Confederate constitution legalized slavery

You have no place judging anyone. .

When you disgrace yourself by attempting to play the apologist for arrogant, traitorous men who defended evil and led many honorable men and women to unnecessary deaths, you deserve to be judged as a no-class, ignorant, vile POS.

You have been so judged.
This "Unkotare" has no true knowledge on this subject..

I have taught US History for decades, big mouth.
You have spread the same indoctrination, that was fed to YOU. Such is not education.
You just stated that the South attempted to destroy the union, which is typical indoctrination into fiction.
Teacher? NOT HARDLY.
You refer to the Southern Confederates as "Traitors" Again, you spread indoctrination. Please show how those men were traitors.
You defend a government that Exterminated my Native American ancestors, and you argue against those who support the restoration of the Articles of Confederation through the proper and legal avenue of restoring OUR government and through the legal avenue of amending OUR Constitution?
you argue against those who support the restoration of the Articles of Confederation

Anyone who thinks that it is going to happen must be as stupid as you. Check back in 10, 20, 100 years and let me know if it has happened. It won't, you fucking idiot.
You refer to the Southern Confederates as "Traitors"

Which they were. They got only a degree of what they deserved.
No, you are incorrect. Traitor in this instance would be defined as treason. Secession is NOT treason, as treason would require the breaking of the law, and no such law existed concerning secession, Once a State has legally seceded, it is no longer party to the treaty called the U.S. CONstitution, hence it would be impossible to in reality call the Southern Confederate a "Traitor". Again, you use base illogical assertions and are uneducated and indoctrinated.
Could there be a more meaningless waste of energy than some idiots TODAY trying to defend the traitorous confederate dogs that tried to destroy our Union for the sake of an ancient, evil institution? Those arrogant curs were justly brought to heel, and no amount of revision by LARPing losers today will change that.
What prick would brag about the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings? Unkotare, yeah that's who.
As you can clearly see, the Pseudo intellectuals have left the field, and we now have just as I stated....Unkotare using nothing but foul language absent of logic and education.
You defend a government that Exterminated my Native American ancestor

I don't give half a shit about your background, but I have never 'defended' killing Native Americans, you dishonest, honorless POS.
Allow me to throw YOUR own words back at YOU.....
"When you disgrace yourself by attempting to play the apologist for arrogant, traitorous men who defended evil and led many honorable men and women to unnecessary deaths, you deserve to be judged as a no-class, ignorant, vile POS."
Lincoln was in rebellion to the lawful authority of the Tenth amendment to the U.S. CONstitution, hence a "traitor".
He defended the evil extermination of the Native American Indian using his U.S. Soldiers to do the dirty deeds of the government that you defend, Slaughtering many honorable men and women, and infant children in the name of "Manifest destiny".
You do that which YOU accuse.

treason would require the breaking of the law, d

Which they did, as determined by the highest court in the country.
Again, you show your ignorance.
There has never been a case before YOUR SCOTUS about secession, and don't show further ignorance by posting Texas v White, as that case was not a case concerning secession, and the DICT has no bearing on any case that may be brought concerning secession.
The court never did try the CSA President for treason.
Please, if you were being truthful about being an educator, PLEASE PLEASE stop as you are not qualified to be anything more than in indoctrinator into fiction and ignorance.
CSA was a treasonous governing entity.

It was executed by the North. I can never be resurrected.
Denial doesn't strengthen your weak attempt at revision.
The facts are the facts, and the facts show proof, You have no facts, you cite nothing to prove your fiction, because it is just that fiction. I have cited the truth backed by facts. YOU? Well nothing but accusation with no factual evidence to prove you case, hence the court of logic and truth deny your false claims. Case dismissed.
CSA was a treasonous governing entity.

It was executed by the North. I can never be resurrected.
Yes, and Russia once occupied Poland via war, destroyed Poland's government, and of course Poland could never be resurrected either, nor could East and West Germany be resurrected as one either: Right JAKE?
Never say Never.
CSA was a treasonous governing entity. It was executed by the North. I can never be resurrected.
Yes, and Russia once occupied Poland via war, destroyed Poland's government, and of course Poland could never be resurrected either, nor could East and West Germany be resurrected as one either: Right JAKE? Never say Never.
Poland was legitimate, the CSA never. Study the fallacy of false comparison. You are so easy to do deal with. A better comparison would be the subjugation of the various French duchies to the kingdom or the various principalities, dukedoms, and other powers to the Emperor of Germany. They were all, respectively, of one 'nation' generally and will never be resurrected, nor the CSA for that reason.
CSA was a treasonous governing entity. It was executed by the North. I can never be resurrected.
Yes, and Russia once occupied Poland via war, destroyed Poland's government, and of course Poland could never be resurrected either, nor could East and West Germany be resurrected as one either: Right JAKE? Never say Never.
Poland was legitimate, the CSA never. Study the fallacy of false comparison. You are so easy to do deal with. A better comparison would be the subjugation of the various French duchies to the kingdom or the various principalities, dukedoms, and other powers to the Emperor of Germany. They were all, respectively, of one 'nation' generally and will never be resurrected, nor the CSA for that reason.
Your confusion is evident, as you confuse a Union/Confederacy of States as a single "nation" another comparison would be the United Nations, as that to is a union/confederacy of sovereign nations under a charter.
You see the union as it is since Lincoln's rebellion as a consolidation, rather than the union that it was. States are NOT duchies. A duchies is a territory, The States are NOT territories of the National government.
Your comparison is a false comparison.
Talk about being easy to deal with.
For the first time you attempt to post something of relevance to the discussion and make a fool of yourself in the attempt.
CSA was a treasonous governing entity. It was executed by the North. I can never be resurrected.
Yes, and Russia once occupied Poland via war, destroyed Poland's government, and of course Poland could never be resurrected either, nor could East and West Germany be resurrected as one either: Right JAKE? Never say Never.
Poland was legitimate, the CSA never. Study the fallacy of false comparison. You are so easy to do deal with. A better comparison would be the subjugation of the various French duchies to the kingdom or the various principalities, dukedoms, and other powers to the Emperor of Germany. They were all, respectively, of one 'nation' generally and will never be resurrected, nor the CSA for that reason.
I should also add Alexander Hamilton's words in the CONstitutional debates #32....
"An entire consolidation of the States into one complete national sovereignty would imply an entire subordination of the parts; and whatever powers might remain in them, would be altogether dependent on the general will. But as the plan of the convention aims only at a partial union or consolidation, the State governments would clearly retain all the rights of sovereignty"
The power to secede was retained by the States in the tenth amendment to YOUR CONstitution, hence not dependent on the general will.
And I repeat.....
For the first time you attempt to post something of relevance to the discussion and make a fool of yourself in the attempt.

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