Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

What harm would there be in Nazi supporters waving Nazi flags in support of German pride? I'm not accusing Confederate flag waving of being harmful, I'm accusing it of being deplorable.

As the nazi flag and symbols meanings were never changed to something else, the comparison is stupid and off topic.

And you don't get to decide what me and the rest of society think of them or their excuses.

Which of course, was not what I was doing. But by playing stupid, you got to dodge the point.

It's you who doesn't seem to understand no one is obligated to believe or care about the excuses given by deplorable mutants for their deplorable mutant like behavior.

Which of course, is not what I was doing, but by playing stupid you got to dodge the point.

All that says to me is that white Americans, as a majority, have been pieces of human shit up until very recently.

Except we know that that is not true. This nation has had a formal bi partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks since thte mid 60s. For the DUkes of Hazzard to be a nation wide hit, in the 80s proves that these symbols do NOT mean what you claim they mean.

Popularity only proves white Southern racism was popular.

Nope. It proves that the symbols meaning changed long ago to be harmless regional pride. Which makes the hissy fit ydou are having, just you being a drama queen and a lame ass justification for your regional bigotry.

When I say I don't believe in morality I'm taking about morality that is commonly and mistakenly, believed to be handed down by a superior being, namely God. That type of morality doesnt exist. Its a fantasy. Morality is subjective. That means in effect it is nothing more than your opinion. It's like saying you like ice cream and me saying I hate icream. None of those opinions are wrong in an objective sense. I get that you don't understand any of this because you're an idiot, but suffice it to say when you declare something is morally wrong you are doing nothing more than the equivalent of declaring you hate ice cream. I hate slavers and the people who idolize them. I think they are morally reprehensible. That doesn't mean I think God is going to come down and smite them, it's just my opinion of them. Understand?

Even within that framework, your behavior is contradictory. If you consider slavery morally wrong, then you have to respect the Moral Authority of those that defeated it.

If you don't you are then violating your own stated Morals.

Which undermines your entire argument.

Whites are choosing to have fewer babies and when they do are more than ever having mixed race children. These are willful choices. What I'm amused at is how much it bothers you that other whites don't give a shit about preserving whiteness. Why should it bother me or anyone if the country browns?

My point had nothing to do with that. But by playing stupid you got to dodge my point.

Morally wrong according to my own opinions. Its you childish clowns who need to believe Sky Daddy and his angels are on your side too. 😄

I'm having no problem following your argument. But by playing stupid you got to doge my point.

No. You clearly don't understand because you're standing here confused that individuals get to have opinions that are different than yours.

Yes. I clearly do understand. But by playing stupid and being a snarky bitch, you get to dodge my point.

And they weren’t fighting to ‘protect their homes’ – that’s a lie.


But they were. Even in the opening days of the war, it was the North that was fighting to put down the attempt at leaving by fighting INSIDE the south.

The men that fought the South and defeated them. They clearly opposed the POLITICS of the Confederacy, BUT could respect the valor of the men they fought, who mostly were fighting to protect their homes and States.

Those men were far better men than you. (or me for that matter)

That our nation as a whole, respected the celebration of these symbols, as harmless regional pride and the celebration of the veterans,

speaks to the greatness of character that our ancestors had.

And that we as a nation have lost.
As the nazi flag and symbols meanings were never changed to something else, the comparison is stupid and off topic.
Those symbols never changed. What's different about the situation is that most Germans today have the sense of decency to be ashamed of the Nazis. The South has never been ashamed of the Confederacy because they've always been deplorable fuckwits. White Southerners opposed the end of slavery and a 150 years later they opposed the end of segregation and the voting rights act and today they still oppose the voting rights act. Nothing about them has changed. That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard. We all have eyes you fucking clown.
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All you did there was say NAZI, in the thread, as though the word being close to the other words, makes your point.

That is the level of your entire "argument". You are just a troll.

THe fact remains. The Flag, and statues, ect, have been accepted by America as a whole, for generations as harmless symbols of regional pride.

