat, to our security.'"

The resolution also claimed that "the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States ... or provide them to international terrorists who would do so ... combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself." In other words, those members of the House and Senate who supported this resolution believed, or claimed to believe, that an impoverished country, which had eliminated its stockpiles of banned weapons, destroyed its medium and long-range missiles and eliminated its WMD programs more than a decade earlier and had been suffering under the strictest international sanctions in world history for more than a dozen years, somehow threatened the national security of a superpower located more than 6,000 miles away. Furthermore, these members of Congress believed, or claimed to believe, that this supposed threat was so great that the United States had no choice but to launch an invasion of that country, overthrow its government and place its people under military occupation in the name of "self-defense," regardless of whether Iraq allowed inspectors back into the county to engage in unfettered inspections to prove that the WMD, WMD programs and weapons systems no longer existed
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

You are totally full of shit. Read and learn.

Iraq: The Democrats' War

Democrats' Responsibility

The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized for it by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs are responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get away with lying about Iraq's alleged threat. For example, Bush correctly noted how "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate - who had access to the same intelligence - voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power." In a speech attacking anti-war activists, Bush noted, "Many of these critics supported my opponent [Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry] during the last election, who explained his position to support the resolution in the Congress this way: 'When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat and a grave threat, to our security.'"

The resolution also claimed that "the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States ... or provide them to international terrorists who would do so ... combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself." In other words, those members of the House and Senate who supported this resolution believed, or claimed to believe, that an impoverished country, which had eliminated its stockpiles of banned weapons, destroyed its medium and long-range missiles and eliminated its WMD programs more than a decade earlier and had been suffering under the strictest international sanctions in world history for more than a dozen years, somehow threatened the national security of a superpower located more than 6,000 miles away. Furthermore, these members of Congress believed, or claimed to believe, that this supposed threat was so great that the United States had no choice but to launch an invasion of that country, overthrow its government and place its people under military occupation in the name of "self-defense," regardless of whether Iraq allowed inspectors back into the county to engage in unfettered inspections to prove that the WMD, WMD programs and weapons systems no longer existed

Blah blah they fucking lied to start a war , Accept it !
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

Even Hillary?

Surely you don't mean it.

Look dumb ass I'm talking about Boosh & his lies that started the bull shit because he had a hit on his daddy.

It was bad intel, but everyone believed Saddam when he claimed to have WMDs. The UN sanctioned him multiple times. You are either an idiot or a partisan asshole if you think Bush did it all on his own. They were all wrong. Bush just happened to be CIC at the time.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?
The students didn't protest UNTIL a minority of faculty started them to protesting, and then it was a very minor and vocal group of students.

Dr. Rice comes out looking real good as she properly stated that commencement is for the students, not her and her bowing out was the right thing to do.

The faculty and university lose because they show to the world that they are not about ideas and the free exchange of information.

Its a real hit to the reputation of Rutgers.
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

You are totally full of shit. Read and learn.

Iraq: The Democrats' War

Democrats' Responsibility

The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized for it by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs are responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get away with lying about Iraq's alleged threat. For example, Bush correctly noted how "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate - who had access to the same intelligence - voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power." In a speech attacking anti-war activists, Bush noted, "Many of these critics supported my opponent [Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry] during the last election, who explained his position to support the resolution in the Congress this way: 'When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat and a grave threat, to our security.'"

The resolution also claimed that "the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States ... or provide them to international terrorists who would do so ... combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself." In other words, those members of the House and Senate who supported this resolution believed, or claimed to believe, that an impoverished country, which had eliminated its stockpiles of banned weapons, destroyed its medium and long-range missiles and eliminated its WMD programs more than a decade earlier and had been suffering under the strictest international sanctions in world history for more than a dozen years, somehow threatened the national security of a superpower located more than 6,000 miles away. Furthermore, these members of Congress believed, or claimed to believe, that this supposed threat was so great that the United States had no choice but to launch an invasion of that country, overthrow its government and place its people under military occupation in the name of "self-defense," regardless of whether Iraq allowed inspectors back into the county to engage in unfettered inspections to prove that the WMD, WMD programs and weapons systems no longer existed

Blah blah they fucking lied to start a war , Accept it !
blah blah blah...your a liar and are lying now.

