Confederate constitution legalized slavery

Both paperview and I have provided the Cornerstone speech that crushs James' specious argument fo evah, homies.
Oh apparently JAKE, your sweetheart Paperview has ran away yet again, as she never addressed my last post.
Because you're a retard confederate who imagines himself occupied and still living in some 150 year old time warp trying to refight your Lost Cause.

It's like arguing with an defective Japanese soldier stranded on an island decades after the WW is over.

I have better things to do than tussle with a mental patient.
Both paperview and I have provided the Cornerstone speech that crushs James' specious argument fo evah, homies.
Oh apparently JAKE, your sweetheart Paperview has ran away yet again, as she never addressed my last post.
Because you're a retard confederate who imagines himself occupied and still living in some 150 year old time warp trying to refight your Lost Cause.

It's like arguing with an defective Japanese soldier stranded on an island decades after the WW is over.

I have better things to do than tussle with a mental patient.

That is the best description of James' approach to the CSA: on a deserted island, from which he casts notes in bottles into the sea, hoping someone will read somewhere.
Both paperview and I have provided the Cornerstone speech that crushs James' specious argument fo evah, homies.
Oh apparently JAKE, your sweetheart Paperview has ran away yet again, as she never addressed my last post.
Because you're a retard confederate who imagines himself occupied and still living in some 150 year old time warp trying to refight your Lost Cause.

It's like arguing with an defective Japanese soldier stranded on an island decades after the WW is over.

I have better things to do than tussle with a mental patient.

Yes, I have better things to do than educate ignorant Pseudo intellectual Yankees, but then fools such as you must be exposed......
Occupation definition.....
The act or process of holding or possessing a place.
b. The state of being held or possessed.
Invasion, conquest, and control of a nation or territory by foreign armed forces.
Military occupation occurs when a belligerent state invades the territory of another state with the intention of holding the territory at least temporarily.
Self determination definition....
Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; independence.
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the right of a nation or people to determine its own form of government without influence from outside.
Let us see if occupation applies as a result of the Yankee rebellion......

Isham (I'-sam) G. Harris, of Memphis, was elected governor of Tennessee in 1857, and again in 1859, both times by large majorities.
On February 22 Grant declared martial law in Tennessee.
On March 12, 1862, Andrew Johnson, whom President Lincoln had appointed Military Governor of
Tennessee, arrived and took over for the Union.
Governor Johnson demanded that all of Nashville's city officers and employees take an oath of allegiance to the Union, when they refused, he arrested them for treason and appointed his own officers in their place.
In the fall of 1864, Governor Johnson was elected Vice-President of the United States, and he was to be
inaugurated on March 4, 1865.
A convention of Unionist met in Nashville January 9, 1865, drafted amendments to the state constitution, nominated candidates for governor and the legislature, and set February 22 and March 4, 1865 for the people to ratify their actions.
No Confederates or Confederate sympathizers, were allowed to vote.
The Legislature of 1869, a military legislature acting under threat duress and collusion, called for a vote on holding a constitutional convention, and electing delegated to attend it.
This election, limited to only pro-unionist which was held on December 18, 1869, favored a convention by a very large vote.
Duress any unlawful threat or coercion used by person to induce another to act (or refrain from acting) in a manner he or she otherwise would not (or would). Subjecting person to improper pressure which overcomes his will and coerces him to comply with demand to which he would not yield if acting as free agent [Henry-Campbell: Black, Blacks Law Dictionary®, Sixth Edition, West Publishing Co. St. Paul Minnesota, 1990
As we are all well able to see, what occurred fits every definition of OCCUPATION.
Paperview and her lil minion JAKE STARKEY are victims of the ignorance of indoctrination to the point that they ignore FACTS in favor of fiction.......
"Nonsense". James, keep writing your notes on your deserted island.
You never add anything of value to a discussion. All you do is deny, deny, deny, without ever posting a rebuttal citing fact or anything of relevance. You are nothing more than a cheerleader for the opposition to truth and facts. Shake your POM POMS...
Youre the only one making a fool of himself. I am amazed you are this uneducated. Please show me in the constitution, (the real one) where it states that any state has a right to secede. I'll wait.

