Confederate flags to be banned from CMA country music festival

Of course that's just demagoguery without substance or context. White racist segregationists (a lot of them admittedly democrats) screwed Black Americans with racist housing policies that locked black Americans into impoverished ghettos. They tied public education funding to property taxes which in poor neighborhoods meant shoddy schools. Black people didn't do that to themselves, White racists did. The political leaders in the Baltimore democratic party are no longer white segregationists they are black americans but they have limited power as Mayor's and city councilmen and black members at the federal level have limited power with the racist Republican party in unison offering nothing to black Americans to alleviate the injustices of the past and moderate democrats holding up legislation in the Democratic party. You should be ashamed to come here and open your mouth and blame the black people working against a racist white nation dragging its feet on restorative justice not because it's a deplorable argument (which it is) but because it's a stupid one that's unconvincing to anyone.
I have often advised the black community to start their own party. The Democratic Party is run by whites and those whites are racist. They take the black vote for granted and do little to improve conditions in the big cites. Why should they. Most of you are not going to vote for Republicans no mater what.

Republicans are not as racist as the Democrats claim. You would think we all run around in white sheets or something. Do you honestly think whites want to put you back in chains As Biden has suggested.

Whites are smart enough to realize that if the blacks do well they will pay in more taxes and consume less aid and produce more. Consequently we can drop taxes for everybody. Plus the nation will be a much nicer place to live in.

But of course you will go on defending the Democratic Party as the Party that really cares about the blacks. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years from now things will still be the same and the blacks will still be on the bottom on the heap. Have things really changed that much in the last 50 years? Why should they change in the next 50?

In the first place it is extremely difficult to succeed without a good education. If you can’t read, write or do simple math you are basically going to have a hard time in life.

Back to Baltimore.

Blacks are good at demonstrations. Perhaps the blacks in Baltimore need to demonstrate for better schools. That might be a good start.

You really want to see change. Form your own Party or boot the Democrats and give the Republicans a chance.

What have you got to lose?
I have often advised the black community to start their own party. The Democratic Party is run by whites and those whites are racist. They take the black vote for granted and do little to improve conditions in the big cites. Why should they. Most of you are not going to vote for Republicans no mater what.

Republicans are not as racist as the Democrats claim. You would think we all run around in white sheets or something. Do you honestly think whites want to put you back in chains As Biden has suggested.

Whites are smart enough to realize that if the blacks do well they will pay in more taxes and consume less aid and produce more. Consequently we can drop taxes for everybody. Plus the nation will be a much nicer place to live in.

But of course you will go on defending the Democratic Party as the Party that really cares about the blacks. Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years from now things will still be the same and the blacks will still be on the bottom on the heap. Have things really changed that much in the last 50 years? Why should they change in the next 50?

In the first place it is extremely difficult to succeed without a good education. If you can’t read, write or do simple math you are basically going to have a hard time in life.

Back to Baltimore.

Blacks are good at demonstrations. Perhaps the blacks in Baltimore need to demonstrate for better schools. That might be a good start.

You really want to see change. Form your own Party or boot the Democrats and give the Republicans a chance.

What have you got to lose?
No one is buying that bullshit you racist. Go sell it to morons. I enjoy watching you clowns come back again and again with the same bullshit that hasn't worked for you in 50 years. You're a party of losers and what you lost was your country you fuckwits. 😄
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White can be a bad can be a good can be a neutral thing. Which version do you keep rushing to own?
Another racist leftist fucktard. ^^^

Not surprised.

Not surprised at all.
No one is buying that bullshit you racist. Go sell it to morons. I enjoy watching you clowns come back again and again with the same bullshit that hasn't worked for you in 50 years. You're a party of losers and what you lost was your country you fuckwits. 😄
This moron thinks we lost our country. ^^^

Meanwhile it turns out the "black activists" are in bed with commies. Actual bona fide Marxist communists.

All the bullshit that Goats is spouting is COMMUNIST propaganda.

