Confederate Flag Should Stay Up

Are those screen shots of you claiming to be an ex marine fake or not?

Of course not, poodle boy......only in the imagination of a fake german pervert and his pet coon. :badgrin:

Remember this one fake marine? I like the added touch about his back being to the camera... :laugh:

Somewhere on the Bong Son.....My back is to the camera, boy....notice the tiger stripes? And if I'd known that pic was being taken, it would have ended up his ass.....there were bounties on us.

Lindsey Graham said that "We have to get this right", knowing how badly the GOP will suffer if it isn't taken down.
Upon what do you base that ? The only poll I've heard of, said that a majority of South Carolinians supported the flag being where it is, including about half of SC blacks.
And how badly will the Democrats suffer if it IS taken down (a capitulation to lack activist coercion).

Lindsey Graham finally got it right yesterday when he said:

"Let's put it this way, if we fail to take it down now we'll pay a price for generations. We have to get this right."
Brane Space The Ridiculous Argument by Confederate Flag Defenders Our Flag Is Mis-Appropriated By Haters

You could have googled this yourself if you were an adult.
^ that
Are those screen shots of you claiming to be an ex marine fake or not?

Of course not, poodle boy......only in the imagination of a fake german pervert and his pet coon. :badgrin:
"pet coon"

You are one truly disgusting excuse for a Homo Sapiens, fake marine.

Your gross racism and ugliness is duly noted, stolen valor fake marine.

You will never live this one down, fake marine.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Are those screen shots of you claiming to be an ex marine fake or not?

Of course not, poodle boy......only in the imagination of a fake german pervert and his pet coon. :badgrin:
"pet coon"

You are one truly disgusting excuse for a Homo Sapiens, fake marine.

Your gross racism and ugliness is duly noted, stolen valor fake marine.

You will never live this one down, fake marine.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
^ that

FAKEMARINE is a real shit stain :9: No one, NO ONE should be prancing around the internetz sporting a fake user nic given all the Stolen Valor going on.

Are those screen shots of you claiming to be an ex marine fake or not?

Of course not, poodle boy......only in the imagination of a fake german pervert and his pet coon. :badgrin:
"pet coon"

You are one truly disgusting excuse for a Homo Sapiens, fake marine.

Your gross racism and ugliness is duly noted, stolen valor fake marine.

You will never live this one down, fake marine.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
^ that

FAKEMARINE is a real shit stain :9: No one, NO ONE should be prancing around the internetz sporting a fake user nic given all the Stolen Valor going on.

it's not his fault. see, he made up a cartoon, and that cartoon made him pretend to be a veteran.
Taking down the confederate flag is sure going to be a real vote harvest for the republicans. I've met a few southern democrats in my day. 1. It's their flag, the republicans were the Yanks. 2. They LOVE that flag. It literally is their identity, even while they have black friends. 3. It doesn't mean the same thing today as it did in the 1960s. Today it means "a southern way of life, religious, brave, diverse and free".

The democrats pushing for this to happen are just about as stupid as stupid can be. But go ahead, alienate millions of voters. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe the dems will give them a rainbow flag to fly to replace the old one?
Taking down the confederate flag is sure going to be a real vote harvest for the republicans. I've met a few southern democrats in my day. 1. It's their flag, the republicans were the Yanks. 2. They LOVE that flag. It literally is their identity, even while they have black friends. 3. It doesn't mean the same thing today as it did in the 1960s. Today it means "a southern way of life, religious, brave, diverse and free".

The democrats pushing for this to happen are just about as stupid as stupid can be. But go ahead, alienate millions of voters. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe the dems will give them a rainbow flag to fly to replace the old one?
In your dreams. Lol!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Taking down the confederate flag is sure going to be a real vote harvest for the republicans. I've met a few southern democrats in my day. 1. It's their flag, the republicans were the Yanks. 2. They LOVE that flag. It literally is their identity, even while they have black friends. 3. It doesn't mean the same thing today as it did in the 1960s. Today it means "a southern way of life, religious, brave, diverse and free".

The democrats pushing for this to happen are just about as stupid as stupid can be. But go ahead, alienate millions of voters. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe the dems will give them a rainbow flag to fly to replace the old one?

Nicky Haley just bought the farm with that move.....Dang it....I thought she might be VP material at some point...oh well.
In your dreams. Lol!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Funny you should put it that way because I've had about a dozen dreams, vivid and clear that have come true to the letter in a matter of days or weeks after. This one will come true around November 2016. If you expect readers here to believe that the confederate flag isn't part of the heart of most southern democrats, you are the one peddling a delusion pal. It's a fact.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong here. I'm just saying it's a cold hard fact. Ripping out the confederate flag and replacing it with a rainbow-flag is something that will be remembered there, and not fondly either, for at least a decade. So enjoy the political climate you're creating until then.. They're not going to enjoy being pissed on twice on that flag's account.

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