article i section 10 of the u.s. constitution

Article One of the United States Constitution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;...."
I trust your wait wasn't to long.
Allow me to educate you.....
YOUR U.S. CONstitution never addressed secession, hence the power to prevent a State from seceding from the union was never delegated to the U.S. (The States in union collectively) to prevent a State from exercising it's retained power power to sever its ties with the other States. This retained power is addressed in YOUR tenth amendment.
Article I section 10, addresses the States within the union denying them as individual States to establish an alliance with another, but as any idiot should be able to ascertain, there was no law preventing a State from seceding, that power was reserved by each individual State, therefore once a State seceded it was no longer bound by article I Section 10 or any other part of YOUR CONstitution. You see you are to ignorant to understand that the first cause, which was legal, nullified the second cause to which you refer.
You can't help but continue to make a fool of yourself can you?
You are in way above your education.
Yeah actually it did.

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;...."
Most likely it is your inability to grasp the first cause to which I continue to direct you to, and that is that the States that seceded did so each individually, and it was not until after they had seceded that the established a new treaty/alliance between themselves in the form of the 1862 CSA Constitution. They at that point were no longer party to the 1787/1789 treaty.
They couldnt even do it individually without permission. The only way to legally do it was through revolution and since you lost the war you didnt have permission for individual states to secede. Sorry you lose. We even have SCOTUS case history to support the argument against your continued ignorance.

Secession in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Chase, [Chief Justice], ruled in favor of Texas on the ground that the Confederate state government in Texas had no legal existence on the basis that the secession of Texas from the United States was illegal. The critical finding underpinning the ruling that Texas could not secede from the United States was that, following its admission to the United States in 1845, Texas had become part of "an indestructible Union, composed of indestructible states." In practical terms, this meant that Texas has never seceded from the United States."
Oh, another base indoctrinated Yankee posting Texas v White.
The gullible indoctrinated Yankee is always drawn in and sacrificed on the alter because of these pseudo intellectual Yankees who think Texas v White somehow decided the issue of secession, and here we have another sacrificial lamb.
Lets begin educating a fool.....
Texas v White was not a case over secession: it was a case concerning U.S. Bonds.
Do you know the definition of DICTA?

"Expressions in a court's opinion that go beyond the facts before the court and therefore are individual views of the author of the opinion and not binding in subsequent cases as legal precedent."

It is therefore unreasonable to claim this issue was “decided” when the arguments presented by the parties to the case did not address the right of States to secede. Without the opportunity for argument, debate, and rebuttal on the issue, it cannot be said that this issue was “decided” when a very partisan Chief Justice took the occasion to insert his opinion on a question that was not argued before the Court.
The opinion in Texas v White sets NO LEGAL precedent.

SCOTUS Justice Salmon Chase A YANKEE from Ohio who was Ole Abe Lincolns treasury secretary, A Yankee Senator from Ohio, Could not hardly be considered an unbiased Justice, In fact each Justice was a U.S. Justice....
Chief Justice S.P. Chase of Ohio, a Lincoln appointee, delivered the opinion. Other associate justices and appointing presidents were Samuel Nelson, New York (Tyler); R.C. Grier, Pennsylvania (Polk); N. Clifford, Maine (Buchanan); N.H. Swayne, Ohio (Lincoln); S.F. Miller, Iowa (Lincoln); David Davis, Illinois (Lincoln) and S. J. Field, California (Lincoln).
NOT one could be said to be non-biased, such is akin to having G Gordon Liddy act as Vice President and President of the Senate in YOUR President Richard Nixon's Impeachment, or Monica Lewinsky acting as the same in YOUR President Clinton's Impeachment.
A serious conflict of interest and lack of impartiality by the Chief justice in his writing of the majority opinion. There were five Lincoln appointees sitting on the bench when Chief Justice Chase offered his opinion on secession, but the Chief justice was the only Justice intimately entwined with the Lincoln administration and its policies regarding secession. He certainly should have recused himself if he was going to opine from the Bench on Lincoln’s view of secession
Yet even overlooking that fact, let us read YOUR own CONstitutions Article III Section 2....
"(The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution,"
Now, YOUR Chief Justice Chase could no more cite a U.S. Law that states that secession was illegal in
Texas v White than can you
today: WHY? Because it doesn't exist.
Again YOUR SCOTUS Judicial power exists only in law arising UNDER YOUR CONstitution: So Cite that law.
YOUR SCOTUS cited the Articles of Confederation as a base for the opinion....
Chase discusses the origins of the Union of States and notes that the Articles of Confederation declared the Union to “be perpetual.”

