Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

No you have not shown how the flag has changed. You've shown that's its remained popular that's not the same thing you moron. How would one change the Nazi flag from being a symbol of deplorable mutants? Explain the process.

His retarded example would be akin to modern day Germany embracing the Nazi flag as a symbol of national pride of their heritage and pretending as though their evil history denoted by that flag could be ignored.
Unless of course you're trying to carry your shit flag to a NASCAR or CMA event, then I can tell you to fuck off you mutant. 😄

I don't need to touch your kids to take your country and shit on your culture and push it to the fringes. And I don't need to touch your kids to influence them. Disney, the mainstream media and other children are going to be peer pressuring them non stop to not be a deplorable mutant like you. 😁
In case you hadn't noticed, Disney is suffering tremendously because of their little venture into progtard politics

I told you, you've hit a brick wall, asshole.

Don't believe me?

Try rioting again, and see what happens.

No matter how you spin it, black activists will be forever associated with looting, arson, vandalism, and murder.

And you're threatening to keep it up.

And you expect votes.

(scratches head)

- shrug -
His retarded example would be akin to modern day Germany embracing the Nazi flag as a symbol of national pride of their heritage and pretending as though their evil history denoted by that flag could be ignored.

The South has been around for hundreds of years

They choose to celebrate the four year period when they were at their low point
In case you hadn't noticed, Disney is suffering tremendously because of their little venture into progtard politics
Yeah, they're suffering for having been found to donate to piece of shit Republicans and are being to made to bend over and take their medicine by the mainstream public. We forced them to stop donating to Republicans and to start fighting Republicans, that's what's changed for fucking moron. They're more afraid of what we'll do to them than what DeSantis will. 😄
I told you, you've hit a brick wall, asshole.

Don't believe me?

Try rioting again, and see what happens.
Probably the same thing that happened last time. International support with a spotlight on police violence and the shaming of billion dollar corporations until they give us large donations of money that we will turn around and use to fight you with.
No matter how you spin it, black activists will be forever associated with looting, arson, vandalism, and murder.
You really do live in a fantasy world don't you? 😄

Black Activists have been painted the heroes of the story and the All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter crowd are seen as deplorable racists by the mainstream. And Cucks at the Capitol have been painted as traitors and terrirists. You lost the narrative. That's the importance of pushing you to fringes and making you a minority. Who cares what a minority of mutants on the fringes thinks of black activists? Their opinions don't matter. 😁
And you're threatening to keep it up.

And you expect votes.

(scratches head)

- shrug -
That's because I know when it was the last time you won the popular vote. 😁
Yeah, they're suffering for having been found to donate to piece of shit Republicans and are being to made to bend over and take their medicine by the mainstream public. We forced them to stop donating to Republicans and to start fighting Republicans, that's what's changed for fucking moron. They're more afraid of what we'll do to them than what DeSantis will. 😄

Probably the same thing that happened last time. International support with a spotlight on police violence and the shaming of billion dollar corporations until they give us large donations of money that we will turn around and use to fight you with.

You really do live in a fantasy world don't you? 😄

Black Activists have been painted the heroes of the story and the All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter crowd are seen as deplorable racists by the mainstream. And Cucks at the Capitol have been painted as traitors and terrirists. You lost the narrative. That's the importance of pushing you to fringes and making you a minority. Who cares what a minority of mutants on the fringes thinks of black activists? Their opinions don't matter. 😁

Their opinions DO matter dumbshit

They're the ones you CLAIM you're getting money from

That's because I know when it was the last time you won the popular vote. 😁
"I" have never won the popular vote.

Not once, not ever.

Your logic stinks, just like every other partisan hack on this forum.
The South has been around for hundreds of years

They choose to celebrate the four year period when they were at their low point
The people with their flags are idiots, except for me and my dog Stonewall grilling bottom shelf hot dogs and drinking generic beer, of course. (-:

But really, what ended on July 3, 1863, was the notion that a section of the US could pursue a trade and econ policy that benefitted small agrarian land owners over banks and manufacturing, and demanded low tariffs for imports and easy exports. That essentially was Jacksonian democrat policy. The civil war occurred because of slavery, but slavery in the US endured into the 1860s simply because it fit the econ model that benefitted a few, very wealthy southerners.
Their opinions DO matter dumbshit

They're the ones you CLAIM you're getting money from

"I" have never won the popular vote.

Not once, not ever.

Your logic stinks, just like every other partisan hack on this forum.


At least you admit you're too stupid to know he was talking about Republican presidential candidates.
No, their opinions don't matter. The opinions of the mutants and deplorables on the fringes will never matter. 😄
You're dumb as a stump.

You just said you were going to use their money to fund the destruction of their culture.

Without their money, how you gonna do that genius?
You're dumb as a stump.

You just said you were going to use their money to fund the destruction of their culture.

Without their money, how you gonna do that genius?
No you moron, I said we were going to use money we strong arm corporations into giving us.
The Confederacy was not “good people”

They were a nation formed to ensure the continuation of slavery forever

I like the way that you pretended to be so retarded that you could not understand that I was talking about modern people today, and you people, not the actual Confederacy.

You are very stupid.
No you have not shown how the flag has changed. You've shown that's its remained popular that's not the same thing you moron. How would one change the Nazi flag from being a symbol of deplorable mutants? Explain the process.

The process of how people changed their minds? LOL. Shove it up your troll ass.
Those who display the flag of treason, racism, bigotry, and hate are not 'good people.'

It's not that anymore as I have demonstrated with historical documentation.

Today, and for the last 150 years plus, it has been a symbol of harmless regional pride.

And you are the bad people.
But they were. Even in the opening days of the war, it was the North that was fighting to put down the attempt at leaving by fighting INSIDE the south.

The men that fought the South and defeated them. They clearly opposed the POLITICS of the Confederacy, BUT could respect the valor of the men they fought, who mostly were fighting to protect their homes and States.

Those men were far better men than you. (or me for that matter)

That our nation as a whole, respected the celebration of these symbols, as harmless regional pride and the celebration of the veterans,

speaks to the greatness of character that our ancestors had.

And that we as a nation have lost.
The South started the war by firing on Fort Sumter. They shouldn't have tried to write checks they couldn't cash. :heehee:
The process of how people changed their minds? LOL. Shove it up your troll ass.
They didn't change their minds. White Southerners have always been deplorable shit bags. They fought for slavery, opposed ending segregation and oppose ever political and social objective of Black Americans. Not once has the white south been on the right side of history.

You know how we know Germans have changed? They don't go waving around the Nazi flag, starting organizations called the Sons and Daugters of Nazis and Germany didn't allow that organization to spend decades putting up statues all around the South to honor dead Nazis.

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