Condi Rice dissed at Rutgers

Recently Condi Rice was asked to give a speech at a graduation ceremony at Rutgers. However, some students protested her coming by chanting, "Condi's lies cost us lives".

As a result, Condi decided not to show up so as not to detract from day for the students.

For liberals, do you think this is a victory? Is this a good thing?

For conservatives, do you think this is a defeat, should she have gone anyway?

Glen Greenwald has pointed out over and over that members of the Bush administration were guilty of acts that were in violation of International and American law. And he has pointed out that these crimes have been glossed over as simply "policy disputes". I agree with him when he suggests these Bush figures should at least be shunned from acceptance by normal society. Condi Rice, although I don't see her as culpable as someone like Cheney still falls within this category. So yes, it is a small victory in the struggle for decent cultural norms. Although Obama gave them all a de facto pardon they should pay some price for their anti-American war and torture evangelism.

And what about the democrats who voted to go to war and did not force "W" out of Iraq? "W" at least had Congress vote on it, so they are equally culpable which you refuse to admit. On the other hand, Obama did not even consult Congress when he went into Libya. He even violated the War Powers Act by not consulting Congress after 60 days. He then retorted that it was not really a war.

Again, if Condi Rice had served under Obama she would not be being treated like this.
I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.

Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
Question has the current Presidents Attorney General filed any kind of charges against Rice or any member of the Bush administration? To the best of knowledge that would be a no which kind of makes all this war criminal stuff well B.S.
I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.

Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
I call war on women on Marc that's partisan, sexist, and racist.
The students did not want to hear what she had to say, so they protested her coming. Then when she backed down from coming, they celebrated like you are doing.

This shows me that the left has no interest in dialogue or those offering different kinds of thinking, no matter how offensive it may be. I thought that a college campus was a place for higher learning and for sharing thoughts that may be controversial and dare I say, "OFFENSIVE".

Guess not.
You position yourself as if you're an independent.

If that's the case then you know that we've already had 8 years of "those offering different kinds of thinking", we've heard that song and dance before Votto.

Time to move on.

We don't want to hear it any failed/they failed.

Condi, Cheney, et al should be in chains and shackles, so let us celebrate that she's at least booted out of speaking at that prestigious learning center.
I posted about this on another thread. I have the much respect for Ms. Rice. She should be held up as a role model for all women especially women of color. She has excelled at every challenge she has taken on. It's really too bad that chicks like Snookie would garner more respect than Condi Rice. And we wonder why kids are screwed up....We hold up losers and demonize the Best of the Best based on what side of the isle they sit on.
Condi Rice is an excellent choice for a any commencement speech anywhere. An accomplished women in everything she has ever set her sights on. Never needed to blame or use her skin color to get her anywhere. She is successful on her own merits. As it should be....
She gave the RNC speech without a teleprompter and didn't need to read her notes. I seriously doubt she expects anyone to pay for her BC like Fluke. She's a Shining Star.
I like and respect her. It saddens me that college students are being told what to think instead of listen to all ideas then coming to their own conclusions.
I would be 1st in line to support her for President of the United States of America

Condi Rice's Full RNC Speech 8/29/12 - YouTube
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.

Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.

Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.

What community?? Black kids in some communities are killing each other in record numbers. Maybe they need a few new role models....just sayin'
Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.

What community?? Black kids in some communities are killing each other in record numbers. Maybe they need a few new role models....just sayin'
I knew it wouldn't be long before your true colors showed.

Thanks for being so transparent.
The students did not want to hear what she had to say, so they protested her coming. Then when she backed down from coming, they celebrated like you are doing.

This shows me that the left has no interest in dialogue or those offering different kinds of thinking, no matter how offensive it may be. I thought that a college campus was a place for higher learning and for sharing thoughts that may be controversial and dare I say, "OFFENSIVE".

Guess not.
You position yourself as if you're an independent.

If that's the case then you know that we've already had 8 years of "those offering different kinds of thinking", we've heard that song and dance before Votto.

Time to move on.

We don't want to hear it any failed/they failed.

Condi, Cheney, et al should be in chains and shackles, so let us celebrate that she's at least booted out of speaking at that prestigious learning center.

Condi Rice played an integral role in American history. I would think that educated students would like to hear her talk.

Shall we now impale our leaders after they have served? I might be persuaded to go along with that as well. :badgrin:
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.

What community?? Black kids in some communities are killing each other in record numbers. Maybe they need a few new role models....just sayin'
I knew it wouldn't be long before your true colors showed.

Thanks for being so transparent.
My true colors??? How about your true colors ...Take a look at of what you yourself had to say about Ms Rice...I have only talked about her as a successful woman of color that I totally respect not for her skin color but her accomplishments.
You brought up your community. Are you saying there is not a problem in some communities?? Not my fault..Guess I'm not supposed to notice that stuff ~
"Shining Star?!?!?"

She's not even a shiney turd.

She's not the role model we want.

Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.

Is Obama a role model?
What community?? Black kids in some communities are killing each other in record numbers. Maybe they need a few new role models....just sayin'
I knew it wouldn't be long before your true colors showed.

Thanks for being so transparent.
My true colors??? How about your true colors ...Take a look at of what you yourself had to say about Ms Rice...I have only talked about her as a successful woman of color that I totally respect not for her skin color but her accomplishments.
You brought up your community. Are you saying there is not a problem in some communities?? Not my fault..Guess I'm not supposed to notice that stuff ~

He probably has no idea what an accomplished woman she is. My guess all he knows is what she did under "W".

Scratch that, that is all he cares about.
What community?? Black kids in some communities are killing each other in record numbers. Maybe they need a few new role models....just sayin'
I knew it wouldn't be long before your true colors showed.