YOU people are the ones being assholes, attacking good people for no reason other than YOUR regional bigotry and hate.
Both Nazi Germany and Americas Confederacy were despicable nations built on hatred

Nazi Germany killed its Jewish Population
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in servitude

Neither deserves to be honored
The intent was to destroy another race, that is objectively provable. What is not provable is that that intent is undeniably evil. Nazis, skinheads and anti-semities would deny that it was evil. To some of them, killing jews is a good thing.

Then go ahead and make the logical argument that there is a God.

Once Cannot logically prove god exists. That is Kierkegaard's central tenet, and also that doubt is an element of faith. But that is quite apart from morality.

Simply because a nazi would deny an intent to destroy a race/religion in not evil and has no moral justification does not mean their position is logically defensible . A nazi would argue that society benefits if Jews don't exist. The only basis to prove that was lies based on prejudice, ie interest rates are higher than I like, and my banker is a Jew, SO Jews are bad.

With WWII as an experience, Sartre could argue that without God, mankind still had to make itself what it would.

With abortion, anti abortionists would say abortion can NEVER be the more moral choice between carrying a child to term and termination.
Those symbols never changed. What's different about the situation is that most Germans today have the sense of decency to be ashamed of the Nazis. The South has never been ashamed of the Confederacy because they've always been deplorable fuckwits. White Southerners opposed the end of slavery and a 150 years later they opposed the end of segregation and the voting rights act and today they still oppose the voting rights act. Nothing about them has changed. That is the stupidest argument I've ever heard. We all have eyes you fucking clown.

I have demonstrated repeatedly with historical documentation that the meaning of the symbols changed.

Your denial of this historical fact, is retarded.

Today, many people fly or celebrate these symbols as harmless displays of regional pride.

YOU people, attacking them, for no good reason, are the bad people or the "deplorable fuckwits".
Both Nazi Germany and Americas Confederacy were despicable nations built on hatred

Nazi Germany killed its Jewish Population
The Confederacy kept 40 percent of its population in servitude

Neither deserves to be honored

That is your opinion. The men that defeated the Confederacy, the nation as a whole, decided otherwise long ago.

Today, you attacking good people for no reason. You are the bad guys.
What was the Confederate Flag changed to honor?

An attempt to destroy the United States?
An era where blacks were kept in slavery?

Neither is worthy of respect

You asked a question adn then answered it, AND THEN, pasted judgement on your own answer.

If all you want to do is play with yourself, don't bother telling us about it.
That is your opinion. The men that defeated the Confederacy, the nation as a whole, decided otherwise long ago.

Today, you attacking good people for no reason. You are the bad guys.
The Confederacy was not “good people”

They were a nation formed to ensure the continuation of slavery forever
Simply because a nazi would deny an intent to destroy a race/religion in not evil and has no moral justification does not mean their position is logically defensible . A nazi would argue that society benefits if Jews don't exist. The only basis to prove that was lies based on prejudice, ie interest rates are higher than I like, and my banker is a Jew, SO Jews are bad.
Emotions don't need logical explanations. Hate doesn't need a logical explanation. Do I need a logical explanation for loving steak and hating tofu? What logical argument are you going to make that hating tofu is wrong?

Also a lot of the time things we think of as wrong others find profitable. The slavers profited greatly from their slave labor. If they don't care about the suffering of slaves and they love the profits, what logical argument can you make for them that slavery is a moral wrong? You can make it so profiting off of slavery is difficult and so less worth the hassle but if they don't care about the lives of others you can't make them with a rational argument.
With WWII as an experience, Sartre could argue that without God, mankind still had to make itself what it would.
I don't actually care what Sartre said, I care about what arguments you can make.
With abortion, anti abortionists would say abortion can NEVER be the more moral choice between carrying a child to term and termination.
Who's morally right in caring about female bodily autonomy and those who want to protect growing fetuses and why? What makes one opinion more valid than the other?
The Confederacy was not “good people”

They were a nation formed to ensure the continuation of slavery forever
Another doofus leftard. ^^^

You don't fool us, prog.

If we were talking about Orion slave girls you'd be bleating a different tune.
I have demonstrated repeatedly with historical documentation that the meaning of the symbols changed.

Your denial of this historical fact, is retarded.