All this business about destroying other peoples' cultures, only low life communist scum do that stupid shit.

Watch, now Goathead will once again deny he's a communist.

Dumbass motherfucker is either being played or he's evil. There's no middle ground.
Because like the Nazis, Confederates were deplorable pieces of shit. Why would you choose them as your symbol of pride? Do you have a good answer for that?

Because they are your ancestors. Because they fought bravely and well. Because they fought to defend their homes. Because that was when your state did something historically dramatic. ect. ect. ect.

That you want to pretend it can ONLY be what you like to ASSUME it is, is just you being an asshole.

No. I'm telling you to me that symbol has never changed for me from being representative of deplorable assclowns. It will always be symbol of deplorable assclowns to me.

For many generations in this country, as I have demonstrated with historical documentation, it was not.

You need to stop think that you get to define other people.

That's not a fact you moron. That's an opinion. Learn the difference. The opinion of this nation has changed. Deal with it.

So you admit that the "opinion" of hte nation, was something different before. Good.

So now when you whine like a faggot about people "idiolizing slavers" we will all know that you are talking shit.

It is. For the deplorable mutants who are being shunned and mocked by the mainstream of society.

We were of course talking about Nascar. You dropped your argument and point to just talk some shit. The point stands. The leftards in charge making these calls are shit people betraying their professional responsibilities by attacking the fans.

It doesn't just sound dumb....

I agree. When people like you operate by your political leanings instead of your professional or legal obligations, you people are being dumb. And evil. And assholes.

Might makes right you simple child. 😄

Said the man who's entire position rests on his claim that it is morally wrong to do fly the Confederate Flag.

Are you really so stupid that you don't see the contraction between your positions, or are you just such a troll that you don't care?

Where do you imagine all these white libs going?

you are the one talking shit about whites "dying out". Dumbass. Are you really unable to make the connection here?
This moron thinks we lost our country. ^^^

Meanwhile it turns out the "black activists" are in bed with commies. Actual bona fide Marxist communists.

All the bullshit that Goats is spouting is COMMUNIST propaganda.

All this business about destroying other peoples' cultures, only low life communist scum do that stupid shit.

Watch, now Goathead will once again deny he's a communist.

Dumbass motherfucker is either being played or he's evil. There's no middle ground.

Commies Everywhere!
Because they are your ancestors. Because they fought bravely and well. Because they fought to defend their homes. Because that was when your state did something historically dramatic. ect. ect. ect.

So you are claiming Germans should fly the Nazi Flag just like you proudly fly the Confederate Flag
Ah...but their behavior is BASED on what they believe their skin color allows them. Telling that you have to have that explained to you. (or do you really?)

1. Their self justifications do not effect my judgement of them. From my perspective, their ACTIONS are bad, not their skin.

2. You did not answer my question about the black criminal. Does he actions mean his skin was bad?

3. And only a dishonest troll would try to conflate "white right wingers" of which their are scores of millions in this country, with w.s. of which there are at most several thousands.
So you are claiming Germans should fly the Nazi Flag just like you proudly fly the Confederate Flag

Nope. I said NOTHING like that.

BUT, the fact that you felt you had to make up shit like that, shows that you were terrified of addressing what I actually said.

Some day you grow a pair rw, come on back and we can talk. Till them, as you talk to yourself, don't clutter up our threads with your shit.
Nope. I said NOTHING like that.

BUT, the fact that you felt you had to make up shit like that, shows that you were terrified of addressing what I actually said.

Some day you grow a pair rw, come on back and we can talk. Till them, as you talk to yourself, don't clutter up our threads with your shit.
ummmm…Yes you did

Because like the Nazis, Confederates were deplorable pieces of shit. Why would you choose them as your symbol of pride? Do you have a good answer for that?

Because they are your ancestors. Because they fought bravely and well. Because they fought to defend their homes. Because that was when your state did something historically dramatic. ect. ect. ect.