Thanks for being so transparent.
My true colors??? How about your true colors ...Take a look at of what you yourself had to say about Ms Rice...I have only talked about her as a successful woman of color that I totally respect not for her skin color but her accomplishments.
You brought up your community. Are you saying there is not a problem in some communities?? Not my fault..Guess I'm not supposed to notice that stuff ~
I wasn't the one to say black community, I said our community, could be yours and mine.

YOU'RE the one who boxed it in.

You slipped when you used Beyonce though. That's a big RW talking point via O'Riled Up used to attack black women particularly. Usually used in context of being oversexed and pregnant.

You messed up, and I caught you.

But carry on.
Really...So who is a female role model you would "Want"?? Beyonce? Sandra Fluke?? When are you guys going to start treating women respectfully so Condi is just one of many instead of a one of a kind success story??
We already have our role models.

They are our mothers, sisters, aunts, teachers, church members, entrepreneurs, business owners, bus drivers, members in our community, etc.

We are FLUSH with great role models, Condi Rice is NOT one of them.

Is Obama a role model?
VERY much so.
Condi's parting gift to the world is what she did under the Bush Regime.

The fact that she has not only NOT apologized or is remorseful for what she was a part of, but still ACTIVELY pushes and supported what she did.

No, she gets no quarter from me. I don't care if she's black, white, blue, green or purple.

A bad person, is a bad person. And Condi....she's a bad person.
And what about the democrats who voted to go to war and did not force "W" out of Iraq? "W" at least had Congress vote on it, so they are equally culpable which you refuse to admit. On the other hand, Obama did not even consult Congress when he went into Libya. He even violated the War Powers Act by not consulting Congress after 60 days. He then retorted that it was not really a war.

Again, if Condi Rice had served under Obama she would not be being treated like this.

Do you think by trying to spread the guilt aound it is diluted to the point of nullification? Condi (the subject of the OP) was part of the Administration that has been universally condemned for many of it's actions. Most of these condemned policies are their responsibility solely with no possibility of deflection. Think Obamacare, I don't see many critics blaming congress, Republicans and Democrats.. The Bush Administration led the way, shaped congressional and public opinion. Trying to deny this is impossible in light of documented history. For example, do you remember General Taguba who investigated Abu Ghraib? He said;

“there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.”


"What do we say to the soldiers who committed wrongdoings with regard to detention operations who were also acting in the interest of national security and who are now in jail or who have been punished? If the military can hold themselves accountable, why can’t the civilian authorities be as well? Why can’t they hold themselves accountable as well?"

There are countless other testimonials in the public record that lays guilt at the foot of the Bush administration, not at a nebulous, almost undefinable conglomeration of government and congress and whoever, a kind of "black box" where guilt is swallowed up. That's a cop out that no thinking, rational person can accept.
According to a former let wing radical turned conservatve, David Horowitz, modern college campuses have evolved from being centers for the exchange of ideas and philosophies to closed minded gulags where the thought police might pounce and convict students of conservatism. Every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on college campus sometime in their career. Being a high profile African American doesn't guarantee that they won't be victims of assault on hostile college campuses run by left wing demagog professors.
Do you think by trying to spread the guilt aound it is diluted to the point of nullification? Condi (the subject of the OP) was part of the Administration that has been universally condemned for many of it's actions. Most of these condemned policies are their responsibility solely with no possibility of deflection. Think Obamacare, I don't see many critics blaming congress, Republicans and Democrats.. The Bush Administration led the way, shaped congressional and public opinion. Trying to deny this is impossible in light of documented history. For example, do you remember General Taguba who investigated Abu Ghraib? He said;

“there is no longer any doubt as to whether the current administration has committed war crimes. The only question that remains to be answered is whether those who ordered the use of torture will be held to account.”


"What do we say to the soldiers who committed wrongdoings with regard to detention operations who were also acting in the interest of national security and who are now in jail or who have been punished? If the military can hold themselves accountable, why can’t the civilian authorities be as well? Why can’t they hold themselves accountable as well?"

There are countless other testimonials in the public record that lays guilt at the foot of the Bush administration, not at a nebulous, almost undefinable conglomeration of government and congress and whoever, a kind of "black box" where guilt is swallowed up. That's a cop out that no thinking, rational person can accept.

Brother Smedly, that's the problem, most Republicans and self proclaimed Conservates are neither thinking nor rational people.
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Question has the current Presidents Attorney General filed any kind of charges against Rice or any member of the Bush administration? To the best of knowledge that would be a no which kind of makes all this war criminal stuff well B.S.

doesn't mean there is nothing to see, nothing has happened, behind us.
I knew it wouldn't be long before your true colors showed.

Thanks for being so transparent.
My true colors??? How about your true colors ...Take a look at of what you yourself had to say about Ms Rice...I have only talked about her as a successful woman of color that I totally respect not for her skin color but her accomplishments.
You brought up your community. Are you saying there is not a problem in some communities?? Not my fault..Guess I'm not supposed to notice that stuff ~
I wasn't the one to say black community, I said our community, could be yours and mine.

YOU'RE the one who boxed it in.

You slipped when you used Beyonce though. That's a big RW talking point via O'Riled Up used to attack black women particularly. Usually used in context of being oversexed and pregnant.

You messed up, and I caught you.

But carry on.

Oohh you caught me at what????
Please take Note of My NAME....Who plays the Blues?? I've been very Involved in the Blues scene for a very long time. When I say involved that means band members just as much as the people who hang out in Blues Bars..You caught me LOL~~~
I think it's YOU that has shown your true colors. Beyonce is the hottest female out there right now...Hummmm...Yeah your right now that I think about it she is black ~
I also mentioned Sandra Fluke who is a Dem darling...She seems to have lighter colored skin as if it mattered.

You messed up, and I caught you.
But carry on....

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