Accept it.
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

You are totally full of shit. Read and learn.

Iraq: The Democrats' War

Democrats' Responsibility

The Democrats who voted to support the war and rationalized for it by making false claims about Iraq's WMD programs are responsible for allowing the Bush administration to get away with lying about Iraq's alleged threat. For example, Bush correctly noted how "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate - who had access to the same intelligence - voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power." In a speech attacking anti-war activists, Bush noted, "Many of these critics supported my opponent [Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry] during the last election, who explained his position to support the resolution in the Congress this way: 'When I vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein, it is because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a threat and a grave threat, to our security.'"

The resolution also claimed that "the risk that the current Iraqi regime will either employ those weapons to launch a surprise attack against the United States ... or provide them to international terrorists who would do so ... combine to justify action by the United States to defend itself." In other words, those members of the House and Senate who supported this resolution believed, or claimed to believe, that an impoverished country, which had eliminated its stockpiles of banned weapons, destroyed its medium and long-range missiles and eliminated its WMD programs more than a decade earlier and had been suffering under the strictest international sanctions in world history for more than a dozen years, somehow threatened the national security of a superpower located more than 6,000 miles away. Furthermore, these members of Congress believed, or claimed to believe, that this supposed threat was so great that the United States had no choice but to launch an invasion of that country, overthrow its government and place its people under military occupation in the name of "self-defense," regardless of whether Iraq allowed inspectors back into the county to engage in unfettered inspections to prove that the WMD, WMD programs and weapons systems no longer existed

Blah blah they fucking lied to start a war , Accept it !

Did you even bother to read what the dems said at the time? They had access to the same intel that Bush had, and they came to the same wrong conclusions. They all have blood on their hands------just like they all have the blood of the 58,000 americans who died in viet nam on their hands.

All of them, every fricken one, both parties---------grow the fuck up and face the truth.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?
The students didn't protest UNTIL a minority of faculty started them to protesting, and then it was a very minor and vocal group of students.

Dr. Rice comes out looking real good as she properly stated that commencement is for the students, not her and her bowing out was the right thing to do.

The faculty and university lose because they show to the world that they are not about ideas and the free exchange of information.

Its a real hit to the reputation of Rutgers.

correct, liberalism is not about exchanging ideas and discussing differences, its about suppressing anyone who does not march in lock step with the marxist collectivists.

Why? because they know that when both sides are given equal time, liberals always lose---------always, every time.
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

Even Hillary?

Surely you don't mean it.

Look dumb ass I'm talking about Boosh & his lies that started the bull shit because he had a hit on his daddy.

And Hillary voted to go o war in Iraq why?

Oh yea, because they were lied to

And Hillary and her goons did not vote to make "W" take the troops out of Iraq when they realized they were lied to why?

Oh yea, because the Republicans would not allow them in Congress to do anything.

And charges were not brought up against "W" for lying to the American people by a later controlled democrat Congess and Presidency why?

Oh yea, because the US federal government is an out of control, like minded, unaccountable cabal whose only aim is to smear the other party to win elections.

My bad.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?
The students didn't protest UNTIL a minority of faculty started them to protesting, and then it was a very minor and vocal group of students.

Dr. Rice comes out looking real good as she properly stated that commencement is for the students, not her and her bowing out was the right thing to do.

The faculty and university lose because they show to the world that they are not about ideas and the free exchange of information.

Its a real hit to the reputation of Rutgers.

correct, liberalism is not about exchanging ideas and discussing differences, its about suppressing anyone who does not march in lock step with the marxist collectivists.

Why? because they know that when both sides are given equal time, liberals always lose---------always, every time.

You would think that a place of higher learning would jump at the chance to have someone come in and talk who has had an impact on international policy like Condi has whether she is "bad" or not. But alas, being PC is more important I suppose, and God forbid they offend anyone except a conservative.

