Confederate Flag? Symbol of racism?

Whatever...but you`re still not getting your slaves back.

You'd be surprised how few Republicans on this, or any other board, have owned slaves.
You would like to own a few I`m sure. I hate to burst your little snot bubble but that flag represents, white supremacy and treason and those with measurable IQ`s know that.
Can't commit treason against another country numb nuts but hey you go on giving that amurican flag a free know the one that flew over slave ships,put indians on reservations,kept blacks and women as 2nd class citizens until the 20th century etc etc etc....
What do the white supremacists on this board fear? The fact that they`re becoming irrelevant. Their fears are justified.
No one fears anything. You just do not get veto power over the opinions of others. You do not get to tell anyone else what's important to them or what symbols they can honor. When the government does that, it's tyranny.
Pride for some, racism for others.

The real issue is, will the Democrats be permitted to simply erase facets of their racist history in order to further their current racist agenda?
We know what the democrats were 6 decades ago but this is the Current Events board. You need some new material.
Oh and OP I could care less if 99.9% of the amurican population thought that flag was racist won't change my mind,my heart or my history,heritage,culture etc that flag flies proudly at my home and will till the day I die.


Do I REALLY need to go find some Amurican flags with the same shit? Don't start a fight you can't win dipshit.
What do the white supremacists on this board fear? The fact that they`re becoming irrelevant. Their fears are justified.
No one fears anything. You just do not get veto power over the opinions of others. You do not get to tell anyone else what's important to them or what symbols they can honor. When the government does that, it's tyranny.
What`s the govt. doing that has you hiding in your closet from "tyranny"? Have you thought about taking up arms to fight this tyranny? That didn`t go so well for you in 1861.
[/QUOTE]Can't commit treason against another country numb nuts but hey you go on giving that amurican flag a free know the one that flew over slave ships,put indians on reservations,kept blacks and women as 2nd class citizens until the 20th century etc etc etc....[/QUOTE]

Um, the American flag didn't fly over any slave ships, and was the flag that freed the slaves. Learn some history.
If libtards can redefine marriage, people are free to define the rebel flag as they see fit. A fair person would assume the vast majority of Americans take, and mean, no offense. Those who want to turn everything into a crisis see it as to advance their agenda.
If libtards can redefine marriage, people are free to define the rebel flag as they see fit. A fair person would assume the vast majority of Americans take, and mean, no offense. Those who want to turn everything into a crisis see it as to advance their agenda.

BOOM!!!!! "so as to advance their agenda" ABSOLUTELY NAILED IT :udaman:
Um, the American flag didn't fly over any slave ships
"A courtesy flag (or courtesy ensign) is flown by a visiting ship in foreign waters as a token of respect."
Maritime flag - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It is questionable if the American flag was flown over slave ships or not when they entered the sovereign waters of the USA. So, when British slave ships under the Union Jack entered US waters they may have hoisted the American flag also. However, we know for fact that the American flag flown while massacring native population.
You need to brush up a little on history also, don't you think?
Can't commit treason against another country numb nuts but hey you go on giving that amurican flag a free know the one that flew over slave ships,put indians on reservations,kept blacks and women as 2nd class citizens until the 20th century etc etc etc....[/QUOTE]

Um, the American flag didn't fly over any slave ships, and was the flag that freed the slaves. Learn some history.[/QUOTE]
Can't commit treason against another country numb nuts but hey you go on giving that amurican flag a free know the one that flew over slave ships,put indians on reservations,kept blacks and women as 2nd class citizens until the 20th century etc etc etc....[/QUOTE]

Um, the American flag didn't fly over any slave ships, and was the flag that freed the slaves. Learn some history.[/QUOTE] Lol yes it did shit head. ANY ship NOT flying under a flag was considered a pirate and boarded and anything of value taken from them. Someone does need to learn history and its YOU my boy.This is what comes up with the USA Flag and Slaves COMING TO the USA....Enjoy.Search the Voyages Database
Pride for some, racism for others.

The real issue is, will the Democrats be permitted to simply erase facets of their racist history in order to further their current racist agenda?
We know what the democrats were 6 decades ago but this is the Current Events board. You need some new material.

Not when the old material is still current and applicable.

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