Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers

The students did not want to hear what she had to say, so they protested her coming. Then when she backed down from coming, they celebrated like you are doing.

This shows me that the left has no interest in dialogue or those offering different kinds of thinking, no matter how offensive it may be. I thought that a college campus was a place for higher learning and for sharing thoughts that may be controversial and dare I say, "OFFENSIVE".

Guess not.
You position yourself as if you're an independent.

If that's the case then you know that we've already had 8 years of "those offering different kinds of thinking", we've heard that song and dance before Votto.

Time to move on.

We don't want to hear it any failed/they failed.

Condi, Cheney, et al should be in chains and shackles, so let us celebrate that she's at least booted out of speaking at that prestigious learning center.

If they were as guilty as you and the yahoos at Rutgers (students, understandable, faculty, unforgivable) think they are, how come the president and his Attorney General lapdog have not aid any charges against them? They had more than six years to do so.

A learning institution that forbids free exchange of ideas is not prestigious. It is severely prostituted.
Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers

That she and other members of the GWB administration are pariahs comes as no surprise.

It's possible that bigoted racist low information students at Rutgers became aware that Dr. Rice was African American.


Only those black people who could not find Africa on the map with a magnifying glass and a searchlight insist on being called African.
A learning institution that forbids free exchange of ideas is not prestigious. It is severely prostituted.

Except the college never rescinded their invitation.

Rice backed out when she learned 100% wouldn't be kissing her ass.

Looks like Rice is the one who has a problem with the free exchange of ideas.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Taste is not the issue, it's the war criminality of the speaker that they have issues with.

No, what these children of despicable 1960's Democrats who were spitting on returning Viet Nam veterans have issue with is that this lady happens to be black, happens to be conservative and happens to be cultured and civilized, unlike their parents and the liberal trash faculty at Rutgers are.

Most of the students parents were babies or just being born in the 60's.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Snookie might be a waste of space but she's not responsible for contributing to a war crime that cost thousands of American troops their lives or limbs, for the death or maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, for the destruction of their homeland, and for the deplorable waste of trillions of dollars of American treasure.

Condoleeza Rice, along with her fellow conspirators, deserves to be publicly hanged or to spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement to contemplate the depth of their crime.

JFK and LBJ are responsible for the deaths of nearly 60,000 Americans.

Compared to those REAL war criminals, GWB is an innocent amateur.
If they were as guilty as you and the yahoos at Rutgers (students, understandable, faculty, unforgivable) think they are, how come the president and his Attorney General lapdog have not aid any charges against them? They had more than six years to do so.

A learning institution that forbids free exchange of ideas is not prestigious. It is severely prostituted.

What exchange of ideas? She wasn't coming for a debate. It was a commencement speech. Her career was, essentially, to be put up on display as exemplary, and many students and faculty found that egregious.

If Dr. Rice ever desired a debate at Rutgers to defend her actions and the actions of the Bush administration, I'm sure she'd be more than welcome.
This is the same university that had Snookie from the Jersey as a speaker Condi Rice is better served not being in the same company.
Snookie might be a waste of space but she's not responsible for contributing to a war crime that cost thousands of American troops their lives or limbs, for the death or maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, for the destruction of their homeland, and for the deplorable waste of trillions of dollars of American treasure.

Condoleeza Rice, along with her fellow conspirators, deserves to be publicly hanged or to spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement to contemplate the depth of their crime.

JFK and LBJ are responsible for the deaths of nearly 60,000 Americans.

Compared to those REAL war criminals, GWB is an innocent amateur.

JFK and LBJ were not convicted as war criminals. GWB was convicted in absentia by an internationally recognized judicial process in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is the first and only President that can not travel to specific countries due to the the risk of his being arrested or being requested not to attempt travel by host nations that have extradition treaties with Malaysia and do not want to be put into an embarrassing and awkward legal position.
Rice is desperate to shed the albatros those old men left hanging around her neck. The last thing she needs is a highly public battle with students at a commencement ceremony charging her with war crimes and support for torture.
And your figure for American deaths in Vietnam are fucked up. Over 28,000 get attributed to Dick Nixon.
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If there was a protest against any black liberal for any reason - the protesters would be labeled racist, and so would the school! You liberals are a fucking joke! :laugh2:

The only thing they don't like about Condi is that she is not a liberal - so she will be vilified to no end! Rice has more integrity than the entire Obama administration combined! :eusa_whistle: Rutgers wouldn't have a problem with Ahmadinejad I bet :eusa_hand: Fuck all your liberal institutions :finger3:

Like you give a shit about any black person that isnt a republican

Like you give shit about any black person that is?
If they were as guilty as you and the yahoos at Rutgers (students, understandable, faculty, unforgivable) think they are, how come the president and his Attorney General lapdog have not aid any charges against them? They had more than six years to do so.