Liberals talk a good game, but at the end of the day all of their hate speech is powerless because no one is ever held accountable in the federal government. Essentially, these politicians are lynched and hung without a trial of any kind in the eyes of the public. This is because we all know that justice needs to be served and that our checks and balances within government are unable to provide any.

That is why criminals like Charley Rangel are able to continue as they do. Essenti8ally, they all have an understanding that if no one is held accountable for anything in the federal government, they are then free to do whatever they like.
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Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

I think condi was complicit in lies that led us to war.

I think condi was complicit in ignoring the intel that warned about planes being aimed at our buildings.

I think the protesters had every right to object to her.

She had every right to decide that if she didn't receive total love and devotion that she wasn't interested in speaking.

or does free speech only belong to rightwingers?
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Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

This is a VERY good thing.

It's GREAT to know that YOUNG people, who were kids at the time of 9/11 know the truth and have chased that crazy RW war-monger from speaking at their school.

We must NEVER forgot what The Bush Regime did during their unfortunate (putting it mildly) reign.

So silencing people is a good thing.

Got it.

So much for a liberal mind. :lol:

For the life of me, I can't remember conservatives protesting liberals coming to their college.

I love this argument Cons make.

Hey you disagree with them and they lied us into war. Thousands dead, Billions spent but you should be nice to them because thats the right thing to do *knee slapping laughter*
Every piece of shit that is connected to GeOrGe BoOsH abomination needs to be treated the same fucking way .

From your mouth to the DNC's ears. It's time to start round ups of everyone who voted for him and every registered republican and start hanging them all isn't it. Make this the last break, the final division. Get it started.

Not at all Drama queen . Just no fucking applause for any of them.

That's not good enough. It won't stop them.

You know you want to. Just do it.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.

She went to the podium, talk shows, many times armed with talking points like mushroom clouds and aluminum tubes, and used them to convince Americans that Saddam was a grave enough threat that we should invade Iraq, overthrow it's government and try another round of nation building.
Essentially, they all have an understanding that if no one is held accountable for anything in the federal government, they are then free to do whatever they like.

That sounds exactly like the Bush administration and Wall Street. Neither massive corporations nor politicians can be held accountable. This is called "Fascism".

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” ― Benito Mussolini

And guess what? Progressives aren't in charge because Obama isn't Progressive and neither is Wall Street. It might seem that way compared to the psycho right-wing fringe lunatic American Taliban Teabagger party, but at the end of the day, Obama is just another corporate muppet like Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr., Reagan, etc.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

I think condi was complicit in lies that led us to war.

I think condi was complicit in ignoring the intel that warned about planes being aimed at our buildings.

I think the protesters had every right to object to her.

She had every right to decide that if she didn't receive total love and devotion that she wasn't interested in speaking.

or does free speech only belong to rightwingers?

MHO: This reminds me of when Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins were "uninvited" to a Bull Durham celebration at the Baseball Hall of Fame after they made controversial anti-Bush and anti-war remarks. They called it a "chilling suppression of free speech."

It wasn't. And this isn't either.

People have a right to voice their opinion and others have the right to express their approval or disapproval of that opinion.

Graduation should be for the students. If they don't want her, she shouldn't be crammed down their throats. They spent the time, the effort, and the money to earn their degrees. Graduation is THEIR celebration of that.

A previous poster suggested that this was all ginned up by some faculty members and they sucked in a very few students. If you've done your research, you realize this is not true. From the moment Rice was announced as commencement speaker, there were objections from students and faculty.

I'm not sure how much Rice knew about the lies she was telling. She may have actually believed them for all I know. That's water under the bridge - let's learn from it so we don't repeat the same mistakes and move on.

Just MHO.
Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

I think condi was complicit in lies that led us to war.

I think condi was complicit in ignoring the intel that warned about planes being aimed at our buildings.

I think the protesters had every right to object to her.

She had every right to decide that if she didn't receive total love and devotion that she wasn't interested in speaking.

or does free speech only belong to rightwingers?

I think we are supposed to treat her better than they do Obama because....uh....they'll whine really loud about it or something.

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