Confederate Flag? Symbol of racism?



Do I REALLY need to go find some Amurican flags with the same shit? Don't start a fight you can't win dipshit.
I bet I can find more you little supremacist. 3 to nothing so far.
The lovely Klan march 1 million strong through DC would work well I wonder if there is video of it.Well damn what do ya know! LOOK AT ALL THEM RACISSSSSS FLAGGGSSSS! WE SHOULD BAN THEM!

White sheets in Washington D.C.
Ku Klux Klan in Washington State 1920s

Hm not a Confederate flag in sight.....wonder why that is? Klan thought of its self as an American group the Confederate flag was used during the 60's as a symbol of pride and rebellion against an out of control government intent on subjugating the south once again and that's fairly easy to do when you still occupy it.The Klan decided to STEAL the confederate flag just like it stole the amurican flag.
another Faux outrage by the leftiest loons a Failure

wtf is new. the people need to WAKE up to these people trying to SQUASH you and your Freedoms
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.

oh really, EVERYONE. hardly. but you are a bigot and it's not YOUR decision what flags people want to have. don't frikken own one
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.

Room temperature?

you live in an icebox?
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.

Room temperature?

you live in an icebox?

Cardboard box probably, that's why all hate spewing from them
My God we have became a nation of PUSSIES

I don't like the confederate flag, nor what it stands for, but the US flag I have flying in my yard represents the freedom those who want to fly the confederate flag have to do so.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Your stupidity is REALLY starting to shine through. 2 countries one Confederate States of America vs United States of America. It was NOT a civil war where 2 parties fight for control of same country it was NOT treason because no one was trying to overthrow the USA. You ARE and idiot and a clown who THINKS he knows history but is continuing to show how very very little you truly know.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Your stupidity is REALLY starting to shine through. 2 countries one Confederate States of America vs United States of America. It was NOT a civil war where 2 parties fight for control of same country it was NOT treason because no one was trying to overthrow the USA. You ARE and idiot and a clown who THINKS he knows history but is continuing to show how very very little you truly know.

You are wrong. The US did not recognize the CSA as a separate country, and in fact considered the rebels to be traitors.

Getting worked up over that doesn't change the fact.

Fact of the matter is, the founding fathers were traitors as well. Traitors to England.

It is what it is.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Your stupidity is REALLY starting to shine through. 2 countries one Confederate States of America vs United States of America. It was NOT a civil war where 2 parties fight for control of same country it was NOT treason because no one was trying to overthrow the USA. You ARE and idiot and a clown who THINKS he knows history but is continuing to show how very very little you truly know.

You are wrong. The US did not recognize the CSA as a separate country, and in fact considered the rebels to be traitors.

Getting worked up over that doesn't change the fact.

Fact of the matter is, the founding fathers were traitors as well. Traitors to England.

It is what it is.
Correct on both parts but we both know a new nation doesn't need anyone to recognize it to exist. It is what it is. CSA is an occupied nation to this day. I am considered a traitor to the US and to me there is no higher honor.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.

Room temperature?

you live in an icebox?

Cardboard box probably, that's why all hate spewing from them
Stephanie, did you get my invite to my wedding, as you may know, I am marrying a palm tree, i believe the liberals have finally made that legal now. oh, and when u get to the party, just bring a card ,slip in about 400 bucks, lol.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Your stupidity is REALLY starting to shine through. 2 countries one Confederate States of America vs United States of America. It was NOT a civil war where 2 parties fight for control of same country it was NOT treason because no one was trying to overthrow the USA. You ARE and idiot and a clown who THINKS he knows history but is continuing to show how very very little you truly know.

You are wrong. The US did not recognize the CSA as a separate country, and in fact considered the rebels to be traitors.

Getting worked up over that doesn't change the fact.

Fact of the matter is, the founding fathers were traitors as well. Traitors to England.

It is what it is.
Correct on both parts but we both know a new nation doesn't need anyone to recognize it to exist. It is what it is. CSA is an occupied nation to this day. I am considered a traitor to the US and to me there is no higher honor.

Well you are a whackadoodle then , the CSA formally surrendered a LONG time ago.
maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Now, what's the plan for cultural cleansing? If we destroy all the historical artifacts then things did not happen? You never learn do you? (By removing Akhenaten from the list of pharaohs by his successors and erasing most reference to him, destroying the buildings he had built we lost a vast volume of knowledge pertaining to the era of his rulership.) You, with your stupid cultural and historical cleansing remind me to the book burnings in the 1930s.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Your stupidity is REALLY starting to shine through. 2 countries one Confederate States of America vs United States of America. It was NOT a civil war where 2 parties fight for control of same country it was NOT treason because no one was trying to overthrow the USA. You ARE and idiot and a clown who THINKS he knows history but is continuing to show how very very little you truly know.