A learning institution that forbids free exchange of ideas is not prestigious. It is severely prostituted.

What exchange of ideas? She wasn't coming for a debate. It was a commencement speech. Her career was, essentially, to be put up on display as exemplary, and many students and faculty found that egregious.

If Dr. Rice ever desired a debate at Rutgers to defend her actions and the actions of the Bush administration, I'm sure she'd be more than welcome.
They found it wrong. It is exemplary. But a commencement speech isn't about the speaker.
Condi Rice became Sec of State in 2004, several years after 911. To call her a war criminal is beyond absurd.
Richard Clark was a highly competent National Security Advisor under George W. Bush. He was knowledgeable about Middle East affairs and was therefore opposed to Bush's early plans to invade Iraq. So Bush canned him and replaced him with a slavishly compliant incompetent who would say whatever necessary to promote the war crime he was planning along with Dick Cheney. That was Condoleeza Rice, the second token Negro in his administration. Condoleeza Rice had absolutely no qualifications for service in the capacity of National Security Advisor.

Bush then elevated Rice to Secretary of State as a reward for perjuring herself when questioned about his advance (PDB) awareness of the 9/11 attack preparation.

Richard Clark was NEVER National Security Advisor. Richard Clark was an advisor on terrorism, but not on all the other national security issues the country was dealing with. Condi Rice was the Presidents National Security Advisor from January 20, 2001 to Janaury 20, 2005. After that she became Secretary of State.
Condoleeza Rice was not qualified to advise the President on any aspect of National Security. She had no experience with or specific education in the areas of interest at the time of her appointment.

Regardless of his title(s), Clark's experience and knowledge more than qualified him to competently advise the President in all of the Middle East issues existing at the time. In spite of that Bush fired him and replaced him with Condoleeza Rice, who was totally incompetent in those critical areas.


Richard Alan Clarke[1] (born October 27, 1950) is the former National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism for the United States.

Clarke worked for the State Department during the presidency of Ronald Reagan.[2] In 1992, President George H.W. Bush appointed him to chair the Counter-terrorism Security Group and to a seat on the United States National Security Council. President Bill Clinton retained Clarke and in 1998 promoted him to be the National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council. Under President George W. Bush, Clarke initially continued in the same position, but the position was no longer given cabinet-level access. He later became the Special Advisor to the President on cybersecurity. Clarke left the Bush administration in 2003.

Clarke came to widespread public attention for his role as counter-terrorism czar in the Clinton and Bush administrations in March 2004, when he appeared on the 60 Minutes television news magazine, released his memoir about his service in government, Against All Enemies, and testified before the 9/11 Commission. In all three instances, Clarke was sharply critical of the Bush administration's attitude toward counter-terrorism before the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and of the decision to go to war with Iraq. Following Clarke's strong criticisms of the Bush administration, Bush administration officials and other Republicans attempted to discredit him or rebut his criticisms, making Clarke a controversial figure.

Richard A. Clarke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clark's competence was clearly demonstrated by his courageous and outspoken resistance to Bush's plan to invade Iraq.
I guess the genius' at Rutgers are only interested in the opinions of like minded moonbats... perhaps they can get Rachael Maddow or Lawrence O'Donnell?

Seems like these Ivy League schools are quite the haven of intolerance and ignorance.. oh, the irony.


The student league actually took a vote, two of them. They had a formal debate on the subject and held a voice vote afterward. According to reports, those opposed to Rice speaking won the vote. However, a ballot vote was taken and the majority of students voted for her to attend and speak. So, you really can't blame all the students for what amounted to a 40 or 50 student protest demonstration. And you can't blame Rutgers because they never backed down or away from the contract to have Rice speak. Rice is the blame. She decided not to fight and not to speak. It is 100% on her and her decision to not attend for whatever excuses she chooses to use to make her quitting palatable to herself.
She knew she would be faced with intelligent questions she would be unable to lie her way around -- as she has repeatedly done before all the facts were known.
If they were as guilty as you and the yahoos at Rutgers (students, understandable, faculty, unforgivable) think they are, how come the president and his Attorney General lapdog have not aid any charges against them? They had more than six years to do so.
Because Obama is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the same shadow government that maneuvered Bush into invading Iraq.

A learning institution that forbids free exchange of ideas is not prestigious. It is severely prostituted.
What could Rice possibly have said of any real and substantive value -- except to confess her lies? And if she intended to do that she should have stuck to it and not shied away from what she knew was coming. She knew her lies would be challenged by those students.
Snookie might be a waste of space but she's not responsible for contributing to a war crime that cost thousands of American troops their lives or limbs, for the death or maiming of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, for the destruction of their homeland, and for the deplorable waste of trillions of dollars of American treasure.

