Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

He compared the Confederacy to Nazi Germany and said neither should be honored. You babbled about them being your ancestors and they fought hard


He asked for examples of other reasons that someone might celebrate Confederate veterans or symbols.

SO I gave him a list of reasons.

You or he could address those reasons.

INSTEAD, you have created a strawman, claiming that I stated or implied that those reasons would apply to a completely different situation.

That is you being too much of a pussy to address what I actually said.

Pussy, pussy, pussy.
He asked for examples of other reasons that someone might celebrate Confederate veterans or symbols.

SO I gave him a list of reasons.

You or he could address those reasons.

INSTEAD, you have created a strawman, claiming that I stated or implied that those reasons would apply to a completely different situation.

That is you being too much of a pussy to address what I actually said.

Pussy, pussy, pussy.
I did address them. The Nazis have ancestors too who gives a shit? If their ancestors want to honor what they fought for we can shit on them as well. 😁
First, thanks for admitting this is not about the symbol changing over time but about Southerners not wanting to admit their family members were

Your point makes no sense. The symbol(s) in question has been symbols of harmless regional pride for generations. You asked me why someone might celebrate or use those symbols. Any and all of hte list did not contradict the idea of it being a symbol of regional pride.

You really are just being actively and purposefully ignorant now.

No, me and every other individual gets to decide what we think of Confederates and the assclowns who venerate them and the judgment from society is clear. ....

My point of course, was that you don't get to assign what THEY are thinking or THEY are celebrating.

The bit where you constantly pretend to be too stupid to understand my clear points, as a way to dodge them? That makes you look really stupid.

You mean for generations deplorable white Southerners have been celebrating their deplorably racist history and culture without being called on it by the rest of society. .....
All my historical documentation showed that the nation AS A WHOLE, were fine with Southerns celebrating their regional pride.

The Dukes of Hazzard was not a small regional hit, made by some company out of memphis. It was nation wide hit made by Hollywood on a national network.

Who is we all?...

We is me and you and anyone following our discussion. You have admitted that morality means nothing to you, so your whining like faggot about how morally wrong slavery was, or morally wrong it is to celebrate anyone or anything associated with it, is just you talking shit for the benefit of your white lib allies.

They know that in a browning America any hope of surviving the future relies on capturing us as consumers, not holding on to a shrinking minority of deplorables, especially since doing so affects their ad revenue. Major corporations aren't advertising at the Confederate race. That just ain't happening. You expect them to survive on ads for My Pillow? 😄

Oh, so now you are back to talking about whites dying out? Cause just last post you were playing stupid on that issue too.

What do you think it means when you claim something is morally wrong? Do you think you're stating a universal truth or giving your opinion? 😄

Your entire argument is based on something being morally wrong. For you to them turn around and dismiss the idea of morality as a concept, is you revealing that your position, IN YOUR OWN MIND, is bullshit.

I can see clearly that you don't even understand what I mean when I ask you if you think morality is objective or subjective. Those concepts are beyond you you simpleton. 😄

No. I understand it fine. I also understand that you do see that your position makes no sense, but are now just stonewalling like the troll you are.
I did address them. The Nazis have ancestors too who gives a shit? If their ancestors want to honor what they fought for we can shit on them as well. 😁

No, you didn't You made a very deeply flawed comparison, instead of addressing my point(s) on any level.

You are just a vulgar cowardly troll.
Your point makes no sense. The symbol(s) in question has been symbols of harmless regional pride for generations.
What’s there to be proud of?

That your ancestors started a war to prove they were better than the slaves and lost?
What’s there to be proud of?

Do you care? I mean your purpose here is to attack the idea that it is a symbol of harmless regional pride, right?

So, your personal disagreement with the stated reasons of pride, is irrelevant to the issue.

To make your case, you have to.... I don't even know how you would do that, you are clearly wrong.... but...

Good luck with crafting a coherent argument.
He asked for examples of other reasons that someone might celebrate Confederate veterans or symbols.

SO I gave him a list of reasons.

You or he could address those reasons.

INSTEAD, you have created a strawman, claiming that I stated or implied that those reasons would apply to a completely different situation.

That is you being too much of a pussy to address what I actually said.

Pussy, pussy, pussy.
There are other reasons you could celebrate the Nazi Flag
Your point makes no sense. The symbol(s) in question has been symbols of harmless regional pride for generations. You asked me why someone might celebrate or use those symbols. Any and all of hte list did not contradict the idea of it being a symbol of regional pride.