Today, many people fly or celebrate these symbols as harmless displays of regional pride.

YOU people, attacking them, for no good reason, are the bad people or the "deplorable fuckwits".
No you have not shown how the flag has changed. You've shown that's its remained popular that's not the same thing you moron. How would one change the Nazi flag from being a symbol of deplorable mutants? Explain the process.
No you have not shown how the flag has changed. You've shown that's its remained popular that's not the same thing you moron. How would one change the Nazi flag from being a symbol of deplorable mutants? Explain the process.
Boy, you are really dumb.

You sure you went to school?

The swastika was around for THOUSANDS of years before the Nazis got hold of it. The Indonesians had it, and the Chinese before that, and the Hindus before that.

But people like YOU will try to topple all the old Hindu statues because they have a swastika on them.

You're fucked up, boy. You're so stupid you're a danger to humanity.
Boy, you are really dumb.

You sure you went to school?

The swastika was around for THOUSANDS of years before the Nazis got hold of it. The Indonesians had it, and the Chinese before that, and the Hindus before that.

But people like YOU will try to topple all the old Hindu statues because they have a swastika on them.

You're fucked up, boy. You're so stupid you're a danger to humanity.
You can't tell Hindus from Nazis and you think I'm the stupid one? It ain't Hindus waving around the Confederate flag, it's the same population of deplorable southern whites. The organizations dedicated to preserving those images also made it easy for us to identify them by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. Really hard to miss that connection. 😄 It's the same population of deplorable mutants. You haven't changed at all. Stop being cowards about it. It's embarrassing.
Emotions don't need logical explanations. Hate doesn't need a logical explanation. Do I need a logical explanation for loving steak and hating tofu? What logical argument are you going to make that hating tofu is wrong?

Also a lot of the time things we think of as wrong others find profitable. The slavers profited greatly from their slave labor. If they don't care about the suffering of slaves and they love the profits, what logical argument can you make for them that slavery is a moral wrong? You can make it so profiting off of slavery is difficult and so less worth the hassle but if they don't care about the lives of others you can't make them with a rational argument.

I don't actually care what Sartre said, I care about what arguments you can make.

Who's morally right in caring about female bodily autonomy and those who want to protect growing fetuses and why? What makes one opinion more valid than the other?
Emotions don't need logical explanations. Hate doesn't need a logical explanation. Do I need a logical explanation for loving steak and hating tofu? What logical argument are you going to make that hating tofu is wrong?

Also a lot of the time things we think of as wrong others find profitable. The slavers profited greatly from their slave labor. If they don't care about the suffering of slaves and they love the profits, what logical argument can you make for them that slavery is a moral wrong? You can make it so profiting off of slavery is difficult and so less worth the hassle but if they don't care about the lives of others you can't make them with a rational argument.

I don't actually care what Sartre said, I care about what arguments you can make.

Who's morally right in caring about female bodily autonomy and those who want to protect growing fetuses and why? What makes one opinion more valid than the other?
have a good day
You can't tell Hindus from Nazis and you think I'm the stupid one? It ain't Hindus waving around the Confederate flag, it's the same population of deplorable southern whites. The organizations dedicated to preserving those images also made it easy for us to identify them by calling themselves the Sons and Daughters of the Confederacy. Really hard to miss that connection. 😄 It's the same population of deplorable mutants. You haven't changed at all. Stop being cowards about it. It's embarrassing.
Fuck you, stupid lying leftist fuck. You don't ever get to tell me what to do. Not ever.

I told you where I stand. Touch my kids and I dismember you. Other than that I don't care about your ridiculous delusions
Fuck you, stupid lying leftist fuck. You don't ever get to tell me what to do. Not ever.
Unless of course you're trying to carry your shit flag to a NASCAR or CMA event, then I can tell you to fuck off you mutant. 😄
I told you where I stand. Touch my kids and I dismember you. Other than that I don't care about your ridiculous delusions
I don't need to touch your kids to take your country and shit on your culture and push it to the fringes. And I don't need to touch your kids to influence them. Disney, the mainstream media and other children are going to be peer pressuring them non stop to not be a deplorable mutant like you. 😁

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