Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

I have often advised the black community to start their own party. The Democratic Party is run by whites and those whites are racist. They take the black vote for granted and do little to improve conditions in the big cites. Why should they. Most of you are not going to vote for Republicans no mater what.

Republicans are not as racist as the Democrats claim. You would think we all run around in white sheets or something. Do you honestly think whites want to put you back in chains As Biden has suggested.

Whites are smart enough to realize that if the blacks do well they will pay in more taxes and consume less aid and produce more. Consequently we can drop taxes for everybody. Plus the nation will be a much nicer place to live in.

But of course you will go on defending the Democratic Party as the Party that really cares about the blacks. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years from now things will still be the same and the blacks will still be on the bottom on the heap. Have things really changed that much in the last 50 years? Why should they change in the next 50?

In the first place it is extremely difficult to succeed without a good education. If you can’t read, write or do simple math you are basically going to have a hard time in life.

Back to Baltimore.

Blacks are good at demonstrations. Perhaps the blacks in Baltimore need to demonstrate for better schools. That might be a good start.

You really want to see change. Form your own Party or boot the Democrats and give the Republicans a chance.

What have you got to lose?
Bawhahahahahahahahahah @ I have often advised the black community
We've detected no such power objectively speaking and if it were real you wouldn't have to put "truth" in quotation marks.
Not so. I put "truth" in quotation marks because humans thus far cannot define it, but both schools of philosophy argue it can exist, and can come from either a higher power or our own actions. But when anyone claims to know the "truth" of what God thinks about abortion or taxes or any war ..... then you know a charlatan
Not so. I put "truth" in quotation marks because humans thus far cannot define it, but both schools of philosophy argue it can exist, and can come from either a higher power or our own actions. But when anyone claims to know the "truth" of what God thinks about abortion or taxes or any war ..... then you know a charlatan
I think what is true is....a lot of Trumpers are butt-hurt over the CMA banning Confederate flags.....
Not so. I put "truth" in quotation marks because humans thus far cannot define it, but both schools of philosophy argue it can exist, and can come from either a higher power or our own actions. But when anyone claims to know the "truth" of what God thinks about abortion or taxes or any war ..... then you know a charlatan
Anything could exist. Morality could come from lesbian, fairies from another dimension and we have as much evidence for it as we do the existence of God.
Anything could exist. Morality could come from lesbian, fairies from another dimension and we have as much evidence for it as we do the existence of God.
Well ... yeah. Kierkegaard's concept of moral truth and belief in God is "subjective." Sartre believed that in the absence of any "god" man was what man made him/her/their self. So, we are responsible for our choices, even if we are only responsible to ourselves, and choice involves concepts of good and evil.

The holocaust was undeniably evil. Sartre found socialism and marxism preferable to American Imperialism, but even so I doubt he'd have argued that the Russians made some farm animals more equal than others.
Well ... yeah. Kierkegaard's concept of moral truth and belief in God is "subjective." Sartre believed that in the absence of any "god" man was what man made him/her/their self. So, we are responsible for our choices, even if we are only responsible to ourselves, and choice involves concepts of good and evil.

The holocaust was undeniably evil. Sartre found socialism and marxism preferable to American Imperialism, but even so I doubt he'd have argued that the Russians made some farm animals more equal than others.
Explain what you mean by undeniably evil in a way that connotes an objective truth, rather than your subjective opinion.
Explain what you mean by undeniably evil in a way that connotes an objective truth, rather than your subjective opinion.
undeniably, the intent of the holocaust was to destroy a race(s). There is no logically defensible argument for that. Conversely, there are logical argument in support of their being, or not being, G(g)od.
undeniably, the intent of the holocaust was to destroy a race(s). There is no logically defensible argument for that.
The intent was to destroy another race, that is objectively provable. What is not provable is that that intent is undeniably evil. Nazis, skinheads and anti-semities would deny that it was evil. To some of them, killing jews is a good thing.
Conversely, there are logical argument in support of their being, or not being, G(g)od.
Then go ahead and make the logical argument that there is a God.
There are other reasons you could celebrate the Nazi Flag

All you did there was say NAZI, in the thread, as though the word being close to the other words, makes your point.

That is the level of your entire "argument". You are just a troll.

THe fact remains. The Flag, and statues, ect, have been accepted by America as a whole, for generations as harmless symbols of regional pride.

YOU people are the ones being assholes, attacking good people for no reason other than YOUR regional bigotry and hate.
All you did there was say NAZI, in the thread, as though the word being close to the other words, makes your point.

That is the level of your entire "argument". You are just a troll.

THe fact remains. The Flag, and statues, ect, have been accepted by America as a whole, for generations as harmless symbols of regional pride.

YOU people are the ones being assholes, attacking good people for no reason other than YOUR regional bigotry and hate.
No. All it means is that the white south is full of Nazis.

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