Confederate Flag? Symbol of racism?

Yankees are moving to the South in droves because they fucked up the North so bad that they need get out of there. Now they dilute the Southern populace and will fuck the South up too by changing back (with their votes) to their fucked up ways. Then, where are they going to go?
YEP! I absolutely HATE living around yankees. Can't drive,can't talk where you can understand them,they BITCH about the food,drink,culture,history of the south and expect us to give a shit!
The Confederate States of America still exists as an occupied country
General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, VA. On April 9, 1865, Lee only surrendered this army, the rest of the Confederate forces decision to surrender was left up to their commanders. Lee and the rest of the commanders only had authority over these commands not over the Confederate States Government. CSA President Jefferson Davis never surrendered, and no articles for surrender of the Government were ever drawn up. Jefferson Davis was not a citizen of the United States at the time nor did he ever accept his citizenship to the U.S. back because doing so would have been surrendering the Confederate Government. Now if the U.S. was fighting a war against non-U.S. citizens (The Confederacy) then how could it have been a Civil War as a Civil War is an uprising of people within their own country? The War For Southern Independence began when Lincoln sent troops to block our ports and refused negotiations to surrender a Federal Garrison at Ft. Sumter forcing Confederate Forces to fire on them.
The Confederacy is still in existence, we have no officials in office because we are an occupied country at this time. Our Armies did surrender but the Government never did, our passions and beliefs in the Cause of The Confederacy are still strong and we will continue to teach the truth as we have learned in spite of the victor's version of history. This contest is not over and we will never bow to the Political Correctness that is fighting hard to erase our Confederate Heritage. Long live the CSA.

^ That truly may be the stupidest thing I've read on here yet.
Pretty simple to understand. The CSA GOVERNMENT never surrendered only commanders in the military did...
A collector would pay upwards of half a million dollars for an original authentic Confederate flag so what does that tell you? ...A. Collectors are hypocrites? B. Hatred is in your mind no matter what piece of cloth you are waving? C.Liberals need the confederate flag issue to keep the racist fires burning. D. all of the above?
The Confederate States of America still exists as an occupied country
General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox, VA. On April 9, 1865, Lee only surrendered this army, the rest of the Confederate forces decision to surrender was left up to their commanders. Lee and the rest of the commanders only had authority over these commands not over the Confederate States Government. CSA President Jefferson Davis never surrendered, and no articles for surrender of the Government were ever drawn up. Jefferson Davis was not a citizen of the United States at the time nor did he ever accept his citizenship to the U.S. back because doing so would have been surrendering the Confederate Government. Now if the U.S. was fighting a war against non-U.S. citizens (The Confederacy) then how could it have been a Civil War as a Civil War is an uprising of people within their own country? The War For Southern Independence began when Lincoln sent troops to block our ports and refused negotiations to surrender a Federal Garrison at Ft. Sumter forcing Confederate Forces to fire on them.
The Confederacy is still in existence, we have no officials in office because we are an occupied country at this time. Our Armies did surrender but the Government never did, our passions and beliefs in the Cause of The Confederacy are still strong and we will continue to teach the truth as we have learned in spite of the victor's version of history. This contest is not over and we will never bow to the Political Correctness that is fighting hard to erase our Confederate Heritage. Long live the CSA.

^ That truly may be the stupidest thing I've read on here yet.
Let everybody be according to his own belief. It may seem ridiculous to you but he has every right to believe what he believes in. Nothing is wrong with the pride in his Southern heritage. For some it is ridiculous (the stupidest thing) that men think they are women and women think they are men and they get married with the same sex. For an atheist it is ridiculous that others believe in God. That's the beauty of a free society (not that free anymore as it used to be though) to freely believe in what you believe in.
YEP! I absolutely HATE living around yankees.
I used to live in Prattville, Alabama. Towns along the I-65 corridor is packed with them from Huntsville to all the way down to Mobile.