Condoleeza Rice, along with her fellow conspirators, deserves to be publicly hanged or to spend the rest of their lives in solitary confinement to contemplate the depth of their crime.

JFK and LBJ are responsible for the deaths of nearly 60,000 Americans.

Compared to those REAL war criminals, GWB is an innocent amateur.

JFK and LBJ were not convicted as war criminals. GWB was convicted in absentia by an internationally recognized judicial process in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is the first and only President that can not travel to specific countries due to the the risk of his being arrested or being requested not to attempt travel by host nations that have extradition treaties with Malaysia and do not want to be put into an embarrassing and awkward legal position.
Rice is desperate to shed the albatros those old men left hanging around her neck. The last thing she needs is a highly public battle with students at a commencement ceremony charging her with war crimes and support for torture.
And your figure for American deaths in Vietnam are fucked up. Over 28,000 get attributed to Dick Nixon.

You gave no link proving that GWB was convicted in absentia, by anyone for any reason. When you used the words "internationally recognized" I just had to chuckle.

The United Nations is - sadly - "internationally recognized". You know, the organization that suck the teat of the nation for comforts, riches and freedom that most of its member nations could never find in their own country, the organization that would be tossed out if the host nation was as small minded as most of its members. The United Nations that gives membership to the worst violators of human rights on its clownish and laughable human rights council/commission. The same organization that time after time after time condemns the only democracy in the Middle East as racist.

Don't yak to me about internationally recognized, especially about anything located in one of the worst third world hell holes in the world, Kuala Lumpur. If those yahoos are so smart how come they could not keep track of a plane - made in the U.S.A., bye the way?

If GWB ever were so stupid as having a desire to travel to Malaysia, he would deserve all those assholes could ever heap on him.
I'd toss in a buck or two to send Dubious on Air Malaysia. That said, Rice would have been a fine commencement speaker. I'd suggest she too not leave the continental US and airspace, but that's another issue.
JFK and LBJ are responsible for the deaths of nearly 60,000 Americans.

Compared to those REAL war criminals, GWB is an innocent amateur.

JFK and LBJ were not convicted as war criminals. GWB was convicted in absentia by an internationally recognized judicial process in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and is the first and only President that can not travel to specific countries due to the the risk of his being arrested or being requested not to attempt travel by host nations that have extradition treaties with Malaysia and do not want to be put into an embarrassing and awkward legal position.
Rice is desperate to shed the albatros those old men left hanging around her neck. The last thing she needs is a highly public battle with students at a commencement ceremony charging her with war crimes and support for torture.
And your figure for American deaths in Vietnam are fucked up. Over 28,000 get attributed to Dick Nixon.

You gave no link proving that GWB was convicted in absentia, by anyone for any reason. When you used the words "internationally recognized" I just had to chuckle.

The United Nations is - sadly - "internationally recognized". You know, the organization that suck the teat of the nation for comforts, riches and freedom that most of its member nations could never find in their own country, the organization that would be tossed out if the host nation was as small minded as most of its members. The United Nations that gives membership to the worst violators of human rights on its clownish and laughable human rights council/commission. The same organization that time after time after time condemns the only democracy in the Middle East as racist.

Don't yak to me about internationally recognized, especially about anything located in one of the worst third world hell holes in the world, Kuala Lumpur. If those yahoos are so smart how come they could not keep track of a plane - made in the U.S.A., bye the way?

If GWB ever were so stupid as having a desire to travel to Malaysia, he would deserve all those assholes could ever heap on him.

It prevented him from going to a scheduled trip to Switzerland too. And Spain says please don't come here. This stuff is easy to find online with google. And it doesn't matter what you think about the court in Kuala Lumpur. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld don't give a shit about what you have to say about their travels. Those fuckers you don't recognize count and there are places in the world our former Pres., VP and Sec. of Defense can't go because they will be arrested and thrown into a jail for being war criminals. And the USA will not come and rescue them.
I detest the type of intloerance that the opponenets of Rice speaking at Rutgers represent to the extent they tried to prevent her from being heard.

That being said - and im sure this has probably been pointed out elsewhere -

the university stood by the invitation

She decided to withdraw which i respect but apparently she has chosen to speak several other times over similar objections (maybe they werent graduations? I dunno)

the students who opposed her had every right to be heard even if they are idiots.

I think for whatever reason in this case rice took the high road but that this is being blown out of proportion
Question has the current Presidents Attorney General filed any kind of charges against Rice or any member of the Bush administration? To the best of knowledge that would be a no which kind of makes all this war criminal stuff well B.S.

doesn't mean there is nothing to see, nothing has happened, behind us.

Interesting take on it given the lefts reaction to Benghazi is the exact opposite where according to them there is nothing to see.

Benghazi is being investigated.

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