You really are just being actively and purposefully ignorant now.
What harm would there be in Nazi supporters waving Nazi flags in support of German pride? I'm not accusing Confederate flag waving of being harmful, I'm accusing it of being deplorable.
My point of course, was that you don't get to assign what THEY are thinking or THEY are celebrating.
And you don't get to decide what me and the rest of society think of them or their excuses.
The bit where you constantly pretend to be too stupid to understand my clear points, as a way to dodge them? That makes you look really stupid.
It's you who doesn't seem to understand no one is obligated to believe or care about the excuses given by deplorable mutants for their deplorable mutant like behavior.
All my historical documentation showed that the nation AS A WHOLE, were fine with Southerns celebrating their regional pride
All that says to me is that white Americans, as a majority, have been pieces of human shit up until very recently.
The Dukes of Hazzard was not a small regional hit, made by some company out of memphis. It was nation wide hit made by Hollywood on a national network.
Popularity only proves white Southern racism was popular.
We is me and you and anyone following our discussion. You have admitted that morality means nothing to you, so your whining like faggot about how morally wrong slavery was, or morally wrong it is to celebrate anyone or anything associated with it, is just you talking shit for the benefit of your white lib allies.
When I say I don't believe in morality I'm taking about morality that is commonly and mistakenly, believed to be handed down by a superior being, namely God. That type of morality doesnt exist. Its a fantasy. Morality is subjective. That means in effect it is nothing more than your opinion. It's like saying you like ice cream and me saying I hate icream. None of those opinions are wrong in an objective sense. I get that you don't understand any of this because you're an idiot, but suffice it to say when you declare something is morally wrong you are doing nothing more than the equivalent of declaring you hate ice cream. I hate slavers and the people who idolize them. I think they are morally reprehensible. That doesn't mean I think God is going to come down and smite them, it's just my opinion of them. Understand?
Oh, so now you are back to talking about whites dying out? Cause just last post you were playing stupid on that issue too.
Whites are choosing to have fewer babies and when they do are more than ever having mixed race children. These are willful choices. What I'm amused at is how much it bothers you that other whites don't give a shit about preserving whiteness. Why should it bother me or anyone if the country browns?
Your entire argument is based on something being morally wrong. For you to them turn around and dismiss the idea of morality as a concept, is you revealing that your position, IN YOUR OWN MIND, is bullshit.
Morally wrong according to my own opinions. Its you childish clowns who need to believe Sky Daddy and his angels are on your side too. 😄
No. I understand it fine. I also understand that you do see that your position makes no sense, but are now just stonewalling like the troll you are.
No. You clearly don't understand because you're standing here confused that individuals get to have opinions that are different than yours.
No, you didn't You made a very deeply flawed comparison, instead of addressing my point(s) on any level.

You are just a vulgar cowardly troll.
It's not deeply flawed. The Confederates were as deplorable as the Nazis. You don't think the nazis have ancestors? They weren't fighting for their homeland at the end? It's you who's failed to show what the difference is between venerating deplorable nazis and venerating deplorable Confederates.
What harm would there be in Nazi supporters waving Nazi flags in support of German pride? I'm not accusing Confederate flag waving of being harmful, I'm accusing it of being deplorable.

And you don't get to decide what me and the rest of society think of them or their excuses.

It's you who doesn't seem to understand no one is obligated to believe or care about the excuses given by deplorable mutants for their deplorable mutant like behavior.

All that says to me is that white Americans, as a majority, have been pieces of human shit up until very recently.

Popularity only proves white Southern racism was popular.

When I say I don't believe in morality I'm taking about morality that is commonly and mistakenly, believed to be handed down by a superior being, namely God. That type of morality doesnt exist. Its a fantasy. Morality is subjective. That means in effect it is nothing more than your opinion. It's like saying you like ice cream and me saying I hate icream. None of those opinions are wrong in an objective sense. I get that you don't understand any of this because you're an idiot, but suffice it to say when you declare something is morally wrong you are doing nothing more than the equivalent of declaring you hate ice cream. I hate slavers and the people who idolize them. I think they are morally reprehensible. That doesn't mean I think God is going to come down and smite them, it's just my opinion of them. Understand?

Whites are choosing to have fewer babies and when they do are more than ever having mixed race children. These are willful choices. What I'm amused at is how much it bothers you that other whites don't give a shit about preserving whiteness. Why should it bother me or anyone if the country browns?

Morally wrong according to my own opinions. Its you childish clowns who need to believe Sky Daddy and his angels are on your side too. 😄

No. You clearly don't understand because you're standing here confused that individuals get to have opinions that are different than yours.
There may be an ultimate morality or moral code. But if so, it's been coopted by partisan humans to use it for immoral ends. And that applies to all races and religions, and left and right politically.
There may be an ultimate morality or moral code. But if so, it's been coopted by partisan humans to use it for immoral ends. And that applies to all races and religions, and left and right politically.
Where would this ultimate moral code come from?
You are attacking people for no good reason. That makes them the "victim" of your attack.

What part of that, was too hard for you to follow?
There was nothing ‘honorable’ about treason against America, there was nothing ‘honorable’ about fighting to preserve slavery, rape, and the selling of human beings like chattel.

And they weren’t fighting to ‘protect their homes’ – that’s a lie.

They were fighting to defend the evil, heinous institution of slavery; they were engaged in an unwarranted, lawless rebellion against the United States in an effort to destroy America.

That is what that odious flag represents.

That is a symbol of neither ‘honor’ nor ‘pride.’

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