And when these Articles were found to be inadequate to the exigencies of the country, the Constitution was ordained “to form a more perfect Union.” It is difficult to convey the idea of indissoluble unity more clearly than by these words. What can be indissoluble if a perpetual Union, made more perfect, is not?

The old Constitution to which Chase referred was the Articles of Confederation, a CONSTITUTION BETWEEN STATES, yet the "more perfect union was a CONstitution of "We the people" NOT We the States. So the perpetual union between States was replaced with "WE the people", a CONTRACT.
The Articles were replaced hence no longer in force, the perpetual union was not so perpetual as it was replaced.If perpetual was carried over, then what else was carried over yet not enumerated in the 1787/1789 U.S. CONstitution?

The most obvious of these is the contention that Texas never ceased to be a state, yet, the people of Texas were denied representation as a state until they agreed to certain "reconstruction" acts of the U.S. Congress. Among those requirements was accepting a new state constitution dictated by the U.S. through armed force. Stalinists did the same thing to coerce independent nations into the "indissoluble Soviet Union."
Each State that left the union was required to meet certain Reconstruction acts, hence they were considered as no longer being member States in the union, here is where YOUR assertion of Article I section 10 falters, because the States were required to meet these requirements to be Re-admitted, re-admitted means they were not part of the union because they seceded.
Fact is, there has never been a court case where arguments were made on the right of States to withdraw from the Union. Without the opportunity for both sides to present their arguments on the issue, just dicta alone from the Chief Justice does not establish a precedent setting opinion of the Court. This fact alone should put an end to the use of Texas v. White to refute the right of States to withdraw from the Union, but even so, there are other problems with Texas v. White that need to be exposed.
Chase claimed, “The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States.” However, he failed to mention or explain the secession of nine of these original States from their first union (the Articles of Confederation); the only union the States ever proclaimed to be perpetual. There can be no doubt that our first Union under the Articles of Confederation, although claiming to be perpetual, or our current Union under the Constitution, without any such claim of being perpetual, were neither perpetual nor indissoluble.
Yes, you are base in knowledge here, and a product of indoctrination.

Someone obviously did a number on your head. I have razed every one of your paper mache excuses as to why you losers had a right to secede. Your claims are amusing but only in sad pitiful way. Its getting redundant showing you the facts. Face it. You lost. If you think you have a case take it to court and see what happens. Please post the results and tag me.
I trust your wait wasn't to long.
Allow me to educate you.....
YOUR U.S. CONstitution never addressed secession, hence the power to prevent a State from seceding from the union was never delegated to the U.S. (The States in union collectively) to prevent a State from exercising it's retained power power to sever its ties with the other States. This retained power is addressed in YOUR tenth amendment.
Article I section 10, addresses the States within the union denying them as individual States to establish an alliance with another, but as any idiot should be able to ascertain, there was no law preventing a State from seceding, that power was reserved by each individual State, therefore once a State seceded it was no longer bound by article I Section 10 or any other part of YOUR CONstitution. You see you are to ignorant to understand that the first cause, which was legal, nullified the second cause to which you refer.
You can't help but continue to make a fool of yourself can you?
You are in way above your education.
Yeah actually it did.