The meaning is pretty easy to figure out except for the Right Wing knuckle draggers
The meaning is pretty easy to figure out except for the Right Wing knuckle draggers

awww, that freedom thing is only good when it's a rainbow flag being waved in children's faces by half naked ADULTS prancing around like strippers in parades. everybody see one and they know a strip show is coming up

you people are not only TWO faced hypocrites but red boned fascist to boot
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Wow, Steph has come out as a Nazi.

nope, showing everyone you and people like are the Nazi and Fascist to boot
You can wave your flags but you NEED to tell everyone what flags they can have
NOT HAPPENING. So it's onto the NEXT faux outrage after Trump. what will it be. can you all give us a clue?
What do the white supremacists on this board fear? The fact that they`re becoming irrelevant. Their fears are justified.
No one fears anything. You just do not get veto power over the opinions of others. You do not get to tell anyone else what's important to them or what symbols they can honor. When the government does that, it's tyranny.
What`s the govt. doing that has you hiding in your closet from "tyranny"? Have you thought about taking up arms to fight this tyranny? That didn`t go so well for you in 1861.
Did you notice that it's not 1861? No one need take up arms. Make the country ungovernable. It will fall of its own.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
It was not meant to be a violent, failed revolution. It was simply good bye to a government that no longer represented the South. Lincoln made it violent.
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
Let me get this straight if I understand things correctly:
War of Secession started 1861
Emancipation Proclamation 1863
"It was issued as a war measure… […]
The Proclamation applied only to slaves in Confederate-held lands; it did not apply to those in the four slave states that were not in rebellion (Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, and Missouri, which were unnamed), nor to Tennessee (unnamed but occupied by Union troops since 1862) and lower Louisiana (also under occupation), and specifically excluded those counties of Virginia soon to form the state of West Virginia. Also specifically excluded (by name) were some regions already controlled by the Union army. Emancipation in those places would come after separate state actions and/or the December 1865 ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, which made slavery and indentured servitude, except for those duly convicted of a crime, illegal everywhere subject to United States jurisdiction.[5]"
Emancipation Proclamation - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
"The most famous secession movement was the case of the Southern states of the United States. Secession from the United States was declared in eleven states (and failed in two others). The seceding states joined together to form the Confederate States of America (CSA). The eleven states of the CSA, in order of secession, were: South Carolina (seceded December 20, 1860), Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas,Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, and Tennessee (seceded June 8, 1861)."
Secession in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
so is there a "Hidden/Transparent" image of a slave in the center of the flag?
No there isn`t but anyone with a room temperature IQ knows that that flag represents a violent failed revolution where traitors from one section of the country were willing to take up arms to preserve slavery in that treasonous section of the country. Anybody who wants to keep rebel flags flying over state property at taxpayers expense and maintain statues glorifying the leaders of this racist treasonous rebellion on state grounds, are assholes and deviants.
It was not meant to be a violent, failed revolution. It was simply good bye to a government that no longer represented the South. Lincoln made it violent.

Why did the gov't no longer represent the south. What was the rub?

Not according to new CNN poll >>> Poll Americans say Confederate flag symbol of pride not racism

And Im laughing!! The progressives who post in here are all stuck deep inside the PC zombie bubble.......political IQ's of a small soap dish!!

Nice how you only tell half of the truth. The only half you care about apparently.

Poll Majority sees Confederate flag as Southern pride -

"The poll shows that 57% of Americans see the flag more as a symbol of Southern pride than as a symbol of racism, about the same as in 2000 when 59% said they viewed it as a symbol of pride. Opinions of the flag are sharply divided by race, and among whites, views are split by education.

Among African-Americans, 72% see the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism, just 25% of whites agree. In the South, the racial divide is even broader. While 75% of Southern whites describe the flag as a symbol of pride and 18% call it a symbol of racism, those figures are almost exactly reversed among Southern African-Americans, with just 11% seeing it as a sign of pride and 75% viewing it as a symbol of racism.

Among whites, there's a sharp divide by education, and those with more formal education are less apt to see the flag as a symbol of pride. Among whites with a college degree, 51% say it's a symbol of pride, 41% one of racism. Among those whites who do not have a college degree, 73% say it's a sign of Southern pride, 18% racism."

Yes, the majority of people don't see it as a symbol of racism. Fine. If you look deeper, 75% of black folks see it as a racist symbol.
Being that black folks are the victims of of the racism that that flag stands for, it's their opinion that should matter and not the opinion of white folks. To blindly support the flag without considering the feelings of the actual victims of that flag sort of reinforces the view that it's racist. Don't you think?
I guarantee it wouldn't even be an issue if 75% of white folks wanted it gone.

It's also very telling how the largest group of supporters of the flag are also the dumbest.
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