He brought up the Nazis and asked why you would honor the despicable Confederacy

You said because they fought bravely and were your ancestors
Well, the Nazis fought bravely and they are peoples ancestors too
ummmm…Yes you did


no, I didn't. I was talking about one historical event and you are talking about a completely different historical event.

Analogies or comparisons can be useful, but to be useful they require major similarities AND good faith by those that make them.

You have neither.

ummmm…Yes you did

Because they are your ancestors. Because they fought bravely and well. Because they fought to defend their homes. Because that was when your state did something historically dramatic. ect. ect. ect.

He brought up the Nazis and asked why you would honor the despicable Confederacy

You said because they fought bravely and were your ancestors
Well, the Nazis fought bravely and they are peoples ancestors too

You in the hooch?
no, I didn't. I was talking about one historical event and you are talking about a completely different historical event.

Analogies or comparisons can be useful, but to be useful they require major similarities AND good faith by those that make them.

You have neither.


He compared the Confederacy to Nazi Germany and said neither should be honored. You babbled about them being your ancestors and they fought hard

Germany has laws forbidding the flying of the Nazi flag
The South proudly displays it
He compared the Confederacy to Nazi Germany and said neither should be honored. You babbled about them being your ancestors and they fought hard

Germany has laws forbidding the flying of the Nazi flag
The South proudly displays it

Germany doesn't have the First, dumbass
Because they are your ancestors. Because they fought bravely and well. Because they fought to defend their homes. Because that was when your state did something historically dramatic. ect. ect. ect.
First, thanks for admitting this is not about the symbol changing over time but about Southerners not wanting to admit their family members were deplorable pieces of shit. Secondly, don't all those same points work for Nazis too? I don't give a shit if the ancestors of Nazis want to wave around a Nazi flag to honor their ancestors who died defending Nazism. If you're the ancestor of a Nazi or a Confederate slaver stater and you don't accept your ancestors were pieces of shit who don't deserve to be honored because what they fought and died for was deplorable then that's because you're deplorable too. It's that fucking simple.
That you want to pretend it can ONLY be what you like to ASSUME it is, is just you being an asshole.
No, me and every other individual gets to decide what we think of Confederates and the assclowns who venerate them and the judgment from society is clear. You're deplorable mutants that decent society doesn't want to associate with. Heard today that Louisiana voted to stop celebrating Robert E Lee and Confederates Day. The other whites are deeply embarrassed by your lot.
For many generations in this country, as I have demonstrated with historical documentation, it was not.

You need to stop think that you get to define other people.
You mean for generations deplorable white Southerners have been celebrating their deplorably racist history and culture without being called on it by the rest of society. Unfortunately for you simple fucks the country is browning and mixing and so fewer and fewer people are inclined to let you skate on your incredibly deplorable behavior.
So now when you whine like a faggot about people "idiolizing slavers" we will all know that you are talking shit.
Who is we all? Clowns on fringes who's opinions don't matter? You already revealed yourself above when you admitted that they were honoring their ancestors who fought bravely. It never did change. It was always about excusing the deplorable nature of their ancestors. It was always about pretending they weren't complete shit bags of human beings.
We were of course talking about Nascar. You dropped your argument and point to just talk some shit. The point stands. The leftards in charge making these calls are shit people betraying their professional responsibilities by attacking the fans.
They know that in a browning America any hope of surviving the future relies on capturing us as consumers, not holding on to a shrinking minority of deplorables, especially since doing so affects their ad revenue. Major corporations aren't advertising at the Confederate race. That just ain't happening. You expect them to survive on ads for My Pillow? 😄
Said the man who's entire position rests on his claim that it is morally wrong to do fly the Confederate Flag.
What do you think it means when you claim something is morally wrong? Do you think you're stating a universal truth or giving your opinion? 😄
Are you really so stupid that you don't see the contraction between your positions, or are you just such a troll that you don't care?
I can see clearly that you don't even understand what I mean when I ask you if you think morality is objective or subjective. Those concepts are beyond you you simpleton. 😄
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