"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;...."
Most likely it is your inability to grasp the first cause to which I continue to direct you to, and that is that the States that seceded did so each individually, and it was not until after they had seceded that the established a new treaty/alliance between themselves in the form of the 1862 CSA Constitution. They at that point were no longer party to the 1787/1789 treaty.
They couldnt even do it individually without permission. The only way to legally do it was through revolution and since you lost the war you didnt have permission for individual states to secede. Sorry you lose. We even have SCOTUS case history to support the argument against your continued ignorance.

Secession in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Chase, [Chief Justice], ruled in favor of Texas on the ground that the Confederate state government in Texas had no legal existence on the basis that the secession of Texas from the United States was illegal. The critical finding underpinning the ruling that Texas could not secede from the United States was that, following its admission to the United States in 1845, Texas had become part of "an indestructible Union, composed of indestructible states." In practical terms, this meant that Texas has never seceded from the United States."
Oh, another base indoctrinated Yankee posting Texas v White.
The gullible indoctrinated Yankee is always drawn in and sacrificed on the alter because of these pseudo intellectual Yankees who think Texas v White somehow decided the issue of secession, and here we have another sacrificial lamb.
Lets begin educating a fool.....
Texas v White was not a case over secession: it was a case concerning U.S. Bonds.
Do you know the definition of DICTA?

"Expressions in a court's opinion that go beyond the facts before the court and therefore are individual views of the author of the opinion and not binding in subsequent cases as legal precedent."

It is therefore unreasonable to claim this issue was “decided” when the arguments presented by the parties to the case did not address the right of States to secede. Without the opportunity for argument, debate, and rebuttal on the issue, it cannot be said that this issue was “decided” when a very partisan Chief Justice took the occasion to insert his opinion on a question that was not argued before the Court.
The opinion in Texas v White sets NO LEGAL precedent.

SCOTUS Justice Salmon Chase A YANKEE from Ohio who was Ole Abe Lincolns treasury secretary, A Yankee Senator from Ohio, Could not hardly be considered an unbiased Justice, In fact each Justice was a U.S. Justice....
Chief Justice S.P. Chase of Ohio, a Lincoln appointee, delivered the opinion. Other associate justices and appointing presidents were Samuel Nelson, New York (Tyler); R.C. Grier, Pennsylvania (Polk); N. Clifford, Maine (Buchanan); N.H. Swayne, Ohio (Lincoln); S.F. Miller, Iowa (Lincoln); David Davis, Illinois (Lincoln) and S. J. Field, California (Lincoln).
NOT one could be said to be non-biased, such is akin to having G Gordon Liddy act as Vice President and President of the Senate in YOUR President Richard Nixon's Impeachment, or Monica Lewinsky acting as the same in YOUR President Clinton's Impeachment.
A serious conflict of interest and lack of impartiality by the Chief justice in his writing of the majority opinion. There were five Lincoln appointees sitting on the bench when Chief Justice Chase offered his opinion on secession, but the Chief justice was the only Justice intimately entwined with the Lincoln administration and its policies regarding secession. He certainly should have recused himself if he was going to opine from the Bench on Lincoln’s view of secession
Yet even overlooking that fact, let us read YOUR own CONstitutions Article III Section 2....
"(The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution,"
Now, YOUR Chief Justice Chase could no more cite a U.S. Law that states that secession was illegal in
Texas v White than can you
today: WHY? Because it doesn't exist.
Again YOUR SCOTUS Judicial power exists only in law arising UNDER YOUR CONstitution: So Cite that law.
YOUR SCOTUS cited the Articles of Confederation as a base for the opinion....
Chase discusses the origins of the Union of States and notes that the Articles of Confederation declared the Union to “be perpetual.”

And when these Articles were found to be inadequate to the exigencies of the country, the Constitution was ordained “to form a more perfect Union.” It is difficult to convey the idea of indissoluble unity more clearly than by these words. What can be indissoluble if a perpetual Union, made more perfect, is not?