You are wrong. The US did not recognize the CSA as a separate country, and in fact considered the rebels to be traitors.

Getting worked up over that doesn't change the fact.

Fact of the matter is, the founding fathers were traitors as well. Traitors to England.

It is what it is.
Correct on both parts but we both know a new nation doesn't need anyone to recognize it to exist. It is what it is. CSA is an occupied nation to this day. I am considered a traitor to the US and to me there is no higher honor.

Well you are a whackadoodle then , the CSA formally surrendered a LONG time ago.
General Lee surrendered. Not me or any of my ancestors.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Your stupidity is REALLY starting to shine through. 2 countries one Confederate States of America vs United States of America. It was NOT a civil war where 2 parties fight for control of same country it was NOT treason because no one was trying to overthrow the USA. You ARE and idiot and a clown who THINKS he knows history but is continuing to show how very very little you truly know.

You are wrong. The US did not recognize the CSA as a separate country, and in fact considered the rebels to be traitors.

Getting worked up over that doesn't change the fact.

Fact of the matter is, the founding fathers were traitors as well. Traitors to England.

It is what it is.
Correct on both parts but we both know a new nation doesn't need anyone to recognize it to exist. It is what it is. CSA is an occupied nation to this day. I am considered a traitor to the US and to me there is no higher honor.

Well you are a whackadoodle then , the CSA formally surrendered a LONG time ago.

IN the Revolutionary War, did the Tories give up, or die off?
The Confederate States of America still exists as an occupied country
General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, VA. On April 9, 1865, Lee only surrendered this army, the rest of the Confederate forces decision to surrender was left up to their commanders. Lee and the rest of the commanders only had authority over these commands not over the Confederate States Government. CSA President Jefferson Davis never surrendered, and no articles for surrender of the Government were ever drawn up. Jefferson Davis was not a citizen of the United States at the time nor did he ever accept his citizenship to the U.S. back because doing so would have been surrendering the Confederate Government. Now if the U.S. was fighting a war against non-U.S. citizens (The Confederacy) then how could it have been a Civil War as a Civil War is an uprising of people within their own country? The War For Southern Independence began when Lincoln sent troops to block our ports and refused negotiations to surrender a Federal Garrison at Ft. Sumter forcing Confederate Forces to fire on them.
The Confederacy is still in existence, we have no officials in office because we are an occupied country at this time. Our Armies did surrender but the Government never did, our passions and beliefs in the Cause of The Confederacy are still strong and we will continue to teach the truth as we have learned in spite of the victor's version of history. This contest is not over and we will never bow to the Political Correctness that is fighting hard to erase our Confederate Heritage. Long live the CSA.
Yankees are moving to the South in droves because they fucked up the North so bad that they need get out of there. Now they dilute the Southern populace and will fuck the South up too by changing back (with their votes) to their fucked up ways. Then, where are they going to go?
The Confederate States of America still exists as an occupied country
General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, VA. On April 9, 1865, Lee only surrendered this army, the rest of the Confederate forces decision to surrender was left up to their commanders. Lee and the rest of the commanders only had authority over these commands not over the Confederate States Government. CSA President Jefferson Davis never surrendered, and no articles for surrender of the Government were ever drawn up. Jefferson Davis was not a citizen of the United States at the time nor did he ever accept his citizenship to the U.S. back because doing so would have been surrendering the Confederate Government. Now if the U.S. was fighting a war against non-U.S. citizens (The Confederacy) then how could it have been a Civil War as a Civil War is an uprising of people within their own country? The War For Southern Independence began when Lincoln sent troops to block our ports and refused negotiations to surrender a Federal Garrison at Ft. Sumter forcing Confederate Forces to fire on them.
The Confederacy is still in existence, we have no officials in office because we are an occupied country at this time. Our Armies did surrender but the Government never did, our passions and beliefs in the Cause of The Confederacy are still strong and we will continue to teach the truth as we have learned in spite of the victor's version of history. This contest is not over and we will never bow to the Political Correctness that is fighting hard to erase our Confederate Heritage. Long live the CSA.

^ That truly may be the stupidest thing I've read on here yet.

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