The old Constitution to which Chase referred was the Articles of Confederation, a CONSTITUTION BETWEEN STATES, yet the "more perfect union was a CONstitution of "We the people" NOT We the States. So the perpetual union between States was replaced with "WE the people", a CONTRACT.
The Articles were replaced hence no longer in force, the perpetual union was not so perpetual as it was replaced.If perpetual was carried over, then what else was carried over yet not enumerated in the 1787/1789 U.S. CONstitution?

The most obvious of these is the contention that Texas never ceased to be a state, yet, the people of Texas were denied representation as a state until they agreed to certain "reconstruction" acts of the U.S. Congress. Among those requirements was accepting a new state constitution dictated by the U.S. through armed force. Stalinists did the same thing to coerce independent nations into the "indissoluble Soviet Union."
Each State that left the union was required to meet certain Reconstruction acts, hence they were considered as no longer being member States in the union, here is where YOUR assertion of Article I section 10 falters, because the States were required to meet these requirements to be Re-admitted, re-admitted means they were not part of the union because they seceded.
Fact is, there has never been a court case where arguments were made on the right of States to withdraw from the Union. Without the opportunity for both sides to present their arguments on the issue, just dicta alone from the Chief Justice does not establish a precedent setting opinion of the Court. This fact alone should put an end to the use of Texas v. White to refute the right of States to withdraw from the Union, but even so, there are other problems with Texas v. White that need to be exposed.
Chase claimed, “The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States.” However, he failed to mention or explain the secession of nine of these original States from their first union (the Articles of Confederation); the only union the States ever proclaimed to be perpetual. There can be no doubt that our first Union under the Articles of Confederation, although claiming to be perpetual, or our current Union under the Constitution, without any such claim of being perpetual, were neither perpetual nor indissoluble.
Yes, you are base in knowledge here, and a product of indoctrination.

Someone obviously did a number on your head. I have razed every one of your paper mache excuses as to why you losers had a right to secede. Your claims are amusing but only in sad pitiful way. Its getting redundant showing you the facts. Face it. You lost. If you think you have a case take it to court and see what happens. Please post the results and tag me.
Exposing the truth for our people is the purpose here, YOU are irrelevant to the cause. You see, those who see the truth and the facts revealed before their eyes, are awakened to the fiction which has been fed them through the indoctrination. I note that you had no defense against this truth that I have posted. The case will be brought before the people NOT YOUR governments Kangaroo court. It s called building a body politic outside that of the occupying governments political system, and as this body politic grows, it will overtake your withering two party duopoly controlled system. You see, you are to base to comprehend the process to which will destroy yours.
Remember, governments derive their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed, as that consent is transferred, YOUR governments control will whither away.
You can huff and puff about your rebellious ancestors kicking someones ass, as you put it, but you are not them, and now and in the future are different times and political demographics, Look at the Red and Blue map, and you will see how our process will easily gain consent, and that is wherein the power exists.
You are fighting an old war, we are using an old war to expose the truth, we are focused on the future, while you relish the past.
Good Luck.
"Nonsense". James, keep writing your notes on your deserted island.
You never add anything of value to a discussion. All you do is deny, deny, deny, without ever posting a rebuttal citing fact or anything of relevance. You are nothing more than a cheerleader for the opposition to truth and facts. Shake your POM POMS...
Says the twisted mind from his stranded island. Your points and observations have been completely rebutted time and again by at least five of us many times over. Keep putting your notes into bottles and pitching them into the ocean.

You are irrelevant.
"Nonsense". James, keep writing your notes on your deserted island.
You never add anything of value to a discussion. All you do is deny, deny, deny, without ever posting a rebuttal citing fact or anything of relevance. You are nothing more than a cheerleader for the opposition to truth and facts. Shake your POM POMS...
Says the twisted mind from his stranded island. Your points and observations have been completely rebutted time and again by at least five of us many times over. Keep putting your notes into bottles and pitching them into the ocean.

You are irrelevant.
Not hardly, you and the other court jesters post the same old tired worn out fiction, then I post the truth, backed by fact and citation, then you post just the same BS as you just posted along with a childish insult in which you think wins your BS case and then claim victory, never do you rebut the facts that I post, because you can't.
I just posted facts for you and the other jesters who would rather die than man up an admit when you are incorrect, as I have done when I make a misstatement. Such only further reveals the lack of character that plagues the Yankee to his core.
Only because your obsession is irrelevant, James.
We are all aware that to the Yankee, the TRUTH, LAWS, and YOUR own CONstitution are irrelevant.
However such things to the Southern Confederate are relevant.
Such is why YOUR government does whatever it wishes regardless of any law that may exist to the contrary.
You all pretend that your Presidents have the power to decree law..."Executive order" as does a King, no such power is granted to YOUR President within YOUR CONstitution, yet still each does just that, when no one can even express a limit to this usurpation of power not delegated.
YOUR Kangaroo court = SCOTUS renders opinion based on assumptions not law, based on a constitution that were replace with a CONstitution claiming the old inadequate and that only one portion of one Article is still in force: It renders opinions outside it own CONstitutional authority. It claims certain violations of "separation of Church and State, when the only violation that could ever be, is if "CONGRESS MADE A LAW RESPECTING THE ESTABLISHMENT, OR THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF" Yet Congress has made NO LAW, hence there can be NO VIOLATION of a NON EXISTENT law in which YOUR Kangaroo court can render an opinion.
The Yankee lives in a fictional realm of indoctrination rather than reality.

"The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States"

The Yankee lives a delusion, an infection within their own minds placed there through indoctrination into fiction, why would it be surprising to us that TRUTH to the Yankee is irrelevant?
Last edited:
James, you ranting obsession proves your irrelevance.

I am glad you have found a hobby that interest you and is dangerous to no one at all.

When you die, your obsession will end.

But I suggest that you arrange to make sure all of your material is on a drive and that you submit to UVA or UTA archives. The folks there would love to have it.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
What prick would brag about the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings? Unkotare, yeah that's who.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
What prick would brag about the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings? Unkotare, yeah that's who.
The CSA alone was responsible for the death and destruction of the Civil War. Those who disagree are morally insane.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
What prick would brag about the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings? Unkotare, yeah that's who.

I have done no such thing, you dishonest POS.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
I have dealt with you before, and you are a disgusting base foul mouth individual . You have no place judging anyone. Your screen names says it all, and it is not surprising that you and JAKE would be associates...
Some things would be interpreted as meaning (who leaked = stool) guy that hung down shit and Unkotare, is used as the word's Azake.
Their union was destroyed by Lincolns rebellion, NOT by the Southern States secessions. Lincoln's rebellion consolidated the States into a single State, thus destroying the union of States/United States.
The U.S. government had legalized Slavery from 1789 until 1865. Their U.S. government exterminated my Native American Ancestors for over a hundred years.
Their union would have continued without the Southern States.
Under international law, one party's denunciation of a multilateral treaty does not terminate the treaty between the other party's unless they themselves choose to denounce the treaty as well.
You really should focus your attention to Japan, and it mistreatment of the Korean and Chinese peoples, before addressing that of others.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
What prick would brag about the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings? Unkotare, yeah that's who.
This "Unkotare" has no true knowledge on this subject. I have dealt with him in the past, and his vile posts, caused the tread to be shut down. All he is capable of is the use of foul language, his posts are no more relevant than those of JAKE STARKEY'S Childish posts.
This UNKOTARE, simply jumps from thread to thread posting wherein his knowledge on a given subject is base at best.
When the pseudo intellectuals such as Paperview and Ravi, are defeated with facts and citation of them, and run for cover, these base individuals with nothing of relevance to add to the debate are sent onto the field with their foul language in order to get the thread shut down. You can count on nothing but trash talk at this point from the opposing Yankee hordes.

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